/kinobyl/ general

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its only 3.6 guys

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What would you do if you KNEW about radiation? As a fire fighter? As a scientist? How would you try to avoid getting close to this shit?


Everything could be avoided if they just sailed around king william island

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>внимaниe внимaниe
>внимaниe внимaниe
Imagine, you're shitposting in a Chernobyl thread then you feintly hear this over your headphones:

What do anons?
In slavlands we have nuclear bunkers in every block and in every yard. You guys probably would be screwed.
>внимaниe внимaниe
>внимaниe внимaниe

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>mfw boss tells me that flowing water into a full-blown graphite fire of a fully blown reactor core should probably deal with the issue at hand

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why are there any pictures of this?

Donning an scba would probably be a healthy first start so you aren't breathing in radioactive contaminants. Take some potassium iodide pills too to prevent thyroid from shutting down from radioactive iodine. And probably gtfo of there as quickly as possible

because they are very lazy and keep getting tans when they should be working

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I hear people travel there now? Is that even safe?

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>In slavlands we have nuclear bunkers in every block and in every yard.
>most of it are either abandoned or filled with bums and junkies

Sounds the same as a hurricane siren like they have in the keys...

2 days in colorodo is as safe as 1 day in pripyat

Thank you for sticking to the word "kinobyl", OP. This is important to me.

What are you talking about user? There was no graphite BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE

>iodide pills
But there are none, user.
>probably gtfo of there as quickly as possible
What excuse would you use to get away though? Try to vomit or something?

meant for

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not really, some parts are, just be careful
watch this, it's a based goblin going to the zone with his friends

Better than not having anything at all.
Your american houses made out of paperboard sure are protective.

I tell you more, people are working on fulltime there.

So why is it all gated off still?

>In slavlands we have nuclear bunkers in every block and in every yard.
Lol fucking no, may be in Moscowbad

>What excuse would you use to get away though?
>boss: "go check the core"
>worker: "yeah ok boss"
>go home instead

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why aren't there any pictures of the light beam in the sky?

Mostly. Yes if you take a Geiger counter over there it'll show increased radiation levels but that's just because the detectors are extremely sensitive. You probably would only get 3.6 roentgens per hour.

Oт пepвых минyт дaжe дyшoй пoвeялo.

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Exactly what they did was the most sensible. Respirators to avoid inhaling dust, decontaminating to remove debris from the skin and limiting exposure time to avoid high doses. The Liquidators were very competent.

>hangs carpet on the walls to keep from freezing to death

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Ti daun? Having these doesn't help at all, it's just giving false illusion of safety. You know WHO has actually safe ones.


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Why didn't they just cover the graphite with more coolant water? Why didn't they just open the valves and turn the pumps on?

>What do anons?
I'm within 500 meters of a prime target, so open up the good bottle of scotch I've been saving for a special occasion, step outside and wait for my body to vaporise.

Who said I was a ruski?

what does this mean? I haven't heard of any nuclear accidents in Colorado

Most of it is safe. Did you miss the giant dome that was finished recently?

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just watched that ep earlier. Was really weird how he got all dramatic to seemingly say he's getting the lighter treatment. What do men get punished with?

No because it's our time to shine, comrade

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gunna watch it with my granddad on Friday, hope it's good!

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oy Luwin want to get shanked again

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>Pripyat, Home.

>What do men get punished with?
Whipped on the back, boys get whipped on the arse

just saw it, very good shit. My only gripe so far is they're making it look like hundreds, if not thousands of people have died from it but it's only like 30 direct deaths

>putin would surely tell the workers that they are in grave danger

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Interesting. So you just walk around with that thing taking photos and make sure it doesn't beep too much?

I see a youtube video of a guy with a tour guide, so, yeah I guess people are in there basically every day.

men get it on their back
boys get their booty destroyed

seems like the back would suck less. you don't sit on your back

>What do men get punished with?

