Comrade go to roof and look down at the core

Attached: 1557347677820.jpg (960x960, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Foot

do Russians really do this?


It will be done, comrade

*projectile vomits blood on the table*

It took 3 seconds for the fucker to kick in, but once it did - POW! I mean, I had skipped the "Quietly acquiesce in the party's political demands" face and went straight to the "Fuck Commies" face. This bastard was so strong, I discovered a whole new face: The "30,000 roentgens per hour" face.

Yeah Russians are the best at not giving a shit

you're delusional. Get to the infirmary

Attached: 4324325245323.jpg (996x1494, 207K)

Haha yeah man so fucking cool to not give a shit and die of alcoholism and ARS amirite guys haha

Calm down no one implied it was inherently cool or not cool, but I think you may have betrayed your own thoughts on it and inadvertently become the very thing you are laughing at.

he was just joking
why else do you think they were so mad when he came back

Attached: Baba19.jpg (539x960, 70K)

So is 3.6 significant or not??

Attached: 1557329523855.jpg (875x875, 119K)

A dumb drunk slav dying of ARS?
Hmm no, Im a smart sober white American who is digusted by the amount of slavboo faggots who think subhuman behavior is cool because they wear cute fuzzy hats and made the AK47.
Thats literally the only 2 good things they have ever contributed to society.

Ok guy who thinks not caring is cool.

its fine
I've seen worse

Attached: 1557344661630.png (900x676, 410K)

Ukrainians. That's why their country went to shit.

Ok guy who thinks a guy thinks that not caring is cool is cool.

not great, not terrible

you'll be fine

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Thank you, my loyal fan.

these memes are so fresh

Attached: 1551634702802.jpg (636x592, 137K)

fucking saved

Attached: 1557317871896.png (1864x1454, 1.9M)

Are you implying that every time a person imitates you it is flattery and not mockery?
You must be a slav with that level of intelligence.
Wewlad, imagine being so lame you feel the need to make yourself feel special on an anonymous image board.

1/5 but my counter only goes up to 1

saved and top kek

>caring this much
According to you you’re not being cool fyi

Yes russians are dumb

I wish I was good enough at html and css to know how to make something like this

filter his posts. im assuming youre talking to that superreddit guy

There's a fire in the turbine hole

Take his advice, my loyal fan. It’s the only way to ensure you stay cool.

T. Eurocuck

lots of workers died because russians don't give a fuck. they had enough human ressources, a few more or less doesn't make a difference for them.



*metallic taste intensifies*

Can a reactor core explode?

no, are you an idiot?

Attached: 1557349723391.png (869x810, 517K)

if it ramps up from 400 to 40,000 mw of output in under 1 second yes

Go take a look and find out

Wtflol u srs cmrd?

its sievert not rontgen you fucking nignog

>You must be a slav with that level of intelligence
said the burger.

Attached: 1557140539045.png (815x759, 53K)


Attached: IMG_20180311_205019.jpg (211x239, 9K)

what does cranberry mean? Or is google translate just translating badly. Is it like 'one of them movies again' adjective for every american movie about russia/ussr?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-17-14-33-04.png (960x540, 209K)

Attached: Screenshot (250).png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

comrade, are you stupid?

Rontgens are used to calculate sieverts.

Water now!

generally yes

No, can you explain how?

reminder that anybody refusing to go to the roof and looking at the completely fine reactor will be punished as a boy

Attached: 1551562579850.png (1920x1080, 2.26M)


OwO whats this rock on the ground.

Cranberry means anything about stereotypically evil russians basically

Sorry, I'll go to the roof

there are different types of radioactive material. as far as i know what we use in reactors can't initiate a chainreaction, so no explosion.


Attached: 31r7MOETPR6jaIl.jpg (1200x941, 78K)

Don't touch that they'll send you to the roof

sublime bait


dubs demands it, however i will send a guard with you to make sure you do it

We need rock samples also

Holy FUCK, radiation poisoning is terrifying

tokaimura was worse

How does radiation even work?

