You hanging in there Yea Forums?

You hanging in there Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Right bottom is peak onionface

The best way to combat depression is to not think about it.

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How am I supposed to consider the following when I'm not supposed to consider the following?

Normal people:
I did something good, praise me!


>doesn't do anything
>isnt worth anything
b-but you are worthy of... what?


>lmao mental illness isn't even real dude :). just pull yourself up by your boostraps like I did. when I was 20 I already had a house and married a virgin girl and had 2 kids. What's your excuse?

>you should talk to a doctor so you can start to get the help you need

wtf I love zoomers now

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>oy just take these hormones goy, don't try to work out, get a gun, eat better, have kids, you are just magically sick haha

>work out, get a gun

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I fucking hate normies and their trendy 'depression'. I hope they get real depression and we can see how much they flaunt it.

>get a gun
>have kids

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Both will make you more manly and feel good about yourself
Also, life's only goal is to have kids
If you are 25+ and childless, then you are not depressed "for no reason", the reason is very clear


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>That moment Thor actually did become the God of Hammers

At least the gun would be useful to off oneself after falling for your retarded advice.

>several times a week
>get home from work, change
>dress in an all black suit, put bald cap on and eyebrow/ear covering prosthetics
>drive around town in an old black Lincoln
>follow people around periodically, stand on street corners
>intimidate clerks by going in and talking with a weirdly pitched voice

It's dumb, but everyone's got to have a hobby

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>will make you more manly

holy shit try getting some actual feelings of self-worth

Well dont know about the gun part but working out surely helps

>my sense of manliness is tied to purchasing firearms I'll never use
lmaoing at your life

>never use
Nogunz detected

Imagine getting jumped by Chinese secret agents and put into a secret cargo plane, and taken into a secret facility of the Chinese intelligence service. You have spent the whole journey chained in the cargo hold of the airplane, with no food and only a few sips of water. You're dragged into a basement by two Chinese soldiers, generically altered gorillas trained in combat from birth. They leave you in the middle of a damp, concrete floored room, barely lit by a flickering fluorescent tube. You hear someone coming with the distinct sound of high heels against the hard floor, the heavy steel door closing and a rustle of chains and locks. Your blindfold is janked off your face, and while regaining visual clarity, you see her. She's dressed in full leather dominatrix don, with a studded whip in her left hand and a Lenovo X1 Carbon in her right hand. She whips you across your face with full force, you scream in enormous pain but there's nobody to help you. She steps in your hand, with the heel of her boots piercing your skin and breaking your bones. You're extremely exhausted and can't possibly defend yourself, there's nothing you can't do to prevent her tortures.

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>Be in grad school
>Had my own version of 'should have gone for the head'
>got kicked out with my masters
>9 months later, basically given up on life
I think I'm ready to go

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Is Loki in Endgame?

You see her remove her latex underwear, only to reveal the hairiest pussy you've ever seen. She whips you in the back, and forced you to lie down face up in the cold concrete floor. She immediately sits on your face, grinding her fish smelling cunt and putrid anus in your face. You can't move, they might have drugged you. You try to scream but you're being chocked by her cunt and ass. She opens up her laptop and begins typing away. She's hacking. She's hacking into your country's government computer network, she laughs at the puny attempts at cybersecurity set by your nation. You start getting a half-chub, which infuriates her, she retaliates by relentlessly kicking your dick and balls with her high heels, laughing at every plead of mercy you make.

After hours and hours of torture, she finally gets bored of you. She stands up, stepping on your penis as she gets off the floor. She kicks you a little bit more, and laughs. She puts on a trench coat, opens the door, and orders the guards to take you away and do whatever they please with what's left of you.

The guards drag you outside, into a muddy field, where they play target shooting with you, throwing rocks and empty Tsingtao bottles at your mangled body. After a few hours out in the cold, one of the guards feels sorry fir your, unholsters his gun, and fires a single shot into your head, finally ending your torment.


i just had my 8th colonoscopy on monday. im only 26. not even gonna get into what the problem is. i gave up at 20

Look at the autists of /k/ and tell me how owning a gun will make you manly

>first girlfriend broke up with me over year ago
>still think about her everyday
>took up smoking and drinking
>guy from work said he stops thinking about an ex after a month
Not really okay to be honest famalam

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based and fuckedpilled

The same can be said of the virgins on /fit/. They are not targeting the source of their psychological trauma.

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Zoomers don’t go to doctors they’re too poor from boomers and student loans

They look pretty content

Name one person who was depressed and a doctor cured him

story now, fag

Not memeing but the men in black are real. Drove my cousin suicide.

>you should talk to a doctor so you can start to get the help you need

also zoomers:
>testosterone is bad, it has no mental health benefits whatsoever

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Unusually wholesome for Yea Forums. Thank you.

>a gun will make you more manly
yeah it seems really good to tether your self worth to purchases and possessions. nothing extremely wrong with you for thinking this way

complacent is the word i'd use

Getting a woman pregnant sounds great. Having to deal with an annoying baby does not.

Professor was an Italian guy who essentially hates teaching and only wants to do research. He never called for homework to be turned in and gave out easy tests. Aced the tests, but during finals, he decided to send out an email demanding that everyone turn in 4 months of homework in 48 hours. I had however, turned off all electronics during this week because I was focusing on passing another class' final. In his class, while I got As/Bs on his tests, because I missed the sudden deadline to turn in 4 months worth of homework, he got to fail me as was in the syllabus.

Got an A in the other class though, but an F in grad school is sufficient to ruin your academic career forever. This means no other PHD programs want to touch me, regardless of the fact that I only failed 1 out of 18 graduate classes.

