Tarantino made only one good movie in his career. The rest is 5-6/10 at best...

Tarantino made only one good movie in his career. The rest is 5-6/10 at best. His knowledge about the obscure asian movies he steals from isn't as extensive as he claims. He's an entry-level director for normies, and the only useful thing about him is that his movies can encourage some people to search for actual kino. Change my mind, protip: you can't.

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What's the good one in your opinion

>one good movie
Pulp Fiction?

Even that is not exactly great.

If it's not any of the ones on this list, then OP has to go back to Plebbit.

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basic imdb tier opinion, do you have any substantial critiques or do you just enjoy shitting up the catalog

Tarantino is probably one of the most overrated Hollywood directors of all time. Pulp Fiction (which still had pacing problems) and Jackie Brown were great, but outside of that it’s all just “Dude what if *insert thing* killed *insert other thing*”

Inglorious Bastards is insanely overrated.

I thought Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, and Pulp Fiction were all above average. But I agree that he isn't very talented. The actors are great, the dialog/humor/plot is only notable for shock value.

>most of it is medocre american trash
Disgusting, are amerifats even people?

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Pulp Fiction probably.

PATRICIAN: Shurayukihime

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It's easier to think of QT's as a comic book movie director. He uses nostalgic imagery and cinematic tropes as a vehicle to create revenge movies based on his political beliefs.

His 90's trilogy are his best films because they're made from a time where he was still thinking about his place in the world, and the existence of God. At the time of making Reservoir Dogs he was 27 and not yet the rich beloved director who took the 90's independent cinema scene by storm.

In Reservoir Dogs it speaks to audiences because, at its core, its more or less about what it means to be a man, a professional, which for 27 year old Quentin speaks to his moral uncertainty. It's compelling since the longing that is in the question of what it means to be a good man in a criminal world (read: a post-modern 1990's). Reservoir Dogs is concerned with what is the most important thing for a man to be respected by other men? The film gives us an answer: tell the truth. So Mr Orange tells the truth that he's a cop to Mr White, and he is killed for it. It's a tragedy, leaving this conclusion to the importance of truth to a stylishly ambiguous fate.

Inglorious bastards was just ((leftist)) power fantasy

Nah he's only made one or two stinkers

>Redditor complaining about Americans

Not really on any high ground to talk there, lad

>portrays Nazis as decent but misguided humans
>portrays Americans as retarded psychopathic assholes
It's the most honest WW2 movie even though its basically a cartoon

Name a better storyteller in the contemporary mainstream. You fucking can't.


Then you get Pulp Fiction, now Quentin is making the dreaded big second movie. He doesn't know if Pulp Fiction is going to work since its so experimental in its time. The film again is heavy on themes of loyalty, but this time it is elevated by the question of the existence of God. Jules and Vincent are spared from death by the bullets miraculously missing them (perhaps how Tarantino feels about Reservoir Dogs being a smash hit; a miracle). So Jules and Vincent deal with this dilemma; Vincent ignores the miracle (God) and is killed for it after one too many fuck-ups. Jules accepts God with the intent to 'walk the earth' (how QT feels about not being in the film business perhaps). Pulp Fiction is QT's best film because QT is directly challenging his own beliefs on the existence of God, and how he will use his gift (think Butch and his fighting prowess) as a writer moving forward. The whole film is made with the idea of 'getting away with something you shouldn't by the grace of someone in a higher position than you', whether that be God (in the briefcase), Butch going back for Marcellus Wallace, or Jules and Vincent needing the help of Mr Wolf.


Tarantino is reddit tier director though

Oh look at all the reddit movies

Reservoir Dogs, actually.

Then you get Jackie Brown. Quentin dodges the issue of finding a more profound topic by adapting Elmore Leonard's Rum Punch. It's a solid film, with Max Cherry being the most compelling character. However Sam Jackson, whilst great in his role, is also QT's self-insert character. It's a very good movie and adaption, but also lacks the unconventionality of Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and thus lacks that special something that would make it better than it is.

Then six years go by. This is the major turning point for Quentin. Kill Bill 1 and 2 are great films, and one of my personal favourites. They have great spectacle, performances, and solid themes, but ultimately lacks any real profoundity beyond fulfilling The Bride's motherhood arc. In this way it is a great comic book movie. But all comic book movies operate under a stunted state of thought where all conflicts are resolved through pulp violence or high melodrama. There is no chance in the story for The Bride to forgive Bill for his actions, which, by extension, portrays how QT ultimately feels about God.

