Let's have a comfy LOST thread, Yea Forums.
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name a more pathetic character than him
Imagine spying on Claire using the bathroom in the jungle
Im taking a pretty comfy shit right now. A bit spicy but good consistency. Smell is 8/10.
John Locke
I'd prefer Kate.
This show is pretty weak on waifus though.
He's a great character though.
Easily Locke.
I liked every single episode except the very last one. I expected things to wrap up but it just left everything wide open. Even then I didn't think the episode was terrible, I just think it didn't do its job as a finale.
Remember back in the day when people were convinced Sun had fucked Michael and the baby was actually his?
The weird tension with Sun and Michael never really went anywhere. It's a shame they couldn't figure out a way to make Michael and Walt work like a small timeskip or something. Lot of storylines got abandoned.
She hit the wall at world record level speed.
She was easily a solid 8 in seasons 1-2.
This is why his story is quite heartbreaking, really. A dude that just wanted to fit in, mean something, be something, be loved. Dragged across the island back and forth, "chosen", disregarded, shunned, killed, with an impostor in his body. Locke... Locke had a hard life.
fuck hisepisode on the farm in season 3 though, that's when the show started going downhill
she was a mary sue terrorrist
why has ABC never marathoned the entire series again? it was like apparently on hulu or some shit for a while. not even syfy or someone else will replay it in syndication
>why has ABC never marathoned the entire series again?
Probably still making enough money off of streaming/selling it.
Its part of Disney and they are super jew with their content.
IMO the fact that Locke was right about everything makes him not pathetic. He's like a Jesus character. He had to suffer for everyone else to get where they needed to go.
Ben on the other hand is an abused kid who turned into a piece of shit that everyone hated but he just wanted to be loved and respected.
It's definitely between Ben and Locke for the no. 1 spot though.
I've watched the series for the third time some months ago and really saw how inconsequential all of the mystery was to the core of the show - the characters. One of the main themes of the show is 'the stories we tell ourselves' so obviously there was always 'something' that would make this all make sense.
And then, in Season 6, we see that Jacob is basically a simple, a bit slow, hillbilly raised by a psychopatic mother with his brother pulling him in a different direction then she wanted. I really liked that episode as it showed that Jacob is, in reality, a jobber. A guy that, like all of the characters, got caught up in this shit and is trying to make-do and not some ancient know-it-all Angel person. Sure, he knows more by virtue of living a shitton years and having some sort of magical powers connected to the Island but otherwise he's as caught up in this game as all of the characters.
Basically, I understand everyone mad at the dangling threads and the 'lack' of answers because this is what the showrunners made everyone believe in the beginning. Still, it's apparent that after Season 3 that's all just talk and the focus of the show is somewhere else. Season 6 shows that especially.
>character you used to think had goal-bodies before you started lifting
Man, I miss it.
Even Yea Forums lost threads were fantastic when airing.
have sex
When did you cry Yea Forums?
I cried like a bitch at the ending. Ten years of enjoying the ride with those characters.
he still looks great and has amazing facial structure
The thing with Locke is he was sort of right about generally what was going on, but he was wrong about all the details. He was convinced he was the chosen one when he wasn't, he didn't understand that the smoke was evil, he really just got strung along from his childhood to his death.
It's great how they convince you this dude is a destined hero and then pull the rug out from under you and reveal he's really just the random victim of a very long con. "Subverting your expectations" done right.
I've watched the series about four times now. Even with the shitty Jacob and MIB centric episode, I love the series.
I find Lost is like Battlestar Galactica in that atheists and the sort of religious people who think they've got it all figured out get pissed off about the endings, but the sort of people who have learned to accept that we're all acting within a broader context we'll never understand get it.
Like there are answers, but you don't ever get to know the totality of everything going on. You get closure within a limited human scope. True Detective S1 was like this too.
Mr Eko quitting the show fucked it up and it never recovered. He was planned to be the main character in the ending plot resolution.
True. But he was still a good man who stayed true to himself and his virtues, and being right about the big picture when it's so unclear is a hell of a thing.
Ben on the other hand is outright pathetic: Women don't like him so he tries to force them to date him, even gets Juliet's bf killed, had to steal his daughter, who hated him then was murdered because of him, never had a connection to the island even though he lived there for years and desperately wanted it and he got conned by smokeman to kill the man he'd been serving all these years. Everything he touched turned to shit and everyone hated him for it.