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>this post is fine I've seen worse

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There is nothing to fear

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>My only gripe so far is they're making it look like hundreds, if not thousands of people have died from it

How so, they've quite literally showed 1 or two deaths

Chernobyl memeing is of greater quality than average memeing.

engineering kino

Exactly, that's one of the reason's Crozier did it, 1. it'll be more painful, 2. To tell Hickey that he wasn't considered a man

no but close

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Truth is it's impossible to know how many actually died directly or indirectly because the Soviets covered up as much as they could. Literally they just buried the whole God damn plant.

Idk why but I've always found the dreariness of Russia endearing.


radiation exposure related, japan
most people here know about it, but for those who don't:

>Upon arrival at the Mito hospital, Ouchi’s skin was red and puffy but he showed few other outward signs of his condition. Then doctors began tested his chromosomes. They had “shattered like glass.” They could not be identified or arranged. Without chromosomes, his cells could not regenerate and his body could not heal. His white blood cell count was 0.

>After one week in the hospital, he began to show outward signs of radiation sickness. His skin began sloughing off. Because his cells couldn’t regenerate, no new skin formed to replace it. He again began to have difficulty breathing. Ouchi said, “I can’t take it anymore. I am not a guinea pig.” He was in extreme pain despite medication. At this time, he was put on a ventilator and kept in a medically induced coma.

>On day 27, Ouchi’s intestines started “to melt.” Three weeks later, he started hemorrhaging. He began receiving blood transfusions, sometimes as many as 10 in 12 hours. He began losing a significant amount of fluids (10 liters, or over 2 1/2 gallons, a day) through his skin so they wrapped him completely in gauze. He was bleeding from his eyes. His wife said that it looked like he was crying blood. Ouchi started receiving daily skin transplants using artificial skin, but they wouldn’t stick. His muscles began falling off the bone.

>On his 59th day in the hospital, his heart stopped three times in just 49 minutes. He was resuscitated. This severely damaged his brain and kidneys. At this point, Ouchi was on life support.

>Doctors continued life saving measures but Ouchi died of multi-organ failure on December 21, 1999 after 83 days in the hospital.

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>I see a youtube video of a guy with a tour guide,
Loads of the guides are the former inhabitants of Pripyat, as they know where everything is

Im sure those scientists from all over the world know how to detect radiation without putin telling them

well they showed basically all the engineers plus the director plus several (but presumably all) firefighters getting lit up and then when the moustache muh water dude is carried out it's mayhem with bloody people being held left and right

I mean you'd be fine if you just walked around for an hour or two or hell even a couple of days/weeks at this point. You just wouldn't want to live there where you're constantly getting dosed by low level radiation.

So I'm going to guess going into the actual powerplant is still a no go? This thing covers it? Why does covering it help?

You can't even physically access the plant since it's been physically buried.

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Even if people didn't die they probably got exposed enough to get radiation poisoning symptoms.



t. HBO

It just flooded all the remaining electronics and added more steam to the clouds blowing over all of Europe. No big deal.

based and I'veseenworsepilled


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Then what is the building they are covering up with the giant walls?

>fine, i'll go

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That part pissed me off too. Like a doctor is going to know what iodide pills are because they'd have to be at least trained and prepared to deal with a nuclear attack from America. Well maybe not prepared but they'd at least know what potassium iodide tablets are.

It was not that big of a deal. Cancer rates did not go up significantly except maybe in the immediate fallout zone.

How is this possible?

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The control room which was a separate building from the plant.

wow, so honorable of those doctors to keep him alive for those 83 great days. every day a gift!

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yeah but nothing goes wrong in the Soviet Union. He's offended at the idea that she'd think they'd need them.

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Aye, I noticed that too, pretty stupid considering they are the hospital of a town solely created for people to work in a nuclear power plant

listen to the podcast
he was pretty autistic about making it as close to the real deal as possible

So most of what that new building covers up is the plant that is now gone, and then the control room which was so close it got sprayed with awfulness?

Denver is the mile high city. Closer to the sky, less atmosphere to protect you from the Sun.

She is a doctor not a nurse. Check your sexism.

Dunno about cancer but there's still a whole lot of cesium all over the place. Half-life is 30+ years so it might have gone by now.

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Why would they need to know about Iodine tablets user? Are you suggesting that an RBMK reactor can explode? Are you stupid?

