Movies where a youtuber run for a public office and single handedly destroys the party he ran with ?
Movies where a youtuber run for a public office and single handedly destroys the party he ran with ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>People actually watch, listen, and follow this guy
Some shit just baffles me.
>le enlightened centrist who jerks off Trump and thinks women are based
Why did everyone involved with GamerGate become a a rightist bootlicker?
Nigel Farage leaving UKIP and setting up the Brexit party killed UKIP
And he left because of their more anti-Islam policies which he disagrees with because it lacks focus towards the goal of leaving the European Union
Political illiterates OUT
To be fair to these people, the realities of Brexit have shattered their entire ideology and left it in pieces at their feet. Everything they believed to be true has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt to be false. When someone with a strong faith is shown compelling evidence against their faith their response is generally more faith, more dogmatic and more extreme.
Is it any wonder they are angrily lashing out when everything they have known has been shown to be a lie?
money money money
>hurr durr lets make fun of the one guy trying to save western civilisation
you trannys make me sick
Why did everyone opposed to Gamergate become a leftist bootlicker?
It's easier
Fuck western civilization, I would even rape this ugly whore
what an odd thread
posts are mere seconds after each other like it was organised
Does Robert Mercer really pay that well?
>and thinks women are based
He joked about not raping a female MP and every journalist and politician in the UK threw a shitfit. The guy is based.
Appearing on the front page of multiple British papers, Carl must be swimming in dopamine right now.
Post evidence that leaving the EU is the calamity that the media have constantly claimed its going to be.
>trying to save western civilisation
Agreed, we need more 3rd world migration. The fact that London is still 50% white is problematic.
If you honestly believe Sargon is a right-wing bootlicker you're a bit of a retard, mate. I don't like him very much but he's clearly a centrist who leans left. The problem is that 'left' now means 'fucking insane' so he looks right wing.
>Yea Forums tires to talk about British politics as if they aren't retarded
oh no no no no no no
What exactly do you dislike about the things he says? As an example?
Because they were nobodies that got famous. Once they started to become obsolete, the desperately tried to find new ways to be relevant. Sargon’s one of the most embarrassing cases, where he loses to lesbian nutjobs online yet thinks he can carry a political party.
I still enjoy Metokur, though, especially his streams. I took a break from him when he became obsessed with the Applebee’s waiter, though.
3 smart scientists
Fuck off Jimfag, at least Sargon is trying to enact actual change in this world instead of anonymously sitting behind a screen and laughing as the world collapses.
you mean the guy trying to empower israel
Isn’t this guy raising another man’s children? My mommy always told me no to do that.
I don't know who that is OP
I don't know what's happening or what you're talking about
For the best. It’s talking heads on screens.
>Spent hours making up delusional grooming accusations and smugly chuckling to himself
>Was humiliated by an idiotic liberal chick online, and literally went “If you’re not nice to me I’ll leave” after asking THEM if he could come on, then holding them up like some power play, and arguing with no facts ready
>Sends our His Romanian carrier pigeon everywhere to scout out people talking bad about him online
>Literally said that he talked to someone who once talked to Trump, so he’s “one step away” from Donald fucking Trump
>Justifies fucking children and the effects on their mental state with “depends on the child”
He can’t even save himself
This is unironically hilarious.
He isn’t changing a fucking thing, he clings onto other people and acts like what they do is him.
Look, I’m not saying that getting your political opinions from wannabe tv-personalities is a way to ensure brain rot, but...
If that's the video I think it is I've never cringed so hard in my life
Areicans are butthurt because we get Sargon while they got Deez Nuts
Give me one reason why political youtubers shouldn't be gased
Oh yeah, we’re seething.
Jim gets upset at anyone popular who is doing a thing he wants to do
kinda sad that he used to spam his videos on Yea Forums when he had no subscribers, I thought he was 15 because of the way he talks but apparently he is 40 so in his 30s he was making gamergate vids
and the fact he gets his edgy ego inflated by 14 year olds is really sad, he thought he was important enough for the wall street journal to take him down
>tfw internet trolls participate in real life activities
this will not end will
A YouTuber reducing a British MP to literal tears is fucking funny.
Because they are BASED
He cute.