Ben is truly pathetic, but he's also probably my favourite character.
Ending breaks me the fuck up, man.
Charlie dying as well when Claire walks up and looks around. Juliet dying was a blow as well. While with the second rewatch I really started to like her character my girlfriend who was watching it for the first time hated her - still the death scene hit her hard. I think it's because Sawyer is a fuckin bro and at that point is one of the best characters and has now been fucked hard by the 'past' coming to wreck his life.
Well I wouldn't say that he stayed true to his ideals all of the time. One of the thing that happens is the constant side-switching of Jack and Locke. Locke switched pretty hard after Desmond's bunker blew up which gave way to his demise by the hand of the MIB.
hoo liked catlady monolugue???
True, we can only wander how the show would have looked like with Eko, Walt, and no S4 writers strike.
Still, with the Eko situation I've read that he was mostly to be the conduit for the MIB in the end, a role which Locked ended up suiting much better IMO.
Daily reminder the island is a real place.
Name a more kino character than him
Looks quite good for a 50yr old man
This. It was a blessing in disguise and the show’s message was a lot more poignant by turning Jack’s spiritual guide into his enemy. It would’ve been a bit more “so what” if it was Eko. Also it adds a layer to the message behind Locke’s character and the follies of blind faith.
Both him and Jack lost bro status for getting into feelz over mary sue kate
The numbers being meaningless flip flop was a big one that's true. But I can forgive him that one lapse in faith given what had happened and he did genuinely believe what he was saying. He was still a truthful man, he just lost a bit of faith.
>demise by the hand of the MIB
Him getting led off the island?
Nobody because they’re all equally 10/10 kinus majorus
I really can't believe that he didn't get any roles after Lost. Sure, Jack got most of the thunder but aren't there any scripts requiring smug but charming mothafuckas?
fuck hollywood, smdh
They broed it up at the end. All it took was Jack killing the love of his life.
How could this have happened
Josh Holloway also doesn’t really like the fame and spotlight. He was always pretty withdrawn even during the show’s running. He seems like a humble and quiet dude just enjoying his life with his loving wife. I think he’s got kids with her as well that he’s taking care of. Ain’t nothing wrong with not whoring yourself out for fame for the rest of your life.
i've seen him in a couple things and he's just not very good at anything other than being a cocky asshole
who was the hottest grill bros? for me it's pic related
If I remember correctly after the bunker blew up Locke started to get fucking dreams, same with Eko and some waking dreams or people appearing which was all MIB fucking with them and using them for his gains. Obviously it was easy at that point as both Eko and Locke were broken as fuck. You tell Eko that Locke is chosen one and to protect him, you tell the same to Locke and give him a mission and he'll happily do anything at that point.
I remember seeing him in one of the Mission Impossible movies, the 5th one or something. He starred for the whole of 7 minutes and his nameless character got killed for a thingamajig.
If he's happy then all the power to him.
I like the ideal female that Shannon was suppose to represent in the mind of predatory kikes. The execution left some desire though.
Are you the guy who used to be called SupaHotFlame who posted on here years ago? And who used to always post on here wrecking everyone's shit for doubting the show's quality?
Wasn't the dream fuckery to get them to the hatch under the plane? That was where Locke found the BS info that the hatch was an experiment. What were the dreams after the explosion? I can;t even remember but I swear Eko died an episode or two later.
they fucked her character up so much. she had potential after boone died, i really wanted to see her become more of a survivalist type like locke.
was watching Aerosmith's video for Cryin'
and a young Sawyer appears and steals Alicia Silverstone's purse from a diner.
i know what you mean. i think its because kate was prettier and that tok away some attention from shannon
no. Jin was ruined in later seasons and so was Sawyer. this show sucks
SupaHotFire you mean? Maybe ;)
Locke has a dream trip informing him that Eko has been captured by a polar bear, and sets off to rescue him. A bloodied Boone appears in said dream, and he induces it by building himself a swear lodge, which is something he learned how to build during his time with the new age retro hippies who made the terrible mistake of growing and selling Marriaguana.
Pick one.