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>2 days in colorodo is as safe as 1 day in pripyat
my ass. probably some russian tourism board came up with that. if you have to walk around with a radiation detector it's probably a good idea to just watch the kinoseries.

passion project probably played STALKER

Why would someone make a tv show about a small feedwater tank leak from several decades ago? Sounds a bit hyperbolic if you ask me.

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we have mentioned this before and i will say it again. they credit 40 people dying in the actual incident but to say that hundreds, if not thousands or arguably more werent effected with shorten lives, higher risks of cancers, heart conditions, brain cancer, leukemia is insane. thyroid cancer alone exploded after Chernobyl across ukraine, belarus and beyond.

the actual insanity of the story is that fact that only 40~ people were actually killed directly by the incident, and that it didnt get worse, that the radiation didnt spread massively across the world which it could have if it wasn't for the people involved giving everything they could

Pic related is 1st may parade 1986(!) in Kiev. Distance Kiev-Pripyat is roughly 66 miles. I hope Kinobyl incorporates this fact.

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From my perspective, it made sense that a younger person who was trained more recently would know how to deal with radiation sickness, as opposed to some older doctor who is likely set in his ways and think he knows best.

How to figure out this poster has recieved american common core "education"?
>Chernobyl is in Russia according to him

The only reason he was still alive were communists. Ungrateful faggot.

But Russians say that Ukraine is not a country and now it is.

N-no comrade, my apologies, don't send me to siberia please...

so that's like a few days later and they're all just partying in the fallout?

>Check your sexism



What Fallout comrade?

so if Ukraine isn't Russian why did Russia invade in 2014?

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Ukraine is Russia's m8. They are just in denial.

What's that little black bar thing on his coat?

Looks like you need to take a little trip to the infirmary.

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Not really since the winds blew away from Kiev

redpill me. is it all a big nothingburger?

Film badge dosimeter, they all have them

I was 2.5 months old when it happened, living in Poland. They gave us this stuff en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lugol's_iodine

and what if you take one of those fancy geiger counters?

True in hindsight, but I doubt the higher-ups were factoring wind direction into their decision

commies were all about GIRLPOWER though. That doubles the available labor force.

>You probably would only get 3.6 roentgens per hour.

Not great. Not horrible.

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See . You get irradiated way more by smoking a pack a day for a year. Hell, even eating a banana irradiates you more than staying a few days in Denver.

As the son of an emergency room doctor, I have found the absolute opposite to be the truth. I would never go to a doctor except in life threatening situations, and then I certainly wouldn’t go to a young one. 99% of what is learned in medical school is completely useless. Beyond that, it is incredibly narrow. Meanwhile, an older doctor not only has far more experience, but they’re drawing from a much broader knowledge base, as well as have the ability to separate the bullshit from the facts.


so this whole deal was a big nothingburger. big deal over nothing?

it's just a bit of early spring snow you filthy propagandist, stop suggesting impossible things

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>It's a Mr Hickey and Captain Crozier go to Chernobyl episode

m-my dad is a ER doctor also. pulmonary care. :o)

>I doubt the higher-ups were factoring wind direction into their decision
Why? They handled it well enough after the first day. As pointed out above, once they realized what a gigantic FUBAR they had on their hands, it was well managed.

Less than 30 direct deaths people.

oh and also, yeah, I agree with you. only go to the doctor for getting put back together, anything else avoid avoid avoid.

This. Commies introduced the idea that women can work and are not property to the Chinese. They told the men that the women "hold half the sky up" while they hold the rest.

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tip for the people creating these generals, if we're going to name them Kinobyl, include the words Chernobyl in the text to make them easy searchable for people that aren't looking specifically for kinobyl.

>they have been standing next to the feedwater again

You have bunkers in new houses?

>Less than 30 direct deaths people.
why do they even make this shitty show then? more people will die driving cars this week.

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>I would never go to a doctor except in life threatening situations, and then I certainly wouldn’t go to a young one.
reminder that old cocky faggots are literally the cause of most accidents. Continued education is a meme. Some retard that graduated med school 40 years ago and goes to a seminar once a year doesn't remember shit. And they're often too self-important and spoiled and prideful to second-guess themselves, leading to more problems.

