Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?

Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite 'universe' presented by Marvel Comics

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Other urls found in this thread: adipose tissue&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=WsvLjlS1IK8J

Endgame made me cry.

Have sex

It's overrated.

I don't understand it either. How can adults be this entertained by content made for kids? I'm sure there are cartoons made with more mature themes than Avengers capeshit.

I just discovered fapping with my spit and now my dick isn't dry anymore

The answer is simple, they aren’t human beings. They are the new slave race, destined to mindlessly consume until they die a miserable and pointless death. It’s the result of decades of social conditioning.

My WhatsApp groups are filled with people going in panic mode over the PResident, if I say that people should calm down, they get more nervous or ignore me, it is better to think of super heroes, Mysterio looks nice.

>Low T in men over the last 20 years
I honestly wonder if the fucked up nature of our environment these days and the effect its had on hormones in both men and women is the root cause of so much of the crazed bullshit going on these days. If we still have a society a century on we'll probably look at all the plastics and chemicals we ingested the same way we look at lead pipes and asbestos today. This combined with porn and other forms of instant gratification have degraded men as a whole. Uncle Ted was a goddamn prophet.

I said "good morning, how are you? ' to a workmate, she answered "how could I be good with this government?"
Long story short, the triad for me is 1- superhero movies 2 - UCL/NBA/NHL/NFL results 3 - Nasa advancements

Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
> we are here

No, we are clearly below weak men create hard times

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This, literal cattle who'd rather watch colorful characters because the reality presented by the media is too scary.

I wouldn't say the times are hard yet but we do have a lot of weak men... That are about to be in charge

no, actually superhero movies are a desperate and pathetic way to expres their manliness. its basically illiad for modern "men"

Posting on Yea Forums is masculine


Posting on Yea Forums is just as if not far more detrimental to your mental health than watching superhero movies.

You think that superhero movies are the illiad? I guess that explains a lot.

What is this purple face guy?

It's about to be only brown people and women what do you mean?

These weak "men" are all white

>Look at me I'm so mature
>See? I mock other people for their preferences haha I'm such an adult
Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud

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link to article?

I can't believe someone is projecting this hard. Grow up, underage, experience a real shit and you'll love capekino.

You can thank anime for the testosterone crisis.

>men's testosterone declined in last 20 years
How the fuck do I avoid being low test?

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which bideo?

Stop watching CGDCT anime user.

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Why isn't he in movies? I'm serious. There's more emotion in his face than every actor in nu-Wars combined.

The illiad inspired Alexander the Great. Capeshit inspires people to eat shit and act like retards on camera.

>It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite 'universe' presented by Marvel Comics
Looks to me like you're assuming everyone would react to the same circumstances in the same way. Maybe they understand fine, and just aren't interested.

Move to the remote wilderness and live a natural hunter gatherer lifestyle.

Drink plenty of brojuice

Inject it

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Most of it is due to the overweight population.

Eat healthy and participate in regular physical activity and you'll be fine brotha

>anons ridiculing people for engaging in escapism while posting on an image board for under water basket weaving
You guys never cease to amaze me

> Comparing Shakespeare to a comics targeting 10yo kids

Okaaaaay dude

When I was a kid I was absolutely OBSESSED with Star Wars
Now I'm an adult I don't really care about the new ones, I saw the first one of the new trilogy and I felt it was just a 2015 version of A New Hope, so I didn't go see the other ones
My friend had a dad who collected marvel comics as a kid, and now he HATES the new Marvel movies
These kinds of people didn't care about Star Wars/marvel until they became adults

I don't get it, did they have deprived childhoods and that's why they're doing it now?

The appeal of the Iliad and similar stories is that it's about humans fighting for human needs and desires. For their wives, their lovers, their families, for justice, or even just simple gold.
The Avengers fight because the world is going to be destroyed by faceless evil. There is no moral ambiguity, there are no real acts of heroism, and there is no reason to fear defeat because ultimately they're always going to win. Even when they lose they actually win. It teaches nothing about how to live, or how not to live.

>what is lotion
I used to fap with lubrication, but dry fapping is superior
>t. circumcised

>I can't believe someone is projecting this hard. Grow up, underage, experience a real shit and you'll love capekino.

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>I don't get it, did they have deprived childhoods and that's why they're doing it now?
More likely the opposite. These people want to relive their childhood over and over because it was best part of their life. A prominent trait of the manchild is nostalgia and a desire to forever remain so. There is a huge market right now for remaking just about every film or show from the 80s and 90s because the demand to relive those memories is so high.

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I think they mostly watch it because they find it entertaining.

You pretentious fucking retard.

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Only my head used to dry out and chafe
Now it's happy at least semi lubed

>t. 80 IQ soyy slurper

Is this fault of cultural marxism too?


