1.Post a picture.
2.Guess the film.
3.Gauge the patrician
I'll start.
1.Post a picture
the guns of navarone
Okay I did not think of the filename.
Try this one.
Godfather?or TTSS?
Tinker tailor soldier spy
Dr.Strangelove ?
Memories of Murder?
That's a bingo.
Hint: it's a Tarkovsky movie
I think it's that too
Michael Clayton or Ides of March?
Michael Clayton, yes
>Nobody got this yet
It was nominated for like 8 oscars
Most realistic shoot out.
Dr. Strangelove has the most realistic combat footage for a comedy ever. It looks extremely real.
There will be Blood
Is that Wake in Fright?
yes to all
>imdb top 250
yes my fellow patricians, only intellectuals like us can figure out what kinos are being posted
Ivan's Childhood
always you cunts not posting anything
Ummm u mad?
Love that movie
middle is dogville hehe
shawshank redemption?
you should have set a timestamp for a good thread
oh well
no, it's already been solved
Come on, deeper, deeper.
Come on, deeper. Come on, deeper, deeper.
From here, boy, here!
That's it.
Now, loosen up.
Come on, loosen up.
Come on, boy, loosen 'em up.
That's it. Now, on the spot. One, two! One, two! One, two!
- What are your legs? - Springs. Steel springs.
- What are they going to do? - Hurl me down the track.
- How fast can you run? - As fast as a leopard.
- How fast will you run? - As fast as a leopard.
Then let's see you do it.
Are you ready, leopard?
On your mark!
Get set!
high noon
isn't this from mulholland drive?
>nobody noticed it's actually not a Tarkovsky movie
House is so fuckin based man
it is
epic ruse
top left is the mirror
The Sand Pebbles
I see Mirrors, Holy Motors, Dogville, and Phenomena
Come and See
Doctor Zhivago
Top middle is Red by Kieslowski I think
>fags fancying themselves to be patricians forgot the opening scene of one of the most famous movies of all time
Anyone who can't get this is a fucking poser and needs to go back to plebbit.
How about you lurk more and try a "post at 22:22" thread or something actually challenging, GoT fags
Last scene from All that Jazz I think
There are plenty of screenshots from this thread that haven't been found, pleb
Gay Niggers From Outer Space
Baisers volés
bottom right is Dead Man's Letters
Yes, correct again.
A Better Tomorrow ?
>Holy Motors
Miss, other were correct.
The Killer ?
Chicken Little..
Thin Red Line
Only real patrician ITT, the rest of you can go back to plebbit where you belong.
Matter of Life and Death
why even bother, or is that the point?
Bottom left secret world of Arriety and bottom middle is picnic at hanging rock
I don't know that movie.
Red Violin
I bet no one is gonna get this one right tho
Four Days in September
The descendants?
Did you read the other guesses before posting?
Days of Heaven
No, I remember it having a scene like this one so that's why I posted it. Did I guess?
last try
No, you were wrong.
Not even in the same decade bro
Not even in the same decade bro
Virgin Suicides?
Yeah I thought it looked like Kirsten.
Blow Out
Bad Hair Day
i remain undefeated
Only recently caught up with this after loving Lawrence of Arabia for years, fucking classic.
I think that's The Ninth Configuration.
His journey began watching the twin suns rise, now his journey ended watching twin suns set. Poetic.
The Killer?
i watched this this week. de palma is fuckin kino
If you get this then you're utterly based.
i thought it was super gay ass except for the penultimate scene
not a lot of movies will kill the girl
Why did you think it was super gay ass?
If you get more than 10 of these correct, you're based. More than 20, patrician.
None of those are real except lolita
Beyond the Black Rainbow
You can't even get the aspect ratio right
Top middle is Double Life Of Veronique.
Middle left is Saragossa Manuscript. Top left may be Don't Look Now.
I bet I've seen a few of those, but don't recognize those individual shots. I did spot THX1138, Whisper of The Heart & Le Ballon Rouge, Touch of Zen (?). Looks like some Zhang Yimou in there aswell Red Lantern/Sorghum maybe some Ghibli
middle left is Still Walking. Absolute kino
The most ominous thing I have ever seen. I saved it too from my own session. Spoopy.
1. Taste of Tea, The Ninth Configuration, The Hourglass Sanatorium, Winter Lights, Cold Mountain, Uncle Boonmee, La belle noiseuse, Ashes of Time, The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
2. The Legend of Suram Fortress,?, The Last Emperor, Mother Joan of the Angels, Ugetsu, In America, The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears, Finisterrae,?
3. Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Lion in Winter, Hero, Coherence, Detachment, Lolita, Hard to be a God, Ju Dou, Bugsy Malone
4. Dragon Inn, Female Prisoner: Scorpion, Celine and Julie Go Boating, The Human Condition, THX-1138, Sansho, Don't Look Now, M for Murder, Female Prisoner: Beast Stable
5. Metro Manila, A Flor do Mar, Sunrise, Raise the Red Lantern, The Dreamers, The Conformist, Saragossa Manuscript, Mouchette, El Sur
6. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, The Passion of Anna, The Diary of a Country Priest, Way Down East, Touch of Zen, Zazie dans le Metro, Arriety, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Event Horizon
7. Mala morska vila, Apache Woman,? , Petla, Black Narcissus, Only Yesterday, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, [REC], Ikiru
8. The Scarlet Flower, The Hunters, Thief or Reality, JSA , Scent of Green Papaya, The Skin I Live In, Phantom Carriage, A Spring For the Thirsty, Possession
9. The Eve of Ivan Kupalo,?,?,? , Three Colours: Red, Wild Strawberries, The City of Lost Children, Joyeux Noel, The Frame
10. Innocence, Blood Diamond, Whisper of the Heart, Babette's Feast, Visitor of a Museum, Neco z Alenky, Like Someone In Love, The Assassin, The Others
11. ? , La vita e bella, Woman Under the Influence, The Red Balloon, Black Moon, Farewell My Concubine, The Innocents, The Unknown Soldier, Beyond the Black Rainbow
12. The Passion of Joan of Arc, The Road Home,? , Journey to the West, Chinese Odyssey: Cinderella, White Mane, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Chi bi, Legend of the Mountain
Patrician coming through.
I've seen a good amount of those movies and I can't see most of the ones you mentioned there
I'm pretty sure that my list is correct.
that movie with young Christian Bale?
No other user got it correct
Middle Right is INK?
That's the Italian guy from Euro Trip, right?
w-whisper of the heart..
Hard Target
The Set-Up
Empire of Dust?