It's because they are delusional clearly.

they'll be right eventually

I didn't see any of this supposed anti-nuclear message in the first episode.

I went to the bar last night and I swear it's like I've been standing next to the feedwater all day

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It's american propaganda, clearly nothing worthy of note happened to the reactor

there isn't, they are anti retard, anti useless bureaucracy and incompetence.

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Nope. It's like that today because a bunch of dudes went up there, cleaned the shit up as best they could then erected a giant sarcophagus to contain the spread of radiation. They had to work in 90 second shifts it was so bad up on the roof. It had the potential to fuck over Europe and make it uninhabitable if not dealt with. The bad shit is still in the basement of the reactor plant and will remain there for thousands of years. We just build something around it so it doesn't come out. I've heard stories about how they want to fully decommission the reactor but I don't think they can do that.

I was born in the UK in 1986 and remember that there was a period we couldn't eat lamb from Wales because of the radiation from Chernobyl.

Also, I remember a group of kids who were all bald and obviously dying of cancer or whatever who were from the area (they had t-shirts on) at a Camelot theme park and they were all let to the front of the queue.

new meme reaction face?

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t. Bernie """clean energy""" Sanders

Chernobyl is in northern Ukraine

Exactly my point: education is a joke, so you want experience.
Not saying it’s a flawless system, but you’re merely playing the odds.

What was the stuff dripping from that guy sitting on the control panel? Piss?

faceapp edits could be great on this show

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>I saw blue rays, nigga


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can't they send in a robot or someone in a special suit? I realize dumb question but...asking anyways


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rent free
seek help
have sex

I was born just South of Ukraine in Romania 5 years after the whole thing. My mom told me they had to take iodine pills and that she noticed some weird dust on some plums on a tree around that time.
Don't google Chernobyl children if you don't want to see some of the more extreme cases. Hope your mom kept you indoors.

he just stayed too long under the sun

Nice, user. My dad went to school for family practice, but got a lot of moonlighting hours, and decided to go for the higher salary. Worked in New Orleans, saw a lot of gunshot wounds, intubated a lot of people. Good stories. Depending on your definition of good, I guess. He’s very firmly convinced me not to go into medicine, though. Think I’ll be a scumbag lawyer instead, and then the cycle can repeat.



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>can't they send in a robot
They've tried, they burn out because of the radiation
>or someone in a special suit?
They've tried, they burn out because of the radiation

Radiant is a dumb mechanic you can't even see

>mfw it was soviet commitment that actually saved the day after one little mistake, you know, it can happen sometimes and someone has to be the first right

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Fairly irrelevant post, your father is not a 60 year old CCCP doctor who has been brainwashed and lied to his entire life.

Why the hell roadhouse picnic is so similar to Chernobyl catastrophe? And Stalker film moving the place of events into soviet location.
Is it life imitates art episode?

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MFW the good Geiger counter is in the safe

High enough radiation fries electronics. Higher than that, and it fucking melts things.

Solshenizyn writes about incompetent (and competent) doctors in Cancer Ward. Basically doctors who got their positions by nepotism and bureocracy or quotas (in this case doctors from a specific region). It might not be representative, but nevertheless possible.

I became an engineer instead. My dad makes a good salary, he runs the sleep medicine clinic which is a money maker and then works ER twice a week for a big hospital. I looked at going into medicine, but my dad kinda pushed me away from it because he thinks in the near future it's going to be socialized and not as good of a deal for doctors. I'm almost making as much as he is now but I got a bit lucky with engineering as that can be sometimes low paying. Lawyer is good, look into patent law. My buddy makes a ton of money doing that.

I recall they had to take the water out of the reactor using a tunnel and that if they had failed a explosion that could have blown up most of Europe would have happened

>boys get their booty destroyed


don't be so judgemental user. 4 years is a long time at sea without women

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What he's saying is that experience makes you arrogant and blinds you.

Probably water since there are firemen outside spraying water on the roof.