Jin, maybe, but do you really expect him to be an asshole abusive husband for the whole run of the show? Him mellowing out and their love story at the end was much better IMO.
>but do you really expect him to be an asshole abusive husband for the whole run of the show?
He wasnt that for any of the show
objectively kate
Yeah sure, ordering Sun for the first two seasons and shouting at her is totally not abuse.
Sure, he had his reasons and I understand them but a thing is a thing, man. He felt guilty afterwards which led to change which is good.
If it was you, then I remember you having some of the interesting things of anyone to say about the show. Twas a pleasure to read that shit. I can't remember if anyone ever answered this, but I remember one episode from season 2 had a scene where you could see green chalk lines on a tree during a scene where you see the tailies (with Michael in tow) making their way to the beach camp, and then later you see Locke stashing a big piece of green rock into his satchel and everyone was like "Wow, man, did Locke travel out there and mark those tree with a big green crayon??" Mind blown. Always wondering if that was really a thing, or if everyone was just seeing something that wasn't there. I think it was from "...And Found"
>ordering Sun for the first two seasons
thats what marriage is
she did her fair share of ordering in flashblacks as well
>shouting at her is totally not abuse.
no, shouting is not abuse either.
Okay, buddy.
Their relationship was just run of the mill kike propaganda criticizism Asian culture.
Yup. That was implied. The show has plenty of moments where they offer you answers right in your face without much fanfare so sometimes you miss it because it’s so subtle. The best example of this is the runway for the Ajira flight landing in Season 5, which we see Kate and Sawyer building in season 3 as captives and Juliet jokes it’s a landing pad for UFOs. Clearly they were working on the precognisant orders of Jacob.
What was the significance of the cigarettes in the ashtray from when they entered The Pearl? I remember Paulo saying he didn't smoke anymore and was on Nicotine gum, so it couldn't have been his, or something? I'm tryna think of more stuff...
I've heard it said the outrigger thing was really solved and it was meant to be the Ajira people, but don't know if that's true...
I always wished Desmond telling Jack "You have to lift it up" in the stadium was going to weigh in more unignorably concrete significance in the end, especially after he was shown to be time jumping but it was kinda vague if you wanna marry it with the source and the plug, and having to lift it up physically.. :p
Still kinda cool I guess..
Yellow fever is a hell of a drug, man.
The Pearl cigarettes are not explicitly answered. That said, we've seen Ben and Juliet and Mikhail and other Others go to The Pearl station. And in one of the episodes Ben makes a remark about The Pearl's entrance being left open to Tom Friendly, who we've seen smoke in the show before. So we could make the assumption/guess that it was Tom who had left the cigarette butts there.
As for the outrigger thing, we know Ajira people were on the island as well experiencing time skips. For all we know it was them just seeing the Losties and not knowing who they were and thinking they were Hostiles.
As for the Desmond piece, I think they tied up that scene to a lot of pieces in Jack's story really nicely. Not only the lift it up part but also the "see you in another life brotha" comment which we see again in Season 2. I mean hell the fact that they brought it back to tie it into something in Season 6 is still impressive to me.
anyone watched lost in chronological order? is it wort watching?
Haven't watched this show in years and just started to rewatch for the first time with my gf (her first time seeing the series). Just reading around a bit online, going in for my first rewatch almost feels like watching it again for the first time desu. Just getting to the end of the first season and there's so much attention to detail, foreshadowing, and just side-mysteries you completely miss the first time through.
Oh yeah, this show requires at least two or three times viewing in order to appreciate just how much it laid out for you at the beginning. It's chock full of hints, allusions and foreshadowing. And it's the best rewatching it with someone who's never seen it because you can feel like experiencing it for the first time vicariously through them. The one downside is how they keep asking you for answers and even get mad at you if you don't give them but you just gotta stay strong for the love of LOST.
See you in anotha life tying into the afterlife is pretty beautiful alright.
If he said something other than "You have to lift it up", and whatever he did say was like, a thing that made you go, wow, they REALLY fucking planned that shit. I woulda been floored. I feel like there were some truly deeply clever things they coulda worked into the story with Desmond's time travel and stuff that just never happened because of time constraints (lol) or maybe they felt it would be too much for the audience to think about. Maybe the kinda stuff you'd only get in an intricately planned novel, and not a mainstream tv show as popular as Lost.