Well, I am personally "depressed" because I don't know how to make a lot of money online right fucking now, here and there, so I in my 23 could by some house or apartaments (BUY, not rent) and finally have somewhere where I can live far from parents, experiment, go out on the street and (at least try) approach and date random women my eye liked.
I don't know how do it, I don't have any particular skill, and 'd like to make money on internet (because then they will be in based us dollars) and as anonymous and hidden as possible, AND without dupe strangers online.

And it's like I am missing something, like somewhere there is direct source of relatively easy money in big quantity I am just anaware of.

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My coworker used to be the same but now constantly talks about how cute his daughter is

Based onions

I had a dream last night that I was sharing a bag of chex mix with a cute girl i know. i woke up and got sad that it was only a dream, it was just wholesome.

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Thor werent depressed. He was living the life

After taking sertaline after 15 years of depression. My head cleared up so fucking good. I dropped them after about 5 months and my heads never gone weird again, it voided me of emotions and it was great. All I have now is happy emotion. Paranoid thoughts, angry thoughts etc all gone. I test it daily here when niggers defend game of thrones season 8. /blog

Sounds like an insufferable normie.

Why would you as a homosexual feel the need to pretend you think getting a woman pregnant sounds great while posting anonymously on the Internet?

You didn't inform anyone in the department about this?

how'd you get it my dude

for what

Maybe stop browsing Yea Forums and stop watching Yea Forums.* Its no wonder you are depressed if you watch 24/7 hatred, crime, racism/sexism, murder. Also stop eating shitty food and drinking booze/coffee, you fat fuck. Voila cured your depression.

*Your brain thinks everything you see on the screen is real.

>department didn't work with you on this
>18 classes

also zoomers

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Epitome of manliness

Fucking terrible. You won't end up combating anything, you'll just become functional.

how did no one immediately panic and call 911?

That's not the best way, you need help.

Holy shit, what's with Yea Forums being reasonable human beings lately. This is an interesting turn of events.

If you get a stomach ache from eating nothing but candy, is that an "illness"?

Imagine being this much of a fag

Welcome to Tenure

"muh depression and anxiety" is reddit-tier.

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Cringe mentally ill retard

>trips wasted on a sperg
Why does this happen lately?

What's wrong with you, pussy?

Raise hell. Tell everyone in the faculty what happened, write a letter to the dean, do whatever you can. At the very least turn it into a shit show. It's a law of the universe that teachers will always try to shit on students if they can, so you have to make it unbearable to do so.


Suicidal faggots like you need to off yourself before you shoot up a school, begone reddit scum

>snapped out of a depression that lasted 7 years
>now full of regret I was that depressed

I feel how I used too before my brain turned off, but it affected me progressing so when I look back I could see how bad I actually was and it fills me with guilt like regret

spent most of it lying down

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>like you
Who said I was suicidal? I'm currently in the absolute prime of my life and loving every second of it.
>shoot up a school
Your assumption that anyone who has depression seeks such senseless violence means you're just as retarded as you seem.
>begone reddit scum
Not in a trillion years. Cope.

Doesn't matter, the present is always most important.

>School: Change the grad or we fire you
>>Prof: No
>School: What do you mean no?
>>Prof: I have tenure, unless you can prove I sexually harassed someone, I am untouchable, so no
>School: okay whatever I have better things to do like charging 20k year for attendence
>>Prof: You hear about student X? He's a troublemaker. Don't work with him
>>>Rest of the Professors in the department: Got it

Yes but only during time travel

Get in contact with a witch and cause him to get cancer or something. It's worth it imo.

depression is a choice

Plinking tin cans isn't using a gun


what is that sequence of images supposed to mean?

>be thor
>kill thanos
>get to spend every day chilling with buddies, playing videogames, eating pizza and drinking beer
>hurr durr what a depressing life

Literally didnt get this part

depression is something I've just accepted as the default adult state of mind. Nobody is really happy, and modern living is soulless.

>be 23
>job at top 1% global university
>found it easy
>being groomed for management
>get into drugs
>lose job
>be drug addict for 10 years
>be 41
>no career
>no prospects
>parents going to die soon
>constant regret over my dumb 23 year old self's actions
>no career
>no prospects
>hate my life
I've become an afterschool special. I used to laugh at those losers, now I am one.

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Normal people dont need praise for doing what's expected you twat.

>also zoomers:
>>testosterone is bad, it has no mental health benefits whatsoever

So you're just making shit up to be mad about now?

>I've just accepted as the default adult state of mind
lol ur 21 shut up

Depression is a mental illness. Like being crippled.

Things in society can make it stand out more, like a society full of stairs for a wheelchair bound cripple. You're still a cripple, but society just makes it harder for you to get over it.

So the best we can do is live with mental or physical illnesses. And when we have the time, to change society so it makes it a bit easier for people. What ever the mental illness equivalent of elevators and ramps are.

edit: this is why I get banned on lgbt. Everyone feels like shit to some degree. Don't cut your dick off because of it. If you're fit and hygienic, you're perfect the way you are. Mutilating your body is a sure sign you have a mental illness. Just recognize you have a problem and just chill - don't go chopping body parts off.
Or suicide for the depressed.

i agree that the state of the world doesn't set you up to thrive, but plenty of people are happy. try giving yourself more to look forward to

>So you're just making shit up to be mad about now?
He's not making it up.

I don't get it, the boomer line is still better here

But... shouldn't it?

You should at least try to rationalize it. Think about it, try to see if your depression stems from something or if it is welling up for reasons beyond your understanding.

It's just so stupid to recommend you put it to the back of your mind and never think about it. It's the symptom of people obsessed with working and getting through life without actually enjoying anything, which is where a lot of depression would come from in the first place. Life might be miserable but the least you can do is give it some meaning or try to derive some insight from it all.

If you don't do this, then you'll find all the positives in your life are hollow and meaningless, so what point is there anyway?

>I used to laugh at those losers
why? sounds karmic

My only friends are my fish.

