Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #483
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

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How can we get McFarlane to make some cheaper statues and figures?

Hello new thread. Please be healed by Arita. That's it. No fighting.

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>Alita is an absolute gem of an adaptation
>performs decently at the box office
>Cameron's baby, he'll definitely make a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

Attached: alita girls.png (449x401, 425K)

Hello new bread, please be healed by this drawing of Arita!
and remember to just ignore the stupid low effort troll's...

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Oh no, I fucked it up

Sell me on this movie. Why should I watch this?

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I'm sure superior asian brands will get the license if they haven't already. SHF or Good Smile, hopefully.

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First for chubby cheeks

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Tight pacing, foundational cyberpunk, well acted, good CGI, no BS, excellent world building, great lead character.


>Are you coming to see my movie user?

Attached: hi.jpg (1112x1060, 77K)

sup frens

Attached: extra comfy.jpg (1995x1080, 801K)

Do they only do 1:1 busts, not really into collecting figure/statues, but Alita has me second guessing.

Attached: happy coin.png (1024x451, 765K)

>healed by a fantasy figure that was created only for money
you guys are mentally ill :)

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They do, and they're great.

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Also very good action scenes, which actually work without using stupid editing tricks and effects to hide bad writing. And it's only two hours long - so not a big investment to just check out. If you're not interested 30 minutes in, just duck out.
They do smaller stuff too. I'm never getting a full size bust
>Episode title: Anonymous buys a full size bust

Attached: vector3.jpg (473x378, 38K)

I like you being here. Im glad you havent left us lol

>Anyone hear that autistic screeching in the distance?

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Loved the movie but hate the waifufags.

Attached: Alita vs incels.webm (720x400, 2.99M)

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Different user, look at the image again.

I thought that was a pig on fire

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Eat shit and die.

He is here with us in spirit

very silly alita eating a burrito

Attached: eating.webm (960x402, 2.41M)

>>Anyone hear that autistic screeching in the distance?

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>mfw thinking about those alitanons who took their little old grandparents to see /ourgirl/

I love these threads

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There was someone that took the entire nursing home where their grandma lives.

Was there a funny story attached with that? I'm mostly on my commute or after dinner, so I haven't kept up.
Personally, the first time I saw Alita, the audience mainly consisted of couples and groups of teenagers/20-somethings. When I re-watched later, the audience had shifted to about 1/3 families, guys in their thirties, and old couples.

>"you guys are mentally ill"
>has picture of a shit-covered wojak saved to his computer
Sorry for responding to bait but this legitimately got a laugh out of me.

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post alita related fan art please

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Beyond based...

One smol burrito makes our girl so happy. She's an angel indeed.

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Sequel confirmed?

I don't believe this is technically fan art, but it's neat as hell and I haven't seen it posted in quite some time. China just about got all the cool shit, didn't they?

Attached: 1553113327500.jpg (6552x1114, 3.97M)

This is beautiful. Do you have more?

There are still artbook owners?
I'm doing a pack, and it would be nice if you share new pics

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Haven't you heard? The sequel was canceled.

Attached: 1556405428415.png (740x1078, 1.64M)

You guys need therapy

It's obvious, but I like that Ido tells Alita where he's going so she doesn't feel scared and abandoned and alone as a new person new to Iron City. I mean, telling someone where you're going isn't unusual, but he's doing it for her for a special reason.

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>making an announcement to cancel a sequel that was never announced

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based atilla was a flop, cameron buried it already rest in piss

US/Canada: Check your local listings in Google - Alita is still playing some places. But if it's after May 23rd in AMC, it's most likely just Blue Prince of Bel Air screenings incorrectly listed as Alita.

Alita European Tour Summer 2019:

Across the UK: May 9th at 1pm'ish: 60+ Seniors club screening at a whole bunch of theaters. At least one user is sneaking in with a beard/asking nicely to join.
3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 9th, 10th and 12th
Neufahrn, Germany: May 10th, 12th and 13th
Kaufbeuren, Germany: May 10th and 11th
May 13th: Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: 3D Imax in Oslo, Norway (confirmation pending)
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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>>waifunigger its time to kys :), living in a bubble is just waste of air for humanity

say that to my face bitch not online see what happens

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Hey what's up anons how's it going

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>has picture of a shit-covered wojak saved to his computer

Attached: 1552783163594.jpg (288x285, 36K)

>to my face
but you just need to open your eyes based waifufag the stats are in-front of you

Very nice i love it thank you.

cgi was a mistake,

Ido wants her to feel /comfy/.