Have you Comrades listened to the podcast about the show yet? It's not great, not terrible, I rate it 3.6.

white devil magic n shit

Very well, thank you Comrade

>listening to a podcast about a show
lmao why not just watch the show? use your eyes lmao


Attached: 2343.png (1562x762, 1.45M)

Particles have too much energy, releases energy as particles, particles damage human body.

this is why you should always use speaker and never put a phone near your ear

it doesnt, stop being delusional

inb4 that pic

You can watch K-19. Not a great movie but the radiation aspect of the whole situation is portrayed very well

I want to be rich.

Attached: 1534655453481.jpg (480x269, 23K)

>be proud soviet fireman
>minor accident at power plant
>get on the fire truck
>proud song playing on the radio
>arrive to power plant, everything under control comrades
>suka blyat the metal taste in the mouth

damn michael biehn looks like THAT?

Such as life in Russia.

Attached: 1547499523188.jpg (758x505, 94K)

>talk about chernobyl
>brings up trump out of nowhere
Dammit burgers can you let it go already?

Nice tan comrade!

I don't remember that bit, when was it?

>this user won't give me water in my reactor core

Attached: 1450709859467.jpg (1462x1462, 942K)


they don't use becquerels?

Episode 2 when?

Next monday

We need to get on the roof to put out the fire

Do you think I would keep my wife here in Pripyat if it wasn't safe

Attached: 121.png (1562x779, 1.68M)

You're not made of glass, phones don't emit that much radiation to begin with.

If NASA could get men on the moon and those men not serve from space radiation, then I doubt you would from a chinese piece of plastic.

I need it now comrade

Attached: hbo-chernobyl-cast-true-story-paul-ritter.jpg (1200x800, 74K)

Becquerel is better to measure general decay activity, but rotgens and sieverts are better for measuring exposure and dosage to humans.

Reminder that Dyatlov was fucking based and a true citizen of the state.

Attached: dyatlov.jpg (191x264, 5K)

>proudly carry out the state's orders anyway

Attached: 113-2NVdQjL.jpg (645x708, 68K)

Hey that's a funny looking rock user wanna hold it?

Attached: 1.jpg (1366x768, 101K)

That wasn't even Ouchi. It was some random burn victim from who knows where.

I saying this after Taco Bell

I'm the user that made it, it's easy m8, you just use inspect element in your browser, search for the txt you wan to change and change it, save as a screencap etc then move it over into css, crop out a pic of whatever, postiion it and adjust the transarency, merge the layers and wa la

I dont know mr Hickey, I dont want to eat people

>streaming cucks
suffer like the worm you are

Comrades.....I saw graphite on the ground....

Cut the phone lines

no you didnt, that would imply that the reactor exploded
so please explain to me how that could've happened


So how many Gray is that?

Are you stupid, comrade?

ba dum tss

Attached: shinecomrades.jpg (1249x799, 68K)

luwin should get shanked again

I am positively glowing at this post.

The air has a glow.

Impossible. This graphite is only found in the reactor, and it being all over the ground would mean the reactor has exploded, and I certainly didn't hear two massive explosions moments ago.

Now hurry, go cool the reactor.

Anyone have the webm of the fire?

perfectly normal even under minimal radiation

Which actor was the most kino in the first episode?
The guy with the raspy voice was pretty great and his sidekick with the glasses, as well. Whole cast is brilliant.

To be fair he wasn't the bad guy in this show. He provides leadership in a critical situation and was even ready to go look at the core himself. He didn't even try to shift the blame on his subordinates when he made his report. A decent guy as I see it

Attached: Anatoly-Dyatlov-Cherobyl.jpg (1200x675, 80K)

It's probably just Comrade Malenkov playing with a torch nearby. Go check if he's on the roof.

He didn't want to cause a panic and handled the situation like a true professional.