Western civilization will be wiped off the map, its the only way to rebuild. All memories, all traces of this civilization and what is was will be gone.


>tfw not dumb enough that "ignorance is bliss" applies and I can just be happy with a normal life
>tfw not smart enough to have excelled at something worthwhile and actually have an enjoyable and satisfying career
27 here, stuck in a rut for the last 6 years of work, jerk off, game and sleep. Honestly can't even comprehend making a change because everything scares me and nothing appeals to me. Checking out at 30 at the latest.

I just can't connect with anyone. I feel that no one really cares about me and I might as well talk to a brick.

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What are you doing here, and not on /g/ then? Unless maybe you do already browse /g/, hmm

Btw unless you're talented or lucky or extremely disciplined, you're probably not going to make a lot of money NOW. That shit takes time..or a lot of luck and good timing (like people who got rich off the dotcom boom, or bitcoin)

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I think I had this too, but it was three years. I barely even remember anything for those years up until I snapped out of it last year. Is losing memory like this normal?

You could excel at something if you wanted, I really doubt you're that dumb.
You don't have to be a 200IQ genius to find a niche area and do well in it, unless we're talking about some high end physics or whatever. But there are plenty of areas where even a layperson can become a prominent figure, just by working hard and accumulating knowledge.


me am not homosexual, what are you on about?


Not him though I mostly am. Math is the only subject that exists which isn't repulsive and uninteresting.

Stop whinning and check out at 27, you cringy faggot.

It helps mitigate the symptoms. I wish I had gone to a psychiatrist years before I did, he really did help. I'm still a fucking mess, but I manage it better.

Well then the issue is with what you find repulsive and uninteresting, not your intelligence.

It's the conjunction of the two. If my interests included garbage removal my intelligence would be sufficient.

The best way to combat depression is through active combatting of depression. Systematic lifestyle changes.

Being disconnected fucking sucks. Find something you enjoy and then try to find people who similarly enjoy it. A big problem with this is simply not going far enough

Your intelligence is likely sufficient for an enormous number of areas of study. Mathematics is the most extreme example you could pick where to really excel (have referenced publications, become famous, etc.) you need to have some innate proficiency.

>have wife
>be successful in life
>while being a depressed loner

>likely sufficient for an enormous number of areas of study
and? there is no such thing as 'enough intelligence'. there is 'enough intelligence to X'. trying to distinguish the two is meaningless.

this is all a pointless discussion anyway because at 27 with no academic credentials it is not possible to enter a new academic field.

Well the original post was about excelling in a worthwhile field, which is absolutely doable with an ordinary level of intellect. The X in this case is pretty large.
>at 27 with no academic credentials it is not possible to enter a new academic field
What are you talking about? It's absolutely possible. I was taught be a man with a PhD in philosophy, who had spent his youth as a construction worker. Older students generally blast through university and do the best out of anyone. There's no age restriction on honours, masters, or PhD programs, the only barrier is a self imposed one.

>nearly mid 20s
>no friends
>no family
>brain riddled with enough bad experiences to last two lifetimes
>can't function in 'normal' situations
>fuck all qualifications
>getting autismbux and the organisation responsible for it keeps fucking with my money for no good reason
>seems just about everyone I meet just tries to fuck with me
>have to keep weapons by my side at all times otherwise I can't even think about relaxing


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The more I grow, the more people I meet, the more i read on the internet, the more I'm starting to notice that the "sucessful" people, the careerists, etc. are the ones with depression every and the "plebs" are the most happy ones. Me and all my friends are reaching 30 in few years, and the majority of them are not happy. And those are all educated people, people who moved to "the big city" to make it and have careers already or who moved to another country to work in places like Google or Facebook.
On the contrary, I went on a holiday at some relatives for a week that I haven't seen in years last month. They live in a small house in rural area and they had pretty comfyife, despite not making dough.
Their son, my cousin, is just 24, almost 5 years younger than me, but he at some point said fuck it, fuck studying and falling in the rat race, made a plan, got some EU funds for "young landowner", bought a house and land in some bumfuck village and now grows peach and almond trees whole day, but hes happier than ever, married next month and awaits a baby.

tl:dr, dont fall for the pressure of modern society where if you are not a high-ranking manager or whatever in some big company, if you are not driving brand new car or live in some expensive appartment in the big city, you are a loser.
Just pick to do whatever the fuck you are enjoying and dont give a fuckif people think your job is bellow them, that's the actual key to destroying depression. You dont need to be the next Jeff Bezzos or whoever megabillion corporation leader the media's felate nowadays

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Math is also the only worthwhile thing that exists desu.

>I was taught be a man with a PhD in philosophy, who had spent his youth as a construction worker. Older students generally blast through university and do the best out of anyone. There's no age restriction on honours, masters, or PhD programs
That's odd. How did he convince a program to admit him?

>implying the world's not a shit hole
>implying there's a future for anyone alive today who isn't related to a major political/banking family
>implying Yea Forums isn't as close to freedom as it gets today

Lay off those bluepills, my dude.

>you can't change depression, it's an illness
>being crippled is an illness

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>Math is also the only worthwhile thing that exists desu.
I don't know about where you are, but math programs here are starved for students. Teachers love anyone with even a passing interest in the stuff. You could probably study it, but whether you can excel is a different issue, though that doesn't always matter.

>How did he convince a program to admit him?
He went through the usual university course after years spent working. He went through a bridging program to apply for uni, then got his bachelor's, got his master's (or honours maybe), then his PhD. There are no age restrictions on any of this stuff and people coming back to do their doctorates at middle age is fairly common. In fact, I think it's recommended that you get a job before it if you can.

based fish

It is for most of those pampered faggots who've never truly suffered a day in their lives, for those who are legitimately afflicted, it's a fucking nightmare.
Can't even walk around a half empty supermarket without primal fight or flight responses automatically kicking in, it's fucking debilitating.

