"A lazy, awkward table setting episode"

even the normies have had enough

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It was one of the best episodes.

>t. idiot

Episode 3 was way worse. Episode 4 was better but more like Episode Break the Fourth Wall. Bronn can use teleportation and time manipulation magic and Euron had railguns.

He's being dishonest, he only hates it now because his favourite yaas queen insert character is turning evil

unironically the best episode this season

>only got mad because muh dragon and muh minorities dead

GoT is a based as it ever was

>show that's been shit for +3 seasons is finally noticed as bad by normie clickbait articles

they're just butthurt, if they cared about the shit writing it would have started bothering them years ago
also this. jesus that's sad though

This, no episodes has owned libs nearly as hard as episode 4 did.
>b-b-but muh dragons, arrows shouldn't kill them
>b-b-but how did she miss that fleet it makes no sense
>b-b-b-but dany's right to rule shouldn't be put aside because of jon it was her turn
>b-b-b-but muh misandi, we're not men, remember?
>b-b-b-but drogon should have saved her even though there were giant dragon killing cross bows everywhere

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The first half is medieval sex and the city.

>bran wins the throne
how pissed are people gonna get. he's a cripple so they probably can't get too mad. really a great chess move

it was one of the best episode of the past couple seasons, but the idiots hate it because MUH DANY MUH MISSANDEI MUH DRAGONS

fuck off libcuck, white male will sit on throne, YESS QUAAAAAN will be antagonist and will get killed, MUH DRAGUNS arent invincible.

>turning evil
I think you mean, being realistic waman

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Making bran the king is the sure fire way to piss off every different section of the fan base. Completely retarded

>disservice to GRRM's characters
>GRRM wrote a scene of a clone of Arya being raped by a dog repeatedly
Do these vice/slate faggots even read the books??

This isn't even the worst episode of the past 4 seasons, not when that entire godawful Dorne arch exists.

he's a white male though

>>GRRM wrote a scene of a clone of Arya being raped by a dog repeatedly
He also wrote a multi-paragraph description of 13 year old Dany's cunny.

>sure fire way to piss off every different section of the fan base
they already did that with episodes 3 and 4 though

you ask a question you already know the answer to

This has to be ironic

it was the best episode of season 8 for sure

Just out of curiosity, do you have these sections available to post?

Realistic my ass. Oh i have been through good and bad for 10 years it has made me strong. Now i am this close to the throne lets burn the whole city down and kill everyone on sight.

George said 3eye'd Bran was supposed to be a character like Leto II with his prescience but they wrote him like he's a bleep-bloop robot instead.

t. Brainlet

I love it that even the media is picking up on how shit it is. I just watch it and play drinking games with it

>season 8
I'm wondering how Yea Forums rates the season so far? We're only 4 episodes in but I think it might be the worst one yet.

dont be suprised
people on Yea Forums get just as triggered by "muh politics in movies" as twitter

Pure pottery. The show is getting so bad that normies are finally noticing and all of a sudden contrarians on Yea Forums are saying this was a good episode.

>Giantsbane putting Dany in her place
>Jaime admitting that he is fucked up and cant get over his past
>Arya continuing her edginess
>Dragon just randomly being shot down, so they can get rid of a dragon
>Unsullied making it to shore, but not being slaughtered by the better force
>Bronn character being ruined
>Having pretty much all the commanders of Dany show up at the gates, within range of said ballistas that killed the dragon, along with tons of archers, without being massacred
>Everything looks like something form a cheap renaissance fair

You can tell they are just phoning it in this season, but still have a small handful of good ideas

they weren't complaining last season

it's only because of dany they're doing it, fuck em

How come? I'm a danyfag and i'm liking this season so far.

it was 90% soap opera, and 100% slow paced filler, which would be totally fine if this season weren't the last and only 6 episodes long!
>how long is the trip from winterfell to kingslanding?
let's say a week.
so after a whole week, the midget decides to have an important conversation with the bald guy? fucking hack writers.

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>season 1
watches in glee as her brother gets murdered right in front of her
>season 2
threatens to burn quarth to the ground if they refuse to let her in
>season 3
plays a scheme with slavers to steal their slave army, and then uses that slave army to butcher the entire city and murder all the masters
>season 4
crucifies 163 masters despite many of them having nothing to do with slavery
>season 6
burns a bunch of dothraki alive because reasons
>season 7
burns a bunch of carriages transporting food, burns the tarlys to set an example because they would not recognize her as their queen

ep 1 - filler
ep 2 - filler
ep 3 - cant see shit with anime ending
still the best episode of the season

and that's a good thing.

Jokes aside, any ending that wasn't everyone dying would be a massive cheat. Point of the show was that all the maneuvering and alliances and infighting was a dumb distraction from the looming existential threat. It's fistfights on the deck of Titanic; something something human nature. Night King needed to BTFO anybody who stood to face him, and keep on going, while the fight for the throne continues, with Jon or Daeny or whoever finally winning to enjoy it for one evening before they all die because the Night King is outside the gates.

As it is, just a massive cop-out, and making Cersei be absolutely vindicated for blowing off the inconvenience of the Night King is a pretty shitty resolution to the central idea of the show. Pay no attention to Winter; all those maneuvers and petty squabbles are actually what really matters.

This. How the fuck can people complain about episode 4 whilst defending episode 3?
It's insane

I actually like this one quite a bit even though i understand its flaws. It has been the only episode so far this season that i havent thought was total dogshit

>everyone starting to hate show
>Yea Forums starts liking it
imagine my shock

>crucifies 163 masters despite many of them having nothing to do with slavery
Uuh user, those were all slavers. They had to do with slavery. Her mistake was not thinking that there can be good masters and bad masters.
>burns a bunch of dothraki
Anyone can challenge a Khal at any time and take his place. Only power counts to them.
>burning Tarlys
Giving them the chance to bend the knee was already too lenient. Should have burned them all to begin with.

it had the most choice lines of the season and the best character development

>Point of the show was that all the maneuvering and alliances and infighting was a dumb distraction from the looming existential threat.
no it wasn't. if it had been, what you outlined would be happening. but it's not because it is not the point of the show.

