How would they get them wrong ?

Suppose an American writer team has to choose a new direction for the characters that's more Western audience inclusive. For a new Live action or otherwise production , how would they flanderize these four ?
Would the remain even remotely relatable ?Either for anons or even for normalfags or tumblinas ?
Is there even the slightest possibility Shinji remains the lead ?

Attached: Neon.Genesis.Evangelion.full.1811469.jpg (3540x2822, 1.69M)

They'll just make them "flawed-but-not-really" like American shows tend to do, instead of having them be actually fucked up people.

I understand it 2bh, some of the shit that happened in that show really wouldn't be palatable to a Western audience.

Attached: Bts2shNCEAAjdUZ.jpg (600x800, 63K)

Shinji - actual faggot
Asuka - strong black woman
Rei - jewess
Angel in disguise - white Chad, fucks Shinji's boipussi
Nerd - white nerd cuck

There was actually a really good post on /r/anime I think about what a Hollywood adaption would be

It would be kino if it was directed by Denis Villenueve and Ryan Gosling was an adult shinji

great why don't go there and don't come back

>after all these years I still have a thing for Rei
I thought I was over all these shits.

shinji - probably the most castable character, but no matter who they pick they wouldn't get his autism right. hollywood can't make his total reluctance to be the hero work.
asuka - probably make her black
rei - i feel like it wouldn't be hard to get an actress of suitable skill for rei, the real challenge would be in what the appearance should be. ostensibly white or asian but i don't know.
kaworu - there's no real person suitable to play kaworu, so it doesn't matter what they'd do here, they'd fuck it up regardless.

Just trying to add to the conversation

literally who is the ginger on the left?