Why is he so polite and helpful to absolutely everyone who comes looking for the Soul Stone?
Wasn't he supposed to be like, a mass murdering psycho nazi?
Why is he so polite and helpful to absolutely everyone who comes looking for the Soul Stone?
Wasn't he supposed to be like, a mass murdering psycho nazi?
Other urls found in this thread:
>being a nazi is now bad
back to discord with you
He got better.
He said a mass murderer psycho nazi,not a regular nazi, also have sex
In the Captain America movie he flat out says he plans to kill Hitler for being a wimp and not going anywhere near far enough. Which is a bit of a change from the comics.
Red skull was always a pussy.
Literally try and name some cool he has done.
Not something cool he planned to do and was thwarted.
This is some kind of hell for him. I suspect he tried to get the Soul Stone without killing something he loved.
He could've sacrificed Hitler
We've already established in this thread that he did not like Hitler.
what happens to him once someone gets the soul stone?
The logan comic where he literally causes the deaths of everyone and kills cap by jamming his thumbs into his eyes and then wearing his suit as a trophy
He wasnt a nazi, that was just get power. He was fairly tolerant and liberal man. Kinda like dr doom
He's only not had it for a few seconds at most. He gave it to Hawkeye, then a few seconds later Cap shows up and hands it back? What was that convo like?
Honestly don't even remember how he got there.
But desu either the stone or the time he's spent on vormir that has changed him.
tfw redd*tors dont understand the have sex meme
he has a clear goal now
tesseract gave him the big SUCC
The problem is that he loved nothing but his own power. That's why he could never lay its finger on it.
You missed the elephant in the room. Why has redskull become a guardian or the soul stone? I remmeber he got sucked into another dimension at the end of Cap First Avengers but I don't see how he ended up like this
He was trolling them because he knew they had to sacrifice their one love or whatever.
He couldn't get the stone because he loves nothing and anyone.
Nigga's gotta eat. Guard duty for the stone was the best job he could get with his qualifications
That other "dimension" was that planet doofus, the stones enslaved him there
Who guarded the stone before he showed up?
>I remmeber he got sucked into another dimension
He didn't get sucked into another dimension, the Tesseract/Space Stone teleported him to that planet.
Nazis are good tho
It’s a stalker reference you pleb
defeat and meditating for 90 years might have humbled him
based and redpilled
>redskull isnt god-tier
lol plebs
He's old and lonely. Maybe even horny
He literally used the nazi party as a means to an end to achieve his retarded sci fi goals, the actual nazis are horrified when they see he plans to use his giant death plane on Berlin. People who say he's a nazi literally didn't pay attention during the only MCU movie where he was a main character.
Most reasonable mcu character by far. Not even a contest.
Litteraly elder god tier vilain which reason to fight are better than the hero
The question is how could they even print that ?
The gooooooood SUCC
is this legit?
Why would he even appearr to Cap? The stone is not present so you wouldn't need a guide to claim it.
Being the bitch of an elemental force of the universe for 70 years changes a super soldier serum prototype. Yeah in the late 30s early 40s he was a terror, now he's a Walmart Greeter of the cosmos.
The stone gave him a black gf
Based and muttpilled.
>mfw his hideous mongrel offspring are roaming the galaxy seeking white dik
He gave up, is that simple.
>she's cute
>she's interesting
>she actually thinks pretty deeply about things
>she seems like she'd be fun to talk to about almost anything, fun to hang out with or go on dates
There is no saving women. They can't save themselves, we can't save them, and they don't even want to be saved. Show them a mote of light and they scurry back to (or get dragged back to) the comfy darkness where all the rest of them convince each other it's better.
This. I can't commit to anyone anymore.
was it hugo weaving?
>evil guy from one movie is suddenly on that one planet
very vague and uncool imo
Maybe it'll be answered in the eternals movie or another like it. The stones might be gone for now in the timeline but any movies taking place in the past, especially ones having to do with eternals or God's bight bring him back to show what's up
Where do I sign up?
>fixated on competition
durr capitalism bad
Because it's from 2012 before things got completely pozzed and sjws took over comics
Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender
Are these from the same writer or storyline? How do they get themselves out of this? This writer is clearly /ourguy/, but no way this gets published unless they make him out to be a charlatan or demonize him somehow. Anyone have a source?
Just because you have different politic views doesn't mean you have to be a bad person.
Yeah, Nazis reject (((capitalism))) and (((communism))). Is this news to you?
he tried to fool the stone by sacrificing himself but not his soul. it didnt work and his soul was doomed to wander volmir forever.
Anyone that rejects capitalism is fucking retarded
they only brought him back so that he can be the next villain right? it will culminate in bringing back captain america right?
No, the one with Cap is from Uncanny Avengers by Remender and the one talking about immigrants is from Steve Rogers:Captain America by Nick Spencer which was like 5 years later and part of the arc with Hydra Cap. It is the same version of Red Skull though, a clone of the original Red Skull from the 40s but he ends up getting overthrown and killed by Hydra Cap. That storyline caused massive butthurt.