>character moments and the climax of different narrative arcs is filler

No one on this board is equipped to criticize fiction in any way, shape, or form, you faggots live and breathe this shit but are so fucking blind, deaf, and dumb to even the most conventional story beats

Same type of faggots to cry about plot holes but are completely immune to themes, atmosphere, mood, actor chemistry, etc.

I hate you brainlet infantile American cunts so fucking much

Great take

You can tell dabid and dabid have outran the book as a guide; they’re on their own with their own (lack of) talent


>Uuh user, those were all slavers. They had to do with slavery. Her mistake was not thinking that there can be good masters and bad masters.
no, they weren't all slavers
>Anyone can challenge a Khal at any time and take his place. Only power counts to them.
that was not a challenge, that was a trick
>Giving them the chance to bend the knee was already too lenient. Should have burned them all to begin with.
she doesn't want to be queen of the ashes, sweetie

For being the last season everything will depend on the last episode. Ended well, good season. Ended shit, shit season. So far ... the bad parts are more relevant than the good parts.

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This is the first good episode in ages. Fuck normalfags.

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>anything that isn't a battle is filler

>owned libs

/pol/tards unite

GoT has been shit for years now. Why do they suddenly have a problem with the bad writing now?

> muh brienne knighted
> muh beginning dany and jon drama

fuck brienne shes a trash mary sue dike. ep 4 did more to advance her character anyway, same with jon and dany

because dany is losing. shes a stronk independent female who dont need no man, but shes still losing

Because it is finally nuanced again.

She was unlikeable as a YAAS QUEEN. She's much better now, going back to S1 vulnerability.

ep 1 and 2 could have been one episode
ep 4 doesnt have a battle and im saying its the best this season, so what are you saying

i am also curious

I'm tired to explain this day after day to Yea Forumstards: He's 3ER. He know everything about everyone from the realm.

He is the best choose.

Its not d and d's fault bran is a literal autistic nugget

A good king should be more than just a glorified Wikipedia page.

>Most choice lines
What kind of fucking autist talks like that. Also what lines were choice? Literally name three lines that weren't out of character and made sense in the context of the story. Most of the dialogue in that episode flat out made no sense.
>Most character development
Literally no character development, we saw characters literally do things that made no sense based on their previous established characterizations and motives. The only "development" is that we see Danaerys become more of an incel, and they only show that by having her make an "I smell something bad" face twenty fucking times

to think this guy actually got lucky

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Will GRRM be outed as some Stephen King weirdo one day?

>become more of an incel
anyone else smell some toasty fish?

Solid post.
>no, they weren't all slavers
Proofs? No headcanons.
>that was not a challenge, that was a trick
If you are a Khal and can't escape a hut it's not her problem.
>she doesn't want to be queen of the ashes, sweetie
Burned a couple rebels. Plenty of unburned stuff to rule on.

For a season 5-8 episode it was a 8/10, for a season 1-4 episode it was 3/10

the varys and tyrion conversation was great

they did about as good a job as possible (keep in mind this season is still shit tho) to show dany descent into anger and madness in one episode as they could

Because the writing got noticeably worse and lazier this season, same as how so many people dropped the show in season five, it was a huge drop from season 1-4 quality. Season 8 is another serious drop in quality.

also if you liked episode 3 you have no leg to stand on

She's not losing lol

Cersei have Lannister army and GC. OK
Dany have the entire North (Jon), Vale (Robin), Storm's end (Gendry), Riverlands (Edmure), the Iron Islands (Yara), Horny Hill (Sam), Dorne, something like 2/3 of insullied, 1/3 of dothraki, 1 dragon.

something like 120.000 vs 30.000

>kinda want to listen to the GoT audiobooks
>don't really want some old crusty British guy breathing heavily in my ear describing the moistness of a pussy while I'm lying in my bed or trying to work

How come women are only ever allowed to narrate romance novels?

Is it all Dorne tier or what? Bad pussies everywhere?

>Will GRRM be outed as some Stephen King weirdo one day?
Hell yes

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I don't watch the show but I get unreasonably mad at their battle "tactics".

Oh sweet summer child..

Cersei has science on her side instead of supersticious retards like Dany. She has the field advantage.
They are even. I say this as a danyfag. With a decent plan they can get KL but i'm sure Cersei has good plans to defend and some shitty strategy to kill Dany even if she loses.
Coating the throne with poison would be cool.

All non-boring authors are weirdos anyways.

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have sex

>"jumping the shark" will be officially replaced by "headshotting the dragon" as the new slang for a show going to shit
What a time to be alive

they gave up long before this episode
that said it wasn't particularly bad, it was pretty fucking bad, but I don't think anything will ever top episode 3 now
normies are only getting mad at it because their fan favourites aren't acting exactly as they'd like, they don't actually care about writing
all you fags claiming it was a good episode are brainless contrarians

>Dany have the entire North (Jon), Vale (Robin), Storm's end (Gendry), Riverlands (Edmure), the Iron Islands (Yara), Horny Hill (Sam), Dorne
You must be delusional to believe this.

Not even sex can calm the fury of seeing Dany negotiate with 50 warriors by her side in front of the walls of KL and Cersei not simply shooting arrows at them for being tards.

>Varys and Tyrion conversation was great
You're a fucking retard. Varys was openly discussing treason in the fucking throne room in Dragonstone with the Hand of the Queen. Varys wouldn't discuss dickall with Ned Stark, the most honourable mam ever, in the fucking dungeons, because he's always been careful and sneaky. Even if he wanted to bring Tyrion around to his side he would do what he always did in the past, he would contrive situations in which he could show that his way is what is required, and he would do it in a way that provided him with an alibi and deniability. It made no fucking sense for him to proceed the way he did. Tyrion's reaction was a bit better, and lampshaded the issue a little, but it was still so fucking stupid it hurt.

did you pull those numbers directly out of your ass lol
the north lost half its men, no one knows how many men the north had left, but it was no more than 5-10k. storms end has been completely irrelevant throughout the entire show. the riverlands were destroyed during the war of the five kings, theres barely anyone left to fight in that area. the iron islanders worth a damn are with euron, yara taking back the iron islands means fuck all. horn hill is fucking nothing, and the reach basically lost its entire army fighting against the lannisters. dorne is supposed to have an army but they haven't done shit throughout the entire show despite being allied with dany. she lost half of the unsullied, grey worm said this last episode, and probably most of her dothraki.

she lost, all she has left is just 1 dragon. we know how it all ends anyway. shes fucked.

she technically does, but since those regions essentially don't exist anymore outside of vague, confusing throw-away lines, she obviously never will

No, this whole season was trash, episode 3 was the worst action episode, episode 4 was the worst "drama" episode.