>mfw my burger frens at Yea Forums don't rate "THE AIR IS GLOWING"

Attached: 15540337605050.jpg (604x622, 139K)

you are in shock comrade

>The four men climbed a stairwell to Level 35 to survey the damage from a ledge 114ft up. Yuvchenko wedged his body against the massive steel and concrete door into the reactor hall to keep it open
Where is this ledge 114ft up, what is Level 35, anyone know? Im guessing it's the balcony looking area on the back-wall of the reactor hall in this pic.

Attached: gwr3242fs.jpg (1023x575, 116K)

I really liked the gut who held the door open. And I sincerely hope Nagaitis will get much more screentime before his character dies. He's a hell of an actor

>After the larger explosion, a number of employees at the power station went outside to get a clearer view of the extent of the damage. One such survivor, Alexander Yuvchenko, recounts that once he stepped outside and looked up towards the reactor hall, he saw a "very beautiful" laser-like beam of light bluish light caused by the ionization of air that appeared to "flood up into infinity"

Imagine how fucked you'd feel, looking toward the remains of a nuclear reactor building and seeing a beam of blue light reaching up to the heavens.


Lads how do I get Yuvchenko mode
Guy was a beast

You should it more of this

Attached: rassypchataya-grechka-na-garnir_1477279927_0_max.jpg (800x533, 72K)

Yeah I think he unironically was in shock/disbelief himself, you see him quite literally looking at the graphite out the corner of his eye when he walked along the hallway and couldn't bear to take a proper look, he didn't want to accept the worst I think

yeah right he threatens to "make things worse" for the one bozo if he doesn't go kill himself.

Attached: noble aya FUCK this guy.png (2880x1452, 2.37M)

He was just saying that so he'd snap out of it and do his job. Literally did nothing wrong

Baby teeth?

Except that his insistence on carrying out the test contrary to the guidelines directly led to the disaster. He is not the only guy to blame, but without his arrogance and denial the disaster would never have happened.

right click + inspect element in firefox is a good start. usually if you have something selected when doing that it will take you to the element, so it's just a matter of knowing how to edit it afterwards

Attached: file.png (1143x360, 27K)

Sure he threatened the guy but the purpose was just to get him out of shock. He just asked him to call for more men and don't forget that he didn't blame him when making a report

agreed, reactor scenes were kino

Attached: 448106C0-0B58-49DD-9170-BC9FA4D1591D.jpg (451x565, 52K)

Donald Sumpter is always pure kino

He would have been more careful if he was informed of the dangers of what he was ordering them to do, which the Soviets knew but refused to tell anyone to avoid causing a panic. Or if they fixed the flaws with the RBMK reactors when they discovered them instead of waiting until Chernobyl embarrassed them enough to do so.

Can't wait for this guy to make an episode about it.

Attached: 100112.jpg (328x328, 21K)

No, common buckwheat. The grain common in post-soviet countries

>be in a position where you can prevent the deaths of thousands if not millions
>in an extremely time sensitive situation

I would have dragged the guy down there with me if I had to.

no, test was done according to guidelines and necessary to verify stability of core
you are delusional


>If NASA could get men on the moon
Call me when they do it.

Attached: vvp.jpg (1023x575, 44K)

>Except that his insistence on carrying out the test contrary to the guidelines directly led to the disaster
That's why I specified that I'm talking only about the hbo show. We didn't see this here

Man i dont know what this is called on english
But ajdova kaša is the food of the gods, i could eat tons of it and still crave more

Attached: image.jpg (1080x1080, 379K)

Cyka Blat Bambinos!

will he be ok?

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>having positive void coefficients

Attached: costanza.gif (264x264, 1.37M)

Just in shock
Ive seen worse

So will this eventually get a home video release?