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tfw the pink version has a bigger ass

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Your mother not aborting you was a mistake.

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I was left here on Yea Forums to rot. But I was saved, remade, by the very hand that shapes your posting even now.
>Whose hand?
My master, user

You're right.

Having a nice day with my Alitafrens.

Attached: 1557216408811.jpg (785x777, 77K)

Yea Forums was a mistake

I posted all the pics of the motorball paladins last night, I'll take pictures of the rest of the motorball pages after I get something to eat

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Hey what's up SA

>Your mother not aborting you was a mistake.

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Glad to hear it fren, I don't know what I'd do without these threads

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Thanks for the dump, I can never get enough Motorball. Really need to get my hands on that art book.

Attached: many will be healed by you.webm (960x458, 2.22M)

Hello new bread please be healed by Alita and her cute shoes

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Fuck off with these threads assholes

Here's a page for you while I go do a few things

Attached: motor1.jpg (2335x1926, 1.25M)

>air jordans survived the fall and the post-apocalypse
>still cost a fortune

>Nice new kicks Ali!

Attached: idobinoculars.png (740x538, 603K)

>Hello new bread please be healed by Alita and her cute shoes

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Jordans are the GOAT shoe and they will live on forever anons

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>please be healed by Alita
You mean Arita. Can't you do anything right?

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I truly hope these threads never end.

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How did they like it?

Blessed Art Book poster, thanks

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Good Afternoon Alitans
Thread OST:

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I made one final edit to the autistic cyborg/soldier gang. New pic of Glau, you can see Todd more clearly here.

Attached: autistic-cyborg-elite-soldier-gang.jpg (2106x811, 1.62M)

It still blows my mind that a coming of age movie about a teenage girl has an incredibly violent bloodsport in it and not only is it awesome but the protagonist literally kills half a dozen people just in her tryout

Don't really get what these we're all about, but it looks great user!

Attached: 1554225287220.png (594x538, 361K)

Did anybody ever figure out if those are real Jordans or not?

I feel like I hear synthwave music just looking at it
Did you miss some threads from a day ago? long story.


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>300 year old teenage girl

Where can I watch this movie? Generals everyday but I can't find a good stream of it. Only cams. I thought a dvd rip would be out by now.

watched it last night. literal teenage hero trash.

>my name is alita battle angel, number 99, and i wear air jordans on the motorball track!


Just because techncally she's 300-something doesn't mean she's not a teenager for all intents and purposes

>watches a shitty cam rip
>thinks they saw the movie

>I thought a dvd rip would be out by now.
Something happened and there was a massive delay, we might have to wait until June/July but it seems May 14th was the real release date.

>there exists a physical working motorball

Attached: alita heavy breathing.gif (490x490, 399K)

Yes it does retard. She is a 300 year old adult with amnesia, not a child.

Ok user what didn't you like about it

This is the best we have so far Its basically DVD quality however it freeze's for a second once or twice.

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She's mentally a teenage girl at the start of the movie, it's all about her growing up.

Not enough tits and ass tbqh.

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What're you on about, user?

False. This

>DVD rip
I want plebs to leave.

Attached: alita disdain.png (400x489, 345K)

Are you retarded?

Wait, we are missing the ex machina girl lol

mfw 4k Alita is out

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Eh, she kinda creepy imo. from what I remember watching it like 3+ years ago.

Thank you for posting, great song

the end didn't make sense. the love story was garbage. and the reasoning for her to join the bounty hunter shit and try to recruit everyone to her "cause" was cringeworthy as fuck.

I'm gonna need a cutout fren

Attached: sup.png (1117x1080, 658K)

I didn't say she was a child I said she was a teenager. Jim and Robert and Rosa all describe her that way. She's not some ancient grandma with centuries of life experience, she was alive for like 20 years (at the most) and then she was in a coma for 300 years so her brain and personality didn't change at all for that entire time.