What about bastards battle? Why didn't someone just kill the other faction's leader? Or when Dany was in KL to negotiate piece to fight zeds?

Tbf he was only
that she was forced to fuck the dog.

>episode 3 was perfect!
>episode 4 is shit

Fuck off

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they were both good

How did they feel about Episode 1: Everybody Says Hello and Episode 2: I Don't Even Remember Watching This One

I was really surprised that such a huge book series only had like 2 different audiobook versions. Is that normal?

>i bet ur a virgin
>when ladies are expected to stay virgin until they marry
>someone forgot this was a medieval show

>varys psychically reading dany's state of mind from her looking around in the feast

>lol how are we going to convince our queen to give some nobody sellsword the richest holding in the kingdom?

>she forgot about the iron fleet
>previous scene is them mentioning the iron fleet in the table
>last time we split our forces these guys rekt our fleet and killed all our allies and we just learned that one of them was saved 2 days ago
>let's do it again

>how could cersei be preparing for battle? why don't we use our omniscient god to check their deployment before we head down

>we have a teleporting ninja assassin and a guy that knows the entire city inside and out, that's a match made in heaven
>nah forget it

>oaths? what are those things? even swearing in front of our super special tree? those things that were important enough that breaking them resulted in everyone dying in a wedding

>lmao get the fuck out doggo

>radar guided rail ballistas
>front facing shot? that's a hard one
>flanking maneuver? what's that

>more varys somehow thinking dany is crazy because she just got royally fucked and actually thinking jon would be a better king, the dude who supported viserys
>muh humane siege, let's starve everyone to death
>more modern morals

>let's parley with our dishonorable enemy in person, surely nothing can go wrong
>while bringing 100 men to the gates of the city they are bound to have stacked full of troops
>people can sally out? In this case it would even make sense? No way, too logical
>also someone forgot to charge our rail ballistas apparently
>could let a volley on tyrion after the beheading or before, even had paid to have him killed
>doesn't even show if pirate man even caught the implication of tyrion knowing about the baby

3 was shit, but had some entertaining moments, this was just shit

>watches in glee as her brother gets murdered right in front of her
He deserved it.
>threatens to burn quarth to the ground if they refuse to let her in
They were bad people.
>plays a scheme with slavers to steal their slave army, and then uses that slave army to butcher the entire city and murder all the masters
Murdering the masters isn't wrong.
>crucifies 163 masters despite many of them having nothing to do with slavery
They did though.
>burns a bunch of dothraki alive because reasons
They were trying to take her down.
>burns a bunch of carriages transporting food, burns the tarlys to set an example because they would not recognize her as their queen
This is the only morally wrong thing she did.

varys thinks he can convince tyrion to come to his side. he made some decent arguments for it. danerys actions themselves are his biggest argument, she does his work for him.

Yeah, that's what I was saying when I was reading the reactions online. I thought it was kinda meh, when I watched it. It had some problems but nothing on the scale of episode 3. It's funny how it literally only took 1 episode for normalfags to turn on the show.

>They were bad people.
>Murdering the masters isn't wrong.
>They were trying to take her down.
user please

they're really only mad because D&D are comitting to mad queen Dany
which is a bit of an asspull, but compared to the asspulls this shitshow has committed before it's fucking nothing
I'm kinda glad. The ending was going to piss off original fans/bookfags anyway, so pissing everyone off is really the best possible outcome

>He deserved it.
he deserved it so much that she named a fucking dragon after him. what a dumb bitch lmao
>They were bad people.
they didn't want to let dothraki rapists into their city, sweetie
>Murdering the masters isn't wrong.
many of the masters spoke against slavery, like her husbands father.
>They did though.
dany benefited from slavery too, she is using a slave army that only exists due to slavery.
>They were trying to take her down.
she married a khal, her rightful place in their culture was with the dosh khaleen. why are you so culturally insensitive?

If you kill people because they get in the way of your rise to power you are not a good person

The entire mad queen thing is bullshit you autists are making up, desu.

I think so. There's usually little reason to make multiple recordings of modern works.

I did see some unofficial recording or some shit on youtube with a female voice, but she has such a weird fucking accent it drove me insane.

You are a beta cuck.

there are some amateur audio books on youtube

asmr sluts should get on that

It doesn't fucking matter if he thinks he can convince Tyrion of that. Tyrion has shown poor judgement twice in the most recent arc that have caused big fuckups, and Varys has shown that he's not careless with information or plans. Making good points or not, it's not only out of character for him to have discussed it openly, it's patently AGAINST his character to have done so.

bullshit in what way? as in it's contrived? yeah, I agree
it's all but confirmed to happen at this point though

normies sure didn't notice on episode 3

Here is the AI's review of the episode.

>Episode 4, Season 8 of Game of Thrones was just released. As you know, I have watched the fourth book in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series so far so, in keeping with tradition I went out and looked through my own notes and reviews to find anything interesting I might have missed. One moment I made note of this gem from Martin.

>The opening scene of episode four of HBO's Game of Thrones is filled with all the usual things one would expect to see: King's Landing has been sacked and King Martell is taking refuge in the Dreadfort. But this time around he finds himself standing in the open. He sees someone who isn't quite there, and he calls to them.

>"Let me in, please, Lord Commander! And it's Lord Commander Lannister!"

>What do you think, is he standing in the Dreadfort just waiting for the battle that has just begun? Do they notice him?

Hmm... Really makes me think. Do you agree?

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The mad queen plotline is obviously the way it will end in the books though in the books it will probably be better done and maybe even Jon will have to kill Dany to make lightbringer and she won't be fully mad/evil and will sacrifice herself.

I think GRRM gave dumb and dumber this ending intentionally to ruin their MKULTRA symbolism they were originally going for with Dany.

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Yeah, this is just people taking the bad vibes into Episode 4.

Episode 3 was the real nonsensical shitter. Episode 4 had some characters doing dumb stuff, but the stakes have been significantly lowered after the previous episode that the stupidity in 4 is just a shrug. The damage was already done.