I'm the other user who relied to him, I do it like for example:
put a selection in the report field "underage user" etc, right click on the the selection then inpsect element, then in the inspect element search bar search for underage or whatever, then just change the txt,

it's easier to search for the txt you want to change rather than using the picker

Attached: asdasdasdasdad.jpg (1180x967, 176K)

Lol are you TRYING to make us lose energy?

you're all making a big fuss over a 3,6 roentgen level, just chill lmao

>Even Russia confirmed NASA landed on the moon

Attached: 1547680615360.png (542x512, 52K)

I know bro. I've eaten nothing but this stuff for 2 weeks now because I'm broke and I still can function normally. And after each meal I'm full for 4 hours

Side-effects of the feedwater. I've seen it before.

>tfw the wishgranter was a lie after all, and all I got was 30000 roentgens

The sets in this show look amazing lads. The music is perfect too. We're in for a wild ride

>Anatoly Andreyevich Sitnikov received a fatal dose of radiation (about 1,500 roentgens or 390 mC/kg), mostly to his head after being sent by Fomin to survey the reactor hall and look at the reactor from the roof of Unit C, dying 34 days later.

Can confirm, buckwheat is delicious.

Man dyatlovposting is my new favorite meme next to bobby and le chiffre posting

Attached: image.jpg (986x797, 272K)

core's missing boss

Attached: Aliensimpsons-1.png (320x251, 55K)

is this the new The Terror threads? those were comfy as fuck

Will he become the next bane?

Didn’t Russia also infiltrate the US with Marxist disinfo campaigns in the 50s? Hmmmm the dots...they keep connecting and I can’t stop it.

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It'd be a crime not to, I wish I would have held off from watching episode 1 so I could watch 1 and 2 both together next week, i'm already getting withdrawls


>he thinks a RBMK reactor can explode

Attached: THIS13.jpg (1462x1462, 340K)

I hope so, but then again The Terror hasn't been released outside America yet so it may end up being another one you have to import. Such a shame that keeps happening with kino TV.

Multiply by 10 to get mSv. Now fuck off.

Hey, I found this funny looking brick on the ground, what do I do with it

Attached: d7416e016a7abddf43889f001b089d43.jpg (320x240, 18K)

>The sets in this show look amazing lads
They filmed it on location, didn't they. Some twin plant in a post soviet country. Can't help it but I feel comfy seeing all those ugly buildings most of the russians and other post soviet countries live in to this day


she needs to borrow the community mop

It certainly feels like it, and Chernobyl has more cast and crew in common than season 2 of The Terror.

>exposed to 3.6 roentgens

>seeing things that aren’t even there
Are you okay comrade? Don’t you want to go to the infirmary?

Brand new Soviet technology Comrade, insert your lunch in the hole to keep it warm while fighting minor roof fire for Mother Russia.

toss it here. what's it taste like?

Lithuania, yes. The creators said they'd have preferred to shoot in Chernobyl, but it doesn't look the same today as it did in 1986.

And REM.

Like salty kefir and coins

another miracle of Socialist labor, tovarish!

Attached: chernobyl.png (644x598, 111K)

I found these boulders as well.

Attached: rocks maybe.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

it would have been something like the ledge on the right side wall in your pic

it was a rectangular hall, with the back wall being the one that gets destroyed and crumbles, where the firefighters crawled over to lay their hoses

with the core molten and exposed, basically anyone who wasn't behind some concrete got hid with a deadly amount of gamma even if they couldn't see the core directly

Comrades, an unsatisfactory nuclear anomaly has occurred. Don't worry, it is only a small fire at the nuclear plant. Everything is ok as the radiation has been measured at a mere 3.6 roentgens.

Anyone know if this is good? Can I create glorious soviet nuclear power?

Attached: file.png (1280x480, 1.58M)

>get this hot head to the infirmary

Are you guys ready?

Attached: liquidator.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

If anyone is interested here is a tour for the Leningrad nuclear power plant. It's kinda the same as Chernobyl.



This POSTER is committing Though-Crime. Please report him and hide his post.

made some Webm with sound

Blessed by trips.
At least they didn't get it as bad as the firefighters


god bless you user

They made a good point about this in the accompanying podcast. Back then, the word 'Chernobyl' carried no negative connotations, and there wasn't any documented explosions of nuclear reactors. You can understand the guy's thinking.

