I don't get it

I don't get it.

What is he going to do?

Attached: lannister-5673735.jpg (980x490, 33K)

Kill Cersei. It is known.

Get into a loveless political marriage with Dany for the security and stability of the realm.

Attached: Cersei-and-Robert-Baratheon-cersei-lannister-29371087-1280-720.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

toss salads and scramble eggs

Sharpie in pooper

Watch Cersei jump.

Attached: 206f679d3526c46a2bfe6c98c207f016e1d58435055f68bed810ac58a16a83cc3a67cf084daf4371633012b2a33c121986fe (3733x2100, 1.77M)

>gets imprisoned
>freed by Tyrion
>kills Euron
>dies with Cersei

Read the leaks, you normfag.


Cersei's prophecy says her younger brother will kill her. George also conveniently states that Cersei was born first and Jaime second.
She will probably try to blow up Kings Landing as a last measure and he will kill her.

In the show? Kill Euron who cucked him and go die with Cersei. Bravo Dabid.

Golden finger up the bum.

>Read the leaks, you normfag.
The irony... Only normies reads leaks.

hahah wouldnt it be funny if he pushed cersei out a window like he did bran in episode 1 that would be so wild haha

What will she blow up King's Landing with in the books?

Wild fire obviously

Keep the seat warm for the next king.

He is actually gonna run back to Cersei and they die together after getting stabbed according to the latest leaks

Aerys' stores of wildfire that are still placed under the city.

It is not even clear she will end up in the throne or blow up the cathedral in the first place in the books.

Is Cersei's prophecy in the books? And if it is is it any different

Tell Euron that the baby is his.

Not only is it in the books, but its relevant in the books. Its the prophecy that makes Cersei hate Tyrion since she thinks he will kill her eventually. In the show is only about her kids or something.
Same with Tysha, the focal point of Tyrion's story and a great plot line that was eliminated for whatever fucking reason.

Then Euron sacrifices Cersei to the Drowned God.

Well if Euron wasnt 70 IQ he would already know, because of Tyrion at the gates. If he talked about it, it would be because he already knew before Cersei let him put a finger in the bum, but logic is all gone.

D&D stated that he was addicted to Cersei in the behind the scenes for episode 4.

So yeah, his thematic arc is gutted.

stump Cersei

He will walk in on Euron and Cersei fucking then he will kill the both of them.

Cersei: "Oh goodness, those damn spies must have found out!"

Then she just blames it on Qyburn or whatever.

imagine finding out the plot as you watch this garbage

ravish me my edgy hero

>but logic is all gone

Ya. It's probably at the bottom of a long list of "WTF thats retarded" things that happened this past ep.

benis in bagina :----------DD

He should tell Cersei to fuck off and go find Brienne.

Jesus I forgot about this retarded ass teaser of the characters going 'ahhh'

He is male so... being pathetic?

what did she mean by this