Reminder that everything was literally her fault

Reminder that everything was literally her fault

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shes so fucking hot,i bet her pussy has a landing stripe

redpill me on what she did again I gave up on this shit after season 5

Looks like the age old wisdom rang true once again....

*taps your shoulder
Here hold my drink

Now, where was i again, oh i know...


>her fault
>not jaime fucking his sister and having an inbred fuck in the line of succession
she was retarded, for sure tho.

She captured Tyrion Lannister for no reason based on the evidence provided by Littlefinger and nothing else starting the entire war

her pussy probably tastes like an ash tray, she's a filthy smoker.


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she gave really bad advice. but Robb really screwed up big time marrying that commoner

She released Jaimie Lannister and told Robb to get rid of Theon as well. She manipulates \Ned into handing Jon to the Night's Watch. She fucked up all the negotiations with Renly. She fucking sabotaged everything.

>really bad advice
She kidnapped Tyrion and released Jaime with no coordination with her family. She was reckless like all w*men.

that commoner had a great ass and pair of tits

Wait, I'm pretty sure she was the one who told Rob NOT to trus Theon. Youre blaming her for too much now.

Everyone sucks in this show. I was hoping the white walkers would cleanse the entire continent. So much for that.

Hellz yeah
Kiss me, bro

How did she fuck up the negotiations with Renly? She told him what Rob wanted. It's Rob's fault that ge insisted to still be named king.

Wrong. Myranda was good.

And my nigga Ned really screwed up by confronting Cersei. Stupidity runs in the family.

The learning disability on this kid.

that just worked as an excuse for cercei, she was alwasy jealous of ned and scared of him fucking over her life as royalty

This, Ned was the culprit all along :

-Not listening to BOARRRRR and protecting Daenerys from overseas
-Warning Cersei about all his new knowledge before using it against her leading to his death and the war.

>she gave really bad advice. but Robb really screwed up big time marrying that commoner

seriously, just be unfaithful to your wife. You're breaking a bond already, might as well marry the guys daughter and fuck this other one on the side.

She's a noble in the books. Like everything else it makes a lot more sense in the books.

She's even worse in the books

Ned didn't protect Daenaerys. He wanted to, but it was varyes who was running shit over there.

Way worse

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i know

>her fault
>not Rhaegar Targaryens' fault for fucking Lyanna Stark
>not Lyanna Stark's fault for falling for a Targaryon and lying to her fiancé about it
>not Robert Baratheon's fault for believing the lie and going to war just to rescue his fiancé

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I wanted ww to win too desu
would make for a green aesop but fuck it I don't care about chair some power hungry cunt will sit on only to be dethroned by another power hungry cunt, fantasy politics is boring

Bet you it was Littlefinger who convinced everyone Lyanna was abducted
And Ned still trusted him after

Literally the only likeable female character in the show

Very well written and well acted character.

Piss on the T*lly fishniggers

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And most important of all, top tier feet

It's all Ned's fault for being a pussy. Had he not spoken to Cersei about the kids, he could've gone with Stannis and taken the throne back

Footfags get the rope too

Feet are god tier; during the summer, it's like watching women flaunting their tits to us but instead, it's feet, in sandals.

> Unfairly treats Jon like shit, resulting in ruining the family dynamic among all her kids
> swears to all the gods that she'll behave like a decent person towards this helpless baby, but breaks her promise
> accuses Tyrion of murder for no reason and without proof, even after he saved her life
> Frees Jamie, a man she has no reason to trust
> Trust Brienne to keep Jamie true to his word after knowing her for 1 day
> promises Walder Frey a marrige she has no power to secure, without consulting Robb to gauge if he will be able to do the deed.

> teleports from winterfell to Kings Landing to Riverlands to the Vale in the span of 2 episodes.

Catelyn was always the worst decision maker in the show. Robb's worst mistake was letting her out of her arrest.

Nah. Everything was Littlefinger, he started the chain of events she was reacting badly to.

Littlefinger convinced Lysa to kill Jon Aryn, which made Robert bring Ned to King's landing. That's what started the whole thing.

You could even blame Jon Aryn as well, because his rebelling against Aerys for condoning the kidnapping of Ned's sister, which put Robert on the throne.

Caitlyn was just reacting to her whole life being suddenly fucked with by Lannisters and Baelish. She did incredibly stupid things, as did Ned, because they were naive northerners who had no clue how to deal with the corruption of the South.

it still made no sense