>Google soviet union ww2
>turns out it ACTUALLY existed and beat the bad guys against all odds
WTF bros why aren't there more movies about this? They were the real heroes after all
Google soviet union ww2
I want lefty-pol to leave
>literally double in size in almost all ways
>against all odds
do people actually think the nazis were some kind of big undefeatable bad?
>it's all about number of men
Please neck yourself
they won because of that didn't they?
also double in resources
whatever, I guess you can pride yourself in being one of a dozen countries that were vastly superior, who beat three fascist minies of which one switched sides
>a fucking Vietnam
>le vietnam "won"
the US simply gave up
At that point it was, other countries had caught up to Germany's technological advances.
Cope of high level
because there wasnt any point to it, two million people had to loose their lives before they realized this
it was the first war that the U.S. public won, because we got our boys home.
yea the ricefarmers were the ones burning the soldiers like coal
>turns out it ACTUALLY existed and beat the bad guys against all odds
>beat the bad guys
but they didn't beat themselves.
they did in season 2
Yeah I’m sure if the americans went total war on vietnam they wouldn’t have completely eradicated it.
>55:1 k/d ratio means we were losing
Keep SEETHING yuropoors.
Compared to a backwater nation that had soldiers literally carrying axes in lieu of guns in the previous world war? Compared to the country that was semi-feudal and had to cram decades of industrial progress into a few years? Compared to the country that massacred its high command and had a bunch of people with no idea what they were doing trying to organize a military?
Yes, the Nazis would have seemed pretty fucking intimidating after they blew through the actual competent powers at the time.
the rice farmers were tired of being pushed around by foreign powers and if they were gonna starve to death after having their ricefields ruined with agent orange they might aswell die fighting the people causing this.
Oh, here we go again. Because this thread went so well on Monday.
>everyone vs nazi germany
>le underog upswinging face
>body count determines victory
No wonder your country bombs children lmao
Just admit you are a racist. Just fucking admit it.
You are so toxic I just can't.
The soviets spent the bulk of WWII fending off invasion while getting aid from the US in the form of Lend/Lease and couldn't even put boots into Germany until the Allies had done the bulk of the fighting. Fuck off /leftypol/. We should have left those communist cocksuckers to Hitler
>the rest of the world wasn’t the underdog
People forget just how powerful Germany was
If we would have stayed in Vietcongland we could've killed every last gook in the country. Smells like victory to me.
Now get back to your mosque Ahmed before we add you to the count.
*pietrochic dying sounds in the distant*
*70 years later*
>lol russia did it all alone, lend lease didnt matter. Russia would have invaded japan anyways XD
I like these threads. They expose how ignorant and retarded Yea Forums is
>we would have
>we could have
And you didn't. Stop dreaming mutt, the reality is you pulled out and failed
Redpill me on (((who))) greenlit the exchange of these supplies. I already know (((Harry Dexter White))) caused Pearl Harbor.
Seething strawman holy shit what triggered you so hard
No one is denying land-lease except for few braindead nutcases no one listens to.
However, USA takes too much credit for a war itslef, winning few meaningless battles and running to Berlin solely to stole victory from the actual heroes.
pakis and poos OUT
Stay mad Muhammad. When we pulled out there weren't even any zipperheads left alive to fight. It was a huge effort finding even one more chink to blow up, and it wasn't worth the financial expenditure.
We negotiated a ceasefire (not a loss) and South Vietnam didn't fall until two years after we left. It took that long to shit out more dogeaters to fight the war.
who but the eternal golem of course
british bombing and hitlers delusions did more than the ruskies dreamed of
>bases literally getting overrun by charlies
>It was a huge effort finding even one more chink to blow up
vatnik levels of mind gymnastics
of course, also completely humorless, highly efficient and punctual.
>t. German
>british bombing
Did literally nothing but destroyed a non-threatening cities at the end of the war.
Hitler being delusional about ever beating russians is right though.
So, you got tens of thousands of your own men killed and wounded and you spent millions of dollars, only to run away and let your enemies win anyway? Wow, what a victory...
Sure thing Mahmoud. Tell us what """country""" you're from so we can see all the times America has conquered or liberated your shithole.
They also had double everything which is a fucking understatement. Also Soviet general became skilled at exploiting weak points which the German front was littered with thanks to German high command wasting its best units during the initial attack, and Hitler refusing to give up ground despite his general telling him retreating to a more secure position would be more beneficial.
>America has conquered or liberated your shithole.
Bravo tyrone
>"I've seen nice looking English girls"
That guy clearly is not a reliable source
Isn’t it interesting that the good guys always win wars? Why even be bad?
Is your pic supposed to be shitting on Americans or Britcucks? I'm confused.