A robot from Germany didn't work properly due to the radiation and threw itself off the roof. Some joked that even the robot couldn't take it and committed suicide. A robot from Moscow that was designed to land on the Moon was used and it worked for a while before getting caught in debris and failing due to radiation. Then came men that called themselves bio-robots since they would do the work that robots couldn't. Notice how they aren't wearing much. The pic is also fucked due to radiation.

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They later say that the good counter instantly melted or whatever that was.
Is that even possible?

reminder that the whole rise in "söyboy" as a political newspeak term was astroturfed by messaging agencies working in support of the Trump administration, to distract from the fact that Trump's tariffs devastated the söybean industry and the government had to bail out the farmers. The only reason you memeparrot nigger shills are talking about söylent is because your daddy is destroying the economy.

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>Is that even possible?

So do the new plants have security systems designed to prevent this?

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>3.6 Roentgens


The Chernobyl Podcast is insightful as to how the show was created and the level of crazy that was going on behind the scenes.



>security systems designed to prevent a chain of egregious shitting on proper procedure whilst deactivating security systems
No, sadly not.

That's usually said in articles where they compare it to X many Hiroshimas and I don't know if they fly off the rails or not. A big fear was the melted core going through the basement and hitting the water table, thus fucking over Europe, Russia and who knows who else with contaminated water.

b-bb-but the one from the firemen shows 200 and i-it's maxed!

>couldn’t eat lamb from wales
How steep was the rise in Welshman with testicular cancer?

Me too dude. Who else /fucked beyond all belief/ here?

>50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town.

I actually didn't say Russia. It's also American and Brazilian and Arab agencies pushing this messaging strategy. What a funny cuck thing of you to do though, shill. You know you're a nigger huh?

yeah you need constant newspeak because you're in a cult. If you don't have new meme labels to prop up and lash out against you'll start deradicalizing, and after a while people catch on and start making fun of the actual English speakers that endlessly repeat the same newspeak like they're in a cult.

Like cuck worked until it got memed to far during the #unitetheright week, and then everyone started making fun of the virginal interracial porn addicts for unironically talking about cucks, and the word lost it's ability to work on you. So it's all about filtering in new memes when old ones start backfiring.

But yeah söyboy was a very specific marketing campaign designed to teach desperate useful idiots like you how to talk and think.

Post pictures of your fat tiddies you slut.

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The original plant had plenty. Problem is they turned many security features off because they were fucking around trying to get the reactor output in an exact range right before a test.



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What the fuck are you trying to prove with those graphs exactly?

This giant-ass building has 5 or 6 underground levels and doubles as a nuclear bunker because Ceausescu was crazy. It's around 10 minutes away from me so I'll run up to them and demand they let me in.

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There's even a Soviet word for this sort of pervasive, indifferent, arrogant attitude: pofigizm (don't-give-a-fuck-ism). Since nobody can strive for anything (you can't move elsewhere, you aren't rewarded for doing your job particularly well, lifelong education doesn't exist), eventually most people succumbed to a certain numbness and grey routine and even treated the "idealists" (read: people who cared) with contempt.

not a thief, I just made a better version, because I'm better than you at photo editing, and I use a better source for the screen capture.


you owe me a new keyboard

Chernobyl was an inside job that had been planned since WW2. Tarkovsky knew this and tried to warn us.

>a distinct minty-metallic taste with a dash of blood

No such thing as RBMK reactors exploding
a story for the children

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It doesn't run hot, just atoms innit



>your face is bloody RAW!

Where's the feedwater?

What about the Night King and his cold fusion reactors, is he a story for the children too?

I’m within 10 miles of a fuckton of valuable refineries so probably join the glow. If by some chance I survive I’m on an island so I’m fucked anyway. Probably grab my SKS and walk to my friend’s house a few blocks away to see if his boat starts. If it does we sail to Mexico before the fallout comes down, and if it doesn’t we drink his vodka stockpile and die in bliss.

It's in the freezer? Why don't you make your own from scratch?

