Is it true actors are paid to smoke to make it seem cool? Are they paid to do other secret marketing things...

Is it true actors are paid to smoke to make it seem cool? Are they paid to do other secret marketing things? It’s weird how everyone in LA is anti smoking until the photographers show up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hate cigarettes
>end up dating smokers exclusively
Why does this keep happening? Not even that many people smoke anymore, but I always end up getting involved with smokers. Do I just subconsciously think it’s cool and a sign of Stacyhood?

Is this rachel weisz?

Smoking is cool

Fucking neanderthals, this is the 21st century, vaping is the wave of the future.

>Is it true actors are paid to smoke to make it seem cool?
no smoking suppresses appetite and relieves stress. Eating and being stressed out are things that actors don't want to do too often.

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Abbey Lee
Rachel Weisz seems to be getting younger every year for some reason. She looks half the age she did in The Mummy.

Are you the painting user? Did you ever paint the bonk? Where can we see your paintings?

Funny how smoking makes you 'cool' when it's the most uncool thing to do. Smokers do it to conform and "look cool" because they are insecure. Nobody woke up addicted to smoking. They had to forced themselves despite the cough and disgusting taste.

Oh thank god, Rachel Weisz is my ultimate mommyfu

smoking is masculine you fag, at least until the kikes took over the tobacco industry (which was all white when it started in America)

I haven't painted the bonk yet. And I posted like the first 200 on pornhub

and I'm posting the first 365 over 2019 on

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most smokers including myself start smoking to look cool when younger, but it is actually very addictive, so when you grow old and cant kick the habbit it becomes very a frustrating situation

>smoking is masculine you fag, at least until the kikes took over the tobacco industry (which was all white when it started in America)
There's nothing masculine into pumping poison into your lungs while making shekelstein rich you stupid fag.

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getting addicted to nicotine is the most brainlet thing ever, it's one of the easiest """addictions""" to quit

No, in fact they get a ton of hate-mail from people who blame them for killing a family member who exercised their freedom of choice.

For the same reason I end up with overly-sociable blondes when I really just want a cool black haired girl. You have a type but everyone else does too.

I said it was cool before kikes took over the tobacco industry, can you read? Now that I know (((who))) runs these companies, I just grow my tobacco at home

post more actresses smoking so that I can form an opinion about it.

t. Uncool faggot

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>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

>Is it true actors are paid to smoke to make it seem cool?
i was friends with an A list actor and he told me he smokes to keep fans away from him when hes in public.

>he smokes to keep fans away from him when hes in public.
doesn't stop Lana Del Rey's fans

it stopped half of them so that's something. cigarette smoke is disgusting as fuck.

>he smokes to keep fans away from him when hes in public.
>Implying I won't bum a cheeky cig off him
your friend is completely retarded

>proceeds to tell you to get a job
nice try hobo

>proceeds to knife you and steal your wallet
fucking yanks



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Cigarettes were literally created for women.

no they're just rewarded for staying thin

>pack of smokes are 1.5 hours of minimum wage
>poor people here cant smoke anymore

aww the poor thing she's just like me!

shes just like us

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>being a lunglet
been consuming too much onions?

Why do men look more kino when they smoke compared to women then?

>it's one of the easiest """addictions""" to quit
No, it's not. If it were so many people wouldn't struggle with quiting. It's harder than quitting heroin.

>so when you grow old and cant kick the habbit it becomes very a frustrating situation

If a pack a day or more smoker stopped smoking today, how bad would you feel for how long?

>It's harder than quitting heroin.

hahahaha no

Look at her hands.
Smoking fucking destroys you.

shes just skinny

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Cigarettes are available everywhere, heroin isn't. You could easily remove yourself from access to heroin. You could walk down the block and buy cigarettes, that's one reason why it's easier to become addicted and harder to quit, megamindless

First 24 hours are worst as thats how long it takes for nicotine to metabolize. After that its all pyschological, but that first day is absolute hell.

If she smokes, she pokes. You're attracting sluts user

Women who smokes are always turbo sluts.
Actors are usually leftist, who genetically have very low impulse control, smoking is thus just a very easy vice for these faggots to pick up.

If she lives in LA, it's because every male is gay

pls do the bonk

>all white when it started in america
amen brother. except, you know, for the 900 years that the native americans smoked tobacco before you white devils showed up

if Yea Forums taught me anything it's that american right-wingers are all manchildren anime fags

Pretty much. If you want to claim to be right wing then stop watching anime or expect not to be taken seriously.

and pale as fuck

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>french actress is a smoker

If you're 'addicted' to smoking you're a weak little bitch. I used to smoke daily for years yet I managed to stop the next day

Anyone with a job where they have to do real work, or in the case of actors where they think they're doing real work, has a high likelihood of smoking. It works as a stress reliever at first, then becomes addictive and causes more stress when you aren't smoking, turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It does look cool.