>Jim gets upset at anyone popular who is doing a thing he wants to do
That’s literally not true. He turns on people when they become arrogant and retarded, just like Sargon did. He didn’t start picking on Sargon until Sargon self proclaimed himself a leader and hero to the people. I’m not saying Jim doesn’t have an ego, but literally none of his targets came from jealousy. It’s always when they get too big for their britches and start doing embarrassing shit like Sargon and Warski.
Had sex
It's time to stop posting, Carl.
gb2 Yea Forums if you want to oldfag roleplay
Mr metoku does groom kids for donations, he whips them into a stormfront larp after he creates drama they crave
you are taking grooming as sexual
Do you have a single shred of evidence to back this up?
>everything they have known has been shown to be a lie?
Such as?
Well, UKIP just became Brexit so he destroyed the name but not really the party itself. However, the police are now investigating Sargon over his rape threats. He is properly fucked.
grow up faggots
What you described is literally what every single typical Hollywood celebrity does. He knows what he is: A guy who records himself making fun of dumb internet stuff. Occassionally he’ll make a video about something he has an opinion about, but he doesn’t pretend it’s gospel. He’s never proclaimed to be anything more, and I have a hard time finding otherwise.
>I took a break from him when he became obsessed with the Applebee’s waiter, though.
Other way, dudeman.
>He is properly fucked
it was just a prank bro
Get that body ready for prison, Sargon of Applebees
I can't wait till he goes to jail
I really boggles my mind any could listen to this man and think he is an intelligent man. He has shown that he is unable to have a real debate on the most basic topics. He is not a smart person. He's fucking dumb. Like, really dumb. And it's sad that he doesn't realize it.
Wow such a big brained take lmao
>shadilay muh kekerinos
(for the Trump quote)
>Don’t think differently than me REEEEEEE
>Muh Western values
Fuck off, on one if forcing your son that you'll never have to become a gay Muslim
>as if watching youtubers is a sign of thinking
Whoa dude, intellectual elite right here.
>mfw Sargon will be locked up for youtube crimes and die in prison
Be careful you don't get terrorized with the Socratic method.
I think the guy seems dumber than he is because of the conversations he keeps having. He's like a 110IQ bigbrain who thinks he's 150 and argues like it too.
>He's fucking dumb. Like, really dumb. And it's sad that he doesn't realize it.
The wound from Spencer never left him.
He tried that, “it was just a joke haha,” and doubled down by “joking” that he might reconsider “not” raping her. That’s what’s gotten him into more trouble. Sargon thinks he’s the second coming of Trump, and that the media slamming him like they did Trump is somehow a good thing, not realizing that it’s not enough to be hated by the media, you actually have to be smart and use it to your advantage like Trump did, and Sargon isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.
The Dunning-Krueger Effect is strong with Mr.Benjamin.
You're right, he shouldn't be gased, he should be given a helicopter ride.
>Ad hominen the Youtuber
I might agree with some of the shit he says if he didn't start every sentence calling the other person a cunt. He's so shit at debating I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually an SJW going deep cover to make their opposition look bad.
My grandfather is black
It's really great to see him shit the bed like this, to think that this all happened because Kraut just couldn't stop being retarded
Imagine being this dishonest of a person
Half of that list was shit blatantly taken out of context and already discredited here;
>Literally said that he talked to someone who once talked to Trump, so he’s “one step away” from Donald fucking Trump
>what is satire
t. pseud with no counter outside ad hom
The sad thing is, if he actually realized his own limitations and worked within them, he would be able to achieve something in his life. Instead, he thinks he’s the smartest boy alive, and in trying to act like he’s so damn smart winds up doing and saying some really stupid shit, and now all that stupid shit is coming back to bite him in his ass just like he was warned multiple times by multiple people. They all told him thos would happen, but he was just too “smart” to listen.
Why do you defend a literal who youtuber on Yea Forums?
>hey carl what are your plans for the economy and foreign affairs?
How's the 350million for the NHS going, buddy?
How's the 'easiest deal in human history'?
How's the 'they need us more than we need them'?
All leaving the EU does is make it harder for polacks to come. Nothing changed for their immigration policy w/r/t the third world
please no bully UK, they are going through a hard time right now
I'm from the UK.
