Oh god they're using a black girl as their main lead. I am not even going to watch this trash. When will Hollywood realize SJW pandering doesn't work anymore?
Watchmen's HBO is SJW Pandering
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>i'm not going to watch the black girl
No Hollywood is racist for trying to put yet another black person on a pedestal so they can pat each other on the backs and root for each other as, "yes, progression!" seriously.
Regina King was excellent in Southland so if the show was good she could work in the lead role with ease.
But this show looks like its been made solely to piss off fans of the source material and is written by Lindelof so it being nigh unwatchable naval gazing trash is all but confirmed.
We know that since like last year
Tik tok, racist, tik tok
I don't really care. Watchmen is not related to a specific race of culture, they could all be schizo gay black muslim transgenders.I mean half of the original minutemen are some kind of faget, the main cast is an ensemble of personality disorders.
The problem is that is written by Damon Lindelof. Therefore, it Shall Not Be Watched. Is really that simple.
Rorschach is a criticism about american conservatives.
But the problem is that Alan Moore was trying to say that superheroes are a dream about eugenics politics and white supremacism.
A black hero ruin the message
It's not a story about the original watchmen and watchmen was already about minority groups and real social justice clearly you didn't read the fucking books
>that nose
She looks cool to be honest.
>SJW pandering doesn't work anymore
>Daily threads shrieking because of Captain Marvel's success
>nigger bitch in watchmen
She's pretty great.
There's threads shrieking about every marvel movie's success. You're almost certainly b8ing but captain marvel didn't make money because of sjw pandering it made money because it was a marvel movie who's only competition was a cgi movie
SJW pandering ruined the comic industry
She looks like Amy Schumer in blackface
>implying it ever did
These series/films exist solely for demoralization. Don't believe for a second that writers are inherently this fucking retarded.
If they are smart they slowly make her as bad as the villains
>I'm going to watch because she's black
Wow, which western show nowdays isn't.
Should have known it was shit since Lindelof’s pandering letter
She's playing an original character? Who cares
They know they can't please the dorks that like these gay franchises, they're always gonna nitpick that it ruined their childhoods, so the studios gave up.
They're trying to get new audiences, they don't care about you watching it, but they know you will anyway to write angry reviews.
Where/when is the HBO show taking place? I always assumed it was just going to be a "reboot" of some sort
have one sex
As long as she's playing an original new character I don't really mind. That's not blackwashing. If she was playing Silk Spectre or something yeah I'd be mad as hell. If they are making an entirely new character who is black I don't have a problem with that at all. I just hate it when they forcibly race-swap existing characters for diversity points.
I mean the chances this is going to be anything but utter fucking trash is so low anyway.
Regina King is an acclaimed Oscar winning actress playing an original character. A minority cast in a show or film does not mean “SJW”. Jesus.
Why is the cast over 50? That’s my biggest complain
>Oscar winning actress
she won in 2018, that's way after the watershed moment in which the Oscars ceased to have any prestige
agree about her in Southland for sure
almost every show now is unwatchable because pink haired chicks and turbo-beta cucks are the writing staff
What is there to criticize?
In the case of subscription based television, never. They go by subscribers, not ratings. Creatively it's a dead end; no room to adjust based on demographic unless people just end their subscriptions en masse.
I've liked Regina King since Down to Earth, I don't give a fuck.
What do you want OP, they make this shit to make money, just shut up and move past it.
In any case it's got based Louis Gossett Jr. and Jeremy Irons it so mite be cool.
lol moron, Regina King is actually pretty good
Is Rorschach going to pull out his KKK membership card when she tries to say anything in his presence?
>black people make up 20%+ of the globe and have huge birth rates where Democrats haven’t manipulated them into abortions.
Sound advice
this isnt a marvel movie bud
you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after GoT for fucking Watchmen? With a black girl lead? pfffft
Lindeloff might be rewarding an actress who he had cast in secondary role in his previous HBO series which she did a lot of good work with, that earned herself some consideration for higher billing in a future opportunity?