Nicotine raises DHT by preventing its breakdown into a much weaker metabolite and is significantly more androgenic (masculinizing) than testosterone alone.

Nicotine is an aromatase inbibitor that prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, leading to lower estrogen levels.

Smokers have higher free testosterone on average compared to non-smokers

Nicotine raises NGF (nerve growth factor) which has been consistently shown to raise the 5AR enzyme which converts testosterone into a more preferable androgen, DHT.

Nicotine by itself is also an HDAC inhibitor which have been shown to lower estrogen levels in males and females. There are also other alkaloids in tobacco that have benefits that nicotine alone does not have. DHT actively acts as an aromatase inhibitor and raises 5AR by itself. It enhances libido, lowers SHBG, raises free testosterone and is far more potent in promoting muscle strength than testosterone.

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as someone who quit smoking and quit drinking smoking was 10000x times easier. You just switch to vapes than stop vaping, wa la it's over.

And also there is nothing better than a nice smoke after a big meal

These threads always devolve into:

>Bro, you should never smoke because it will destroy your life and you’ll become addicted

Honestly, I think you’re a weak fucking nigger if you can’t deal with feeling uncomfortable for a few days. I was a smoker for a year and threw my last pack of cigarettes out of my car. I got headaches for a few days, but after that. It was fine. Quit being a fucking pussy


its great isnt it

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In defense of actors, Yea Forums has a lot of software engineers and shit. I don’t consider those jobs real work either. Being an actor is arguably more difficult than a cushy office engineering or computer related job.

I recommend snus if you want clean tobacco. For pure nicotine, vaping works if you’re into it, patches usually have no additives and gum works but can be chalked full of useless additives.


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Right, but I would define a "real job" to be physical labor. Stocking shelves is wageslave shit, but it's more of a real job than people who sit at a desk, for example.
That's why anyone in the service industry or retail, who has to deal with customers and be on their feet for 6ish hours at a time probably has a 75% chance of being a casual smoker at least.

I like smoking, though

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people above the age of 18 dont smoke to be cool. what a retarded thread

this x1000
>ew it smells
so gtfo out of my personal space, cunt

True. Actors also have a ton of downtime since they’re usually on set for 12-14 hours a day but only a handful of that is actually filming scenes.

And nothing makes 15 minutes go by like the five minutes you think about taking a smoke break, the five minutes you spend with the cigarette (unless you're a degenerate chainsmoker) and then the five minutes after where you continue to think about whatever you were thinking about while smoking.

t. 13 yearold

Or you could just chew the gum and preserve your dignity

I did this in early november, I chainsmoked a pack of red rothmans a day for like 7 years until one day I just tossed the pack I was smoking. I've been smoke free since then and I have to admit it has been much easier than I expected. First couple days are tough, but it really is easy after that. You have to be really motivated though.

It’s extremely addictive ya moron. Yeah most people can smoke casually and not get hooked, but once you start using cigs for stress relief, appetite suppression, or any other reason if you’re by yourself it’ll hook you so fast you won’t even notice.
t. Someone who literally turns into a different person if deprived nicotine

>libs pass anti-freedom and socialistic smoking bans constantly and a growing number of them want it made illegal
>same exact people push for loose marijuana laws

I never smoke but have been craving L&Ms for a long time but I’m too pussy to buy them because the clerk at the gas station is a family friend

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>american spirits
how can one milf be so based?

Why she always look so trashy?

Based mommy who lewds with her daughter

shes from bongoland

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Neat. What does that have to do with her smoking the brand of cigarettes "American Spirits"?

Who /CHAW/ here??

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>nicotine is soooo hard to quit lmao
this is a meme you tell yourself because you don't WANT to quit. smoked for 10 years, quit one day and didn't even notice anything besides some fidgety stress. caffeine was honestly way harder to quit. stop being faggots.

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>into the trash she goes

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That's for a role you massive retard. She doesn't smoke irl

american spirits fucking suck lol

And she is an alcoholic too.

She always either looks like a trashy Stacy or a nerd.

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Abbey Lee is smoking American Spirits in the OP, you'd know that if you actually smoked though.

>have a smoking fetish
>date nonsmokers
>make them start smoking
i destroy everything i touch.

Sure thing

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Again you are just a fag with weak genetics or DNA or something. I smoked for 6 years kept waiting for the “addiction” to kick in like everyone said it would. It never did and the day I quit I just stopped gave the rest of my pack to my buddy and had no desire to have anymore.

I don't know who abbey lee is nor do I care

So she went from a 6/10 to a 10/10?

this thread made me realize that actresses don't hit the wall naturally, they age like shit because they all chain smoke.