I completed related to Thor in Endgame. Putting on a happy, funny persona while actually dead inside and relying on alcohol and video games as escapism from my failures and self loathing.

I'm a friendless, virgin NEET dropout who does nothing but drink the pain away and watch westerns.
Even if i got magically my shit together and go back in university and even got a gf, it still wouldn't fix the years I lost.

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Guppies are truly bro-tier, they come swimming over like excited, aquatic puppies when they hear me walk into the room.

>it still wouldn't fix the years I lost.

This. I have a friend whos a cab driver and hes the happiest guy alive.
I feel like having a simple job and having enough time to have a hobby or spend with your family is the real happiness, fuck driving a Ferrari

>implying depression is real
stop being basedboys, just be yourself and do something meaningful with your time (and also quit alcohol, drugs and watching porn)

>That's odd. How did he convince a program to admit him?
he probably sucked alot of dick

>sleep like shit
>eat garbage
>sit on your fucking ass all day
>never exercise
>never improve any personal skill
>drink too much
>"Gee I feel awful, better take drugs to fix it"

The second best time to plant a tree was 19 years, 364 days ago. At some point you die before trees can bear fruit so unless you care about descendants you'll never have due to your socially reviled lack of trees the rational choice is to stop trying.

pretty much this. You have to fight depression by NOT accepting that you have it. The second you get into the reinforcement cycle of just justifying yourself with "well I have depression" you're kind of fucked.

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>three years ago I was able to get out of depression
I feels good not being sad anymore

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You don't cure chronic illnesses. You can manage their symptoms however.

So what?
That's it.
Regardless. It's a completely hypothetical scenario anyway.
No girl would even consider a social retard with no experience nor a company would hire anyone without a degree done on time with good grades.
I'm royally fucked and there's nothing more to it.

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No you need proper nutrition.
Raw fish, raw eggs, raw dairy.

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Yeah Ive felt a lot closer to him lately. In infinity wars when he finally had a moment to reflect on losing everything god damn thingin ragnarok and nearly losing it in front of Rocket and groot. I felt that internal pain so much. It's my every day life, but I just put on a fake smile and tell stupid jokes to appear strong.

If Thor had refused to fight and stayed in his room to play video games he probably wouldn't have been able to summon the hammer. He summoned the hammer in that scene AFTER he chose to fight. So the whole argument is stupid. It's based on the idea that Thor is always worthy of his hammer no matter what but we know it's false. It is actually an important plot point that he can become temporarily unworthy of his hammer.

You never get out. You just get further into denial.

Your life sucks, user. The people around you don't really like you. Admit it and feel better worse.

At least Thor isn't a virgin.

Yes it does.

>it still wouldn't fix the years I lost
A lot of people close to me make themselves suffer because of this mentality. I'm really glad I don't have it, cause I'm sort of autistic and never really compared my life progress with other people's - but I've had my own suffering as well.

Not really sure why everyone has to: (1) Moved out by 18, (2) Have a degree by 23, while having dating experience and a healthy social life, (3) independent by 25, (4) married by 30, THEN they can be content with their lives. Most people's lives don't follow that trajectory, people need to stop kidding themselves

Anyway I may not know how you feel, but I feel for your suffering, user

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Thought that first word was meth for a second

>retire with loads of memories
>get alzheimers
>now you have nothing
>no money for a rest home
congrantulation now you're a burden

>you need help.
Not selling enough antiperessants this month schlomo?

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You believe that your mind is a separated entity from reality, but that's false, changes to your physical body will result in changes to your mind because consciouness is a emergent product of all the systems in our body; also owning things can help you feel better, not because you got the latest iphone to show off on instagram, owning something that can impact your lifestyle and mindset in a positive way, having pride in your possessions, which is not the same as being a vapid materialist, is a masculine trait.

I'm tempted to believe that satan exists because depression is such an effective way to fucking destroy someone's life that I honestly think someone had to design it.
Even for people who have suicidal tendencies for years and then get out of it (or at least learn to function despite it) its impossible to give any advice that doesnt sound like bullshit. Even if you could pinpoint what made the change (which most people cant) odds are it wouldn't even work for anybody else.
Everybody who has it has to figure out how to fix it themselves over years and years of trial and error, and I dont think theres a single method or strategy that works across the board, which is why so many people just get completely fucked without ever fixing it.

Thor was still depressed during that scene though. He just chose to bear it and continue on.


yeah my bad, ignore the image. I just downloaded the first catchy pic I saw after googling "married by 30". It's a pile of shit meme advice

You can really see it too when thanos turns the axe on him and thor could barely stop it from going into his chest.


>be a huge fuckup in life
>poor, ugly, bad genetics
>have kids
>now i'm even more depressed because i passed on my bad genetics to an innocent child who will suffer even more than me and doesnt have a good father figure to look up to
thanks reddit!

>Most people's lives don't follow that trajectory
Step out of Yea Forums for a day.
Nearly all my old schoolmates have degrees and steady gf's by now.

>implying americans can go to gradschool

the difference is that non-depressed people just don't give a shit. Who fucking cares if people don't like you? You're going to choose what you do based on what you think other people may think about you?

Fuck em. Live your life.

So you're too retarded to quickly google if something is true now?

he illegally downloaded the movie gladiator

lotta incel women seethed at boomer thor
it was glorious

It's not about the fruits, you can buy any fruit for cheap anytime you want, it's about caring for something, the real fruits are the friends you make along the way.

have gun

This is very true and beneficial. Also:
>the real fruits are the friends you make along the way.

pretending to be a G-Man sounds fun desu

>If only I lost my virginity I could move on with my life
>A girl renting me her stinky hole will make my life immediately better
Arninekay mindset if I ever saw it 2bh

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and how exactly is this a "should have gone for the head" moment?

hi /r6g/

>75k salary, 200k house, 6k education, 15k car
>muh bootstraps!