I have no sympathy for us. We should fucking burn.
Wasn't he the one who convinced Dankula to tell the judge he wasn't going to pay the fine. Something that could have had Dankula put in jail.
> 40 year old man acting like an edgy 16 year old Yea Forumstard
Is there anything more pathetic?
>Post whole clips (minus the Trump one), even a whole debate
>Hurr it’s out of context
Literally none of that is out of context.And just yelling “satire” doesn’t make it satire, he was being serious, but he’s so dumb that it feels like satire.
I’m not disengenous, you’re delusional.
>An opinion isn’t a thought
Oh no, it’s retarded.
I love threads like this where haters just attack "duh bad man" and address absolutely none of his ideas or statements
based squirrel
I don't think there's any movies like that
> P-please stop being mean to my favourite internet pseudointellectual! He tells that it's the fault of women that I'm a virgin, and I don't like it when people make fun of him
>He's like a 110IQ bigbrain
idk that seems pretty generous
based pint-poster
i don't know if nigel is racist or not but it is extremely unfortunate that racists and idiots seek shelter in ukip because it is painted as discriminatory and they end up taking over.
i don't think nigel has ever been anything other than against the principle of the eu, i don't know what its based on maybe it is racism but if it is he must be the most cunning man alive because he hasn't dropped the mask yet.
hopefully anne widdicombe will bring some much needed political legitimacy but then again she was in the jungle AND dancing so....
Except anons clearly have cited things he’s said or done all over this thread.
Vee needs to make his good boy points somehow.
Fuck off back to pol/you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
I guess we just all have Sargon Derangement Syndrome.
kek his minions can’t even handle a Youtube video.
they're literally not self aware, look at this embarrassing himself by doing the exact thing he's being mocked for; and then anyone who points out how thick they are MUST be an alt right benjamin fan ri..right
>we send money to the eu
>lets fund the nhs instead
>somehow a broken promise
fucking lel what an idiot. if you don't understand how tax works maybe don't embarrass yourself.
>How's the 'they need us more than we need them'?
2/3 of the eu members are net dependencies, the eu needs all the income it can get.
wtf I love Sargon now
1. who is this guy
2. quick rundown on what he did
desu I had a chuckle lads. lmao
>Picks out one thing
>Doesn’t mention
It’s absolutely incredible. And here I thought people that sucked Jordan Peterson’s toes were obsessed.
One of the junior organisers behind Kony 2012. Currently scouring the dark web for the safest SEA traps with the largest dongs.
Why is this even a thread on Yea Forums.
>he's 39 years old yet talks like he discovered Yea Forums the other day
I am embarrassed for him.
>kekistani faggots from 2016 are finally old enough to start getting seriously involved in politics
>they shit the bed when they realise that calling your opponent a SJW isn't a valid tactic in the real world
Delicious, we're in for some real cringe in the following years.
They didn't, you're just a halfwit.
it's almost as if they are not actual arguments against anything and just a poor attempt to smear him?
>That time Sargon unironically called for a Gamergate 2.0, which he was convinced would be noticed by Trump and would somehow change politics
The thing with these “political” Youtubers is that they spent years in a platform where their stupidity was never challenged. Sargon is what happens when one of them tries to take on the big dogs, and it’s humiliating.
>His own words are an attempt to smear him
Holy shit, how much does he pay you?
you're right most anons didn't
the greedy self promoting fucks like MundaneMatt(who is considered a knowledgeable film-buff) are the ones that still spout GamerGate SJW rhetoric almost a decade later to milk shekels for their (((revolutionary counter culture videographic essays)))
>rape threats
Leftism really is a mental illness.
>the police are now investigating Sargon over his rape threats
How is "I wouldn't rape you" a rape threat?
>tried to win an argument with metokur by sperging out about how one of metokur's retarded video targets committed suicide potentially as a result of that video
why did the guy think metokur would care? he kept repeating it over and over
because they were only in it for the money
Said he wouldn't rape some dumb commie. The left lost its shit.
>How's the 'they need us more than we need them'?
Still true. Its a shame nobody bothered to tell our Prime Minister.
Virtually all of them are leftists.
UKIP was going to die either way. The Brexit Party blitz to the top of the polls.