Attached: Browsing Internet 01.jpg (600x450, 96K)

They put a camera into the Chernobyl core.

Was the Soviet Union actually KINO?
also, i think i got more than 3.6 Roentgens desu

Attached: scout.jpg (350x450, 27K)

Liquidators come later, next episode is mi-8 helicopter kino

you thought it was dangerous on the rooftop?
wait until you start flying into the cloud

Interesting, I didn't know there was an entrance there. Can't find any good plans of the plant itself unfortunately.

It's just some spicy coal

Attached: Y61AaiS.png (3000x1762, 873K)

brb reinstalling stalker

Attached: 1531699416866.jpg (760x797, 147K)

I hate you so much, you're literally in every fucking thread I open and always spout the most caved in head grug retarded shit. Please keep namefagging so I can block your tripcode.

that fucking static every time it's a reactor scene
fuck atoms fuck einstein fuck oppenheimer

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x961, 1.91M)

What other interesting documentaries/shows/youtube vids are there about Chernobyl?

Attached: imrs.php.jpg (1484x1232, 413K)

miniseries like this are some of the only promising things left on tv

Attached: chernobyl.jpg (997x473, 446K)

I guess it’s taking you a while to figure out how to do it though, huh? That’s ok you’ll figure it out one day buddy.

They're doing that later, in a flashback, I believe.

>Im a smart sober white American

How many roentgens, comrades?

I think that the material made its way out downwards due to the severe heat. I don't remember the details, but it would explain the elephant's foot

My meter burnt out as soon as I turned it on... I think it's bad.

This one is about expedition teams that went inside the Sarcophagus in 1991

Surviving Disaster: Chernobyl is kino, and hits a lot of the same points as this has so far. I particularly like the way they filtered the film so it seems like low quality 80s Russian video tapes to make it more seamless when they cut in archive footage along with the reenactment scenes.

Attached: SurvivingChernobyl-01[1].jpg (840x480, 112K)

Attached: 518824675_fad84f3181_b[1].jpg (768x1024, 139K)

It is indeed a bad meter Comrade, we'll just have to trust that it really is 3.6.

It went wherever it could melt through.

Attached: 15a5783ee9af3695f7fff064a740c3a5[1].jpg (660x448, 43K)

indeed, one season shows must maintain a reasonable quality througout the season to appear "attractive"
Also it doesn't let time to some greedy jew to cash in by pandering to the lowest common denominator

Attached: chernobyl - moment to shine.jpg (993x970, 634K)

That yellow stuff is uranium btw.

Attached: Inside_30.jpg (800x565, 120K)


Here is tour of reactor 3 while it was still operating.
Discovery made this one, it's pretty good.

Why did Soviet nuclear engineers dress like line cooks at a roadside diner?

Attached: ashkenazi areolas.png (556x435, 196K)

It will come up during Soviet justice kino

lmao @ imperialists dogs and their "fair trials"

Attached: chernobyl_key_players-gettyimages-542875656.jpg (960x1200, 330K)

all equal comrade

I like this one because they use actual Russians in the reenactments.

The contaminated uniforms that the firefighters wore were thrown into the basement of the hospital when they arrived and they're still down there.
Still incredibly radioactive

they were preparing for a roadside picnic

Cooks dress like that to stop them getting hair in the food, plant workers dress like that to stop them getting food in their hair. And by food I mean radioactive dust.

based and spherepilled

I would ask you to elaborate, but I don't think I will get anything coherent from a tripfagging schizophrenic

>I made it to the center of the Zone and all I got was these lousy Roentgens

Attached: blyat.jpg (510x610, 124K)

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Attached: 1557319464329.jpg (524x800, 266K)

>Find roentgens
>Roentgens kill you



Attached: scared.jpg (705x717, 446K)

I’d elaborate but I wouldn’t want to confuse your sane virgin ears.

