Make a weapon

>Make a weapon.

>It will not Kiieeeel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

********fast hand movment before initating the atack**************

>it will kill ;)


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>it's a "competitor overheats and has to go out" episode

watching some guy's blade break on the last test has gotta be the worst feel in all of Yea Forums

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>its a they use a ballistic dummy but don't go for its head/neck at all episode

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>it's a "there isn't a single half-second of silence" episode
How do people watch this shit? I feel like I've been fucking assaulted

This week's challenge is to make an radar guided anti-air ballista

>it's a "competitors are friendly and helpful to each other" episode

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Is there any footage of this guy actually fighting?


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best episodes are the ones with critical weapon failure

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>first blade bends like it's sheet metal
>second blades fucking explodes

episodes that really kept you on your toes till the end

>judges tell them the durability will be tested with a bone smashing test
>weeb still makes a tantõ

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God that's painful to watch.

I feel for him.

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i hate it when they test historical weapons that were used against unarmored combatants on really hard materials

Eh, I preferred Deadliest Warrior.

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>do test
>fuck up
>blame your weapon

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>its a contestant doesn’t clean his steel before forge welding and now there are delams episode

>see female farrier contestant
>get all hot and bothered

>fingers wound
>"yep this guy is fersure"
his job was the most useless in the show

>its a contestant doesn’t let the white out dry and now they can’t get the can off their billet episode

>contestant grabs the 24-hour epoxy

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>contestant put his scales on upside down

fucking dapper

>it's a canister damascus episode
>smug contestant coats the inside with whiteout
>nobody can peel the canister off anyways

>contestant quenches in water episode

>contestant quenches in water

27 seconds apart

>they pull it off

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>contestant loses his shit and quenches 9 times

>contestant puts clay on the knife's spine to prevent it from hardening
>knife breaks during test
has this ever worked out for one of them?

>contestant doesn’t allow his blade to cool after quenching so it fully hardens and instead re-heats and quenches again causing his blade to become brittle

he won, the other sword broke apart

Does anyone remember that autistic weeb who literally showed up dressed like a jap smith?

>its a "centimeters away from a contestant dying" episode

>contestant hardens his tang and cant drill holes to pin his handle on

>contestant reaches for mystery resin handle material

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yeah, and we won

>its a contestant almost burns his shop down episode

>all four contestants make bowie knifes
> contestant goes for micarta handle
> contestant goes for horn handle and does the burn on handle thing
> whole shops smells like burnt hairs

Yeah, he was based as fuck and kicked everyone's ass.

>its a contestant lies about having a shop so he has forge a sword in his backyard over a campfire episode

the.. Thai? guy who forged an ax in a satellite dish was pretty based

Not a mutt. Can anybody tell me what this show is called? I'd like to have a laff.

Never heard of this show but it looks kino, what's it called?

Forged in fire

Floor on fire

forged in fire

Forging among friends and family

>Contestant makes a bowie knife
>They pronounce it buoy
>Turns out thats actually how its pronounced but thats fucking stupid and I hate it

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I think he was a flip, the cops showing up was one of the better home segments the show has had.

> and the neighbors called the firefighters on him
> and the firefighters showed up
> and he fucking won

>contestant quenches in holy water

> they actually bought a german kruppstahl pig

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>contestant breaks his blade on day 5 but makes a great comeback and wins


Can we get a chapter of Yotsuba where she takes up forging with steel?

>the even more braindead spin off

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>fat guy talks big game
>overheats in the first hour
>hauled off by the ambulance

*unsheathes katana*

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ok but why did you post a webm of your mom lol

I hate this old fat retard
He swings like a child with bone cancer then blames the weapon

>contestant can't follow basic instructions and gets disqualified

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>contestant breaks his knife
>makes a fantasy axe out of it with dangling antlers

Didn't he lose?

>boomer dad is ways watching this show
>Typical american tv editing with orchestra hits, constant noise, dialogue splicing, and recap every 3 minutes
The stupidity and craziness of both the contestants and judges, and the editing make this an actually ok trash show. In a I hate it but its fun kind of way.

