Why are reaction videos a thing, and why is it always some black guy acting way too enthusiastic? Either that or adult women constantly staring at the camera every ten seconds.
Why are reaction videos a thing, and why is it always some black guy acting way too enthusiastic...
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Why do you give a shit
Same reason you are seeking reaction by posting here. Validation.
Its the equivalent of watching a show with your friends, for lonely zoomers
you can tell by the shelf populated by plastic crap manufactured for children behind him yet in full view of the camera that he is in fact, a total geek, just like us!!!
I don't know, but Tyrone's laugh is based, always puts me in a good mood
It’s mostly pudgy white guys
Tyrone is /ourguy/
because most people are weak and worthless
imagine the pressure of being a reactor
isn't there a channel that reacts naturally? as in they just have a stoneface the entire time and maybe let out a small exhale through the nose every now and then
I know nobody IRL who cares about the same stuff as me. I have friends but they have other interests.
Whenever I'm angry I'm angry alone.
Whenever I'm excited I'm excited alone.
So I comment on these things online.
Main video + comments is just another version of Yea Forums's OP + replies: one guy makes a more or less genuine, more or less exaggerated statement, and others reply in a more thoughtful way and debate among themselves.
Don't pretend it's "weird and unheard of", it's exactly the same as here.
You read the OP, you reply,
You watch the video, you reply.
The positive? You're among people who care, just like you.
I unironically watch this guy's reactions to the hodgetwins
This and this combined with seeing how shocked they are on things you already saw.
Its only a third white pudgys. The other third are middle aged women seeking validation and the other third are blacks seeing it as a good income.
Honestly there are one half just geeks and the other seeing it as a good income/fame possibility.
I watched RenegadeReact, they kinda discuss heavily andno overreacting. They are more grounded rural americans.
You need to realize the majority of people are idiots. That will answer all your questions.
Reaction videos, vlogs, reality tv, zoomers react to old shit, boomers react to new shit, etc. It's all junk but people are easily entertained by it. Like when you go watch capeshit and everyone is glued to the screen.
>this guy is a Snyderchad
based or cringe?
>always some black guy
fucking tourist
I think its one of the most generally dishonest forms of entertainment. Bested by porn and "reality" shows.
blacks have been taking other's OC and talking over it since the 70's.
>why is it always some black guy acting way too enthusiastic?
Watching a basedboy nigger is so bizarre.
have sex
have you never met a black dbz fan? there's tons of them
>reacts naturally
this is a million dollar idea user
>something something nigger
Outside of Smash reactions when had the reaction capital been largely blacks people?
Also I used to be like you guys and thought reactions were fucking dumb as shit. Then FF7 remake got announced and I’ve loved reactions to things I like ever since.
ooo ooo AHH AHH
The niggers in my spic country only enjoy playing football and dancing desu
I love his "R-REALLY?!?"
even through faked enthusiasm some realness comes through
basketball and dancing near my part of town. not that different
>snyderchad likes Dragon ball z
Every time
is really a mystery OP
it is fun to see someone else enjoying something :)
there are two kinds of reaction channels
white soibois - because these are the ones that mainly consume this shit unironically
black people - because whites are so cucked they love seeing "black people" react to various things. it's basically an entire new genre on youtube "BLACK GUYS REACT TO BILL BURR RACE RELATIONS STANDUP" "BLACK GUY REACTS TO SOMETHING RACE RELATED" "BLACK GUY REACTS TO MY FAVORITE WHITE PEOPLE THING"
whites are so fucking cucked it's pathetic. that guy on the op pic unironically has a video where he talks about with his white girlfriend is it true that black guys have bigger dicks. absolute fucking state of americans
what the fuck I thought only nerds and trannies watched this shit. The actors are fucking english
these gentlemen seem emotionally vested in the show
its so bizarre seeing black americans watch GoT
so blacks are into kpop too?
because zoomers and millennials spend literally all day watching videos on youtube. the more they watch, the further down the hole they have to go. soon they'll be watching reactions to reaction videos.
I like the few of them that aren't complete spazzes. Devon DaVinci, Artur Rei, and maybe Nikki & Steven. It was pretty fun watching them see Breaking Bad.
Remember when Collider brought this guy on for a few videos and he literally sat there with nothing to add and only gave like 3 word responses? Fuckin hilarious. This dude is autistic as fuck and I have no idea how people watch this bullshit.
People pay these guys 10 dollars to watch a video of their choice.
When you watch KINO you're watching professional reactors. They are just reacting to other reactors based on imaginary reactions.
GOT reactions is much more interesting than the show.
you kids are weird. not all black people are the ones you see in news reports
>black dance like monkeys to entertaine white
Well they are clearly nerds.
BASED black man
they are trying to train us on how to react if we watch their movies.it's an attempt to make you think that if you don't like the movie something is wrong with you. simple totalitarian tactics to try and remove opposition.
I watch reactions and I don't a fuck what anyone says. It allows me to feed off their emotions so I can experience something for the first time again.
>Argh! Stop, i thought you were a good friend!