>you'll never cum on a soviet babe's blond radioactive hair

Why even live comrades

Attached: Screenshot_20190508_175137.jpg (1987x1080, 248K)

thhese threads are being way more fun that what I anticipated

Attached: 1445701641463.gif (300x300, 2M)

>hey Akimov what does the new Dosimeter say about the Roentgen Levels?
>IT'S OVER 200!!
>OH. Okay.

Attached: there is no way that can be right.png (540x484, 220K)

Holy fuck this the most captivating piece of media i have seen this year. Pure kino.
Could they actually have prevented all the Chernobyl deaths if they had done something instead of trying to cool the exploded reactor?


>Tfw we will see a person die in real time

Of course he will!

They really did a number on this place. Reminder that the reactor was supposed to be between the yellow lines and now it's the red stuff pooling in the basement.

Attached: Cross-section.png (1223x835, 1.48M)

The guy was so embarrassed, he was redfaced.

>cumming in a communist

The only thing that should be penetrating one of those things is 7.62x51. Repeatedly, if possible.

Attached: 19znwe.jpg (900x900, 60K)

how many roentgens does it take to make your skin fall off and shit

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It's because the terror bros are doing their part

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I like to think of it as millions of incredibly thin needles, so thin that they pass right through you, and they do that until you die

I love all the OC Yea Forums is making as of late.

This is what the elephant's foot looks like today.

Attached: 3e182841cc064b7c1ec78fa24f97f84d[1].jpg (1024x768, 183K)

immediately evacuating the entire town and running them all through decontamination. dumping sand straight into the reactor and emptying the water reservoirs.

the helicopter pilots would still most likely die.


Attached: 1538234494066.jpg (365x346, 16K)

They didn't find it until 8 months later, I doubt the series will deal with much beyond the first few weeks when all the cool stuff happened; helicopters, the tunnel, robots and bio-robots.

3.6 apparently

>Can't help it but I feel comfy seeing all those ugly buildings most of the russians and other post soviet countries live in to this day
They are getting rarer, at least due to renovation hiding their classic comie block look, and in small towns it's mostly individual houses.

That was a pretty good podcast, I remember the part you speak of

here is a chart scaling radiation including Chernobyl levels

Attached: 1557349762248[1].png (940x2267, 168K)

My guess would somewhere between 3.6 - 150000

Probably happens in some later episodes since it got discovered months after the disaster (explosion happened in April and they managed to get down to it in December).

PS: the cool effects in this photo are from deadly radiation

Attached: 12011AE6-A3E6-4B03-93D3-016C28BE5A11.jpg (1160x870, 230K)

How much to stick your dick in it lads?

delicious candy

Attached: 1.jpg (305x256, 16K)'s_Foot
>The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill, but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle.[2]

Reminder that an absolute mad lad shot at this thing with an assault rifle at one point

Attached: elephantsfoot-chernobyl.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

>only like 43 people died, and that's including indirect deaths

literally who the fuck cares?

Attached: 1497937361317.jpg (306x306, 20K)

all the sets look just like my aunts house, its fucking incredible
t. slav

Holy shit, CRT monitors give you radiation?

Soviet "science."

Is he okay?

They could've prevented it by not trying to blow it up on purpose as a joke



Attached: gigachad.jpg (832x1000, 86K)

stop shitposting and try reading the threads sometime

it has an electron gun in it what did you think that loud whining sound was?

desu, in the Soviet Union, shooting things made most problems go away.

they filmed in real commie blocks and CGI'd out some random real windows or additions so it looked as authentic as possible.

>implying you wouldn't

the thing that is most terrifying isn't that it's invisible but that it can change so quickly

standing up and you are in banana radiation range, squat down and alarms start going off

you move a meter either side and you are getting a chest x-ray

Are you delusional? Of course not.

Over 4000 people’s deaths are attributed to Chernobyl. That’s over two 9/11s for you burgers.

forget that, living in a brick/concrete house gives you radiation!?