You're wrong, tho. It has much better pacing than your average American reality.

Kino show

It's about time you guys finally tuned into this entertaining shit show.

That being said, I fucking hate pic related. He's easily the most cunty judge. Don't @ me.

The guy on the far right won Forged in Fire twice, he's dope af.

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>it's a "Doug breaks his hand for 4 seasons and has other people do his tests for him" episode

>it's a fire department shows up because of contestants dangerous homemade old satellite dish forge episode

only show i watch. hell, ive seen every episode more than twice. currently on season 3 again and i really do not like jason knight and his pointy male patterned baldness. ben and that jew samurai are my favorites

>he's dope af.
and hot

The kinoest

kek every episode I happen to catch has this

Watching all the weebs and youngfags getting btfo is the best thing about the show

yeah he did

>it's a contestant has to forfeit due to injury episode

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>that handle

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>a curved blade, i like it, good design

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however making an offering to the nordic god of the forge usually gives good results

This show sounds cool

>It's on hulu

Nice. I'll add it to my backlog

>it's a /DAMASCUS STEEL/ episode

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>it's a judges are completely unfazed by beautiful damascus episode

tbf why do they even have 24 hour epoxy in the forge?

only 3 seasons are on hulu, daily motion has them all, even the most recent in hd

> it's a contestant can't use a tape measure and gets disqualified episode

>the contestants face when he says it

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I recently saw a guy mess up, start again and turned in what looked like a mangled horseshoe.

No that idiot went out in the first round

>amazing, you really did a top notch job with this blade, even the gods are ashamed that they never produced an item of this magnitude, nothing like this was crafted before and never will again
>that handle though

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>it's a It will cut episode

That's not what I want to hear

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remember the elf dude

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All the weapon shows do this retarded shit. I remember watching a similar show that put the Zulu tribe weapons against knights or some shit. Makes no fucking sense.

>it's a contestant didnt actually forge anything and just cut a knife out of steel
Actually shameful desu

there must have been more than one then

Forged in Onions

Isn't forging just that?

oh shit wtf did he make


I never get this either.
>blade needs to be 11 - 13 inches
>contestant turns in a 10 inch blade

good solid spring steel is the way to go. it will hold a edge that can bend and flex to prevent chipping. i stopped watching the show when they started showing the dead animal anuses of the critters they were carving up. nasty. in the future they will make blades from crazy isotopes.

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they all do that, cut the piece, grind it, temper it. They just not show it cos it's lame.

Mike Shinoda is BASED!

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Oh man i remember that guy

Iirc the guy was some lame chink who didn't even use any forging at all, just used a cutter to make a knife shape and sharpened it. The only time I ever saw the judges legitimately mad

>it’s a woman on the show episode

A fucking kitchen knife kekkkkkk

>it's a contestant messes up but another contestant fucked up even more episode

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I worked on the first couple seasons of that show, hung out at that guy’s japanese shinto shrine mountain compound. He was pretty cool

so fucking often, like its barely stopped burning off oil and they file test it "not as hard as I'd like it" Because its still 900 degrees dude calm down and remember your basics

There is no reason not to make a spinoff for the animal anuses. I don't see any reason to ruin a perfectly good slow panning shot of a pig's asshole with all of this metal forging and knife nonsense.

not trolling but I'm still not sure what's wrong with that?

on this show i've never seen anyone make a blade to fit someone's grip for the handle. the handle always seems to come last rather then first and get thrown on. lmao.

did vikings actually wear those stupid pendants? what's the significance

>this anus
>will keel

I saw that one episode with the guy who had never made anything ever. He made a 19 inch dagger and it looked like a shiv.

because all blade-smiths typically just buy blanks these days. no one makes their own steel anymore. making Damascus is just mixing blanks. all use lead springs or buy buy 1/4 inch sheets from the steel store in our areas. its actually cheaper and more consistent. hell some just use a cnc and then heat treat and cyro treat and sharpen. even cnc their handles and charge 500 for a 7 inch blade

The show is called FORGED in fire. Not cut near fire


>tfw contestant dips his blade into oil for a second then throws it into the water right after

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it's a mjolner pendant, like you'd wear a crucifix

Same reason christians wear cross necklaces.