This show was so fucking based
I'm probably more impressed than the first time. It had been so long my memory of the show was just in bits and pieces with some core moments in-between standing out. The moment the scene happened with Locke explaining backgammon to Walt near the very beginning, the whole story came completely back into focus and I found a whole new appreciation for the show. I'm a bit sad I can't watch it again with nearly a blank slate, but I've got a good feeling it's going to be way better this time through.
This. Goddamn.
Watched it with a buddy of mine and he wanted the answers handed to him because he knew I knew. I just gave him a smug smile and said to keep watching.
>sub comes back in season 5
>use the german theme from medal of honor
Such a good move that it made me ignore the shitty cg sub.
Locke was the GOAT.
Loved this show.
link the song
What I was saying was that they had TWO tie ins to the scene over different seasons. Perhaps at this point you might be expecting a little too much and placing too much significance on certain things?
If that's not enough how about the contrast between The Hatch and the Source? The Hatch is darkness with one point of light shining. And it was at Locke's (opposite of Jack) lowest point in life. Whereas The Source is a pool of light with one single point of light in the middle, and this time Jack is the one in it who is rejoicing at his and the others' salvation. It is a high point for Jack. The total opposing and antithetical qualities of these scenes are very very important thematically. I think that's also another cool tie in the show did.
PS: I used to have a better pic to show this but I quickly made out in paint so excuse the white spaces.
That shit was disgusting BMAF propaganda. They were clearly planning on making this the case.
>seven minutes
Oh man I wish. He died within two, maybe less.
I really wish he starred as a big role in that film.
F O U R · E I G H T · F I F T E E N · S I X T E E N · T W E N T Y T H R E E · F O R T Y T W O · G U Y S · W H E R E · A R E · W E ? · W A L T ! · V I N C E N T ! · L I V E · T O G E T H E R · D I E · A L O N E · D U D E · W H E R E · I S · M Y · B A B Y ? · T H E Y · T O O K · M Y · B A B Y · N O · M A T T E R · W H A T · I · D O · Y O U · A R E · G O I N G · T O · D I E · C H A R L I E · I · L O V E · Y O U · P E N N Y · I · H A V E · A L W A Y S · L O V E D · Y O U · J A C K ! · Y O U · A L L · E V E R Y B O D Y ! · N O T · P E N N Y ’ S · B O A T · D O · N O T · T E L L · M E · W H A T · I · C A N N O T · D O ! · Y O U · H A V E · S O M E · A R Z T · O N · Y O U · S E E · Y O U · I N · A N O T H E R · L I F E · B R O T H E R · D O · N O T · M I S T A K E · C O I N C I D E N C E · F O R · F A T E · F R E C K L E S · I T · O N L Y · E N D S · O N C E · A N Y T H I N G · T H A T · H A P P E N S · B E F O R E · I S · J U S T · P R O G R E S S · D O · Y O U · H A V E · A N Y · I D E A · H O W · B A D L Y · I · W A N T · T O · K I L L · Y O U ? · I · D O · N O T · K N O W · H O W · L O N G · T H E · B A T T E R I E S · W I L L · L A S T · I · C R A S H E D · Y O U R · B L O O D Y · P L A N E · W E · H A V E · T O · G O · B A C K !
>those old lost vertical threads
I want to go back.
Good to have you back with us again, based OC maker.
>nikki and paulo start out as shit
>somehow get a great god damn episode
unfortunately marathoning it episode after episode doesn't have the same impact as waiting week to week and theorycrafting with Yea Forums and various other forums between each episode
i've still watched it front to back 7 or 8 times though
>implying he's pathetic at all
Still smarting from the assbeating you got in the black samurai thread, Jamaal?
Honestly Lost is still my favorite TV show of all time.
The ending really didn't bother me because I knew there was no way they could answer everything, even the big things. I viewed it just as a sendoff to so many characters I grew up with.
Did Jacob kill all the babies? Or was that smoke monstah
Ahhh nothing's changed!
>people were confused by the ending and thought it was all a dream cause they showed Jack die on the beach and then rolled credits of the plane wreckage
>asshole abusive husband for not wanting his wife hanging out all day alone with some nigger on an island with absolutely fuck all to do
I still cry.