It was the best episode since BotB. It's good to see conversations again.

those are all valid criticisms though, how is euron having perfect aim at a dragon so far away and dany not seeing the massive fleet on her dragon "owning the libs"?

>A lazy, awkward table setting episode
that's literally almost every single episode in every single season.
normies are so retarded

tyrion has been fucking up a lot and acting out of character, i agree, all the more reason for varys to believe his heart isnt really in danys cause

6x10 was better than botb

holy shit so even normies realized it

>entire season so far is filler
>normies are only now waking up to this fact after four episodes

Everybody fucking complained about episode 3 too. Some retards were happy about Arya killing NK but it's pretty obvious that most normies hated episode 3 and felt it was a shitty, ugly cop out of an episode with nothing reasonable or important happening.

I don't remember that, what book/scene was that?

>rote a scene of a clone of Arya being raped by a dog repeatedly
what really?

Varys is a ruined character. His entire motivation was putting Young Griff on the throne. With that cut, he’s just some shady altruist.

>episode 3 was filler
I know it was one of the worst episodes in television history, but calling it filler is a bit silly.

I made the mistake of getting the lolita audiobook narrated by jeremy irons and trying to listen to it at work

More like Cersei have the seven kingdoms, the best mercenary company, the best fleet in westeros and enough ballistas to kill all the dragons she wants

this season isn't even considered a canon

That's not the argument. If you kill people because you want a thing thand they're preventing you (or even just not helping you) you're a bad person, and that means the stage has been set for Dany to be a bad person right from the start


Let's not also forget.
>Sunset found her in a field, squatting

ratings disagree. Episode 3 certainly was infinitely shittier than 4

They want it for themselves. Whoever is the strongest wins, that's how it works, sissy cuck.

Taken at an old folks home? Wtf

Why is nothing happening in the last fucking limited episodes series? The deaths aren't even well written or shocking and they're followed by out of character dialogue and scenes.


The funniest part is that since D&D cut Aegon now apparently Varys' original plan was to actually make Viserys king by Dothraki invasion. For some reason this would be good for the realm.

I wouldn't say it was a good episode, but it was unironically the most entertaining one this season. Would also say it had the best dialogue, since it was almost quip free.

>in first person
>hilarious lines like, "at that moment I had no more attraction to her than a manatee." *
>thinking this is a mistake


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Jesus Christ that’s a cringe read

>Dany has the North, Vale (Robin), Storm's end (Gendry), Riverlands (Edmure), the Iron Islands (Yara), Horny Hill (Sam), Dorne, something like 2/3 of insullied, 1/3 of dothraki, 1 dragon.
All of that except for the castrated ones and the horse rapists belongs to Jon or in the case of dragon will soon belong to Jon.

I'd rather see filler than nonsense. contrary to Ep 3. & 4, I actually "enjoyed" Ep 1. & 2.

Have secs incel

Not sure who is left that still likes the show.

>Most people were pissed off at the big final confrontation of the entire series starting and ending in one episode. And ending with Arya killing the Night King.
>History fans thought all of episode 3 was nothing but retarded shit for an hour and a half
>All the fangirls and self-inserter fans and strong women who fucking love Daenerys hate everything after episode 4.
>Casual fans think this show turned to shit since we waited 2 years to have an overly rushed season of 6 episodes, with 2 of them being nonsensical meaningless filler

Who is left that still likes the show?

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can´t believe that roasty are seeing this hard just because the show won´t end with a female queen
the show was mostly just boring and full of logical errors but it wasn´t nearly as bad as people are pretending

>Dany is NOT being set up to be the mad queen, it just came out of nowhere
>it doesn't matter that Dany has been set up as the mad queen right from thets start because all the cool kids are violent megalomaniacs :^)
this is literally you faggot

Isn't that a..uh... post hoc fallacy and a circular argument? Paraphrasing:
user: the ending doesn't follow from the prior season's narrative logic.
You: If the story didn't entail this ending, we wouldn't be at this ending.

What Dany did is the same thing Stannis would do if he were in those circumstances.

People are just mad about Dany.

No, episode 3 was more of a letdown because of the buildup, not a shittier episode.

>come home exhausted from work one cold December day
>get a thick quilt and get comfy as fuck in my recliner
>pour myself a large cup of sweet hot mulled wine
>time to listen to some ancient classic
>put on this and close my eyes

Who knew the Sumerians were such horny fucks?

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Not sure which book, but Ramsay marries Jeyne Poole (who is named to be Arya in order for the North to accept the Boltons as the Great House). On their wedding night, Ramsay forces Jeyne to fuck his dogs. I think that Theon watches it, can't remember. You can google it, it's definitely in the books

bran becoming king makes for a happy ending since he is the most qualified person for the position but it makes little sense plot wise.
brans story pretty much was useless since the three eyed crow never did anything

I still liked it and tell my normie friends as much. Im just sad for the show as a whole. Season 7 was terrible and this season has been mostly terrible. And ill even attempt apologetics for season 5 and 6. I Rewatched some of season 2 and was reminded of how good the first couple of seasons were.

You could remove the episode from the season and it would make zero difference. It's filler

Dialogue being quip free doesn't make it better or worse. Dialogue still made no sense, and the Winterfell party was still full of stupid character interactions and quips that made no fucking sense. They even massacred my boy Bronn and made him fully evil instead of just cutthroat.

No, Vary's would use the dothraki to cause chaos, then Aegon would arrive, kill them, and be considered a hero. Varys on the book doesn't really care about the realm, he uses kids ffs

you mean, subvert all expectations?

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Never mind, my blood sugar is so high that I've misread you. I'm sorry, user. Show's versions are all flip floppers that make no sense.

She doesn't have Robin, or the Vale, they're pledged to Shansha who hates Dany
She doesn't have Storm's End because she just gave Gendry the title contingent on her becoming queen, if he turns up down there and tries to take command they'd probably just throw him in the dungeons
Nobody knows what's going on in the Riverlands
Ok, she's got the Iron Islands, but Euron would blow their shit out ez
Sam isn't Dany's biggest fan, and even if he was he can hardly go back to Horn Hill and rouse an army to fight for the woman who burned the previous lord and his son alive.
Do we know what's going on in Dorne?