>p-please give me something
Why is "russians" part here? Russians won the war unlike the other ones.
fucking saved jfc
300.000 deaths vs 70.000 on the finish side
>thanks to German high command wasting its best units during the initial attack
You realize the entire German strategy relied on a win within the first year right? They knew if the war went on past '42 the war would be unwinnable.
probably because they took extremely high casualties rates over a war they started due to the fact they feared the Nazis would use Finland as an invasion route
So how come the USA keeps losing to jungle peasants and dune men despite being vastly bigger population and land size
>negros back then were still settling for ugly and fat white bitches good white men didn't want
Glad to know some things never change.
Yes, but at the same time they also ignored their logistical officers stating it would nearly be impossible for the campaign to be successful with their current supplies along with many heavily underestimating the actual potential strength of the Soviet army.
why do girls get fake tits
nobody likes them except themselves, and the only reason they want tits is to be taken care of. someone will take care of natural tits, not your fakers
>They knew if the war went on past '42 the war would be unwinnable
It was unwinnable in 1939.
Chads like them, incels like you dislike them
have sex
So? Why is it implying that russians were feared of finns? the losses and the fact that finns who pissed themselves at the end indicates the other way around.
Mostly because Guerrilla tactics will drag out a war for much longer which causes loss of moral as demonstrated by almost any power fighting against some randos attacking and running away. Only true way to win that type of war is to convince the population the Guerilla's are worse then them which is already difficult due to the Guerillas having a home field advantage (doesn't help when 9/10 the government the foreign power is trying to prop up is either heavily incompetent or just brutal as was the case in Nam).
Imagine accepting the word of a teenager who makes video essays based off of a wikipedia article he read and his time playing warthunder.
god I hate that fuck so much
>le epic tank meme ripped straight from reddit/Yea Forums
>takes mainstream opinion and changes it a little bit but not enough to actually create discussion
*actushaully* and "quirky" the channel
>can't bring up a good counterargument
>has to pull out an image of an e-celeb
hey pal, you don't need to be an expert to know that a small country wasn't going to be able to defeat a much larger country
>study WW2 history in high school and college
I have no idea who the fuck this is but the war was unwinnable even in '39. There was no realistic way of Germany winning the war. Germany even knew this which is why their objectives were so retarded in the beginning of the war.
What could have been
the Germans had more man on the frontline during barbarossa.
the Germans outnumbered the russians in the south during Operation blue.
Because of 70 years of burger propaganda.
The war was much more nuanced than just fucking industrial strength, resources and manpower. Yes they played a huge part, but the fact is that there have been much larger upsets in that era of warfare, and a scoring a knockout blow in the first year wasn't entirely impossible. In hindsight it wasn't overly likely but by no means was it a longshot to believe that they could have toppled the soviet regime. Germany had the advantage in equipment, training, experience and officers at the start of Barbarossa. Within the first week they had destroyed the soviet air force. It really wasn't a long stretch to see this becoming another invasion of France or Poland.
but america won the revolutionary war using guerrilla tactics
why don't they use them today?
russia, france and england can all thank god for pearl harbor. if usa didnt get involved we would all be speaking german right now
You guys actually care about politics? Wtf is wrong with you neckbeard faggots who think you can perfect the world?
The eastern front is far and away my favourite historical event/period.
It's so singular. It's so incomparably dramatic and important and gargantuan in scale. It was like the final battle at the end of days, a completely ruthless, merciless clash of civilisations, but also literally the largest war in human history with the highest stakes possible. If you were on the soviet side, and you lost, every single person you've ever met in your life and tens of millions besides would be literally killed or, if they're very lucky, enslaved. Virtually every single one of them had lost family and hated the enemy so much.
It even has good dramatic pacing. Things seemed so bad for the soviets at first. The Axis got within pissing distance of their capital, and the next year pushed even further in the South at which point you had this real Riders of Rohirrim tide turning moment outside the grinding hell of Stalingrad.
The soviets go from such a pit of despair, that pitch black hopelessness across a whole continent, to the tide breaking and they clouds parting as they push the Germans all the way back to Berlin, turn it to ash and cinders and make Hitler kill his own fucking dog and then himself to escape them.
It's fucking insane. It rendered all heavy metal music redundant decades before it was even invented just with the sheer facts of what happened.
Also this video is a great, low effort start if you want to develop more of an interest in this part of history: youtube.com
Also this YouTuber turned out to be retarded but he did make some really good, accessible videos:
Because the US Army isn't structured in a way or built to deal with guerrilla fighters.
Strange because almost every country this country has fought in the last like half century has used them to some degree.
Wrong. At best the US just prevented a soviet France.
yes... 'god'... that'll do
His video on the tiger was fucking peak mount stupid.
>well the tiger would actushaully break down before every battle and it was pretty much useless
Meanwhile he ignores the countless accounts of how most tankers where in love with the vehicle, how it was virtually unmatched on the battlefield and was generally only lost to enemy air or AT guns, and that most maintenance issues were caused by a lack of spare parts.
The USSR probably wasn't interested in going that far west.
The Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse before lend lease.
soviets only started breathing when usa started bombing the shit out of germany and they had to move majority of their forces to west
Do you know what the cold war was you fucking retard?
Recommend some books about it