Sorry you guys are marked as Jew slaves

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Whatever I found having a foreskin annoying as fuck so I had it cut off when I was 16
I'm more pissed I can't find a nice waifu to lose my virginity to and dump babies in her Tbqh

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Based Alec

>Whatever I found having a foreskin annoying as fuck so I had it cut off when I was 16
What in the fuck

It was too small for my dick head anyway and was intensely painful 4me
Easier to keep clean and much easier to fap no loss of cummies


Don't fall for his jewish tricks

absolutely BASED

Damn, Alec Guinness is pretty based
Also yeah it's pretty fucking sad the state of things
I like entertainment but it's fucking pathetic to cry from a trailer

thats because you didnt pull it back as a kid
easily fixed as an adult over time, you didnt have to mutilate yourself

Growing up in a post-cultural, alienated, hyper-technological civilization has prevented boys from having to go through any kind of initiations throughout their lives.

No struggle, hence no meaning. People now stop mentally-developing in their teens, as technology and automation have reduced or sometimes destroyed the need for adults.

Add bad diet and sedentary lifestyle to all that and you get guys like him, who are basically fat, unhealthy, adult children.

I also had that and fixed it myself. Warm water.


It's not mutilation you dumb fuck.
>DURR Ur head isn't as sensitive
And? I'm fine with it it's waaaaay less of a pita to clean
Only downside is I can't freeball as easy as I used to
Mine was not fixable with stretching I tried it was just too small and didn't cover my dick at all it was literally useless

People ITT need to have sex and get a life

Marvel and superheroes are the most cringe thing on the planet.
History, maybe Fast and Furious, Game of Thrones, are fairly acceptable movies.
Marvel and their freaks are not


have sex.

you literally just pull it back to clean it. i don't see what's so hard about that. and it probably was fixable, it takes time

Most likely due to the obesity epidemic. Get over yourself, its really not complicated. adipose tissue&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=WsvLjlS1IK8J

Its really NOT that complicated.


I would have preferred foreskin. Or atleast a better circumcision. The head is all dull and I'm most sensitive in the region that wasn't dulled by my underwear. Which isn't much. It's a handicap. There's no doubt about it.

because he's not attractive so the general public wouldn't want him on screen for any significant time.

Nah it wasn't I tried to fix it for years it bugged me from 11-15 and by 16 I'd just had enough tbqh it was too small and would not let my head out even a bit when erect
Whatever anteater I like my dick I can Rapid fire cummies for 8 hour sessions and cum 10 times can you?

Eat onions.

This is true. Raw onions and garlic are proven to raise T

"escapism" is a meme. hardly anybody uses fiction for anything but avoiding boredom and having something to talk about at the water cooler/at lunch break if they're not into sports. people who get into it enough that they use it as an "escape" from reality are usually insane societal rejects who end up dying alone.

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Alec will always be Charles I for me.

You are quite loud defending your shallow piece of '''entertainment''', little child.

I only need to cum once a day when I have sex with my fiancee before going to sleep you filthy degenerate. And for that I use my complete pristine dick not some mutilated meat.

>nature of our environment
Your low test is because of you are pointless, lazy fatass, not because of plastic, you sperg.

Lame I snuggle with mummy between her boobs for hours then go fap for even longer
Enjoy your normie life normiedick

I experienced real shit and that is why I consider all capeshit to be histericaly laughable.


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>imagine comparing Shakespear to your banal, shallow kid shit with zero stakes or tension
>imagine comparing these authors to shit that routinely uses alternate universes and time travel because it's authors are cowards
>imagine giving a shit what a black dicksucker like Maher thinks about it

>Escapism doesn't have to have any quality or story telling standards

Kino show. Kino ending.

Endgame is shit if you have to use time travel in your plot then you've already failed

>tfw I've never cared about anything this much
a little bit jealous desu. i bet theres extreme satisfaction to investing yourself in something like this

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lol what he fuck did that nigger do to his hair

>can't even wash himself
>wonders why is he still a virgin

Tell that to Tesa Thompson.

Who gives a fuck? It's my body I'll do whatever the fuck I want.
My hygiene is impeccable anyway

That’s exactly why I left and let a bunch of bugmen like you respond, as I will now demonstrate again.
I wonder why that is.
(((they))) wouldn't manipulate us, would (((they))) ?

>having something to talk about at the water cooler/at lunch
There is literally nothing to talk about in Avengers. You can see it even here, people talk about GoT, nobody gives a shit about endgame.

Dont feel bad about crying at trailers
those devilish marketers reverse engineer human emotion to make u react like that no matter what

They poisoned the well... Again.

Why am I not affected then? I would bet many others in this thread didn't cry at a trailer either.