She is creepy af

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Why didn't the ending make sense to you?

>the end didn't make sense
Literal 0 IQ

>the love story was garbage
Yeah it definitely wasn't the best part about the movie, but it served its purpose, and can be overlooked.

>and the reasoning for her to join the bounty hunter shit and try to recruit everyone to her "cause" was cringeworthy as fuck.
Yeah it was supposed to be slightly cringey, however wasn't "cringe worthy as FUCK"

Have sex

>yes it does retard
way to argue user you're a real pro at this

Attached: alitaderp2.png (648x538, 516K)

>cute shoes
How are they cute? When you see a pair of jordans what kind of person comes to your mind?

I still think it needs Anakin Skywalker
Alita makes them cute

They should play this movie in all autism centers seeing how it helped you guys focus

Scandroid + Dance With The Dead is a killer combination.
Dance With The Dead is one of my favorites

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The ending makes sense if you pay attention.
She's a teenage girl, of course the romance is trash. It's an important part of her character development.
Her speech is intentionally cringey. Again, she's a teenage girl, she's naive enough to think that would work, and of course it doesn't, so she breaks Zapan's nose and fights him alone.

Please no star wars here

I can make a version with Anakin for you

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ending didn't make sense because why the fuck would nova let her up in the city? she's playing the game for nothing when she can just jump over the 10 foot defense thing and get to the city herself. absolute garbage ending.

I was stunned by this one

I dont really mind it but desu, the Jannies should really lock you up fella, literally nothing of substance..

I know it's a bit controversial but he's like the poster child for autistic cyborg warriors

We don't know if Nova would ever let her into the city or if he even has any control over that. We also don't know if there are more defenses on the way up the cable or what would happen if she actually made it into Zalem.

You gotta check out the entire album.

Attached: to the sound of.jpg (564x564, 33K)

Who are you quoting

>ending didn't make sense because why the fuck would nova let her up in the city?
The only thing I would hate is if Nova underestimates her and she ends up killing him because he thought he could stop her in Zalem. I'd hate that.

Already cheked it fren. It's great!

Attached: 1555779264589.png (600x586, 462K)

Yeah. I think Gangsta and maybe one of the wingmen survived, though. Ajakutty had it worse and lived just fine.

A pretty awesome person with a good amount of money

They have a few more, Out of Body and The Shape are my favorites

Attached: 1553212336811.png (379x345, 162K)

>I dont really mind it but desu, the Jannies should really lock you up fella, literally nothing of substance..

Attached: wut.jpg (293x212, 19K)

My favorite synth band is Xurious

I guess I'm gonna have some great time

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It was actually played in "autism friendly" screenings. But so was Endgame, so I don't know what the fuck. Perhaps it's mainly for parents with autistic children to take their kids to the movies without fear of bothering strangers.

The same dumb ass spammer.

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They’re customs
It doesn’t look like any real model
Closest I can think of to them would be the Jordan 5s

How can you tell?

Sure, user.

Attached: 1556342356493.jpg (397x379, 42K)

nigga what? All he does is say some stupid outlandish shit to try and get attention. Its easy to spot him out.

Look's like he has/had nothing better to do at the time.


Attached: motor2.jpg (2328x2146, 1.4M)

That's not an argument retard.


Attached: motor3.jpg (2442x1985, 1.36M)

Is that jerome?

Alita is ugly


>t. jelly tankie

Basically all you did is say "because I said so" and call them a retard, if you're going to use insults then you clearly don't have any good points and you're just upset that they don't agree with you

>thinks its only one
rent free mentally illness

>that same retard troll from the /abag/ days still plagues these threads

People who wear normies shit like vans, converse, etc have small dicks

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>Alita is ugly
Lol okay user go see the movie though

Attached: ALITA+BATTLE+ANGEL.jpg (778x720, 131K)

Still not an argument cuck.

>that same autists from the /abag/ days still make and post in these threads

Not giving a fuck about status symbols is big dick energy
Nothing against Jordans but wearing nicer shoes won't make you cool unless you're actually cool

Ya, looks like hes having a rough day at home. So hes got to go and project over the internetz.

