Post incidents where real life has surpassed cinema
Post incidents where real life has surpassed cinema
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Imagine being there
my god
a WHITE lawyer did this a year ago in Washington/New York. No one cared LOL
what's the point of doing this? why did they just stand around watching a man killed himself?
Yea, that assassin was a hero. If he didn't kill that guy Japan would be a communist shithole right now.
h-hes fast!
>active shootout scene
>bullets aren't flying
Why do people lie like this?
This. Utterly based.
>be copper in a country with practically zero civil unrest
>get called up to stop farmers protesting the building of an airport
>get slammed into by dozens of men with logs acting as battering rams
>fall back
>get flanked
luckily they're now going extinct because they refuse to reproduce. Based globalist-nationalism
that was about the only way to bring worldwide attemtion to the chinese taking over tibet and it did
saddest part is while everyone knows the pictures
most people dont even know why he did and even less know that this protest didnt archieve anything
The Ukraine protests looked pretty kino desu
I mean you might thinks commies are lame and all but atst they did this
>sonic boom after impact
I hope this is the right webm
God damn that's kino
but it looked pretty sick
>its real
This. There is also not another event that has produced such a wide array of kino
>all the depressing documentaries
>all the interesting conspiracy documentaries
>all the real footage from the scene
>stuff like live news reports or Howard Stern's 9/11 broadcast
>all the funny jokes and memes
Camera flash
>Quảng Đức's act increased international pressure on Diệm and led him to announce reforms with the intention of mollifying the Buddhists. However, the promised reforms were not implemented, leading to a deterioration in the dispute. With protests continuing, the ARVN Special Forces loyal to Diệm's brother, Ngô Đình Nhu, launched nationwide raids on Buddhist pagodas, seizing Quảng Đức's heart and causing deaths and widespread damage. Several Buddhist monks followed Quảng Đức's example, also immolating themselves. Eventually, a U.S.-backed Army coup toppled Diệm, who was assassinated on 2 November 1963.
>active shooter
>he's fat
fucking lying media
how do we deal with the chink menace bro?
imagine using him to make s'mores.
They will tear their own country apart soon. The Chink cycle never ends brother.
the story went that his heart remained unburned after the self-immolation. I wonder if that's true or just propaganda
No film has made me as emotional as this.
according to the wiki it is true, and it's kept as a relic in some monastery. this case was not that special though, but it was caught on film and photographed
>Despite the shock of the Western public, the practice of Vietnamese monks self-immolating was not unprecedented. Instances of self-immolations in Vietnam had been recorded for centuries, usually carried out to honor Gautama Buddha. The most recently recorded case had been in North Vietnam in 1950. The French colonial authorities had tried to eradicate the practice after their conquest of Vietnam in the nineteenth century, but had not been totally successful. They did manage to prevent one monk from setting fire to himself in Huế in the 1920s, but he managed to starve himself to death instead. During the 1920s and 1930s, Saigon newspapers reported multiple instances of self-immolations by monks in a matter-of-fact style. The practice had also been seen in the Chinese city of Harbin in 1948 when a monk seated down in the lotus position on a pile of sawdust and basedbean oil and set fire to himself in protest against the treatment of Buddhism by the communists of Mao Zedong. His heart remained intact, as did that of Đức.[45]
Is there some Atlantean blood in these guys, or something? Fucking brutal.
Should have killed them all
based commie farmers
reminder this guy saved japan
Retarded SEA monkeys
just hang on, bro
No he don't
Jap communist party would lost their relevancy by that time goes on whether he killed or not. He wasn't expedite the party disbanded either
Directed by Larry Silverstein
Lmao imagine getting emotional over a fucking sportsball gig.
>filename is about harry potter crashing with his nimbus 2000
Holy shit
Brazil's current president was stabbed during a rally last year and lost 40% of his blood
The Alpine Coaster of course.
Damn, best grip strength workout he ever got.
i made it about 4.5 seconds
I don't get it. Context?
british terrorists burn 3 catholic toddlers to death
british terrorists bomb and throw bottles of piss at catholic schoolgirls
fist of steel
some dumb bitch gets on a ride but can't handle it so she goes as slow as possible. /ourguy/ rams into the back of her and she starts crying like a little bitch.
criminally insane lunatic wants to go choo-choo wee-wee on his play-play slide, but a girl in front isn't going fast enough for him, so he smashes into her and knocks her unconcious. then runs off at the end before her parents realise what happened.
fuck roasties
slowing down on that thing is a big no-no in the first place.
holy kek that scream prior to impact. /ourguy/
The break isn't there so you can control your speed, it's there for emergencies (like a log on the tracks or something). The girl was doing it wrong and shouldn't have been on the ride in the first place.
based and redpilled
s o ylent and whitepilled
All things space.
both of her parents were directly in front of her you fucking blind spastic cunts.
also that she was about 11 and he was a 30 year old fucking manbaby mutt
yeah, 11 is where the wall hits hardest
fucking newfags.
based spacebro
>that fat fuck "thing"
there's actually somebody slow in front of the girl, so it wasn't her fault
if I sat under that would I die
>it just keeps getting worse
fucking hell
Haha yea, I'll bet she'll think twice now before fucking around on rides she has no business being on.