I'm GenX with a house and even I know this is horseshit

I'm taking 15 mg Mirtzapine but its shit, going back to my doctor tomorrow. In the meantime shit posting is keeping me going

>go to the doctor
Yes good goy get those pills. Depression is a thing of the past when you can't feel anything at all!

Medicated more than fucking all Gen X'ers combined. Fucking hell zoomers are fucked. MY DOG NEEDS PROZAC

Sounds aesthetic as fuck, user.
I envy your car too since i'm a uropoor and old burger cars are my fetish

Dude, you need to fuck off with that shit.

Oh? Hit a little soft spot there, addict? Yes I'm sure the legal meth is helping your concentration and "social anxiety" IT'S SO HARD WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME

>Every MiB story is actually just a guy doing real life shitposting


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An actual zoomer would say
>kys yourself my man lmao
t. zoomer

>waiting tables 3 days a week
>shitposting on Yea Forums and going to the gym the rest of the time
>have a date with a qt from tinder tomorrow

wish me luck guys.

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What exactly do you think a therapist does? Open up your brain and scramble shit around? No, they just talk to you, and the advice they give you is probably the same thing your mom will tell you: when you start to feel down, recognize the warning signs and deal with them. Psychologists aren't magic brain healers, they're just people with a fancy degree. It's ultimately up to you to accept and absorb what you hear.

is that her?

fucking based breh, we're gonna make it

>Might be going out with the girl of my dreams this weekend
>Unsure if it's a date or hangout, still excited
Pray for me fellas, I wanna make it.

Going out a chick from Tinder tomorrow as well, maybe we're being set up.

I manage to hang in there thanks to the terminator ritual

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Remember to be alpha and make the moves brah

>being sad about menial shit

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>She's hacking.

This is getting pretty ridiculous. Women don't know shit about computers.

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One coincidental mistake that fucks your entire life over

Nope, you're just fucking annoying. which is quite the accomplishment given this is shitpost mecca of the introvert world.

wasnt thor like not worthy at some point

the bait to end all baits

The best way to combat depression is finding someone that has no problem in forcing you to leave the bed, the internet, the house. Or drugs

is that crohn or something like that?

Guys I'm talking to a chick from a dating app but im not sure if she's retarded, she looks fine from her pics but her replies sound as though she's having a continuous stroke

If you're depressed just avoid social media (this includes Yea Forums)

>Both will make you more manly
guns don't make me feel more manly. I don't consume fucking arms dealer propaganda. Nobody is a bigger pussy than someone that needs a fucking gun to feel "manly." Literally ANYONE can use a gun. They're the great equalizer. Dudes that feel emboldened by owning firearms should own firearms. That is a dangerous and stupid mindset.

Or a dog. My dog comes up to see me and will wait behind my door until I come out to see him and as soon as I open that door he starts wagging his tail. We don't deserve dogs at all

Thor is way weaker and Cap takes his Hamemr and uses it better than he ever did though. He is less worthy.

try Appen and Lionbridge, the work is absolutely souls crushing and you might not make more than 1300USD per month (which you can convert into your currency). Lionbridge might as you to have your own company (in most countries it takes 5 minutes on Internet) but Appen is chill with that.


>marrying a virgin

>"real men use their fists"
>gets stabbed to death by a tweaker

>try to see if your depression stems from something
it does but there's nothing I can do about those things

I'm annoying but you can't describe how, leading me to believe that I hit a soft spot. Oh boo hoo go to a doctor and pretend they listen. Yes I'm sure the training they receive is quite adequate for the betterment of humanity. Gen X or zoomer? I'm thinking Gen X as you sound pretentious and could only react emotionally. Though you and zoomers compete for the title of utter fucking worthless generations

Depression is a fake disease just like schizophrenia. Literally just grow a pair and stop being sad and seeing monsters

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kill yourself

What does the doomer say?

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same I'm too dumb to do anything worthwhile but not dumb enough to not realize it; I tried going to college and I failed and the only people who did were those that didn't even come to class or weren't listening. I think I'll have kms before 27. Thinking about doing it this summer.
like what? I suck at everything I do no matter how serious I am and how hard I try.

>There's no age restriction on honours, masters, or PhD programs, the only barrier is a self imposed one
the only barrier is intelligence

From my perspective, there are two main forms of depression: 1- chronic depression caused by chemical imbalance and 2- mental depression stemming form various issues or situations in life.
Generally, from what I experienced and have seen from others as well, type 2 depression usually manifests as a result of type 1. Getting medicated does help remove type 1, but type 2 is a battle that can only be fought by yourself.

>reading Kierkegaard while depressed
big fucking mistake

Imagine ever getting depression. Pathetic.

>have fixed sleep schedule
>eat healthy diet
>sit on your fucking ass all day because no one will hire you
>run, bike and exercise as much as you can afford
>never drink
>never smoked
>"Gee I feel awful, better buy a gun and breed"

The things you listed will be recommended by the psych too (except gun).

I just don't want to be alone anymore
I don't want to wake up every morning and see that no one is around me
I don't want to wake up every morning and take an hour to get out of bed
I don't want to think about the fact that the last time a friend has invited me just to hang out was.... i don't even know. Last time was when i was 11 i think
I don't want to spend every day of every week of every month of every year the same anymore, i.e. get up, go to uni if i feel like it, go home, browse the internet and then go to sleep
I don't want to think about the fact that i have basically achieved nothing in my studies because i keep losing focus and motivation
I don't want to be afraid of just talking to other people anymore
I don't want to think about death anymore
I don't want to lie to my parents about having friends and making progress anymore
I don't want to just keep feeling nothing, not even sadness, anger or happiness anymore

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it's hard to live your whole life without anyone liking you or wanting you


After I got out of jail it was part of plea deal that I see a therapist. I went and it was some old as fuck ugly looking woman with a massive fupa and just shit fat hanging out all over her with a dyke haircut. I didn't feel like I could relate at all to this person and I never went back after the first time. They were trying to process me or something for meds fuck that shit.