Believe it or not, modern powerplants dont have Dyatlov shitting on the proper procedures

Western ones already had them back then, it was shitty soviet plants that were not safe, more when controlled by incompetent reckless people

mfw im forced to go the roof and look down the reactor


People with guns can do that, user. Shoot them in the head after consulting the Wikihow page on nuclear reactors to see if they're following procedure.

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>these rods, are they fresh or frozen

Comrades, do you taste metal?


Russia. not even once.

Based and ground-zero pilled

I agree with everything you say except the part where you claim not being a thief

You bit your tongue while you were delusional and in shock, go to the infirmary.

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is this show historically accurate? i've read at least 4 books on Chernobyl and a seeing a fuck ton of creative liberties would probably piss me off

Strange radiance? It is usual.

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Anons, how long till we get the inevitable articles about the lack of "diversity" aka random niggers sprinkled all over?
Im guessing around episode 3, when it becomes semi popular. Like it happened with The Terror.

Looks dangerous.
Maybe we should think about evacuating the town.

seen a bunch of people complain that it's all the same dialogue and sequence of events as other docs about it so it's apparently pretty accurate, assuming everything else is.

So far we're only at the first night so not much has happened

Last gen reactors do have features that make a meltdown completely impossible. Basically the reactor core when cut off from its coolant, like in chernobyl and fukushima, heats up and thermically expands. This expansion makes it go below critical density (where it needs to be in order to actually have fission occur) and it cools down again.
With this feature as well as not using water but instead molten salt as coolant, that doesnt violently explode blowing up in everyones faces, there really is no reason to be against nuclear these days.
Problem back then was that boomers were in charge of deciding which reactor design to use, and the ones that can melt down and blow up sadly were slightly cheaper than the more difficult ones we build today.

Sorry ;_;

>Anons, how long till we get the inevitable articles about the lack of "diversity" aka random niggers sprinkled all over?
who the FUCK cares nigger. That shit exists because reactionary faggots like you that NEED things to be outraged about will click on it and look at ads. There are billions of people and our system rewards histrionics. You will ALWAYS be able to find attention-seekers writing scandalbait articles for clicks, and then if there are no actual ones someone will just falseflag some shit to feed you with. It's all jsut about reinforcing your confirmation bias anyway so it's not like they need to really write anything. Just a title that triggers you and an edgy paragraph that can be screencapped and dumped into your life experience.

His is far superior

>there really is no reason to be against nuclear
Solve the spent fuel disposal problem from start to finish by explicitly laying out your plan.

You are really starting to bring the level of this thread down. Maybe take a breather and stock up on google trend screenshots?

Yet they still manage to fuck up most new shows and films

we dig a giant tunnel into bed rock and store them underground for 10000s of years until they are no longer dangerous

spent fuel? can't you just put that shit on a train and dump it?

See? its fine

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Send it to space

fire that shit into space!

Every nation should build these. They are expensive as fuck but have an effectively closed fuel cycle. The way we use uranium now, we only extract an insanely small part of the possible energy stored in it.
Breeder reactors at current technology would mean that earths uranium could last literally longer than the sun will burn, making nuclear more renewable than solar...

I am trained to remove hazardous waste, including radioactive material.
That is me in the yellow getting decontaminated for training.

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Onkalo motherfucker! Burry it so deep in the bowels of the earth that you couldn't get to it even if you tried.They drilled into granite and built that shit underground. Watch Into Eternity for more information about the spent fuel depository. And if that sounds like a dumb idea, there are always newer reactors that can use the waste from others as fuel.

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send it to africa hidden away in sandwiches

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neato. so what do we do if the train carrying the spent fuel tips over? do you just scoop it up wearing your suit and carry on?

Literally few feet of solid rock is all it takes.

Rocket explodes and you get a nuclear shower over whoever the fuck was below or where the wind might blow.

good thinking!

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It's perfectly safe if you're not stupid. I went there two years ago. They have big tour groups that visit. There are at least 3 tour companies there touring every day.

They take you to the the town of Chernobyl, the giant ass radar, the power plant itself and Pripyat.

There are some hot spots though and they won't let any tourists near. The Red Forest is still a big no-no. One spot we drove through, south-west of the plant, got up to about 12mSv.