The show started 2 years after the accident so they could include it.

Check out smoking on the chart.

Attached: 96a9b7ad59bb5cae0726d5c3c008cdb0[1].jpg (546x800, 82K)

retarded frogposter

i suppose we will find out what caused the explosion in a later episode?

post yfw kino is back on the menu

Attached: FEEDWATERED.jpg (1920x1080, 977K)

Most everything is radioactive to some degree. Going to the beach on a sunny day gave me more radiation than six months working on a sub as an operator, which is also more radiation than a chest x-ray

The photographers and workers all died after the photos were taken.

>Emitting an overwhelming 10,000 roentgens per hour, it would only take 300 seconds in the mass’ presence for certain death to come within just two days. Five to 10 Roentgens means changes in a person’s blood chemistry; 70 Roentgens — vomiting and hair loss; 1000 Roentgens — destruction of the intestinal lining, internal bleeding and, inevitably, death.

That 33 Rotgens per second.

High energy particles can collide with molecules in your cells such as the ones that make up cell membranes and DNA and cause them to break apart or react with other molecules. This causes mass cell death which leads to your body falling apart.

incorrect those people survive, not only did they take those pictures with cameras the main photographer survived until the 2000's




accepting that the reactor was exposed would have saved most people

the alpha and beta radiation was bad and would have still spread across Belarus and poisoned the soil, but most people that died were getting hit with radiation because they were directly in the line of sight with the reactor


Attached: NO.png (1920x1080, 833K)

more episodes when?

But comrades, the air is glowing!

They only took in 3.6 rotgens dude. I mean its not great but its not bad either.





>The show started 2 years after the accident so they could include it.
I don't think they will, that's just foreshadowing for when Valery, do-gooder, man of the people, eventually joins the cover-up and lies to the International Atomic Energy Agency about the causes of the accident, thereby permanently destroying his scientific career

Убepитe eгo, oн нe в ceбe.

The photo itself surfaced four years after it was taken and everything about the photographer is speculation. The math tells a simple story though.

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I see some potential here

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>reactor is on fire because the core is producing 100x its designed max output and is so hot it's melting through solid reinforced concrete
>dude just hose it down lmao like spray it with water dofus
How the fuck did we ever build these things?

Every monday for the next 4 weeks. Short and tasteful kino incoming.

So, will the nuclear lashes kill Mr. Hickey?

Wait no I messed that up it’s 2.8 Rotgens per second.

Send a raven to Gorbachev

Description of Episode 2
>Seven hours after the Chernobyl explosion, Ulana Khomyuk, a nuclear physicist in Minsk, is awakened in her office by a radiation alarm and grows increasingly worried when her phone call to Chernobyl goes unanswered. Lyudmilla arrives at the Pripyat hospital looking for Vasily, whom she learns is being helicoptered to Moscow. At a Central Committee meeting with General Secretary Gorbachev, Legasov objects to Deputy Prime Minister Boris Shcherbina's assessment that the situation is contained, and Gorbachev ends up sending both men to Chernobyl, where a new reading shows radiation is thousands of times higher than reported. Legasov urges Shcherbina to evacuate Pripyat, but Shcherbina worries about Moscow's reaction. As reports of the disaster spread to Europe, Shcherbina finally calls for an evacuation, even as Khomyuk makes her way to Chernobyl to warn Legasov and Shcherbina that a second and far more massive explosion is imminent one that puts the entire European continent at risk.

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Mишa, ты зaeбaл тpoгaть вcё, чтo пoпaлo

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you can spend a 10-15 seconds within the room of the elephants foot in 1996 without any major effects but you need to be quick. youre speculating too you double nigger.

>frog poster is literally retarded
Surprising absolutely no one comrade. Now go to the roof.

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Not great.

But not terrible.

Ok soo I admit that what happened in Chernobyl was a tragedy and all, but.... If that is the price to pay for pure kinema, then so be it.

