Is it possible for ASMR to be K I N O ?

Is it possible for ASMR to be K I N O ?

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I don't know, bros, I just want to sniff a hot girl's ass


Only if it's unintentional, shit where they whisper and brush the microphone or whatever is too tryhard

ASMR makes me irrationally mad for some reason. The worst was when Pepsi made an ASMR commercial and I wasn't expecting that shit to come out of my TV. I was just trying to watch some fucking sports

Face it, she's the best, and is going to end the Darling meme. She will become number 1 very soon

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Hell yeah Goodnight Moon is making epic fantasy kino asmr


fppgp, also checked


my sides

Celebrities doing ASMR is disgusting. Desecration. ASMR is pure. Celebrities are impure devilwhores who have no place in ASMR and should literally kill themselves.
That's why my ASMR is 75% pure Asian girls. Pure.

>tfw used to think this guy was absolutely fucking based back in 2013
What happened bros

Of course



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She will never have sex with you while wearing this.
Why live ?

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He's obviously a fedora.

I read somewhere that she's a lez, any info?

It's a burden I have to bear every fucking day. She's a Portland lesbian anyway so there's no hope whatsoever.


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she's a lesbian
she wont have sex with anyone

she IS number one

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She made a video with her gf awhile back confirming it

literally THE basic bitch of ASMR

Being a lonely male listening to ASMR whores and giving them ad revenue is pure VIRGINO.

>his favourite ASMRtist gets more than a million views on her videos

Lmao. That's akin to dating a prostitute. Enjoy your used-up roastie.

>muh popular BAD
You WISH your pathetic waifu had enough clout to be sponsored by Reese's Canada but is instead a patreonbeggar
It's GODbi's time user.

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I meant that her videos are boring and its just the same shit over and over and over again



Yep, GentleWhispering, now THAT'S an ASMR channel.

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Her ASMR isn't that great compared to others but gee I want hafu gf

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>but gee I want hafu gf

They're really, really attractive aren't they?

She has inherited the pureness of the yellow woman.
I think she'd rather live in Japan.

Used to like her but she turned out to be a 420 skank and not-coincidentally she has started looking uglier recently.

>tfw Dmitri returns and alludes to getting divorce JUSTed and his kid taken from him in an update video
Why does this only happen to the good men