Reminder that, like the Last Jedi, Alien Covenant and Prometheus are better than every single trash Marvel capeshit movie and definitely better than Avengerstrash
Reminder that, like the Last Jedi...
Imagine comparing the last shiti to prometheus and covenantkino
The Last Jedi is absolutely identical to the Marvel films.
Covenant legitimately had me laughing out loud in the theater
Imagine not thinking they are all kino and adding "shit" to the title of a movie like a 13 year old
No it isn't at all, that's why it triggered most of the star wars capeshit fanbase. You are actually the most stupid nigger possible. Either a nigger or actually blind, or you watch shit on your phone.
I don't think those two words should ever be used on the same sentence.
Alien Covenant is not that good. Prometheus is a great film. Good thread OP!
Reminder that Covenant was actually good and you were just subverted into thinking it was an Alien movie rather than a Prometheus one due to the misleading title
It was pure Fasskino and Prometheus has always been a good film
Only TLJ is good out of those. The rest are pleb manchild tier. TLJ is on par with The Hidden Fortress and Dr Zhivago, most testosterone obsessed incels can't understand it
Covenant was unironically a pleb filter. Scott was doing something similar to the Tudor poet John Skelton, who put sophisticated concepts into the medium of doggerel as a sort of dialectical movement. Scott takes what essentially amounts to a medieval religious cycle play, mixes in some heavy existential themes like the inverted Pygmalion myth (David and Shaw) and the Nibelungen tradition filtered through Wagner, and puts it into the medium of cinematic doggerel - slasher horror. It's genius, and it is really enjoyable to watch if you're interested in historical literature.
Covenant, Prometheus and The Last Jedi are pleb filter
Yes. Both the Star Wars series and the Alien series are still, overall, good.
covenant is fucking shit but i love prometheus!
prometheus is like an indiana jones in space. there are ruins, traps, exploring it. in addition it ends teasing more mysteries to explore
meanwhile covenenat goes back to "hey have dumb assholes getting slaughtered once again"
i haven't seen last jedi, i dont care about star wars since the force awakens which was so repetitive
Covenant is a massive cocktease - by about the midpoint I felt "fuck, this is actually going to be superb" but then it turned to shit with pointless boring (endless) action scenes and obvious 'twist'.
I wanted to see the reactions from the people when David and Shaw came out the the ship in Alien Covenant.
But no they had to murder everyone.
>Reminder that op is a fag
Who cares?
The Alien series is only good because of Ridley Scott
The Star Wars series can only be considered good at this point because of Rian Johnson and his future trilogy. Otherwise it's bad to mediocre. Of course that's still better than Marvel.
Even apart from the Ridley Scott movies the Alien series is not that bad. Aliens was a good action movie, Alien 3 is underrated and Resurrection is dumb but mostly not offensively so. If we ignore the vs. Predator ones the series is solid.
Star Wars is spinning it's wheels but I felt that at least Rogue One had a few things going for it. Force Awakens and Solo were admittedly shameless fansrevice
Rogue One had moments, but I feel like the reshoots and change of director for the 3rd act reshoots really showed. It was feeding off the nostalgia service a bit too. I think it's because besides the Vader scene the end battle is badly edited to me, even the force awakens had good editing in the last act.
Don't know how those game of thrones writers are going to help Star Wars, they clearly have nothing going for them.
The mandalorian tv series looks like fan service. and it's a tv series so I can't be bothered to think it has a chance of being artistic.
I'm hoping that once they've got the sequel trilogy out of their system and don't have to remind fanboys anymore that the Star Wars they grew up with is still the same, they will eventually let someone do something interesting with it.
it's all that edgy b-tier "ayy" crap anyway
The mouse owns star wars and marvel
Alien Resurrection was trash. But Covenant was good. Danny McBride was alright and James Franco dies immediately in his first scene
They own the Alien franchise too now lmao, they own all of them.