>Senior Sergeant Vasiliy Ivanovich Ignatenko, first crew on the reactor roof, received a fatal dose during the attempt to extinguish fires on the roof and in the reactor core and died two weeks later in Moscow Hospital 6

Well at least they bothered moving him to Moscow for treatment

invisible and inevitable death, this is the scariest shit i have ever seen

Artur Korneyev is the guy in the picture and he retired in 2014 and supposedly got banned from entering the sarcophagus in 2016 because of ill health. Madman still wants to go in.

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Comrade Hickey here, can’t believe I thought naval exploration was tough work

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i think this really shows the detail and desire to do this correctly. Making the story about the real head of an atomic centre who was incharge of the clean up and avoidance of a global disaster is great. could have easily been a fake character

but then you have them actually use a real firefighter who died shortly after the disaster is absolutely amazing, many of the staff members in the first episode in the plant are based off and named correctly as real staff members who were in the plant and involved. very few completely fictional characters so far.

Is that actually mr hickey?

>you are the most duty owing. didn't tell me why
Tha explains a lot

yeh, the terror boys are reunited




Yup, Adam Nagaitis. He looks very different without the goatee.

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>Could they actually have prevented all the Chernobyl deaths if they had done something instead of trying to cool the exploded reactor?

Mi-26 incoming

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But what are we gonna do about this?

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It's way more horrifying when you understand what it does to the body. High energy particles can shatter your DNA, and ionizing radiation creates new molecules in your body. Like... "In addition, the production of harmful free radicals (e.g. OH-1, H+ etc.) by the ionization of water molecules due to radiation may lead to changes in OH molecules that are biologically important for the functioning of cells."

Suddenly the water in your body is no longer water. GG ez biology

Show just feels like Soviet The Terror.


Some of the Episode descriptions do sound a bit boring desu

it's just the northern lights, you are too paranoid comrade

>"Gentlemen, my wife's son is here, do you think I'll keep him in Prypiat if it wasn't safe?"

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Holy kek, here it is, thought I'd lost this pic
Thanks for posting it again

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Its not like this series isnt a pure kino, but how the fuck we have so much quality OC in here?
Feels like gg/elections never happened

That's actually not true. Artur Korneyev was the Deputy Director of Shelter Object who went to photograph it in 1996. The photo I showed was incorrectly attributed to him by the US Department of Energy who got it from Ukranian government via leaks and publicized it. Whether due to simple mistake or trying to downplay the seriousness of the event who knows, but it's not the same person in the actual picture.

If I'm up he's up.

In 1996....6 years later

I wonder if actors like to relive the good times they had on previous show sets together

Me talking about my pingas


What does this say?

Attached: Alexei_Makukhin_Chernobyl_Message.jpg (624x771, 88K)

Bros what exactly is the elephants foot and why is it so important

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And in fact this is the picture of Artur Korneyev

The plant actually works perfectly, I'm giving you free atoms you fucks

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Is that Chris "Finchy" Finch I see and hear?!

google it you lazy fuck

Because the redditors are too busy discussing GoT and capeshit. Core Yea Forums browsers are watching and discussing patrician tv shows.

It's the solidified nuclear fuel that melted and leaked through the basement. It's a FUCK YOU AND DIE MOTHERFUCKER in physical form.

A Medusa

Basically that the roof is on fire and that the evacuation of the town is not needed




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And also 34 men hospitalized

It's the closest we can get to a real life medusa you literally DIE if you look at it for too long

>Bryukhanov, the air is glowing!
>No comrade, it's just the northern lights.

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very good, comrade
cut the phoneposting
stop their misinformation from spreading

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You are already going to die to an invisible (molecular/atomic) something if you aren't involved in some fatal accident.

It melted through steel and cement to form a very radioactive slag which then seeped through and burned off piping, wiring, and any other porous/open feature in the chamber. Had this slag reached the cooling tanks where spent fuel is held (which are stupidly places below the reactor in RMBK designs) the disaster could have been much worse

it's rubles, not roentgens