>married a virgin girl
Pre-marital sex was probably more common in the 60s and 70s than it is now.

Feel like I have no context for my current life, like I was literally born yesterday. I can remember my childhood in a literal sense, but it feels so distant and fixed, like a mural on the ceiling. I feel like my mind is falling a part and there's genuinely nothing I can do about it.

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Real talk go see a CBT therapist because that type of thinking if it goes to far can lead to disassociative disorder

I get like that when I don't leave the house for a few months.

Best advice in this mental midget thread
>be me
>depressed because no gf, or at least i tough so
>family is anti-therapy, so finally man up, tell them to fuck off and go to a psychiatrist on my on
>I really want to heal myself, don't listen to all the dumb anti science 4channers
>she give me anti depressants, they worked very well
>start cognitive conductual therapy, is great, discover that I had way more problems than just no gf that i didn't recognize and want to deal with
>heppy because i get to know myself better and started to see improvement
>follow the threatment strictly because i'm not a dumbass
>FF 1 year, depression mostly cure, got a lot of tools to combat it in case of comeback
>finally get gf was a happy time, end up broking it after all, got really sad, but reallize getting gf is no longer a looming thread in my mind
blamming everyhing to le jew or society is exactly what you don't have to do, is a delicate proccess to open yourself to other people, but really worthy


Get your test levels checked.

>not onions
Did you actually type onion?

Do people not know what depression is?

Gun owner here. It's not that big of a fucking deal.

>"Pre-marital sex was probably more common in the 60s and 70s than it is now."

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>Depression is a fake disease just like schizophrenia.
This. They tried to diagnose me with ''schizophrenia''. I throw away the meds. They are literally designed to sedate free thinkers and turn this into zombie world.

Loneliness is something that seeps into the cracks of your heart. Boredom is what causes those cracks to appear...Over and out.

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no real men don't get into fucking fights with random fucking retards in the first place.

And notice how you use "being a coward" to justify yourself. Fabricate scenarios where you'll be justified shooting some asshole. You're the kind of dipshit that ruins gun ownership for non-niggers.

your fault, don't do drugs retard

>Depression is a fake disease just like schizophrenia.
You can see the structural differences in a schizophrenic's brain. Schizophrenia is one of the mental illnesses that is UNAMBIGUOUSLY real. It fundamentally changes how people think and perceive in measurable ways. You want to call Depression fake, fine, that's kind of an argument you can make. But schizos aren't faking shit.

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Like, different personality shit? That sounds kind of cool actually. Like Legion

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>This. They tried to diagnose me with ''schizophrenia''. I throw away the meds.
of COURSE the only people arguing that schizophrenia is fake are fucking schizophrenic.
>They are literally designed to sedate free thinkers and turn this into zombie world.
If you don't want to take meds, that's fine, but saying that your fucking diagnosable brain disorder is fake is literally what a crazy person does.

Get good at digital art and draw porn. It fulfills all your requirements for a career.

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I understand why you see yourself as crippled.

>just finished first year of uni
>coming from wasting 2 years at a college for some bullshit BA because everyone is pressured to go to post secondary immediately after high school
>still live at home and commute
>everyone I know still lives at home
>when I meet people that are in their mid twenties with career jobs, alot of them say that they lived at home as long as they could
>tfw my dream is to have a cozy apartment with a view of the city but everything in my city is 2200-3000 a month in CAD

What the fuck is the point of building all this property if nobody can fucking afford it

Got falsely accused of rape because I didn’t want to kiss a girl. Everyone just assumes she’s telling the truth becuase being a man automatically makes you a rapist apparently. My family is super politically correct and has disowned me.

No, I am not doing fine.


I tried for years to be successful in office/managements roles, hated it.

Now I operate a machine that makes bricks.

Think Office Space but without the theft

But literally the first thing a doctor tells you after diagnosing you with depression, is to exercise, eat better and sleep more?

I was in this trap for years.
>smoking weed everyday
>drinking everyday
>jerk off 5 times a day
>skip meals to feel more drunk/stoned

Used to wonder why I felt like shit, life isn’t any better off those things, but I’m better at life, if that makes sense.

The best way is to stop being a materialist slave brainlet!

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I dont know what your exact circumstances are but this happened to a friend of mine a couple years back. It was a downward spiral to the point of him out right talking about wanting to take his life.

We were both in our final years at uni and I brought him to several offices and centers on our campus, ironically having him talk to the people that one would normally talk to when they actually get raped. He explained the story and got the police involved early. Long story short the girl was expelled, her friends that spread the false claims on social media were expelled, and the school issued a public apology to him (which really means he got his tuition money for the semester back)

In the end, the girl ended up killing herself out of shame as it spread throughout all neighboring states so she couldn't transfer and have a fresh start.

Good advice.

Whatever other people think about you is none of your business.

dont worry when you get older you will get over it and realize you were just a flaming faggot

They’re not going to press charges becuase they know they are lying. They also did not broadcast it in social media.

I have no proof, so I’m fucked. I’m glad glad your friend is better off however. I hope it doesn’t happen again to him

More wasted trips dang

My friend suffered from depression and said being around people was the best help for him since he didn't have to be stuck in his own head. He killed himself last weekend.

When I went through this I went straight to the police. Literally took less than a week before she admitted it was fake, which I then used to get her fired from her job.

Sorry bro

I can't remember fucking nothing from the 2-3 years I was really depressed. The only thing I remember is having no interest in anything and literally falling sleep every time I tried to read a book or watch a movie.