Jon, on the other hand, is friends with Sansa and Sam, so at least he could say he has them IF he wasn't allied to Dany

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You mean other than the fact that their armies were decimated enough to even the coming battle, and oh. right, they defeated the single most destructive force in Westeros that has been the backbone of the story since the single first minute of the show

>b-b-but what about Stannis!?
Who cares?

> waited 2 years to have an overly rushed season of 6 episodes
What the fuck was the point?

>had enough
What nonsense is this? It’s finally getting good.

I didn't get episode 4 at all. It was half boring celebrations and half where 4 episodes worth of content happened but were completely breezed over. There's no building toward treason, it was literally decided in one conversation.

So is Arya just going to be a wandering samurai now? what's the deal with her fucking off to the wilderness?

this. roasties brought into the female epowerement penis envy fantasy and got curshed, thats all these news articles are about

>autistic nugget
Fucking based

How to watch episode 3 and 4? I can't find any torrents for them, cant find any streams either.

I thought I just imagined that part. that really happened.
wait, doesn´t Ramsay mention that all his dogs are female? He calls them his bitches, girls or something like that.
how does a female dog rape a woman?

You've never heard of fucking piratebay?

It's pretty much on every single torrent or streaming site on earth. You have to go out of your way to avoid it.

>how does a female dog rape a woman?
A dildo muzzle obviously

>can't find any torrents for them

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GRRM's mind is a mess. He's a depraved incesty pedo.

im looking on pirate bay.

I'm putting 'game of thrones season 8 episode 3' into the search box, its not there.

absolutely not

Yea but everyone expected all but maybe 1-2 major named characters would die in the second Long Night. But all the major characters lived.

>"Let me in, please, Lord Commander! And it's Lord Commander Lannister!"
ah that classic Lannister arrogance

Dorne has a new prince according to a throwaway line, nobody knows who the fuck he is tho

>Who is left that still likes the show?

Mindless contrarians who like it now that everyone hates it. I.e., most of Yea Forums.

hard unwanted pusy lickings

Try "how to use search engine"

>A lazy, awkward table setting episode
that has been every episode seen s7

The point is you're a sexist and need to have sex.

How the fuck are you this staggeringly retarded?

but it only really get´s okish after danny leaves winterfell
all those parts before that are really fucking boring

You can skip from Episode 2 to 4 and it makes virtually zero difference

Talk about Genetic determinism!

For his whole Life George Martin thought he was a Potato-Wop but he was in fact a Potato-Yid and my God it shows, being a subversive pervert comes factory standard with them.

She should've defeated Cersei in Season 7 and Season 8 should've been all about the Long Night

The pirate bay search engine is kinda fucky. Try just "game of thrones" or "game of thrones s08e03"

It was worse because it failed more and for longer. Episode 3 had two major failures, Arya stole the kill, and nothing had any emotional gravity. Episode 4 was failure after failure, every line was a fuckup.

So in your eyes, in pretty much every single movie and tv show, like 1% of it isn't filler?

>episode is shit
>b-but it triggered libtards so it's good
I too like to watch twitter & reddit meltdown but let's be honest, the episode was fucking awful, not as bad as E3 but still shit.

I don't understand why Varys is still alive in the first place. He has proven that he will always be 100% disloyal to whoever he is supposed to be serving at that point in time. And he has some loyalty to his weird nebulous concept of "the people" which only he has any definition for. He seems to always turn against whatever leader he is working under.

because they're brainlets who can't tell bad and good writing apart. they're just butthurt so they're making shit up

No. It wasn't good. Not by a long shot, it was just the least garbage of the season.

No, in my eyes Episode 3 specifically is filler. The impact of the battle is virtually non-existent, the loss of characters who died is barely touched upon, everything goes right back to the way it was in Episode 2 with the exception of a few throwaway lines about how they lost 50% of their forces, which itself seems not to matter in the slightest to any of the characters who should/might be concerned.

yeah I did that and it worked

why are you guys so triggered?

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it's been a shitshow for years, what's your point?

>I could have found dragon armour in Dragonstone's basement all along.

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Varys not only surviving Aerys’s fall but even KEEPING HIS FUCKING JOB AS HEAD OF THE HATED SECRET POLICE is the biggest plot hole in the entire franchise. It would be like the head of the Gestapo getting to keep his job in Communist East Germany.

>why are you guys so triggered?
Because the only way to help retarded people is through tough love.
Like say, teaching them benefits of patience and perseverance which allows them to use another search word instead of giving up after one try and running for someone else to help.

Even though the episode was shit for a multitude of reasons, there were also reasons to like it we haven't seen for seasons now. There were interesting character stuff, Dany had something going on beyond "yaaas queen" and most importantly there was some actual Game of Thrones scheming going on.

Also his plan to save the people involves leading a massive army of nomadic barbarian raiders into Westeros to murder the fuck out of everything like they do in Essos. Great job of helping the people.

To be fair this is actually how it went. Now that normies dislike the show im kinda beginning to like it again, Cant wait for Dany to turn into Hitler and start mass murdering cunts.

just wanna spend the rest of my life eating good food, traveling and smoking pot,all without having to work my ass off for a single second.
How about it?

Head of the Gestapo running off to the Soviet Union, keep his job and work for Stalin. Then later deciding Stalin is not pure enough to rule and works against him...somehow surprising everyone. also after numerous attempts to assassinate Stalin.

Why did they burn all of the dead in a Night's Watch fashion rather than send the noble's bodies back to their homelands, and while they were still wearing good armor at that?
Why did they blame Robert's Rebellion on King Bobby for "loving a woman who didn't love him" when Rhaegar abruptly abducted his betrothed without any justification?
Why did they call Gendry "Rivers" despite being born in Fleabottom, where bastards are called "Waters"? Why give him a bastard name at all when he was never recognized by Robert as his son?
Why didn't Dany see the Greyjoy Fleet while flying?
Why did the Greyjoy ballistae go from extraordinarily accurate when shooting Rhaegal to missing every shot at a dragon charging closer to them?
Why does Jon just say goodbye to Ghost and doesn't even hug or pet him?
Why does Varys think having a cock is important when Jon's claim comes from being Rhaegar's child, and any daughter of Rhaegar would have a better claim to the throne than Dany?
Why did Varys say "we can't just pretend Dany is the true heir when she really isn't" when he was perfectly fine with Joffrey and Tommen doing it?
Why didn't Cersei have her ballistae shoot the dragon that was sitting completely still or the dragon queen who was on foot?
Why did Cersei spare Tyrion when she's utterly obsessed with killing him?
Why didn't Euron blow up on Cersei right then and there when Tyrion admitted he knew about the pregnancy, implying he was being cuckolded?
Why didn't Missandei grab Cersei and jump to kill them both?