Jackie Brown you absolute autists

When Bill talks about Superman and how Superman was born Superman, meaning he was made the way he was and he's never going to be able to change; QT, through Bill, is making a statement about himself. He won't be able to change who he is either. And what does he sacrifice when making this profound statement? A wife and daughter. So QT metaphorically kills himself through Bill, and has the life he could live, the life he could have with a family, a wife and child, separated from himself. The end of the film is presented as a happy ending, but its really a tragedy for QT. The shot in the credits where Bill is shown dead on the grass represents the lingering effects of this decision for QT even after the film is over. It's also interesting that Bill wanted to have his daughter accept and grow up with violent movies like him, but The Bride takes her away from that, showing how QT both glorifies pulp violence, but also realises his own obsession with it will be his downfall.


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Spawn is better than Jumanji, tho.

And then you get the less interesting half of QT's career. His films have stopped questioning anything altogether. He doesn't question his place in the world like he does in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. He doesn't adapt works he admires like Jackie Brown. He doesn't condemn himself introspectively like he does with Kill Bill.

Inglorious Bastards, Django Unchained, and The Hateful Eight are all spiteful, childish films. Fantastic scenes one after the other, at times comedic, brilliantly written, showcasing an amazing cinematic talent. But the fundamental stories are all victim narrative exploitation movies which other no truth or sincerity. They're only personal insofar as he relates to whoever the victim of the movie is.

Hateful Eight is by far the most unsettling, since the film seems to end on a note of blacks/whites coming together under conflict, all the while trying to distract from the fact a woman is hung by the neck in a brutal manner. Why? Because she's a criminal and she tried to kill them... but would 90's QT do that to Daisy Domagu? If anything she should've been the one to come out on top by the end of the story.

His new movie looks god awful. He's gone full Jew Hollywood schlock making. He's become the filmmaker everyone slated him as being before he ever was that.

The most bizarre thing for me is that if sergio leone didnt exist,this guy wouldnt have a career

God, I fucking despise post-Kill Bill Tarantino

There is no way the hobbit sequels deserve to be in a list with greats like American Psycho and A Goofy Movie.

>only one good movie
I agree that Death Proof was good, but I'd also put Pulp Fiction in the same tier.

I actually have a friend that loves quentin movies but cant stand Leone movies

He tells shit stories and he fills them with wacky and witty lol so random yet so realistic conversations.

He is influential, sure, and his influence extends into other genres (like bendis trying to be a worse tarantino than tarantino already is) but lets be fair, he is a shit story teller.

Yes, practically the whole of reddit

I still like From dusk till dawn for one reason
>salma Hayek shoving her foot into Tarantino’s mouth as part of her lap dance

Its a Meme Rodriguez movie

>Resevoir dogs
>Pulp Fiction
>Inglorious Basterds
>Kill bill 1&2
>hateful 8

All kino.

He has 3 good movies, Inglorius Basterds, Django Unchained and Pulp Fiction.
Although Basterds and Django were significantly carried by Christoph Waltz's ability to act that specific character type.
However Tarantino is a master at writing dialogue. You may not be a fan of his plots or action sequences but you have to acknowledge that he is good at writing dialogue.

Only the first two are kino, plebbitor.

I saw Pulp Fiction in the bargain bin of blu rays at Best Buy the other day

Inglorious Basterds is one of the best films in the last 10 years. Sorry youre too American to appreciate it.

this cancerous capeshit hysteria that is lasting for the while decade now has made me appreciate tortellino desu. imagine that, we have a filmmaker auteur whose films are an event - and he doesnt make capeshit! learn to appreciate him while it's not too late. pulp fiction is one of the best films ever made, it saved the piece of shit car crash decade that was the 90s.
also some qt news:
>director's cut of django is coming later this year
>th8 netflix cut contains 25 new minutes without credits
>he really intends to make a star trek picture, the script is ready to roll

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I'm European. Everything since Kill Bill is the most american plebbit tier. Also this user is right

Wrong. That movie is shit. Even worse is django. QT was good before kill bill.

Tarantino is creatively bankrupt though. I won't praise his shit just because capeshit is even worse trash.

>I'm European
Youre also retarded.

>A New Hope
Stopped there, get out of here with that star wars garbage

Every single movie QT has made since pulp fiction has been worse than the one prior.

Prove me wrong.

what exacrly is bankrupt in his work? even his worst films are still a comfy 6s

I hate normies

>Only god forgives
Literally cringe material

You didn’t like kill bill? I thought it was kinda actiony and cool. I’m sorry you’re too pretentious to enjoy fun films. You enjoy your kino. I’ll watch movies with some friends.


Ok redditor

Jackie Brown

I liked KB when I was 13-16, now I enjoy the movies Tarantino steals from

Nah fuck that the fight with lucy liu is pure, unadultered kino