Say what it is

What do you mean you have no proof?
What proof do they have?
What social circles has the affected aside from your family?

I hate to pry but I feel like this is something you can very well bounce back from granted you're not friends with a bunch of NPCs. If she's waving this accusation around constantly, trying to torment you, then take legal action dude.

>Steals hammer from the past
>Never puts it back
>somehow everything is fine

>cap goes back and stays
>Nothing changes

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If you are a man you should have a gun, its not even an argument.

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Cap returns the hammer, brainlet

the newspeak is real.
brainwashed freak.

This. I was depressed and taking antidepressants for like 7 years and I felt nothing but got fat etc. Then I dropped them, stopped thinking and after like 4 years I started feeling like a human again. I'm interacting with people and I don't think about miserable at all.

>Have decent life
>No friends
>Always made fun of because of my appearance
>Non-existent self esteem until university

>Have gf now
>Barely have friends
>People who used to torment me have shittier lives as seen on social media

Upward trend, can't really complain.

Yeah, same, except I didn't even try to read a book. Feel asleep in the kinoplex once, even, that I remember and fell asleep pretty much any time I played a video game.

Either way the point stands.

practise not thinking about the past. learn from it but don't lament it, because it will mess up your present.
just do stuff man, you'll realise how quickly you can do things just by using your time now.
I had the same thing, and mine was longer than yours. If you let it affect you, it will be wasting the time now. Instead, put it behind you like you've escaped a fire and now you've only to keep walking, find some food, explore and live well. Don't dwell on the fire, maybe it burned some of your stuff, but you are out of it alive and well.
Do things you've never done before.

My uncle is a lawyer and he hates women, so he’s going to hit them with everything he’s got.

I think I understand why he hates them. They are capable of so much evil.

Proof; I don’t have much, but my reputation at school is tarnished. I was the president of a student org with 1,000 members and helped dozens get internships in the downtown area. But as soon as one bitch lies all of that doesn’t matter. Now employers they are connected with are black listing me too. Fuck women t-b-h. Fuck them all to hell

I’m just going to be a lawyer like him and persecute the shit out of them. Fucking cunts

You're just a dumbass that has never felt gender dysphoria.

alternate timelines

What a pussy lol

leave, tranny

Most depressed men are closet pedos. Prove me wrong.

Being an anti-female privledge lawyer must be the most based occupation out there

get a gf, it cured my depression quick times

Except no.
He aged in their own timeline and everyone magically remembered him.

back to discord, abomination

post something that would only stimulate depressed men and prove yourself right, you faggot.

I think branding a person poorly like that while they suffer from emotional stress by themselves is probably something that’ll wind you up in hell im sorry to say

>Thor gets a nice hammer to test if he is still worthy
>I get to sit on my fat ass in the dark until I die guessing if I'm worthy of anything or not

You’re going to tank double hard when or if she breaks up with you
Learn to be self sufficient and get your own happiness. If not you’ll always be relying on others; and god forbid if she’s not who you think she is and decides to try manipulating you

Not gonna happen, we love each other

and it's almost impossible to find your own happiness sometimes. Maybe you need someone else to pull you up from the muck ,like I did

last part is important.
if she shows any red flags, listen to your instincts. biggest advice, watch how she treats other people, because that is how she will end up treating you.

Define worth.

Oh boy. I certainly hope you’re right.

dubs confirm eternal love

>just turn off your brain bro

if you have to define worth you're not worthy


I think 90% of depression is situational, deal with the situation and you'll deal with your depression.

No it wasn't you dumb fuck.

Not at all. Women are shamed into being loyal. Loyalty doesn’t occur naturally with them. Now that we’re telling them that it’s a good thing to just screw around there’s no way in hell

What an immensely dumb statement.

>going to a pharmacy shilled pajeet doctor who will prescribe useless pills for years

Look at this Jewish bullshit. What chronic illness? If it is an actual illness of course it should be cured. There is no such thing as depression being caused by a hereditary chemical imbalance


Medication is no more effective than placebos. Real chronic depression is a symptom of a chronic physical condition, most likely inflammation which should be addressed. Bombarding the braib with chemicals to fix an imbalance is stupid and barbaric.

Just got off my antidepressants and have been off for 2 weeks, feels good man.
I'm in therapy and it really helps me out talking out my problems.

>tfw no girlfriend

>too poor for doctors
lol what?

This is America

Please go back to r3ddit

I have a business degree. 2:1 grade. I apply for jobs and get rejected because I'm apparently "too qualified".
So I spend my days stuck in retail scanning shopping and hearing the droning of idiots. Idiots I can't even talk about stuff I like because virtually all of it flies over their heads. So my challenge is always getting through the day whilst being extremely bored. Makes 8 hour shifts I do feel like 12.
I don't want to be a career guy though. I'd like to learn to make something for myself, a craft or art, (I took part in a week long game-jam though recently so don't take me for someone who couldn't make at all. I'll just never probably be good at it to matter outside of a hobby), but I don't really have much talent or focus. I think corporate life would kill me. I was never a suit kind of guy. I was always the odd guy in jeans and a plain or guitar covered t-shirt with the big messenger bag with all his tech stuff who'd roam the campus randomly sitting around quietly by himself. Or just in his room. Never partied or got into groups. Just a simple nomadic soul keeping to himself.
Despite the guilt trip people have tried to put on me, I actually quite like living at home with my family. I budget like crazy, scooping up deals to make the most of little pay I get. I don't really want for much. I don't mind doing some housework to music. Sometimes I like to bake cakes and sing to myself when I'm alone.
I love spending time with my niece and nephews.
I don't really want to ever move out. I distrust people so much I don't even want a girlfriend or permanent friends. Quite happy to wander onto a discord related to a topic I'm interested in, talk for a bit, and then drop of the face of the earth for months on end.
It's always been how I am.
And, if my dad manages to pay off the mortgage, I'll have the house anyway so I can always earn little but have time, and spend only enough to maintain a few luxuries after expenses.