I don't think there's ever going to be an experience like Lost again. I see GoT getting amazing numbers yet something is missing.
Daily reminder that LOST is the greatest show ever made or that ever will be made for the audiovisual kinographic medium and every episode, season, and character is a 10/10 that’s better than any other show or movie ever created or created since.
Only the smartest and most patricians of humans understood and appreciate the full extent of LOST and every single LOST fan is an alpha and a chad.
I really only browsed Yea Forums when Lost was airing. Those were good times.
To add: you are definitely right on the fact that the show's very medium constrains its ability to truly delve into the meaning and purposes of its scenes. You're correct. HOWEVER, LOST mitigates this not only through its thematic and artistic elements, but it also PURPOSEFULLY makes references to other books and works of art in history (or even real events) to let you further explore its ideas the way it wanted you to.
For example you mentioned how Desmond's story had even more potential than what we saw, and that there were many more cool things they could've done. While you're slightly right (only slightly because I think what we were given was already cool as hell), there are specific literary references made by Desmond that allow you to explore his character more. One of those is Slaughterhouse 5 (Desmond being unstuck from time mentally mirrors Billy Pilgrim's story) and another is The Third Policeman which he is shown to have on one of his bookshelves. This book more deals with Desmond's isolation and feeling of being stuck in limbo (and if you read it you'll find a lot more cool elements from LOST in it).
I think adding that background knowledge to LOST helps SIGNIFICANTLY in giving you even more appreciation for its scenes. I recommend it!
why did Kate lie about being a vegetarian??? She lies about everything for no reason.
She fucks Sawyer for no other reason than she saw Jack having dinner with another woman.
She robbed a bank and got innocent people shot at and nearly killed just to get a toy airplane.
She was terrible.
>watched lost when it was airing
>watched all five seasons right before season 6 aired to hype myself up
>watched nearly the entire series with a group of friends
>watched nearly the entire series with an ex
>watched up till mid-season 3 with another ex
>will probably end up watching lost again somehow in the future
I'm already feeling the urge in this thread. It's weird feeling, I feel bittersweet about it. Maybe because I'm now aware how I'm aging and long for the past and Lost brings me back when I was a teen. I wasn't a happy then, but Lost gave me some happiness.
Because she's always on the run. That's all she is for nearly the entire series.
It fell flat during season 3. Flat like her ass.
I cannot agree more!
>Oh boy another season of Lost!
>Oh man I can't wait to see what mysterious things happen!
>This first episode is great! But because it's the start of the season, that means we get two episodes!
Also the Dickens novel that Desmond saves to read before dying is about Desmond and Charles Widmore's relationship. Our Mutual Friend.
Sadly this. (Not speaking for the books) GoT is great, but it still exists in LOST's shadow. Midway through GoT (when the book content was drying up) it feels like they start trying to follow the blueprint LOST left behind rather than continue forging into new territories (and missed the whole point along the way).
This thread doesn't have nearly enough Jackface posted in it.
absolutely based
I know the Lost Via Domus game is shit to average, but as a Lost fan, would I enjoy it to some degree? I always wanted to play it.
Everything important gets answered. It bamboozles me that there are people who think that somehow things are left open ended.
Why Walt was special
The numbers
Why pregnant women were losing babies
Every episode is a 10/10 but I still kek at this pic
The only real mystery I really didn't like being answered was what are the whispers. That was really hamfisted with Hurley just running off and asking someone to come out, and Michael just infodumping for a bit.
Yeah I actually enjoyed it a ton and it's an easy 1000 achievement points.
They can't into the parts that don't need explanations.
It's always shit like "but what do the numbers mean?! this breaks the whole show!!11!"
They're numbers. Fuck. It's basically just a symbol to show that this is coincidence. What do you want? "they're co-ordinates hurr durr"
Fuck off.
Mid post lmao.
there won't. many shows try to recapture the magic, but it's lightning in a bottle.
every show that tries fails within the first season, they fall apart, everyone loses interest, the characters are flat and boring. it's impossible
isn't coincidence*
I started watching this because I needed something to binge-watch and couldn't force myself through GoT anymore. I was surprised by how much I liked this show, is the ending really as bad as pepole claim? I'm halfway through season 5 and kinda scared I'll be disappointed in the end.