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she was busy playing with the cool westeros table and chilling in the throne room

What's this silly obsession over political ideologies when watching this show? Why is Daenerys getting 'owned' and why is she being called a 'libtard' character? Are you guys incapable of just absorbing the actual story instead of siding with non-existant theories? Stop rating characters like this. Makes you look silly.

"lol daenerys has black people in her midst and is a woman clearly she's feminist and feminist bad guiz"

"omg chad stannis he's cool cause he killed his kid on screen no one dares to do that that's so daring in television he's so dark and edgy therefore as i am not capable of having my own opinion about things im just gonna say that stannis is ourguy cause he's so much like Yea Forums guiz omg fuck women"

like, god damn. why are u on Yea Forums if u have this sort of narrow vision of things. expand, think for yourself.

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Also nobody, and I mean nobody, actually trusts him, but they still keep him around. At least Littlefinger had most of the cast fooled.

the biggest plot hole is him suddenly conspiring against Dany


By the way, when you say "normies" you're telling everyone what a gigantic newfag you are.

Reminder that "the normalfags are pissed" doesn't redeem the show. It makes it a bit more palatable since everyone is mad, but the writing in episode 4 was even more garbage than Arya *teleports behind you*ing the Night King

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why do people spoil things for themselves. do you want to appear bigger than people that watch things for entertainment purposes? idgi

There have been many theories pointing that he indeed did not make a mistake. Instead He was a traitor from the beginning and thus fucked her up on purposes.

>"omg chad stannis he's cool cause he killed his kid on screen no one dares to do that that's so daring in television he's so dark and edgy therefore as i am not capable of having my own opinion about things im just gonna say that stannis is ourguy cause he's so much like Yea Forums guiz omg fuck women"
Pretty sure Stannis was people's pic long before he killed his daughter, mostly because he was the rightful heir based on all the information we had at the time.

It wouldn't be if they'd just followed the books instead of cutting out entire characters and plotlines.
Could have even let Jon die instead of making him the Gary Stu to end all Gary Stus.


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>It's gud bcuz it maek womyn mad!
Holy fuck the state of this board. If you actually think episode 3 or 4 were anything more than dogshit you're delusional

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The fact that it's funny to watch retards finally cotton on to what everyone with a brain knew already doesn't magically make it not shit.

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pleb opinion

When they cut away Jon and Bran revealing Jon's parentage to Arya and Sansa, I knew the writers were out of their depth.

>leaks say Bronn is on the small council at the end of the show
Defend this shit

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>MKULTRA symbolism they were originally going for with Dany.
Please elaborate.

It’s more like a month

People liked Stannis because he was actually rational and for shit done until the show butchered his character by turning him into an insane fucktard by making him burn his daughter alive (something that never happened in the books).

It’s not totally absurd. He could be head of the City Watch.

its funny how the long night was the definitive menace but now we have angry women fighting for i dont know wich reason...

Because these days the show itself is so fucking awful the only "interesting" thing about it is using it's story and characters as a way to discuss the current political schism.

Shireen probably will get burned my Melisandre to resurrect Jon. Shireen isn't even with Stannis right now, she's on the wall with her mom and Melly.

It's so fucking retarded that they keep doing stuff like that.
I like the characters, let me see their actual fucking conversations.

>they took an extra year to write this season

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Cersei is also defending a heavily fortified walled city with a large castle. Defenders have a massive advantage in this case, especially when a hand full of wall mounted baristas would completely eliminate the dragon threat. Danny would need 10 times the numbers to stand a chance. Not to mention fucking horse riders and pike men are shit for city fighting. They are best on open fields.

He didn't say it was good, he said it was the least shit. Everything this season has been so bad it made season seven look good by comparison.

He walked in on Jaime and Tyrion and threatened to kill them if they didn't give him Highgarden. Did you forget that retarded scene actually happened?

What, they're going to make that guy in charge of running the fucking realm?

>I think GRRM gave dumb and dumber this ending intentionally to ruin their MKULTRA symbolism they were originally going for with Dany.
I think it's more the case that D&D genuinely forgot that they had to make her go mad queen. This season in general, and this episode in particular, absolutely reeks of the writers shitting themselves after realising they have to undo 3 seasons of writing.

Let's face it: the normies are only upset because the nigress died. They cheered episode 3 after all.

This is a really good point. The counterpoint is that Varys can't afford to be like that anymore due to all that time the show spent in Dorne or with The Tyrells or the High Sparrow or with Daenerys in Essos. All roads lead to bad pacing and bad writing.

I would have agreed about him being a gary stu, but then they made him completely useless during his big fight. The resident sue is Arya now.







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It isn't the least shit. The episode had just as much if not more retarded moments than episode 3

>It was one of the best episodes.

>Dany forgot about the Greyjoy fleet


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I still don't get why nobody is taking the marriage option seriously. Jon marrying Dany literally solves all problems especially once they have a child. Fucking CERSEI is in power, don't give me that shit about not accepting Dany.

But instead nah lets plot treason in the throne room.

Get the audiobooks; the narration is 10/10. When I think Tyrion I don't think Peter Dinklage anymore, I think Roy Dotrice doing a leprechaun voice. The one downside is they recorded number four and five after a gap, so some of the characters change voices, but I give the guy some slack since he was like 95 at the time and keeping track of hundreds of characters. Each book is internally consistent thought; no one changes voices mid book.


Arya's entire arc was handled so poorly.
She's like fucking 12 in the books, instead of doing this cringeworthy *teleports behind you* master swordsman shit they should have just made her an exceptionally sneaky 12 year old that can maybe slit a throat every once in awhile and not a force of nature that can out-manuever the fucking night king.

