BEST Peter and MJ

In all media. Who hyped?

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Just like your mom and dad OP. Beautiful

nah holland is garbo and uggo

Am i the only one who ships him with captain marvel? They suit each other.

why does spiderman have hair?

ugly mutt

you can't have a white couple in (((Hollywood))) anymore

>what is endgame's ending
kys retard

ugly disgusting monkey that fucked weinstein

It existed, when she was Ms. Marvel.

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Damn, Spiderman is swole.

He can lift 10 tonnes, not that you would know that from any of the movies which all downplay how powerful Spider-Man actually is

not him, but I got into spiderman thanks to the animated series, the amazing comics in the 90's, and the PS1 game.
He was my favourite superhero before capeshit was a thing.
Tugboat Maguire is my favourite still

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Not a fan of Spiderman, don't get his mass appeal like Batman, either. I find them both fairly boring.

How can he not have a massive boner?

His youth and teenager problems make him more relatable for a younger audience, also his powers and abilities are pretty unique and fun.

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mutts aren’t attractive

She can feel his Spidercock.

Y'know all of spideys body is covered with the ability to stick to objects, he could stick his spidercock in mj and never take it out if he wanted to

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Yes they are

Maguire was an awful Spider-Man though. And shit Parker

>why is it limp
>why is he always so cold to me
>why does he have so many pics of BBC
>I wish I was filming Dune

zoom zoom!

Read some Lee-Ditko Spider-Man, you twat. Parker was never a pushover that Raimi's version is


Still kinda annoyed MJ isn't a redheaded stunner but eh

Big yikes on that ugly mutt

Someone gets it.

Best movie GF that any spiderman had.

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She's qt but her personality is really annoying

Would have been better if MJ was Mary Jane, not Michelle Jones.

Then /pol/ would whine even more


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I meant along with a recast.
I actually appreciate that they've not just race switched an existing character and made a new (?) character instead.
I just like seeing peter parker with mary jane (who should look like she does in comincs).

It's not Mary Jane.
No reason for her to be a redhead.

is this what passes as comic books now?
it's literally the same image pasted 5 times, with an added layer to move the arms

Would be if she were hot at least, she is just tall

Also, they can't even get that right.
Her left arm switches between having a long sleeve and not.

no they're not

she's hot as fuck

Ongurry should've been Peter's love interest.

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uh huh

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is she white? i hate niggers but my dick dont mind.

She's not white.
Not bad looking.

I think raimi's Spiderman is hugely underrated, lots of great quotes in it.

That part where Peter asks uncle Ben why he can't spare the Jewish women and children, uncle Ben says "well Peter, with great power comes great responsibility and its our responsibility to exterminate the pests before they breed more kikes to ruin the white man's civilizations"

Really inspirational stuff and I think people need to take a second look at raimi's work because it goes under appreciated.

I hope he and Michelle break up before the third movie. Let him move on to his comics harem.

is that bix nood translated into basic?

This. She’s a shit actress too.

This. She’s a shit actress too.

He’s gay, and she was 2017’s rumour.

she's getting the BNC (big ned cock) now

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Same. I think it was thanks to the animated series and Marvel Super Heroes game

Why do fat white women try to force Zendaya on Yea Forums? MJ should be a beautiful white redhead or Peter should be gay, anything else is garbage pleb taste.

this would be your father in law. he would ass rape you and have you swallow his 12 inch cock, it's a ritual from their ancestors

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no she´s SO not

> asian
> fat
> big cock

one of these doesn't fit


Spiderman is basically dead to me because of this butt ugly Zendaya cunt.
Good riddance.

I´ll watch the GotG and Strange sequels, rest of this Jew crap can kiss my ass.

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He looks high as fuck

The first film underperformed, although it was still a hit. I think this is why, there was too much obvious racism against white people. Liz, Flash, MJ - all erased for “diversity” and the rest of the school was severely blacked.

They've been better about that in the MCU movies. Homecoming even had a 2 minute scene that was just Spider-Man lifting a heavy object.

It's cute watching people here try to be edgy

And this casual scene from Civil War

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I love how ‘edgy’ means literally being an anti-racist now.

Someone post the vulture copypasta


Sales will decline, the whole phase 3 was buoyed by white male charismatic leads real hard, now that they’re gone a quick drop followed by a slow steady decline. This was all Roberts doing and niggers existed in billion dollar films at his behest.

Enjoy getting out earned by a bunch of smurfs and a literal who cast in avatar this is the future. That or a shitload of whites and white-mixed kikes just flooding streaming until people stop going to he theaters altogether.

>Wow, you have a metal arm?! That is so cool!

Attractive but unremarkable

He's gay.

Parker was an absolute twat to all his schoolmates even when they tried to reach out to him. It's like Ditko was trying to say to nerdy kids "You are the fucking problem" and they all missed the point.

>Why is she so happy
>I could be straddling Jake Gyllenhaal right now
>my feet hurt

Civil War was the Russos, and the Russos have a consistent respect for the characters. Every time Spidey has appeared he has showcased incredible strength, such as easily blocking Winter Soldiers bionic arm and smacking Ant-Man in the face during giant mode.

He even takes on Cap and only loses due to inexperience. But give Spidey to anyone else and I doubt they'll respect his character in the same way.

Nice paint job, faggot

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>Spider-Twink and MuttJ.

Diversity Spider-Man is best Spider-Man

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