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based blind retard

No, she switches all the time. Some periods she looks dorky, other periods she’s pure unadulterated GigaStacy. She barely posts on social media and doesn’t do many interviews or appearances so it’s hard to see a distinct progression/pattern.

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How’s Lily Mo doing anyway? She used to post here all the time and had an edgy meme IG page, but ever since her mom started dating boys her age she has been very low profile.

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user. I know that you are a fan of Abbey. I know you spam Yea Forums with her images/webms. I need a torrent of your Abbey folder.

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basically everyone who works in film smokes. scratch that, the vast majority of people who work in art smoke or have smoked in the past. i don't know, it's that bohemian thing.

besides, the entire world isn't the US or Canada, in Europe smoking is pretty casual

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>kike smoking
I'm okay with that.

Lily Mo's life is kind of like a sitcom.

some girls just look really good smoking. shit stinks though

Smoking ages you faster.

Here I found you, nigger. Post a mega link or something. Share Abbey, please.

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>this 10 year old picture for ants of a girl who is already full of plastic looks good!! YOU'RE the retard!

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you're definitely a retard, yes

You’re fucking lame, dude. Me and Sebastian are gonna steal butts from his Step-Dad’s ashtray and smoke them behind the bleachers at recess

More like The Mommy

Who here /cigarandpipegang/


Not if you smoke yourself.
But yeah I kissed smoking girl while I wasnt and it tasted like an old ashtray.
When you smoke its cool and you dont even feel it

Is this a big joint ?

>Why do men look more kino when they smoke compared to women then?

Only seems that way because you're literally a faggot.


Based Abbey

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god i wish she was my gf

she seems so cool and fun

I'm falling for this chick at work who's smoked since she was 14. Shit's bothering, mainly because we only really get to chat during her smoke breaks.

It's kind of shocking how many people still smoke with all the studies out there.

I started because someone said it relieved stress. It's true, but I wish I never started.

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Difference being that heroin addicts have neither the will nor the energy to remove their access to heroin while cigarette smokers are much less dependent on their drug and will willingly abstain from just wandering down the street and buying a pack.

My ex was a smoker it was disgusting it felt like I was making out with an ashtray every time we kissed I even gave her the nickname ashtray

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Is there a thing such as occasional smoking or are they pretty much guaranteed to be addicted if they suck on fags at all?

That’s definitely a thing.

it takes me like 3 months to get through a pack

Me baby. Good ole hogs

This. I smoked for 2 years in college. Literally quit one day just because and it wasn’t even that hard. I rarely will smoke one if I’m drunk with friends but I don’t buy them or smoke regularly anymore. Pussies.

>I posted like the first 200 on pornhub
Wait, what??

Does every actress smoke? I guess I’m sheltered but I thought it was basically exclusively a lower class activity

the cool thing about smoking weed is you can get rid of the smell easily, and your mouth doesn't retain weed smell\taste like cigs

also use a carbon filter or sploof if you're going to bitch about smell inside, my place is immaculate
in b4 dude weed zoomers and edgy gen x 40ers

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Smoking really helps with weight loss.

One of the reasons why French women stay so slim despite all the butter in French food.

This thread is brought to you by Philip Morris, the jewiest of tobacco companies.

>how bad would you feel for how long?
14 days because of physical addiction,
1-2 years because of mental addiction (unless you get another)
Potentially all your life because of cultural brainwashing.


I can smell when some fucking junkie smokes weed from a quarter mile.
Fucking disgusting waste people.

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I want a beautiful celebrity to put out their cigarettte on my face

It’s actually more addictive than heroin

>do it to conform and "look cool" because they are insecure
You just described everybody, you insecure shit.

addiction is not real

go to sleep, Jaden.

t. a fucking square

Why would rich people smoke? Why would you increase your risk of cancer if you have so much to live for?

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why do you people believe in this fantasy of addiction in which people lose all power over themselves and become victims of this terrible frightening disease?

Rich ≠ intelligent. Look no further than Steve Jobs and his holistic approach to fucking pancreatic cancer.

Rich people also abuse a hell of a lot more than cigarettes. Half of DC is probably on Adderall.

>but can be chalked full of useless additives

It's chock-full, retard.

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no it's not faggot lmao.

>smoke for 2 years
>stop smoking one day on a whim
>never feel any cravings at all and never smoke again
is this weird?

you forgot the image

nice dubs
but whats the deal with onions
its in every recipe known to man
you literally cant cook without em, you fucking retards and your meems

Whatever fuck you nigger

theyre cloves

only faggots smoke them

>go out drinking with buds
>smoke when I’m drunk because been binge watching true detective kino

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>quit smoking
>become addicted to porn

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I mean, smoking is objectively cool.

>Scientists say living in Los Santos is the equivalent of smoking a pack a day
>if that's true, then I want a choice in the matter
>that's why I chose Redwood Cigarettes!