Thanks. Ignore Didn't see your post.
How do they make him the bad guy though? Even the biggest pillow biting shabbos goy liberal can't really defeat him on the merits of his argument, right?
Oy vey
National Socialism is superior.
In the next page he's telling everyone to turn into terrorists and bomb everything. So they didn't, they just had him go full retard.
He really learned a lot in the thousands of years he's been guarding the Soul Stone since 1945.
Or... however it works, lol just turn off your brain it's THE RED SKULL!!!!
Capitalist usury slaves are too far gone. It's the ancient wisdom of old that tells us - they have as many masters as they have vices.
He never does anything like that in Uncanny Avengers though. He steals Xaviers brain and puts mutants in concentration camps, which is pretty based and entertaining.
Got it. Sounds interesting. Downloading now. Thanks user.
dunno what happened
in fact
pretty suspicious
is killing someone really need for the soul stone
and what's the logic their
if you love something why the flying fuck with you toss them off a cliff
for a stone
he must be up to something
have sex
Right? The soul stone needs no guardian now, so does he get to fuck off?
user, real nazies would eat you inside out
/tranny/ detected
he wasnt a nazi
and he chilled out
vegan freaks should burnsweetie, really? that's just embarrassing.
capitalism will divide us forever. drop capitalism and realize that we need to work together to conquer the galaxy and build a white ethno solar system.
Gaybro Aaron from TWD played him in Infinity War/ Endgame.
>he wasnt a nazi
>the nazis were good
Grow up.
The dinosaur dog from the Flintstones.
what's embarrassing is that fucked formatting
Are you implying you are older and more mature than people who were alive and politically active in the 1930s?
>the nazis were bad
Grow up.
>Le 'pipo I dun even know touch muh hair :(|)' fantasy
I guess she is black.
>alive and politically active in the 1930s
anyone who fits these categories and is still alive today is senile at this point
have sex
Hydra on the ballot when
did you just called all the jewish survivors senile?
Yes, what do you think getting that old does?
He mellowed out in his old age
oh sh-
You'll understand after you graduate.
So Johanson died like Ironmang?
I wasn't sure
>kvetching intensifies
black widow is perma kill because she wasn't brought back from the past like Gamora was
Stop stealing, tyrone.
Holy shit, did Red Skull just reference USS Liberty?
Just read an article about that 'Hydra Cap' shit. I haven't read comics since Frank Miller was doing Daredevil and McFarlane was on Spider-Man, but this sounds interesting and this Spencer guy sounds pretty based.
This fucking guy gets death threats for turning Cap into a pragmatic true-believing fascist because he's "changing a beloved character", but these same people don't give a shit if Spidey is Mexican or some other character gets turned into a black dyke? Do they not realize the irony or do they just not care?
I'd be curious to see if this was just a vocal minority or if our children's indoctrination runs so deep that this is seriously indicative of the majority of comic book fans these days. My gut tells me it's the former, but with the way things are going in clown world these days, it's not something I'd bet on.
Because when you acquire true knowledge and power that's what you genuinely become.
You ever seen any smart person with status be bitter or edgy?
what's Red Skull tax policy?
>You ever seen any smart person with status be bitter or edgy?
More than I care to admit. Just look at Christopher Hitchen and Richard Dawkin's body of work, they're both quite intelligent and Hitchens in particular was a gifted writer. But their crusade against religion is and was quite petty and pointlessly grating and this is coming from a person who is atheist.
not many people are smart enough to think abstractly and even those who can most dont actually care about principles. most people are quite happy to support something theyre against (or vice versa) if its for their own "side's" benefit
Quite intelligent doesn't cut it. They're still nobodies in the grand scheme of things.
Take an Arnold Schwarzenegger for example. Conquered three different areas that are all difficult to get into. I don't remember a single instance where he's been caught raging and being irrational.
Truly successful people are happy, and it affects the way others perceive them too.
Wrong red skull
>a bloo bloo
Why do redditors say this
>You ever seen any smart person with status be bitter or edgy?
First post best post.
If you were stuck in the same place for 70 years you'd mellow out too.
Don't tell me you didn't see Infinity War, user? It's been more than five years since Thanos got the stone.
Red skull is a cool guy.
What the fuck
Reread that post.
absolutely based
this is why i dont read comics. helps i cant read too
>the people wo wanted to save the world were the bad guys
what did he mean by this
>Idolizing rapists and child murderers
/pol/ was a mistake
>duh natsees were evul and jerked off joos to deff cause dey wer so evul!!!
>don't save her, she don't want to be saved
it's a pretty dark song really, but truthful
>be born a beautiful mutt
>still complain about being a mutt
So is she basically saying race-mixing is bad because it gave her some inferiority complex or whatever?
It's an edit, those are Hazmat and Mettle.
>the nazis were the rapists
t. history buff
>grow up
It's almost like arbitrary opinions on times in history we haven't lived through do not constitute growing up. Sieg heil tho.