Attached: alitammmhmm.jpg (738x695, 35K)

I just saw a cardboard point of sale thing for Aquaman and Bohemian Rhapsody at my local super market, and I'd love to see that come out for Alita too. It doesn't happen for all movies.
You might be on to something there - he doesn't know how to cross-link, keeps making no-effort posts about mental illness, and isn't even familiar with what topics are covered by which boards on this site.

n e g r o

Well, thanks for taking the bants well user. Wear whatever you want. I like all shoes though
Stay healed

Attached: 471A60AC-EFCF-48CD-98B8-CE565A96945C.jpg (480x480, 39K)

I'd love to get something like an Ali cutout. But idk if stores over her would even advertise with something like that for Alita. I know they dont sell them [/spoiler[

This user made a fine argument that I notice you didn't bother replying to

Attached: motor4.jpg (2483x2194, 1.57M)

Ten pages total in this section, later I'll do the pages with Alita's motorball designs

Attached: motor5.jpg (2315x2216, 1.55M)

It was like this one, only for Aquaman - filled with DVDs and BDs

Attached: display_stand.jpg (510x510, 18K)

motorball VR arcade game when

Attached: motor6.jpg (2247x2019, 1.38M)

>the motorball can move on its own

Did we see any of this in the movie? Seemed pretty much just like an armored ball

We didn't really see it, I think the motors mainly make it harder to grab the ball

Attached: db9eaedb545ecb2d3750b12e2ec50771.jpg (488x808, 43K)

oohhhhhhhhhh, thought you mean something like this, mb.

Attached: 454426e56a70a53aeab8c2d2772c92e4463b5f90.jpg (860x571, 156K)

>holographic mohawk

I want one

Here you go

Attached: for the anakinfag.jpg (2220x706, 1.51M)

Ex machina?


Attached: motor7.jpg (2352x2072, 1.37M)

Dude I didn't even notice that, I could probably make one for cosplay out of plastic and some LEDs

>that same autists from the /abag/ days still make and post in these threads

You want her in that picture or you want me to add her in a version without Anakin in it?

Attached: m-f-w.jpg (500x442, 32K)

kind of hard trying to get the pages to lay flat so there's no weird glare

Attached: motor8.jpg (2186x2085, 1.53M)

To me that looks more like something done with fiber optics.

Attached: fiber optic mohawk viking helmet.jpg (470x352, 129K)

GeT a LiFe LoSeRs

Attached: alitaderp.jpg (297x325, 14K)

Yeah fiber optics would look better but would it be harder to make?

Attached: autsim.jpg (567x561, 57K)

Doesn't change the fact she is a 300 year old adult with amnesia. No, making a fantasy in your head she is a child to stoke your pedophelia doesn't make her a child. Your just retarded as they are.

Any last requests before I kill the thread with a .webm dump?

Impressive. Motorball has the aesthetic of at least 4 different sports.

"Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

yeah u can replace anakin with ex machina

NASCAR has the best pit stops and the most boring actual racing, so I like that they took the best part of it here.

Which part of the movie should that play over though? Should I go The Devil's Rejects and play flashbacks over the tube scene?

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490K)

Post the Chiren lingerie pics please.

whats up frens

Attached: DxqZvijU8AEzNpX.jpg (750x750, 82K)

Probably not too hard, fiber optic lighting is pretty trivial technology to work with.

Already done.

Attached: jennifer.webm (960x402, 2.09M)

Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children, I never once said she was a child. You're the one freaking out about it. She looks and acts like a teenager, Rosa played her as a teenager, being 300 years old is almost irrelevant.

jk, just trolling

would love a Ramones song, though

How about "Beat on the Brat" during the bar fight?

As long as you don't get any fibers into your eyes it shouldn't be a problem. You can buy Christmas trees and other dingle-dangle made out of fiberoptics.


Attached: Chiren 1.png (455x493, 327K)

Formula 1 pit stops make NASCAR pit stops look like they're moving in slow motion, they move so fast that it's almost not interesting

I'm kind of upset that it's been months since the movie came out and we still haven't gotten even a web rip of the movie. Anyways, anyone up to doing an alita edit of this?