Exactly. The show was built on its dialogue and its character development, etc. I could forgive them skipping big, costly battles in the first season because lol no money, but to skip something so basic as the big reveal is not a case of subverting expectations...it smacks of "I've written something and I have no idea how to render it" like a punchline without a premise. I'm sure others will disagree, but there is no reason to trim 2-3 minutes of the big reveal--no expensive set pieces, no logistical nightmare, no contract disputes--just weak writing.

It doesn't show sadly lol

Varys coughing memes make me lose my shit, post more

Dont, ASOIF has absolute shit prose and only dyslexics listen to audio books.

So Jon is not a good person. Bran is not a good person either.

This is another victory for us Magabros! let's celebrate watching an episode doki doki animu ya-ya, my mom can make us some Pizzas

I am curious of how GRRM actually intends for things in the North to turn out. Mel burining Shireen seem obvious, but it will be really awkward to have Stannis lose the Battle at Winterfell, just to have Jon do the exact same thing as Stannis did for another entire book, fight basically the same battle and win.

A Fortnite is 2 weeks.

This is what makes episode three so utterly reprehensible.
In particular, they had ample opportunity to realise their planned ending of Arya teleporting was an absolute shit show and rewrite it from the bottom up, but they didn't.

> only dyslexics listen to audio books.
And people who need to commute, has a repetitive job/hobby, or has to do household chores.

or a nice long road trip, especially if solo one of my favorite ways to enjoy them

Thanks for having some sense, it's actually fucking with my brain that these retards are defending the show now that normies hate it.

Contrarians are always annoying and anyone who says this shit is good is a big fat retard.

Audiobooks are basically podcasts that are actually enjoyable to listen to.

>all the triggered discord trannies in this thread

Dany's going mad and you can't stop it

I genuinely thought the episode was better than the rest as it progressed and I expected normies to agree.

I'm not being contrarian. Varys, Tyrion, and Sansa conspiring is more interesting to me than anything else this season. Episodes 1 and 2 felt like filler and they bored me, and episode 3's battles were annoying with characters constantly getting swamped but being OK, and then the dissatisfying way in which Arya killed the NK.

Who have they killed for the sole purpose of maintaining power? Jon executed traitors because they were threatening his leadership of the Night's Watch but not because he wanted to be the leader of the Night's Watch, he did it because he knew that he had to take control of the Watch to fight the Night King and save the fucking world.

>Varys loudly conspiring in the throneroom is super interesting!
>cutting to black when Jon had something to say to cutting to black when Sansa had something to say is really interesting!
If you're fucking dumb, sure.

Dany can't have children.

Oh right we're still pretending prophecy is a thing in this show

I quoted 4 people and some of them said it was a great episode, learn to read

>Bran you could be the leader of Winterfell

>Jon you're the heir to the Targaryen throne
>keep it a secret and don't tell anyone, Dany should be queen

>Dany you're the heir to the Targaryen throne
>fuck yes I'm the god damn queen of the dragons anyone who gets in my way will fucking burn even if the smallfolk don't want me to be the queen who gives a shit I want to be queen and I could have been queen so I'm going to be queen no matter what

>Varys, Tyrion, and Sansa conspiring is more interesting to me than anything else this season. Episodes 1 and 2 felt like filler and they bored me, and episode 3's battles were annoying with characters constantly getting swamped but being OK, and then the dissatisfying way in which Arya killed the NK.
That's fair.
1-2 was filler, 3 was fantastical and 4 had some alright throne gaming going on.
I think i still prefer 3 because it seemed to conclude that stuff, and I didn't find the end too dissatisfying.

They're definitely more substantive. I like podcasts, but I find my mind wonders fairly easy when listening to a podcast. If i'm too tired to read, preoccupied, lazy, etc. audiobooks keep me spellbound

>They cheered episode 3 after all
No, they fucking didn't. Some people liked Arya killing NK but episode 3 was widely criticized for numerous issues by normies.

This. I travel for work about once a month. Having an audio really breaks up the monotony of a six hour car ride.

They've read the leaks and they'e seen the coming fall of their SJW fantasy of a feminist world. They've wasted hundreds of dollars each on what is essentially "It was her turn!" merchandise.

God, can't wait to see their reactions to what happens next episode lmao especially to Tyrion.

>>cutting to black when Jon had something to say to cutting to black when Sansa had something to say is really interesting!
That's not new to this episode.

I'm glad GRRM is going to be torn apart over D&D's hackey, he deserves it.

No the episode was still bad and the execution of the conspiring was bad. But Varys loudly plotting is less annoying to me than Mary Sue teleporting behind the NK or the constant cuts from characters getting swamped by dozens of wights only to be unharmed.

As opposed to the great writing and intrigue of episodes 1 and 2? How retarded are you? Episodes 1-3 this season are awful. 4 has some semblance of quality.

Is it prophecy or did the birth of her son ruined her? She has fucked 2 male characters in the books and no baby yet. On the show, 3.

I think D&D's cop-out is that bullshit line from Varys about how "she's too strong for him". Doesn't explain why he suddenly wants Jon to rule in the first place though.
yeah but D&D handwaved that in S7

Yeah and?

Oh right if I think episode 4 sucked it means I thought the rest of the season was great!

Yeah you're a fucking retard alright thank you for sharing.

>best log in the garbage fire

She's ALWAYS been evil, it's just the sociopathic fans have ignored it. Crucifying people? Setting others on fire? Suffocating people alive in vaults? Demanding power and for others to bend the knee? Ruling through fear alone? bringing an army of barbarians to Westeros and disrupting a stable status quo? Causing the deaths of entire great families who backed her?


lmao Ep 5 will bring them to nuclear meltdown.
The Unsullied massacre of civilians led by Greyworm,Dany burning KL and the Tyrion treason twist trial complete with Bran flashback is gonna break their minds

>Take Exit 257A in 180 Miles
it's time to resume The Stand by Stephen King

>the writing in episode 4 was even more garbage than Arya *teleports behind you*ing the Night King
Explain how?

So you agree the whole season is shit? What are you even arguing about then?

didnt she meet tywin

>Yeah and?
So you're arguing against
>"I genuinely thought the episode was better than the rest as it progressed"
That person thinks Ep 4 > Ep1-3.
You say he's dumb because Ep4 has X in it.
X is in Ep1-4 making your argument retarded.

