Legion Season 3

Can it stick the landing?

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Idk season 2 was real weird

and you are real reddit

Kino is back on the menu boys.

looks good

looks amazing

Looks shit

I can't wait for brainlets to misunderstand literally every plot point.

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fuck yes finally, only decent series on tv these days

It will be amazing just like.seasons 1 and 2 and brainlets will still cry about it because they have to think a little to understand it

They lay out every possible plot point... are there people who don't rewatch episodes?

>Rewatching episodes
Are you immortal or something?

gib dance sequence


They just say it's being pretentious or taking itself too seriously
Code for I don't understand my brain small

what did you enjoy the most from each season

david continues to have done literally nothing wrong.

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Is this show actually good? Not only is it capeshit, but it's a TV show, too. Those are two big red flags. Anything it could be compared to?

>supporting a show about a literal rapist


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It ranges from pretentious (worse, pretentious with bad actors) to actually compelling drama, usually in the same episode.

I'm quite literally and unironically going to rewatch the KINO that is season 2 to be ready for the KINO that season 3 is going to be.
t. most patrician poster on Yea Forums

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>The Final Chapter Begins

Final season, or penultimate season?

Do you watch Doom Patrol? It's even less capeshit than that.

It's the last one.

It's pretty much schizophrenia in tv show form. It's not great but it's kind of entertaining in a weird way, being a huge mess of style over substance. Dan Stevens carries the shit out of it with maybe 2 of the supporting characters.

considering how shit Season 2 was, probably not.

Imagine thinking capeshit is smart and deep just because it over uses color filters and jump cuts lol it's literally try hard garbage for lol random stoners

>hero becomes the villain

Wonder if it will end with him actually destroying the world


Fucking finally!

it felt strange how everyone just believed the shadow king and accepted him because he told them david was lying

I really hope they are under his mind control because that was very sudden to make sense.With that being said I really loved the scene when they tried to capture David,pure undiluted KINO.

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I'm a good person. And I deserve love.

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This show filters so many plebs

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PLEASE God let David kill everyone in the end except Lenny and them they can have crazy weird sex

This.One of the best filters since The Leftovers, season 2 was super straightforward and yet all the redditors say it was style over substance when the season answered all the questions people had by the end.

I thought The Leftovers redeemed Lindelof. He may never make anything as good again but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, going forward.


will we get another mind battle?

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Lost me when it brought consent into the equation. I'm only fully expecting everybody kicking David's ass and ignoring that Syd herself is a horrible person on her own terms. Hard to apply Death of the Author when the author is still writing.

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If it's like that garbage again, I'm fully out. Season 2 already threw me two strikes. A third one and I'm gone.

It’s because it’s technically capeshit, so you have all the retards flocking to it and then complaining that it isn’t like other capeshit and complaining that it doesn’t constantly remind the viewers that it’s connected to the x men

That looks fucking hideous.

There was a time when traditional animation illustrating supernatural power was awesome.
What the fuck happened?

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>Avatar Korra vs Dark Avatar

>knows for a fact that her boyfriend will snap and destroy the world one day
>decides to #metoo him anyways
What was meant by this?

the plebs are in full force

Unusual does not equal interesting.

>the man who did nothing wrong comes back
i missed him

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Conan did some great shit with this, too.

It was so blisteringly retarded that I'm still stunned that they decided that this was the route to go.
Everybody knows that David Haller is a godlike being who can utterly fuck the world to his liking on a whim, and his mind is already broken.
Breaking his heart is the stupidest fucking thing you could possibly do.
Also bothers me that Noah's clearly saying that Syd is unironically in the right and "the hero of the story", even though she herself had sex with a man against his own will when she bodyswapped with her mother, sending him to pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

it ends with him doing the suicide

the pilot is exceptional, s1 is mostly great. s2 is highbrow capeshit but capeshit all the same. dan stevens will be an A-lister eventually

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It works in the context of the show since everything is surreal and hyper stylized.

This is one where I am going wait for the season to end before I binge it all. Waiting a week between episodes kind of wrecks the aesthetic.

Yeah, I’m an idiot, I just don’t get the genius of 15 minute music break with cliche visuals.

I'm considering doing this too. I loved how everything wrapped together this last season, but the full week between episodes ruined the pacing and made it feel like nothing was happening.

That's the thing, they all underestimated Farouk's power of persuasion.

season 2 was like "i'm so weirdo xd", i wanna be lynch" and has shitty writing like "i can put anything because fantasy lol" so 0 expectations

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He deserves it. He was great in The Guest as well.

Hope so otherwise it makes zero sense

This show is reddit incarnate fat boy