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>getting a gun to improve your mental health
Fucking Americans.

I'm a guy who has been involuntarily detained in a mental hospital, a few times actually. In my case it was mainly for depression.

As for schizophrenia - I still hardly understand it. I know that the most common symptoms are hearing voices, seeing things, etc. But it still baffles me. I guess I just can't understand what it would be like to hear a non-existent voice and be convinced that it's real. For me, it's exceptionally easy to distinguish internal thoughts from reality.

Also I met schizophrenics who covered a wide range of "normalness", let's say. A couple of ones I met were permanently unwashed, unshowered, always wearing the same dirty clothes. They'd talk to themselves or believe that they were being watched by cameras in the ceiling all the time.

On the other end of the scale, there was one schizophrenic I made friends with who seemed completely normal to me. He was a friendly decent guy who got on well with pretty much everyone. I was very surprised when he told me his diagnosis. He never got angry or anything, unlike many others (often due to the frustration of being locked up). He really did seem completely normal.

It's a crazy condition and like I say, it still baffles me.

He does have a point that the meds are designed to sedate you. Antipsychotics are known as "major tranquillisers" for a reason.

>You can see the structural differences in a schizophrenic's brain
I bet you can also see structural brain differences between, say, a cleaner and a CEO. Does this mean one of them suffers from a "mental illness"?

Differences in a schizophrenic's brain just be them thinking differently. Different emotions in humans cause the brain to light up in different ways. It could indeed be the case that trauma brings about schizophrenic symptoms, which then cause the brain to light up differently. Rather than the brain having a structural difference to begin with.

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So I'm a real "failure to launch" type scenario.
>Live with my mom and Grandmother
>Don't drive thanks to anxiety from almost crashing the car when I was a teen
>Basically never leave the house unless it's going to work (grandma or mom takes me)
>Have a few friends, but they're all moving on with families now.
>"Hey user, you sister wants us to move to Florida so we can help her raise the baby and help her when she has another one so you're going to have to start from scratch all over again."

So that's where I'm at right now. Moving to Florida in a couple of months to start my whole life over again. New town, no friends, no job. Honestly if I can't get shit together within the next year, I'm probably going to just go on disability and be FloridaMan™ because why the fuck not?

>Differences in a schizophrenic's brain just be them thinking differently
I meant to say MIGHT just be them thinking differently - apologies for typo.

I could afford it.
t. rich chink living in a western country

and no, money really doesn't bring happiness, but it certainly is a step above being poor

i was happy when thor was happy that mjolnir still came to him

You're an adult and you have a job, right? So WHY THE FUCK are you going with your mum and grandma if you don't want to? Why don't you stay where you are now if that's what you want to do? Your life is YOUR LIFE, not your fucking sister's, and you should tell her to go and fuck herself until she's dead if she thinks she can use her for her own benefit. Siblings are good and you should try and get on with them, and perhaps even help them if you're able to. But you absolutely SHOULD NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE go and help raise your sister's fucking baby, and you should tell her just how fucking moronic that idea is. You've got your own fucking life to lead and if someone tries to take that away from you then you need to tell them to fuck themselves.

Unless you want to move to Florida. But from what you're saying it doesn't sound like you do.

I'm guessing you're maybe apprehensive about moving out in your current town/city, or maybe you don't think you can afford to? Then get more hours. You say you have friends - see if you can sleep on their couches until you can get a place for yourself. The important thing is that you need to live your own life. And you absolutely need to not let anybody try and take your life away from you for their own benefit. You need to tell them to fuck off.

lol just be yourself

>if she thinks she can use her for her own benefit
Meant to say "if she thinks she can use YOU", of course. My bad.


Get a mate to witness their accusations or film it yourself.
It's slander, and that's a crime.
Also, fuck your family for disowning you like that, don't give them the chance to do it again.

My life IS getting drunk

Depression comes and goes in waves for me.
I always visualised it like a miasma of darkness. An all consuming void that one can drift into due to circumstances or just staring into it too long. She comes to me and raises chaos when all I can do is think and not act, or my body is otherwise occupied in auto-pilot tasks.
I think over time, those that can learn to pull themselves away before she can sink her tendrils into you and drag you down with her are the ones best equipped to deal with it. People who never had depression struggle to deal with the idea that a person's doubt can be so strong that it almost has a will of it's own. And it fights you and everything you ever want to do. Every day. Some days she wins. Some days she doesn't.
The best thing for me is to accept that it's never going to be something I win against. It's not a boss of a videogame or something. It's me. It will always be me, and sometimes it's ok to let that part of me win. But not all the time. Sometimes I need to force myself to put some time down to do something for myself. And in the meantime try to enjoy myself with movies or games or a nice cup of coffee.
If I let the shit pile up on me, then it's harder to fight doubt when she strikes. Because she can strike with any rogue thought. And I have to be strong. For other's sakes as much as my own. I got people that need me.

Poor choice of words

Whatever makes you happy, user. Dont try to make "the society" happy, they will never be

Anyone wanna drink some malort with me ?

>26 still live at home
>no friends
>only social interaction is on Tinder dates

Kill me now

>I like because virtually all of it flies over their heads
that is your issue right there, you think you're better than everybody because they're not into your stupid "niche" (it's not niche, it's stupid) interests and you refuse to talk about anything else because you have major autism. Learning to talk about other people and give them room is what autisms can never do, it's their way or the highway, and they justify it with bullshit like "they have a low IQ! that's why they won't talk about attack on titan with me, i'll bet they haven't even heard of evangelion"

how many years ongoing and how many left? I have no idea how property works in the US