You're an idiot, you should probably kill yourself, but you'd probably make the rope too long.

How? There are 60 Unsullied at the gate. How the fuck are 60 guys going to massacre a city of a hundred thousand?

>but the writing in episode 4 was even more garbage than Arya *teleports behind you*ing the Night King

How? Episode 3 was an absolute disaster. No military strategy, horrible fight choreography, and the dumbest ending I could've imagined for the wight walkers.

8-4 is unintentional comedy gold
>The incredibly brief funeral scene then right into the comfy feast
>Half an episode of feasting and drinking and bantz
>Night King off handedly mentioned like twice, Arya killing him and his very existence is utterly irrelevant
>Literally right back to 'OKAY NOW HOW DO WE HELP YAS QUEEN DANY SLAY YAS QUEEN CERSEI' after an apocalyptic battle with the undead in which lots of people died
>That sequence where they quickly try to get all the Wildling/Nights Watch characters out of the way in order to save precious screen time for queen eyebrows
>The incredibly sudden dragon death
>Euron with his giant fucking ballista with a seat like it's a goddamn gun turret out of Star Wars
>Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet
>The fucking dramatic sequence of Tyrion and Qyburn walking up to each other
>The hundreds of scorpions on top of the castle walls
>Cersei and Dany just both out in the open glowering at each other
>Everyone in that scene talking to each other in indoor voices despite the giant wall
>Bronn now randomly hates Tyrion and Jaime and enters their discussion like a fucking slapstick character
>All the Westeros characters saying "Missandei has been captured!" as if the invading foreign queen's translator is someone important they care about

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Bron can teleport across a continent, inside a castle beyond all the guards, soldiers, and people in general who do not want a man with a very large crossbow into the main castle and into a room with two high ranking individuals.

Those have to be the shittiest guards ever known when a King's hand inside a royal castle is threatened by a foreign walking around with a 3 foot long crossbow and no one notices.

Eh, Varys turning makes somewhat sense. Dany has a massive ego that Jon really doesn't have. She has proven that she lashes out with violence when she doesn't get what she wants. What doesn't make sense is Sansa hating Dany for no reason or telling Tyrion about Jon.

This episode was garbage but not any worse than the episode where the handful of retards go beyond the wall and Dany follows them because NK needs a dragon to balance things out and break down the wall. We all know why normalfags suddenly care about the shit writing.

Look at the fucking ratings, they loved the first 3 trash episodes

Is that the only bad thing about the episode?

Post some YT cringe.

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The thing is that normies aren't mad about how bad and stupid the story telling is. Most of them are simply mad because
>a dragon got killed
>Daenerys lost big
>Jon treated Ghost like crap
>some SJW are seething that a black woman was killed

Yea everything else was fine

it's not really about being contrarian. it's about sympathy for a character that had everything and lost it all for listen to a bunch of dudebros.

>All the Westeros characters saying "Missandei has been captured!"
i didn't notrice this

It was definitely one of the best in recent memory

You can tell none of this season was filmed in the same locations as other seasons. Even KL is filmed in fucking Ireland rather than Dubrovnik which explains the completely different landscape and terrain seen in E4, they are using stock footage and hoping people forget that KL in previous seasons had huge hills and rolling forests with a city that backed into the sea itself with multiple docks and gates. Even the credits have KL located further inland!

The only thing filmed elsewhere other than N Ireland is the Winterfell battle which was filmed in Iceland. The rest of the season is all in the studios near Belfast.

Also why is it not snowing in KL? In the final episode of KL, we saw snow falling as Jaime left and there's been zero snow since. Winter has arrived after all.
Shitty writing and a shitty post production team.


This. While being logistically non sensical it really set up the emotional investment in the true ending.

You fucks are wasting time arguing with each other and not realizing that delicious, god-tier cringe like this is going up on youtube every day.

>Also why is it not snowing in KL? In the final episode of KL, we saw snow falling as Jaime left and there's been zero snow since. Winter has arrived after all.
I was wondering this too. Did they just forget?

admittedly you'd think the world was ending in some of these reviews. it was a shit episode and i'm not team dany by any means. i'm just hanging on to finish this shit show

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>people getting legit mad over Missandei dying
Protip: Dany never cared or respected her. She was a tool that she used and got a few laughs with. I can't decide whether Eyebrows Clarke is actually a brilliant actor or not; she plays the role of a petulant brat perfectly who doesn't care about anybody else every step of the way.

kinda agree on the first half of it. second half was rushed without giving a fuck how it looked.

Yes they literally don't give a fuck anymore which explains the lazy mistakes from the coffee cup to wrong placements of territory and story elements such as saying Jaime strangled his cousin when in fact he smashed his face in with his chains and strangled the guard that came to stop him.

Even the making of episode D&D actually say "Dany forgot about the iron fleet" which is beyond retarded as in the same episode, she was briefed on the iron fleet in the war room aftermath and how can you forget the fleet that destroyed your entire navy and killed your southern allies? pic related.

It honestly feels like that moment back in high school where you have an essay in the next day and you've not even started it and so you rush it and hope no one notices how bad it is.

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>Why is it not snowing in KL?
Good fucking point. It's really bugging me.
She's a plotpoint for Greyworm and his slave warriors to go on a chimp out next episode.

Missandei: We are a peaceful people
Greyworm: My people are not

Maybe this winter thing is overblown.

Have sex.

I'm pretty sure that all they do is think of scenes that would look cool then work their way backwards disregarding any logic or sense. They wanted a scene where a dragon gets shot down in the sea so they had to put Dany's forces on a boat. The fact that this would be among the dumbest things she could do doesn't matter to them. They don't even bother writing throwaway lines to explain it. Just "Dany forgot" her enemies curcial advantage that already screwed her over once.

I have the sense that these faggots are only good at / only care about story beats inside episodes. It's an approach that can work great when you have GRRM handing you the big picture on a silver platter, but they're just flailing and fucking around without him. I thought episode 3 was great, so long as you didn't watch any episodes before that, and when episode 4 comes along, it almost feels like those funeral scenes and whatever hangover is left from the battle with the undead is just perfunctory, like they'd really rather just have moved on completely and never addressed it again, so they just do the minimum to fulfill a sense of obligation.