>always tell people they should try Lost
>usually they are skepical and don't want to watch so many episodes
>tell them always to give them a chance
>tell them if you're not interested after episode 4, just drop the show
>all 12 people I have told this to always get hooked with the good 'ol walkabout
Oh yes that too. There's whole sleuth of other references I personally haven't even gotten to myself. I only provide knowledge of what I know, but I bet there's so much more.
If only I had enough time in my life to read all the books in the world!
Here's a list of just the stuff referenced and mentioned (not even the alluded or inspirational stuff):
unironically based and truthpilled
>They're numbers. Fuck.
now thats what i call an explanation!
As long as you aren't retarded and think everything is going to be answered(literally every episode adds five new questions minimum), the ending is fine.
Honestly the 3rd last episode is the one that disappoints me the most rather than the ending.
Whatever happened to that buddy hitman show that Locke and Ben's actors were suppose to do? I loved those two together in Lost.
Lost threads are my oxygen. I love you friends.
Still waiting on some random tv show, film, or game to have a twist of being in the Lost universe in the end.
I really miss it. I miss the endless theories, the conversations, etc. The hype every week building up.
Lost really is a chapter of my life and it feels weird to think about.
>that gif
This looks like something I've wiped from my memory banks.
I want to go back We have to go back
It was such an experience to go through. Even with the writer's strike, I want to experience it all over again.
I have always loved the hatch and The Source so much, so interesting to look at and think about. I remember being really surprised that there wasn't somebody in The Source room though, kinda like the Grail Knight from Indiana Jones or even a Smeagle (Golem) like figure that had withered away down there over the years protecting it, or pursing it's power or something like that. I feel like it would have been chilling as all fuck if Jack had met something sentient down there that just fucked with our heads in a really cool way.
I met another one of these fuckers again the other day, they're like cockroaches!
the ending was shite
I've been thinking of collecting some Lost stuff. I'm a huge fan, but outside of the Lost Complete Series Collector's I instantly preordered back in 2010, and have picked up some random dvd Lost seasons from a thrift store, I haven't got anything else.
Anything I should try to get outside of the figures?
>Why Walt was special
Maybe a better question is "what is the purpose of Walt being special" because I never really wondered "why" Walt was special. It doesn't seem particularly important. Some people are special. Lost is a fantasy show You might not like that answer, but there it is.
As for "what is the purpose of Walt being special" -- its something that they pushed aside because the kid actor grew up fast. Still they didn't completely ignore it, and threw a bone with "the new man in charge", where he's brought back to the Island because he still has work to do.
>The numbers
The numbers were the numbers of the last candidates, as seen on the cave.
>Why pregnant women were losing babies
Its implied that the incident and electromagnetism had something to do with this. Notably at least two babies were born on the island during the time we were there with Dharma in the 70s (miles and ethan), and the problems with pregnancy started sometime after.
>something big is happening
>bunch of people are dying
>it's just random npcs
I love it when Sawyer points out he has no idea who Nikki and Paulo are.
Remember when people used to defend the finale? Ha ha u guys.
This did not age well
There are two answers to the numbers (as is common throughout the show for basically every mystery): one of science and one of faith.
Faith answer: the numbers represent coordinates on Jacob's lighthouse that point to each and every individual candidate (each number = a specific candidate). They permeate throughout all their lives because of Jacob's influence on them and certain people (like Hurley) are more aware of this than others (Walt is another candidate who becomes aware of certain unique things about himself). This is very much akin to the Hebraic idea of numbers having spiritual meaning and the numerology developed in Gematria. I think that suffices on the faith side of things.