>brags about how its a custom sword made to his body dimensions
>mfw it bent to shit on the ice block

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which is...

The same reason anyone wants to wear anything

most smiths only use heat for heat treating in 2019. everything is done with power tools. you can go yourself and buy a Damascus blank on amazon, cut it and sharpen it. attach a handle and call yourself a smith.

Which is what?

Its a retard filter

Do you follow Ben on IG? I'm pretty sure he's a faggot

Your missing the point. It's like going on MasterChef and using just a microwave. Sure youre cooking something, but the show isnt about just cooking anything. Same thing with Forged in Fire. It's a show about blacksmithing, not using modern bladesmithing methods

have sex

I agree J is a cunt, Ben is a nice guy who has equal knowledge

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Gain height

Only men watch it, sorry little pansy boy

IRL, smithing has always been a highly specialized profession. Almost no one made their own steel. A lot of people even bought premade parts, especially armor smiths. The whole idea of someone turning a piece of raw ore into a blade is nothing more than romanticism.

that's why they give you challenges like taking scrap metal that you have to use with your base metal to make the knife

That is pretty much every episode

blacksmithing requires making your own steel too, the show cant have it both ways but it does. anyone can heat, bend, cut and sharpen metal and some are better than others. it is still not blacksmithing / forging, it is knife making.

>none of the ballistics gel dummies are big tiddied goth girls

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>tfw u watch the judge's hairlines retreet further and further each year

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>and now we will send you back to your home forge where you will now have to make this ridiculous weapon from ancient history that you have probably never seen before. good luck

It's on the History Channel.

>guys taps his knife on metal to test it, an inch of tip breaks off with twenty minutes to go
>other guys feels funny and lies down for half the time
>they both turn in finished blades

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>pole arm episode
>the shaft snaps like a twig


that's what makes the show so comfy

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I liked the Knight fighting show they replaced this with last season

>Gets his own show on Discovery channel

this guy was a fucking madman
>doesnt actually fix the knife when making it into round 2
>just adds stuff that flops around

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a shelf

I was going to say, I remember him getting blown the fuck out in the first round for not knowing how to make a hamon line. He even bragged about how good he would be at it, and that's the part he most massively fucked up. It was embarrassing.

>tfw the host of the show looks suspiciously like Bale

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It will cut is usually after the first round's tests
It will keel is during the second round (home forge) test

>can't stand lack of silence
>watches a show about pounding hot metal repeatedly until it's in a shape suitable for pounding it into other materials like wood, copper, or meat

How the fuck do you live?

with my thumb in my ass

>contestant drops steel on the floor

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It's not just this show, but every US show I've seen has pounding war drums, violin screeches and reversed cymbals everywhere. Even nature documentaries for fuck sake. It's like being battered about the head with a piece of iron.

based and sexpilled

I found the episode with the guy who had literally never forged anything in his entire life. It's so painfully obvious that he conned the producers to get on that show. How does one do that?

boo fucking hoo

I liked how Ben said in his intro video from S2 that winning would change his life, then he wins twice and becomes a judge.

>quenching time
>guy pulls out flaming knife and drops it on the floor or tries to put the flames out with his bare hands

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>throws it in the water for good measure
>the judges faces when

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That's not the guy I was talking about.

>it will not kill

Look how that stupid nigger attacked it, though. Planning on cutting lots of pigs with the flat of the blade, Jose?

>the terrible ripoff that has a girl for judging aesthetics

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>both claymores fail.
What the fuck man? People were making thousands of these 600 years ago and you mother fuckers can't even do it with the shit you got today?