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Attached: Chiren 2.png (914x612, 655K)

"Quidditch" but somehow more retarded

Are we mommy posting now

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>more retarded than Quidditch
Haha okay user go see the movie though

Attached: waltzlaugh.jpg (692x695, 90K)

Yes, especially since they stopped refueling and added more guys - it's almost too clinical and routine. NASCAR pitting is fun because four guys have to do the whole pit stop. Finally something else to watch than turning to the left.

She's much skinnier in the movie.

Those cyber eyes are weird as fuck, probably better than normal eyes though

Meant 5

Well it's an old photo, doesn't look like she had her breast reduction yet

Attached: alitasoue.jpg (1080x1079, 71K)

fixed it

Attached: Rosa-Deal-with-it.png (559x582, 373K)

Attached: F38750E4-B9CB-433B-A2E1-6C7D5A31283D.jpg (943x640, 384K)

Bump for Alita edit


Attached: motor9.jpg (2303x1967, 1.15M)


very nice

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Ok that's it for now, I'll do the Alita motorball pages later

Attached: motor10.jpg (2177x2051, 1.11M)

Attached: ex machina.jpg (2220x782, 1.5M)

>ywn take rosa out on your boat
>or anyone's boat
>or a boat

Attached: 1278825642189.png (198x270, 64K)

Your projection of a teenager fantasy onto Alita is disturbing. Its happening because you want to diddle kiddies. Get some professional help creep.

She's really not that attractive


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cheer up and have some tomatoes

Attached: DjOgibeXsAAdx1m.jpg (720x717, 150K)

>projecting this hard
Go see the movie troll

Attached: rosalaughdog.gif (250x251, 2.06M)

I never considered that the open stalls would allow racers to talk shit to each other while being serviced.
Thanks for the dump, boss. Lots of good stuff here.

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>thinking Rosa's not that attractive

Attached: 8tyukvvwdtj21.jpg (1000x1501, 114K)


Its not some shaky cam that some Chinese boy has recorded. Its a straight up cope of the film files, just not so HD looking, look under 1080p tho.

>ywn feed rosa caprese salad during dinner overlooking your lake

Attached: 1346385470058.jpg (640x480, 30K)

>she is a child to stoke your pedophelia
>this argument is straw

Attached: DaxgPFOW0AApFl4.jpg (1080x810, 160K)

>Just your average Alita fangirl, passing through.

I hate to be the one to inform you, but she is definitely on the low end of the female hotness scale.

Don't be jelly SA I'm sure you're a pretty gril too

Attached: rosalaugh.png (400x400, 290K)

>I'm sure you're a pretty gril too

Attached: 1552605398828.png (300x264, 64K)

>low end of the female hotness scale
what fucking planet are you living on

Attached: 50341064_115872372830256_3735861744229091326_n.jpg (794x1229, 170K)

What's up Alitafren? Stay a while, there are other girls here sometimes! What are your thoughts on Hugo?

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based Alita fangirl

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Your average Instagram "model" is more attractive than she is

Attached: 999.jpg (720x720, 62K)

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What's the obsession about?
She's literally just the voice-over actress

>Thinking only looks are involved in attractiveness.....
You wanna date any of those sub 10 IQ dim bimbos, Rosa's personality is really what makes her attractive to me. And the fact shes a solid 8.5/10 is a bonus...

Attached: i6o1o32f5kj21.jpg (1920x1920, 261K)

Bruh that ain't Rosa, thats just some fangirl.

Attached: CS4JrnrWoAAB8-8.jpg (320x480, 37K)

>average instagram model is more attractive
Lol no and even the ones that might be prettier (which is subjective) don't have half the personality or talent that Rosa does

Attached: nx337ru13mk21.jpg (1224x1632, 234K)

>just the voice-over actress

Attached: alitazapanbts.webm (1920x1080, 2.41M)

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>Rosa's personality
So you've met her then? Because you can't say you know someone off of scripted snippets of film that they want the public to see
let's get some standards in this general please

Also dont remember VA's having to train like this for a role...