Science answer: the numbers are the core numerical values of the Valenzetti Equation, an equation formulated by the UN after the Cold War that predicts the very date and time of when humanity will extinguish itself due to economic, social, psychological, and environmental factors. It is very much akin to stuff like the Drake Equation that tries to estimate very vague things/predictions using the facts that we know. The Dharma initiative was created by the Hanso Foundation to find a way to change these values, which is why they were experimenting on this unique island on various scientific subjects. They also broadcasted the numbers over and over via the antenna so that when the numbers were changed, they could be broadcasted back to HQ (like a numbers station). This is the very signal Rousseau and Leonard hear. The Valenzetti equation is referenced on the blast door map in Season 2's Lockdown as well as the Season 2/Season 3 ARG which allowed "players" to piece a bunch of real-life hidden glyps/posters that had codes which let you find bits of a video which you then rearranged yourself to try to make the complete video. Here's the complete video on youtube: youtube.com
they were spirits stuck on the island
People like to shit on lost but it's ending will probably be a lot better than GOT
>The numbers were the numbers of the last candidates, as seen on the cave
Oh my god I completely forgot about this. Honestly they should've left it alone. Explanations like this are hackneyed and unnecessary. They never needed to mean anything other than to tell you that the plane crash wasn't an accident.
I like the don't explain things that don't need explaining approach.
I believe you're meant to be saying thank you for saving the lost thread mr user.
the Nikki and Paulo episode was such a great meta commentary about the show
PS: that video technically ends at 3:50 but continues with something that may seem irrelevant.
That whole part was part of the ARG narrative about Rachel Blake trying to track down activities of modern Hanso Foundation and Widmore Corporation.
RIP /ourgirl/ Rachel.
Yes, and it was a bad reveal.
Richard Alpert was always my favorite for some reason.
pleb status: filtered.
he's right. it's shit
answersfags got so engrossed in trying to figure out the mysteries of the Island that they missed out on the fact that the entire point is that most of the mysteries are either unsolvable or don't matter. That's why the Man of Science vs. Man of Faith dichotomy is introduced so soon, and why everyone who tries to do science on the Island dies. It's literally the writers saying "hey dummy, some things don't have explanations"
i guess this post can be a reply to this post now
Who /joop/ here?
>tfw I might be the only person on Yea Forums who actually did the ARG during season 2/season 3 break
Then again it's understandable since technically Yea Forums didn't exist until season 3.
high iq webm choice user
>I really can't believe that he didn't get any roles after Lost.
Colony was kino (apart from the chick in season 1)
Shame it was canned.
high iq webm for a high iq post. keep bein cool, user
>There will never be a show like LOST ever made again
We have to go back Yea Forums
Colony was pretty good, but it was dragged down a lot by how the mom was constantly tryharding about being a strong female character. Getting pretty sick of that trope honestly.
I've read them both, The 3rd Policeman is very interesting. It had all the stuff about the magic box too. It's actually a super funny novel too I thought, in a dark kinda way.
The thing about the whispers isn't even the way they were explained so much as it is what they were supposed to mean, because some people actually fucking translated the whispers and they were found to contain some really interesting and strange shit, so you'd have to wonder if they meant for it all have meaning, or was it just random phrases and words thrown in to sound ominous?
and hello to the folks at home
Yeah I liked it too. It also had the hatch as well! I also found it funny how the ending of that book is what everyone theorized about LOST from day 1 (that they were all dead) :P. I guess that was the writer's way of saying "we're one step ahead of you teehee".
It's actually my first Flann O'Brien book. I also have At Swim-Two-Birds which I also have to read.
>tfw no Josh Holloway bf
In this moment, Locke was the most hated by everyone. But if they had just listened to him, all of their lives would've been better.
I remember during the last season or the fifth season there was some pretty cool art that was being put onto posters
>The numbers were the numbers of the last candidates, as seen on the cave.
That isnt an explanation, thats just another "fluke" occurrence of the numbers popping up.
Lost has 121 episodes, ranging from 40 to 50 minutes so we'll average 45.
121*45=5445 minutes/60=90.75 hours
I'm going to assume you've watched it 8 times since you probably LOST count anyway.
90.75*8=726 hours in total watching Lost, or 1 month and 6 hours.
You said you were "theorycrafting with Yea Forums" when the show was originally airing, meaning from 2004-2010. I'm going to guess again it was probably around 2007-2009, and if you're still posting here today means you were a late teenager then. If you're 30 now, it means you've actually spent
1 month of 30*12=360 months or ~0.3% or your life (as of today) watching Lost.
If you can get your hands on the original glyph posters of the Season 2/3 ARG that were hidden all around the world like Sydney, LA, Seoul, and New York, I'm sure those would get you some cash from a collector one day. I don't even know if they still physically exist though or if whoever found them first destroyed them.
got you my mane
holy shit this is amazing
ah, the days before /pol/ ruined fun
webm very much related
That was TEN years ago?!
