>ITT: first sign you're about to watch prime Kino
ITT: first sign you're about to watch prime Kino
>thunder rumbles in the background
The first sign you're about to watch prime kino is when you notice the huge amount of skin you've put into each step. This has been done in the traditional Kino Kuma and I've done too aswell, however you're looking at only the tip of the iceberg here as each part is only skin deep.
So next we'll talk about the kino method and the technique of wrapping around your arms.
In the Kino Kuma (the main type of kino) you wrap your arm to the ceiling or side, like this, and then hold it there, in order to "punch" your shoulders to avoid breaking your shoulder blade and creating tension. This will keep from breaking the wrist, but if you try to push it you will be straining it. This allows you to avoid breaking the ribcage, and it also keeps your arm straight out from underneath you, rather than having a bendy bend at the back which will cause strain.
I can hear this picture
epic b8
so many kino VHS tapes i watched
Dark Angel: The Ascent was always my fave
>anything what make me cry is bait
Grow up
fucking this
Fuck this title card so much
DOLL movies only
this desu
based and boomerpilled
"Starring Christopher Lambert"
DAAAAYOH (fun fact, danny elfman sang it in the logo)
This right here is the true sign shit is about to go down.
>"Mortal Kombat!"
This is not prime Kino.
This is prime Wino
Those who know, know ;-)
I warched the Cannon documentary and I'd seen almost every film they mentioned.
I spent all of the 80s watching straight to video shit.