>wearing tight leggings
like pottery
it was her parents. her fault for being born to dumbass parents. lol. in civilized countries like the US we have age limits to rides.
The fire would certainly rise.
But also yea, rocket fuel can literally melt concrete.
This hurt my head
Pure kino.
>For those interested, this is what the guy with the camera wrote when this was first uploaded (in 2011) (original text follows):
>Me crashing on an alpine coaster in Austria. Went to Insbruck hospital after as I did my back in.
>Things you missed in the video.
>1) Your not allowed to stop on the slope for any reason
>2) The father thought it was a good idea to stop on the slope 4 times
>3) I had a massive queue of people behind me because of the plebs in front.
>4) I had waited a year to do this slope, gave them plenty of time to get some distance, they where clearly waiting to annoy me.
>5) It was a rage quit where the only way was down !!
>He was clearly using his kids as bate, they where collateral in his little
games. On the way to the start we all shared the same gondola, I
explained to him I had been waiting almost a year to do the slope. >You
can see him laughing as he gets the kid out of the coaster at the end.
>What happened I believe is Alpine coasters space the riders far apart so
it's very difficult to hit anyone.. The parents deliberately stopped on
the ride several times so that their family could catch up to each
other and go down the ride slowly while talking. This is completely
dangerous and against the rules. That's not how an alpine coaster works
>and you're not supposed to ride together as a family. It's dangerous
to do that.
fuck these boomers and their fat children
>edgy lo-fi hiphop bgm
>not just the unedited incident as captured on film
Absolutely haram
>thinks it is a ride for fat manbabys to go wee-wee on
have sex sweetie
Also the Heroic Age.
So he was literally, unironically in the 100% right on all accounts. Fuck the dumb broad apologists.
Based samurai taking out commie bootlicker to stop jews from taking over japa. The west hasnt produced one man with a quarter of this noble ronins testosterone
>charge into the fallout
kek chinks truly are retarded bugmen
They're not even commies you meme loving cucks. They're a group of private citizens dissatisfied with an opaque government bureaucracy that's looking to very personally and directly fuck them over. They're not clashing with riot police because they want to collectivize they just don't want their land seized for an airport.
poor wittle innocent victim fat manbaby wanted to wee-wee on his slidey slide, awww, and he couldn't go wee wee so he shouted "YEAH FUCKING GONNA GET YOU FUCKING BIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH FUCKING BITCH FUCKING GONNA KILL YOU CUNT BITCH FUCKER"
but he's a poor wittle innocent manbaby childlette.
The fat faggot could have gone on a second time. Pathetic freak.
You're not supposed to brake at any moment in an alpine coaster unless absolutely needed.
These boomers should be filed criminal charges
>t. the fat girl in the coaster
>the fat faggot from the video still posting about it after all these years
kill yourself.
okay, that was kino but I don't know if this one minute clip was worth about 1000 men's lives...
Take your meds user.
This is still one of the coolest things.
The other guy makes much better points but I like you more
How about sky diving?
wait, are the engines ignited by those things shooting sparks?
Are boomers that stupid? Just let go instead of holding on to the guy as he's taking off.
Lmao, this happened to me on a scout holiday in Austria. The 12 year old in front of me was going slow as fuck so I tailgated him for a while and shouted at him, then waited a while for a gap to open up. I set off again going fast as fuck and he had stopped behind a blind corner so I went straight into the back of him. And just as I stopped being dazed the guy behind me came round the corner and slammed into me. Would not recommend.
The sparks are for igniting and burning excess gases that might remain behind and get ignited at an unwanted moment.
crashing this plane
with everyone surviving
I hope Ajax fucks you up.
Amazingly nobody died or even got injured from that crash
No plane crashes general today :((
Yeah, no one died in that crash. Both planes went down but they were both filled with skydivers so everyone just bailed and pulled their chutes, even the pilots.
it's called homeostasis dum-dum. There's shitloads of them already.
mom was being weak
Wtf man. What an asshole. The woman clearly cant go any faster because of the people in front of her.
... I should do more weighted pull ups and face pulls.
>Believing the Japanese extinction meme
Imagine being this retarded
The next time I go to an alpine coaster ride I'm going wear the heaviest boots I own and a weight vest and fucking smash as fast and as hard as possible into the person in front of me imagining they're you.
fucking based chadette rhetoric
That's not an actual recording of that incident. In reality it was the monks who kept the police/crowd away from the burning monk. As far as I know that scene is from a movie
if you think thats pretty good, check out the body cams
wtf the rage against the machine album cover actually happened????
The filming of the other one was what made it, just going past all those tableaus
Ok where's the actual video though? I don't give a fucking shit about news segments unless the shooting is live on news air like that one time.
good shit.
fucking sandniggers
>It is a complete tragedy, that once again a black or brown family must grieve the death of their son
Fuck me