Life is fucking over guys. What a gip.
Did all the whispers mean anything or was it just random gibberish? I remember there was one cluster of 'em that was like "Relax dude, I think she likes the guy.." repeated over and over again, and I was like...whhhaaat?
>doctor who
>30 rock
>the office
>joss whedon
i forgot that this board has always been super fucking gay
Yeah the whispers are usually conversations or phrases being played in reverse and stuff like that. They are voices of the dead. You can find their transcripts here: lostpedia.fandom.com
>only google approved frivolity is kino
Yes, there were plebs, but everyone was unified in its reverence for LOST. The entire board worked as one single organism, aspiring for one thing. Even though the specific units of the board were essentially the same as now, there was a unison and an arrangement that is not here now. Now, it seems wholly disorganized and uncommunal. There is no reverence for anything.
I think Julius Evola's and Plato's critiques on a degenerating society actually apply very well here regarding the "rigor mortis" of a society without the greater thing to aspire to.
exactly this
i'd forgotten how good Yea Forums used to be during the lost era before /pol/ and forced memes like bane and sneed lowered the standard for posts here
It's cool, I'm bringing it back
Thanks for your help, Melchizedek.
I did, 3 times actually. yeah its fun. but its more fun to watch it with someone else that also has not seen it, so you can talk about theories before the next episode. also dont rush watching it. take a few days off sometimes.
Yeah man, the whispers were cool as this vague thing related to the island and the Others. I really don't think it needed to be explained, or at least not directly.
The whispers had full on conversations with one another, frequently about revealing themselves. It was pretty cool. The creepiest one is the one during the first Ben episode, when young Ben sees his mom. That shit was creepy to being with, and even more creepy with the subtitles.
I liked when michael killed two roasties at once. You don't see that happen in most shows
holy shit, these are the same guy?!
Hugo is actually the height of a human male though
whitey out manlets le bean. Theres something you dont see everyday.
I lost. :D
Get it?
Good one bro
Does it get any comfier than this?
At least his woman didn't leave him for a white man so he's more based than most Asians.
>tfw some dude you crashed on an island with who you've been feuding with all this time gives you closure on your dead dad
What do the whispers say in that episode?
I'm not crying I have something in my eye I swear
Episodes like this and the golfing episode that people complained about as being “filler” is part of what gave lost its character. Part of the reason a show like lost could never be made today is because every show now has to be 10 episodes or less and have nothing but the main plot as the focus in every single episode
LOST still abided by old-school sci-fi formulas ala Stargate or Star Trek. They had plenty of overarching storylines, but often times stopped to take a breather and explore the world around them or just their characters. It was a way for the audience to take a break and also for the actors and production crew to have a bit of fun as well. And that creates a love that shines from the work, and it's part of the reason I love stuff like LOST and Stargate and Star Trek.
Why does hollywood hate him. He plays the perfect brooding hot guy.
based and lockepilled
what a f-word
>i cant just die i have to guilt trip the living
>I don't understand something I've barely spent time thinking about
>Therefore it's unknowable
People are so fucking annoying. Maybe in your next life you'll devote the significant time and attention needed to understand what's what, regular joe schmoe.
>everything is literal and needs to be explained and understood in very literal ways
this is how brainlets think
Imagine having so many emotions bottled up inside of you for so long. He's not doing it out of malice, he only did it as a way of hopeless communication and expression of his sadness.
It's like when you write long messages to an ex and delete them before you send and just send something sad but hopeless to them. It happens to the best of us.
It's a moment of weakness essentially.
No, you brainlet retard. I'm talking about the nature of reality itself, not some retarded TV show. Also, learn the actual meaning of 'literal', brainlet.
People who say this about the Lost ending are brainlets who didn't get that the show was about human connections and that it 100% did wrap that up. In fact Christian Shepherd literally explains it to Jack piece by piece. I don't get how people can even say they're confused about it desu
>he thinks he can understand the true nature of reality itself
hey god fancy seeing you on Yea Forums. how's jesus been doing since the crucifiction?
thats my all time favorite vertical