I don't understand why anyone would harden just the blade on a knife smaller than 12-inches. Just stick the whole goddamn thing into the forge and harden and heat treat all of it.

That's all modern forging actually is. Do autists actually believe their folded 1000 times damascus katana is anything other than a stamped out block of 1060 that's been sharpened and heat treated? Why reinvent the wheel? Premade high carbon steel is already a thing you can buy off the internet for cheap.

take a closer look at edge aligment he hits this pig with flat

>guy makes curved instead of recurved knives and gets kicked out of the final before even starting the tests

It would still bend once the edge hit the bones.

*beeping sounds*

i'm still waiting for someone to flip out and hack off a judges ear with their failed sword or knife

surrendering the blade must be intense as fuck for security

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I like to watch this show :)

It was obviously not hardened or heat treated properly because it doesn't even attempt to reshape after that flat hit.

That might be true

I remember that episode, top kek

>the pins dont line up
>they grab a hammer

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expectations = subverted

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>its a "faggot makes a knife that cant cut but somehow is not out" episode

>that time they had to make knives out of the failed knives of previous contestants

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>have small tang
>make it even smaller

>its a female smith talks about how she's there to break stereotypes but gets eliminated in the first round episode

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>make international championship
>American wins anyway

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it's suprisingly nervewracking, but most these american fags don't help themselves with their obsession with oil tempers. You do not fucking need to temper from a higher temperature than a red heat, only consistency matters. They plunge that shit in at yellow heat and wonder why it fractures on grain boundaries.

>puts shits like a knight agaisnt a pirate with guns or swat with top notch gear against gemans with old rusty gear

>it's a "that one guy who dumps flux on everything" episode

Is that Goldberg in the middle?

>i need you to craft a sword that can cut 300 pounds off this fat black woman in less than three swings

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the Waffen SS episode was kino, the equipment was just so obviously superior and well thought out and the peerless training and breadth of battlefields they succeeded on was very impressive.

>*fingerbangs wound until it splurts blood all over the place*
>"Yeah you can tell from the severe laceration that this fella is done for"

This was great. DESU though the American did the best work. French guy gets props for being such a bro though.
>happy af all the time
>beautiful home
>all smiles and jokes
>nothing ever wrong, all is bon mon ami

Definitely one of the comfiest episodes

he's terrible
while FoF takes weeks to shoot and they cut it down to an hour run time
Knife fight uses every second of the recorded footage and the announcers struggle to find anything to talk about
it's painfully bad and should be cut down to just 30 minutes

It would be harder to work with when it’s hardened, but that’s not really that big of a deal when you’re only making a single knife.

I think the girl is less offensive than whatever is going on on the left

>It's a judge is visibly aroused while he's doing the kill test episode

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Where can I watch the whole series?

I'm just saying, it's easier. People don't harden and heat treat entire weapons like swords because there's no point and it'd be hard to have a forge that large. But if you're doing some tiny little knife, rather than risk the tang breaking, just harden and heat treat all of it and prevent any possibility of breaking. It'll take a little bit longer, but so what? The whole thing has to go back in an oven for a few hours for tempering regardless.

It rustles my jimmies when they talk about Damascus steel when it's not

>mix two steels and then etch it with acid
>lmao damascus steel because patterns

This. I can shrug my shoulders at it, but still kind of annoying that what they're actually doing isn't called something else.

Damascus steel is such a meme. It's a buzzword to sell things at a marked up price to idiots.

>critical failure on the final round

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He was on an episode of forged in fire. Made that axe with the useless shit attached

was blocked for me so found the dailymotion video. Is there a bigger fuckup?

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>it's a contestant making cable damascus without welding both ends before twisting the cable episode

>scrap metal episode
>guy can't uncoil the spring he picked

"Damascus" steel is a meme. Damascus steel is a lost secret of metallurgy. Nobody still knows how to make it

fuck off qyburn you cant outsource your job you oldfag

>chromium steel
bizarre choice

>tfw you watch two episodes back to back and in one only one guy is somewhat competent and wins because the other two messed up, and then in the other all three guys could easily be winners and beat that last winner, make great knives, but only one guy makes it and it's tense as fuck.