Attached: rosatakedown.webm (640x640, 643K)


>anti-rosa poster and nighttime anti-art poster are both better at derailing the thread than Jerome
Jerome you gotta step it up bud

Attached: 1554084096468.png (364x424, 246K)

Rosa can look good even in just a t-shirt and barely any makeup

Attached: tumblr_nlf9dwmk0L1upawnto1_r1_500.png (500x700, 258K)

Rosa's a total goober and her goofiness is impossible to contain

Attached: rosagoofy1.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

>robrod in dad jeans doing a dorky walk-in from off-screen

Attached: 1350059407894.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

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I'm gonna sukku that tongue

Attached: 1555641848790.png (267x241, 63K)

Nope, but you can get a feel for what she like by watching the BTS for any of her films, and all of the interviews she did for Alita, as she comes off as really genuine and wholesome.

So maybe chill with all this yeah? just because your one of the very few people that doesn't like Rosa as much as we do, doesn't mean you have to keep barking on about it...

Attached: DUkoKACWkAEVfLa.jpg (750x927, 84K)

>mfw I see Rosa in spandex shorts with cannabis leaves printed all over them

Oh dear. You're just making up a fantasy about her now.

There's nothing wrong with that just keep it healthy

Attached: images(21).jpg (426x282, 12K)

ill post it in next thread, sorry

Our trolls have really stepped it up a notch, I'm almost proud

No worries I saved it

alita alita balita mamita

Who wants next bread

I'm not even trolling though, you guys are the ones constantly getting assblasted whenever someone has a different opinion to you. You guys literally are using this place as a hugbox now.

i was trying to reply to kissu poster with something else.
i have a bunch new rosa pics

>I'm wrong so I'll just talk shit and green text
Still no arguments.

i can make it

You're not making any points though you're just being a contrarian for no reason

the doll body was meant to be for a 14 year old kid

>no arguments

>i have a bunch new rosa pics

Ok. So why did you reply to my post if you haven't any arguments?


14 is legal in lots of yurop iirc

next bread, got like 30 more rarepics

This is true and personally I think it's a little weird to lewd doll body Alita but this doesn't make her a child

>being a contrarian for no reason
No I'm not. I expressed my opinion that she isn't very attractive and you got all pissy.


Which syllable of this statement don't you understand retard?
>300 year old adult with amnesia
Changing the cyber body she is plugged into doesn't change her age.

>mfw new Rosas incoming

Attached: rosalick.jpg (343x354, 80K)

doll alita is truly not for lewd, while berserker alita...

That's not an argument cuck

I'll grant you that she's an adult by the end of the movie but just because she has existed for 300 years does not make her that old mentally. She's not a vampire.

You haven't refuted my arguments you shitposting retards. She is 300 years old and that is a fact.


>using words like retard and cuck in a civil discussion
Boy you're really getting heated up about the idea that you shouldn't be lewding doll body Alita


b-but she's really a 2000 year old dragon guys
why won't you believe me


Your body consist of materials that are millions of years old. That still doesn't make you developmentally old enough to post on 4channel. It doesn't matter that Alita can be carbon dated to over 300 years old - she has the mind of a young adult.

She is an adult from the beginning of the movie you pedo doll body fantasy projecting retard.


Attached: images(22).jpg (771x398, 67K)

How many copies of the alita robot are in the alita world?
She should fight herself that would be simply epic would it not my dudes?


Attached: passfidget.webm (960x402, 2.43M)

.We aren't the ones lewding over teenage projection fantasies you faggot cuck retard pedarast.

We should fight

>how to spot an election immigrant

Wow sure feels like some blue checkmarks from Twitter and Discord are in here - it's like the IQ of the place suddenly fell through the floor.

In the sequel she should have a pillow fight scene with a clone of herself

>General Discussion #483
>40 IPs
yikes, what makes this movie so worthy of obsession? I missed seeing it in theaters

it's just thirsty weebs man
perverts to be more honest

Last thread had close to 60 IPs, so it goes
>Too many IPs: REEEEE look at all these nerds
>Too few IPs: REEEEE shills

Whatever fantasy floats your boat retard. Doesn't change the fact she is 300 year old adult with amnesia remembering who she is.

What is with this board's obsession with this Alita?