>Hazmat and Mettle
literally who
what comic is this from? isn't jubilee an xmen?
What, precisely, can the Soul Stone even do?
not my guy
>using a phrase out of context
you must be new here huh
t. pleb that thinks "good is good and white and elves that are beautiful are the good guys"
soul stuff
I like how you conveniently dodged the child murder aspect of the Nazi regime. Does it make you uncomfortable that Goebbels murdered his own children after all those years of hyping up the Nazi paradise?
>There were rapes committed by soldiers of the Wehrmacht forces against Jewish women and girls during the Invasion of Poland.[51] Rapes were also committed against Polish women and girls during mass executions carried out primarily by the Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz, which were accompanied by Wehrmacht soldiers and on territory under the administration of the German military, the rapes were carried out before shooting the female captives.
>Examples of mass rapes in Soviet Union committed by German soldiers include:
Smolensk: German command opened a brothel for officers in which hundreds of women and girls were driven by force, often by arms and hair.[87]
Lviv: 32 women working in a garment factory were raped and murdered by German soldiers, in a public park. A priest trying to stop the atrocity was murdered.
Lviv: Germans soldiers raped Jewish girls, who were murdered after getting pregnant.[88] It is estimated that over a million children were born to Russian women, fathered by German soldiers.
>Reimbold: "In the first officers' prison camp where I was being kept here, there was a really stupid guy from Frankfurt , a young lieutenant, a young upstart. There were eight of us sitting around a table and talking about Russia . And he said: 'Oh, we caught this female spy who had been running around in the neighborhood. First we hit her in the tits with a stick and then we beat her rear end with a bare bayonet. Then we fucked her, and then we threw her outside and shot at her. When she was lying there on her back, we threw grenades at her. Every time one of them landed near her body, she screamed.' And just think, there were eight German officers sitting at that table with me, and they all broke out laughing."
some of you are really just cringe
cringe and have sex
and how is this dfferent from any other war in human history?
Wow a few dozen women and those men were then shot as was military law which ended up being a stupid thing due to manpower shortages). Were they actually German btw? The German allies wore the same uniforms afterall with variants of German weapons, a lot of bad shit is blamed on the Germans when more often than not its the Romanians or Hungarians or Yugoslavians.
In the USSR they lied A LOT and still that practice continues. Just like how they said the Katyn massacre was the Germans right up until 13th April 1990 where they finally admitted to carrying it out while dressed in German uniforms. In 2010 the Russian government formally blamed it on Stalin and the USSR and apologized to the living descendants of those murdered by the death squads.
The NKVD(whose death squads made the Einsatzgruppen look like amateurs) chief was a child rapist and killer. His full list of victims won't be made public till 2028(confirmed in 2003 by the Russian government) after all possible victims are long dead and cant sue the Russian government. It's expected to be 400+ with at least 26 murders he carried out.
Not that guy but Goebbels put his children out of the misery of living in this cesspit of a society. I don't blame him. This society is absolutely insane and the sooner it collapses the better for us all.
If he did let them live, do you really think they'd be allowed to live? The soviets would have raped and mutilated them. That Asiatic horde were nothing but subhumans at the end raping over 3mn women and killing anyone they came across. It's better to leave with a quick acting poison than suffer something like that.
>All USSR sources
Almost as believable as the Nuremberg Holohoax numbers where it was claimed by the Russians that 5.5mn died at Auschwitz and 1.8mn at Majdanek.
>being free of the identity wars is a bad thing
Maybe he should polite because for a long time he loved nothing but himself, he was all alone in the universe as the cosmic cube showed him and so he show others to a treasure he simply cannot obtain cause he has nothing and loves nothing, he's all alone
Can you sacrifice a part of yourself, or do you basically have to bring somebody/something you love with you?
Maybe Red Skull tried to obtain the stone by sacrificing his pride and ambition
fuck you supes
>people on /pol/ are both gullible enough to think people will think this is real and to think it is real
Not even liberal, but yes it was bad. If they won you would have had no rights.
a little joowie
Christopher Hitchens actually cared about things he viewed as injustices
Dawkins is no better than a YouTube edgelord atheist
If they won I wouldn't exist retard, the world would be a better place, a place that wouldn't allow degenerates like me to exist.
That's cool, I hate living anyway, because this world is fucking garbage. If I had to die to kill all niggers and jews, I would gladly do it.
You know I don't doubt that Nazi's raped in war
The snumbers however are always ridiculously unreliable and the stories verge on fetishistic
OH so we are going to pretend the Natsoc's sprung from the ground and the Jews never did anything in all of history to EVER warrant retribution?
Is it not wonderful the Natsoc's lost and the Rothschild's kept their global monopoly. What a wonderful world we live in.
no but they could've forced him if they wanted to. he is just a cgi characters so they didn't really need him
is this injustice?
>nazi = discourteous
Wow. So much school,so little learning.
Go shoot up a school so we can forget about you.