People who have sex all call it damascus

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>Its a canister damascus episode
>they dont use whiteout
>they dont weld the canister properly

That was a recentish one wasn't it? I vaguely recall that the guy was doing retarded shit the whole round and the judges were saying, "we might have to intervene at some point."

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In the show, there is no one who was as incompetent as that guy. He literally lied, there's no other way he could've been that bad.

That's like calling some shit reciprocating saw from Harbor Freight a Sawz-All

I mean you make radar guided AAA by attaching all the guiding and aiming parts on a mundane artillery piece so the same should be possible if you build a ballista that could interface with the actually advanced hardware.
It would be completely worthless but theoretically it should be doable

>all right Smith's, for the final round you'll have five days to complete... THIS
>Boeing AH-64 Apache
>Take it mind it must be fully functional and fit the following parameters

it was the first season so I bet they were just trying to get contestants, plus its probably tough to verify if someone actually knows how to smith without actually looking at them do it

>all right Smith's, for the final round you'll have five days to complete... THIS
>Take it mind it must be fully functional and fit the following parameters

Sometimes it seems like they don't do any research on the contestants.

That's doable though

They're most likely just happy as long as they aren't convicted pedophiles.

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its because goblins dont have large attention spans so unless they are kept constantly stimulated they change channels to the shopping channel or CNN or some other cancerous amerilard electric jew channel

>Hand the judges completed AK-47s
>All right smiths it's time for the judges to test your weapons. On you!
>Judges burst out from their desk with the guns and open fire at contestants

Didnt he win though? Didnt the other guys sword break, but since "you can fix a bend more easily than a break" he won?

>contestant going to burn the handle to the tang

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>>they dont weld the canister properly
>shit ton of sparks coming out of the canister
>"wow, just like the fourth of july!"

>canister damascus episode
>"your damascus must include 2 OTHER materials beside the filings"
>contestant fills entire canister with ball bearings

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>That round went smoother than Tennessee whiskey.
What did he mean by this?

>Xerox, Kleenex etc.

He means the round went smoother than Tennessee whiskey

dude tried to make a folded demascus tanto on the first round and fucked it up bad

This is a good thread, I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes it. Cheers boys.

However, /ourguy/ belongs to a different show.

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"these are my eye protection"
>puts on aviators
"and this is my respirator"
>lights cigar

me and my buddy still talk about that guy

Is Tennessee whiskey known for being smooth?

Eh I'm a whiskey drinker and I like it. I think Jack Daniels is overrated though, it has too much charcoal flavor. I prefer other stuff

>"very well balanced"
>spins sword around
>"feels good in the hand"
>chops the air with sound effect
>"very well done"

Haven't caught up on the last couple of episodes. I'm guessing they found a shitload of gold and are all millionaires now?
And that's not Trautman.

>tfw knew about damascus steel from vagrant story and am still waiting for them to combine bronze and iron to make hagone

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By now Im not spoiling anything by saying no, they haven’t found shitloads of gold. Still my most favorite comfy show though. Also dan died :(

>its a Dark Souls episode

As cunty as he was, I really appreciated the way he fucking attacked shit when he was testing knives.

>Judges die


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there was a dark souls episode?

>Guess the contestants needed to spend more time in the forge.

This show is based and redpilled. 99% of the contestants are men and the women who do make it on clearly deserve to be there, but almost never win because let's face it they're women in a man's trade. Related, no one ever advances or moves in because they're more entertaining or for progressive points; the judges have integrity and only the best weapon wins. Also the host and the judges are clearly bros in real life and it shows on camera. If you don't like Forged in Fire you're a faggot.

they've specifically mentioned dark souls before when they made a shotel(?) i think

Had a friend who didnt like forged in fire but wanted to be a welder or some shit.
Faggot moved to florida and is welding pipes for gramps now

Any idea where I can watch this?
Can't find on Torrents Youtube blocks the full eps in my country.
Would be nice if someone could extract that as webm

what was he thinking, bros?