For the most part, the radiation in the air is very minimal. You get more from going on a 1hour plane trip than a whole day there.

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Ey Tone! Where the fuck are we?

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Didn't one of Elon whatever's rockets explode on the pad a while ago? It has happened before.

Guy in a forum I'm on have watched the first five episodes. Says the show isn't really starting before episode 2.


What kind of tourists are there? Is it mostly eastern europeans?

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Are you stupid?

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Here's a chart for everyone who's asking how bad it was.

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man this shit is filled with KINO shots
the beginning with the blonde in the room and the plant exploding in the distance was 10/10

Nah, mostly westerners. We had to pay in US Dollars (I'm a bong) and the whole tour is in English.

neet, do they catch trespassers often? I hear that's like serious jail time.

anyone else taste metal?

I'm your boss' boss! You can't talk to me like that! Now tell me why it exploded!

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Why would you pay in US dollars? That makes zero sense? Don't they want whatever Ukrainians use?

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Hryvna. And it's easier to make everybody pay in USD instead of forcing tourists to exchange money.

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They try to as much as possible though it's quite hard to police such a large area of wilderness.

Only people allowed are licensed tour guides, workers (dealing with the new waste storage facility) and the residents of Chernobyl town and surrounding villages.

when is episode 2

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wat? I guess for the tourists from America it is. Still generally when I travel I have to exchange into whatever currency the place I land is. Did you just fly in for the day or something? What was your trip?

Oh shit shit, I was sleeping don't send me to gulag pls

>RBMK reactor
i n f i r m a r y

You can go to the red forest legally with a permit. I had a friend who went there to research birds.

avoid going to roof and staring down into the molton core, for starters

When I was a kid and travelled to Asia a lot with my dad, people asked for USD a lot because the currency was more stable and they liked to keep some. Hryvna is a shit currency and so they'd probably rather have some USD.


I was in Kiev for a week and had a day trip there. The main reason they take US dollars is because there aren't many places that exchange Hryvnia.

I loved that scene and shot.

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did he come out with one growing on his nutsack?

Arthurovich, the readings are no more than 3.6 roentgen! If you would just have a little FAITH and drop the control rods into the core we can get through this without issue. Now call the fire department!

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So how did you pay for stuff in Kiev? I would have thought that is where you'd have transferred some currency


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this is fine, i've seen worse posts

Pretty steep since they’d been emptying their bollocks into radioactive sheep lad

I'm not that guy, but many companies/entrepreneurs in Ukraine accept EUR/USD because those are currencies where the real business is done. If your clients are all Westerners with euros or dollars, it makes sense to accommodate them.

The core is GONE Dutch. I saw it with my own two eyes.

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I was able to exchange my Pound Sterling to Hyrvnia in the UK luckily. But they just don't accept Hryvnia for the trip.

Post the light beam.

Cool! What do you do?

Can't we all see that mini series are actually often some of the best television around? so often they have really tight characters, kino shots, good budget, interesting subject matter or setting and written really good. its really rare to find a show that can hold that past 1 or 2 seasons without the inevitable dip in quality coming with no end in sight?

What should I do if the power plant ~5 km from my house suddenly starts shooting blue light into the sky?

what if there's more than 3.6 roentgen?

stop being delusional and start feeding feedwater

The radiation at red forest is only 1 roentgen/hour


What are these things on the floor, comrades?

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not good, but
not terrible

Stop being in shock and go be delusional at the reactor core.

This user is clearly delusional.

there was no graphite you delusional fuck. The water tank exploded that's it.

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>security systems designed to prevent this

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>3.6 roentgens per hour.
I've seen worse

put your pee pee in the hole.


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>mfw the good detector is kept in a safe

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Potato rations don't make great cameras.

Serious answer: stay inside until the government comes to evaluate you. The less contact with contaminated stuff you have, the safer you'll be.

oh boy this kino is producing some quality OC. 4 more weeks, lads.

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What even exploded? Can uranium even explode?

are you stupid

my peenus weenus ;)


Drink 2 spoons iodine and do what you say.