If anything UKIP being complete retards actually boosted Farage as they could be the scapegoat that the media sprays the racist label on while Brexit Party actually focuses on the political goal of leaving the EU.
He recently tried to be funny and make a joke saying he might rape her given all the media pressure. The guy is a fucking retard. He thinks he can emulate Trump, but fails to realise Trump was rich and had built a massive media personality for decades. He also had enough sense to not make rape jokes.
Fuck you.
The left has moved substantially more to the left than the right has to the right, smoothbrain. He's not right wing.
That said, he's a retard. He'll see the scaffold, too.
The Porsalin documentary is almost finished. Are you excited?
Was this the real 20 year plan Sargon had all along?
why is he named after a shitty star trek TOS character
lol epic pwnage xD
Is Pakistanf in the EU? Not yet, afaik.
If you watched the video of the MP laughing in parliamentary proceedings when male suicide was brought up he said all those things about you'd agree with everything he said. Fucking cunt.
because the left has gone full retard
I fucking hate metokur but if anyone thinks Terry committed suicide due to that video they're dumber than he is
It is a shame what happened to Terry but people had been taking it too far with him for years and what actually did hurt him the most wasn't even mentioned in Metokur's video (the fake girlfriends)
Yeah he actually thinks that Trump won by just not bending to the medias will and fails to realize it was also his 200 million twitter followers and the alt media etc.
whats that white shit on his tongue
>brings up Peterson for no reason
yeah sure everyone else is obsessed.
you will never be a woman btw.
sargon has done some dumb shit but this is actually a shit take
UK here too. We are are pissing in our own bed. Anyone catch the recordings of eu ministers and May on the news today? Fucking embarrassing.
Who killed themselves?
t. Liberalistist
No but the people in charge (Germany) and other cuckold nations (Sweden) have basically got an open doors refugee and immigration policy. The moment they step foot in the EU, migrants are allowed to move anywhere in the EU. Within a matter of years they can become citizens. And during all that time it's taxpayers money that has to support them.
These are the same kinds of faggot countries that want Turkey to join the EU. Turkey has a population of 72 million people, which means 72 million potential legal migrants and a huge influence over the rest of the EU parliament.
That's pandering you fucking sponge,
>How's the 'they need us more than we need them'?
dude, did you take a look at the EU recently?
>(on Elliot Rodgers) Before your stupid social justice feminine [sic] bullshit, [mass murders] didn't happen on this scale, it's CRAZY. This is a disease of the modern age. YOU are responsible for perpetuating it, by disenfranchising these poor fucking guys who don't have any options left. When someone takes the option of absolute INSANELY last resort, you have to wonder, what kind of system is producing them? And I'll tell you what, Laci, it is a FUCKING FEMINIST SYSTEM THAT IS DOING THIS.
>Now women are also involved in politics and - frankly - society is declining.
>You don't see how cancerous the left is. The right is not good to poor people, but I don't think they're trying to actively undermine Western civilization. I don't think that they're gonna start pumping out an ideology that advocates for open borders, for communism, socialism, and all this crap that's infested the left. I think at worst, they will be mildly oppressive to poor people.
>(On Donald Trump) Fuck it, fuck it. He's my guy. He's doing what he said he'd do, and he's turning the left fucking crazy.
Doesn't look very centre-left to me m8
Why is everyone convinced that Terry killed himself? People accidentally die from getting hit by trains all the time because overestimate their ability to tell when trains are close and they're much faster and quieter than people think. The conductor even said that Terry turned around at the last second which isn't something you would expect a suicide to do.
He's not even been on a card yet
Nope sargons just inept when it comes to local British politics.
Turns out the average british voter doesn’t give a shit about Anita Sarkesian.
You said things I'd known had been proven to be lies.
Shockingly, we had a referendum to leave the EU because of English distaste of the membership, shockingly this resentment pre-dates the slogans you're bandying around.
The only thing that's been proven to be a lie was the Conservatives already dubious claim that they'd actually abide by the results and leave.
police are investigating user, give them time you can't expect them to call up CPS to ask them immediately, they are very busy out on the beat and solving crimes and stuff.
>A UK party was killed by the setting up of a European party
Are you retarded
>funding death panels