But no, you're probably right. There is no way meritocracy is at play here. They're just pandering despite her playing an original character, since the series is an original story set 30 years after the original Watchmen featuring new, original characters.
regina king has an incredibly annoying voice
What needs to happen is a watchmen adaption in a mini series format. 12 episodes long. Not this post trump bullshit.
>it's racist to include black people
How do you not pull a muscle with mental gymnastics like that
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after Sopranos
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after The Wire
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after Deadwood
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after Boardwalk Empire
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after Six Feet Under
>you think normies are gonna stick around with HBO after Band of Brothers
I don't know if you're aware, but normies fucking love HBO.
It's going to be absolute shit, but still better than Snyder's trashheap. What the fuck was he thinking? Whoever cast Manhattan's whiny reddit voice should be barred from working in Hollywood.
>sequel to the comic
>aren't turning any of the white characters into a minority
I don't see the problem. If they were doing a retarded re-telling of the comic and then they were turning Rorschach black or something, then it'd justified.
Remind me again what about this makes it post-Trump?
More than anything in the original that made it post-Nixon of course...
>sequel the comic
>Rorscharch dead
>Dr. Manhattan jerking off in Ganymede or some shit
>Ozymandias ruling the world
How are they going to fill a season?
It's a miniseries, like the comic. They got plenty of stuff to fill the single season with.
Why would adapt something that is so unique to the medium it is? It's fucking stupid and pointless. Do something else with the idea.
There white people and uhhhh there's a cross, so that means it's making fun of muh potato president!
>black female vigilante
Nothing wrong with that, but when i think about a black woman that goes out in the night to beat criminals, i'm imagining a lady way way heavier than the one in the pic
>put yet another black person on a pedestal so they can pat each other on the backs
How haven't you figured out yet that minority inclusion is vastly more profitable than having an all white cast?
>When will Hollywood realize SJW pandering doesn't work anymore?
stay mad /pol/tard.
Black people don't have HBO.
When the likes of Captain Feminist and Captain Wakanda dont make billions of dollars.
>>it's racist to include black people
>How do you not pull a muscle with mental gymnastics like that
Hollywood makes them the lead roles in everything despite the fact they are a minority, and one that hasn't led anything in history besides crime statistics. They're overrepresented and seeing them in the roles of leaders and heroes breaks immersion since in reality they are neither.
God I wish I had a big titty gf
rorschach is black in the new comics
It's racist in that studios are putting an emphasis on casting based on race, i.e. it's important that they're black or whatever-other races they wish to push -- and this is clearly the case when you have blackwashing of originally-white characters.
>black people can't be in leadership roles
are you still mad about obama?
given how he ruined your economy and political discourse, you should be
media will be poisoned by trump butthurt for many years. tick tock tick tock hehehe drumpf covfefe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only because they made it seem important for Endgame, if you wanted to know everything for Endgame you had to see it in theaters because it's not on streaming yet
Nobody actually liked the first watchmen movie, it was boring as hell, but they all knew it was a work of Comic Book Art so they must clap like trained seals
Thank you for proving my point, considering he led America into nothing but ruin.
Here we go again
Pretty smart advertising tactic shill OP, I have to admit
wtf I love obama now
whywould you watch it anyway? it's a movie based on some dumb comic book shit.
>Hollywood makes them the lead roles in everything
Why are you lying? No one is going to believe this.
I unironically thought it was soulless, and we are talking a decade ago.
It's like he was so obsessed with recreating panels, that outside of the opening credits, he left all passion at the door to be slave to his autism.
Why are you guys so obsessed with black people getting roles?
It's insane.
>it's a series set after some dumb comic book shit.
yeah, it's totally people being obsessed with black people getting roles, not white people getting roles..
What's with americas obessesion about black people and having them in all media the last few years?
Old movies had them just because they were funny and good characters.
God how stupid are the people who watch this trailer? Rorshach is dead moron, it's after the events of the graphic novel.
Jesus lol.
Watchmen was about, in Alan Moore's own words, just a story about how Superheroes in real life would be stupid. It wasn't about minorities and Social Justice. Those are things addressed but its not the point of the book