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nothing exploded, just keep on feeding the feedwater

they only showed one guy and a bird die

reactor has gone kaput? I am sorry but I am gonna need more proofs.

I can't think of a single show that's not a comedy that has done well with multiple series.

Actually, Fargo I suppose, but that's an anthology series so if anything it proves it.

I'm not sure I like these Gordon Ramsey memes interfering with the purity of Dyatlovposting. Jannies, cut the phone-lines.

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some said it'll be ok, go ahead and stay
but be sure to drink your iodine

Go to the roof.

Imagine being this woman sending people to a painful and certain death.

of course I will

meh. Not great, not terrible

It was so good to sit on the balcony with cap of tea and syrniki, and watch on biggest anthropogenic fuck up in human history.

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Will he make it bros? What about Khodemchuk? I heard his remains are still under the sarcophagus.

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I'm pretty sure he says something like "oh, fuck me" there.

>this show will cause the best /tv memes since vinceposting

Take a wild guess, will the man with his face burnt off survive? HMMMMMM

he's just in shock, I've seen worse

of course hes alive, unless he drank the feedwater he was near i doubt he got sick at all.


They thought it was just roof fire, though. Nobody except the personnel of the plant knew the reactor itself had exploded.

Jesus fuck, just because you live in a commieblock doesn't mean you can't renovate your fucking apartment once every few decades. Replace those rusty ass balcony panels and paint that fucking door frame.
t. fellow commieblock dweller


most countries don't even report on the lower teir of the list.

>Nobody except the personnel of the plant knew the reactor itself had exploded.
because that's impossible, reactor cores don't just explode. are you stupid?

Hey, you, give me some water please...

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the water turned to steam, which created pressure, which go blamo

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what are the plugs for??

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Only just started watching this, why do all the power plant workers look like fucking Orderlies at a mental asylum... like wtf are they all wearing.

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Russians seem to be incapable of doing maintenance on fucking anything. It's a country made of rust.

too much sun. few hours in the infirmary and he'll be right as rain

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no, we need water for the core

They left him on the corridor and went to look for the reactor core. He won't be taken to the infirmary anytime soon.

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you don't have to be crazy to work there but it helps :^)

i think it's sort of a clean room type atmosphere, and the white uniforms make it easy to see contamination?

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Not sure how memeable the next few episodes will be when people's faces starting melting off.

Every person killed from a criticality event caught that blue light at immediate range.

Waiting second episod, when army arrive.

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TV? laptop? They can find the most diverse use

Sure you're angry now but they did you a favor in the long run. That door saved your life.

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they don't want any hairy garys or dirty gerties contaminating everything.,

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I guess that kinda makes sense,

And form what I've seen, yeah looks that way...

new bred njuyen

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Did this guy do anything else other than sit in the control room looking gloomy? Is he one of the guys who goes underwater?

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He follows the two to go to the water valves but they tell him to stay and watch the control panels.


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Who was the guy the higher ups in the bunker ordered to go and get a tan after Dyatlov puked out the feedwater out of his system?

Ay T. Why the fuck are these fanooks calling me their comrade ?

The guy from the day shift that shows up and complains that they don't now where the safe with the other dosimeters is. He's in regular clothes at first.

does the state / the army realise how bad it is? i have a real hard time understanding the politicspeak here

can't image what it must be like to stand there and have it dawn on you that you're already dead. might as well take a peek down to see what a burning core looks like, right?

But what was his name?

Guys, what's the roentgen meter reading?

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Anatoly Sitnikov

imagine the smell

They did kill him then :(
I wonder if he was actually marched out by armed soldiers IRL.

There's something almost mystical about its vast bleakness.

She’s cute

Leonid Petrovich Telyatnikov - Hero of the Soviet Union
>Was the head of the fire department at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and led the team of firefighters to the fire at reactor number 4 which became the Chernobyl disaster. Despite the radiological dangers, they had no radiation suits, no respirators, and no working dosimeters. From results of a blood test it was estimated he received 4 grays of radiation. Arrived on the scene drunk, as he was called from a birthday celebration for his brother. Died of cancer at 53 in 2004. He is listed as one of the victims of the Chernobyl incident.

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