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what a faggot on the left, thinks his whole life is some sort of steampunk fantasy i hope a pack of niggers rape his asshole

Do someone remember the episode with the cute trap and his old mentor?


He looks like dork

He looks like fabio and hes sexier then you will ever be

lmao what this nigga thinking lookin like faquoi

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I actually think he pulls it off, and don't think anyone else could even come close.

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You mean pic related?

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Based MatSci/Metallurgy bro

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his ice chop autism needs to stop.

>you can fix a bend more easily than a break
Essentially that's exactly what happened. It not only made sense but it's the truth, a broken blade is hard as fuck to fix but a bent one can be tempered and made harder so it hopefully won't bend again

>it's a call in the paramedics episode

I swear he had that same haircut but shorter.

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It's to cater to the micro attention spans of Americans

one little shit aping dave's waistcoat won that one time sadly

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So the bald ur-gayt wants the hunk on the trone and the man whore wants the hoe. Makes you wonder.

wrong thread?

>the chick with the chipmunk voice
I still can't get over it. She appeared twice, too

>its a contestant fucked up his handle so he has to burn his tang into it episode

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you just know...

>it's a "scrap x and make a knife out of it" episode

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> s p a c i n g g r e e n t e x t

I thought the episode where they took apart a car to make a knife was pretty cool, some dude took one of the coil springs

it's the best option, suspension springs are often pure 5160

Which episode?

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I'm surprised the fire department saw his fucking set up and the most they said was "move it over to a different part of your yard"

>always wanted to become a blacksmith
>it won't generate enough money for living alone
>have deskjob instead
>developing nerve damage in dominant arm

I won't make it guys, my dream is slipping away..

I feel you, being a blacksmith before fire arms would've been the shit.

I love how brutal the judges are sometimes. They don't hesitate to dq someone for not following directions.

Completely unrelated but I wish Junkyard Wars would come back.

I'm more of a 4140 man, myself

>not INFI

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junkyard wars was kino as fuck

Those two guys making the kopis in the last ep made some fucking gorgeous swords

there's only been one female winner right? the farrier. she was a top lass

>silver-haired gentleman with a nice moustache from Connecticut
>kind, well-spoken, knowledgable, good sense of humour, and humble

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>female farrier is quenching her red-hot blade
>slips out the tongs
>tries to catch it
>with her bare hands

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Deep fried foods, deep fried swords bro

>contestant talks a bunch of shit
>eliminated in the first round

>that old guy who finished 30 minutes early and left to go get coffee

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Do you know which episode?

New episode is on right now.

the tournament one, where all the farriers compete against each other

>i drew hot girls with swords
and now hes on a tv show. not a bad life.

>>that old guy who finished 30 minutes early and left to go get coffee
He is based. Pretty fucking mad when he lost when he did the final weapon challenge when he's could cut the pig in one go while the other guy's needed to do two swings.

What episode is this I remember seeing at least part of this but can't remember what to search up.


He just said the line.


>poses as the expert because he's asian
>has only done things once or twice, wants to do it with charcoal which is hard to keep hot and ventilated
>causes a housefire, put his neighbors in danger
>on tv
pshh, nothing personnel, kid

it's a

>someone is a tryhard for muh damascus
>full of flaws because of many layers being hard to fuse together
>breaks or bends
>someone literally grabs a chunk of iron and make something horrible and historically accurate, wins


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damascus is such a fucking meme
when every fucking final round is damascus it gets so overplayed and boring
we get it dude, wavy lines, so cool

There was an episode where they had to work with steel cable. One or two of the contestants forgot to weld the ends together so the whole thing just crumbled to pieces.
I became unreasonably upset.

>arm chair blacksmith criticizes from his junk food cave

There is a reason fat nobodies like you are making Hail Mary passes at the superbowl or a shitty sharp piece of metal on TV.