I dab on the West's fucking grave.
I dab on the West's fucking grave
Other urls found in this thread:
children are smart enough to consent to sex
don't worry, just like we Americanized the rest of the world through media manipulation, we'll spread this disease your way too ;)
I don't see anything wrong with this. Encouraging children to be themselves is great.
>is this a boy color?
omae wa mou shindeiru
>girls can like blue
>therefore there are infinite genders
>literally brainwashing kids with trannyshit
why are liberals and women so evil?
recent rise in nationalism begs to differ, sweaty.
>In Canada they teach kids to be trannies and when their parents refuse to put their children on hormone blockers, they get arrested.
>tfw 7 year old cousin told me his teacher said that some men can have babies
Once I'm in power they will be charged with child abuse. And unlike Trump, I won't chicken out. And anyone who opposes me will be hanged.
Double edged sword, isn't it?
>Children are mature enough to know their gender identity and if they want to transition
WhY Is tHe FaR RiGhT oN ThE RIsE????????
>incel power fantasy
well yeah. Drinking beer and watching football isn't "feminine", is it? And yet some women do it, which proves there isn't one universal way to be a woman, which implies gender exists on a spectrum.
Libtards often have contradictory views and they get triggered if you point them out. Examples: race, speech, etc.
implying pedophilia isn't these people's endgame (in theaters now)
gender and gender expression are two different things
>which implies gender exists on a spectrum.
Ooh, so close. But no, it doesn't. It just means that some women have some likes and some women have other likes. You're autistic. There's not going to be a gender for "likes pink but also wrestling" or ""likes fashion AND guns."
>Drinking beer and watching football isn't "feminine", is it?
Says who? Only tumblr cunts have such a rigid idea of gender that all men are Hulk and all women are Barbies. No sane human being thinks like that.
Some Yea Forums people have rigid gender-related ideas, like saying Holzhauer can't be bi because he doesn't know musicals.
Their entire foundation of sexism and equality is built on the same gynocentric views that has guided humanity through the "patriarchal" history of ages past. Man bad, woman weak.
You see, if we expend MORE from men than we already do, things will be equal. The solution to equality is inequal, doesn't that make sense?
>Only tumblr cunts have such a rigid idea of gender
pfffffhahahahaha ok if you say so
>Holzhauer can't be bi because he doesn't know musicals.
I have no idea who this fellow is but bisexuality is a sexual orientation, not a gender
We really do just need a strict authoritarian come to power be it left or right and just execute anyone who holds these beliefs, suppress women to second class citizens again and so on. If that means I’m killed too so be it, we are on a crash course for humanity to die out or be in 200 years be an 85 iq one race consumer class salves and corporations ruling as the super elite. Honestly china is the one doing it right atm although japan and scandinavia are based if they didn’t let in brown people.
If gender is infinite, why can't bisexual also be a gender?
Can the west be saved at this point or are we looking at a world wide brazil?
19/16 is not a bad relationship, and some teens already want to screw adults really badly, it's a case-by-case system
Don't worry, I won't execute you! You seem alright.
The second. Just get yourself a place in a nice walled up hood and enjoy the fire.
Nah fuck that lets just go out with a bang. I'm hoping for annihilation within 50 years. A self-aware existence is a torturous curse that should be eliminated.
Same here, can't wait to die without having left any offspring to deal with this mess, hope the chinks and niggers rape everybody to death when the time comes
not really, it's ALL a matter of perception. How you perceive yourself, how other people perceive you. Obviously that goes through expression. I have never seen a transgender woman acting and dressing how we generally expect a man to act and dress, because they're only biologically male.
>we are on a crash course for humanity
and that's a good thing unironically, what's the point in life as a whole?
Giving women the vote and doubling the supply of labor without increasing the demand (woman don’t produce shit, just work service jobs and are less productive per hour than men) was the fall of the west. 1917 the US setting up central privatized banking was the fall of the west, prove me wrong.
>if gender is infinite, why can't *insert random word* also be a gender
ho wow you must be the very first to think of that brilliant retort, you should publish your results before other scientists beat you to the punch
if a biological female drinks beer, she doesn't necessarily think of herself as a male.
the same way numbers are infinite and yet "wednesday" isn't a number
fucking dumbass
Islam and Orthodox Christianity will shield us from your western degeneracy
of course not, but she probably doesn't self-identify the same way "ultra-feminine" women do. Don't fight it, it's a good thing. It's how we have lipstick lesbians
have you ever seen a trannoid? half of them act like the average soiboi male
>Don't fight it, it's a good thing
No, it isn't. If it was these people wouldn't be claiming to be so fucking depressed.
Whoa bro you should run for office
>the tranny squad has arrived
Is brainlet a gender?
I'd be depressed too if I felt trapped in my own body. So would you.
More of a jog, really.
nobody thinks of themselves in terms of: "I'm 95% female and 5% male"
no, they just do things, and some of those things might be conventionally done by the opposite gender, doesn't mean jack
Well, don't. It's really that easy.
lol, every fucking cunt on twitter who promotes this progressive shit considers themselves depressed and often on the autism spectrum too. This isn't a good thing.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Can i identify as a racist and nobody can tell me ortherwise because that would be opression?
>muh patriarchy
Girls don't give a fuck about any of the stuff on the right, period. A handful of them pretend to as an alternate way to get male attention.
When does "gender" stop being "personality" and vice versa?
No it means different people have different hobbies not everything is about gender
Nationalism =/= traditional views on women
exactly, thank you for agreeing that gender exists on a spectrum
it doesn't, personality IS gender and sexuality to these people.
It's a part of personality, it always has been
>part of
these people have no personality other than their gender though
>Girls don't give a fuck about any of the stuff on the right, period. A handful of them pretend to as an alternate way to get male attention.
I've known a handful of girls that grew up as daddy's girl and dad instilled what seems to be a genuine and independent appreciation of a sport or sports or car repair and mechanics...even military history in one case (god, I wanted to wife that bitch).
Please stop spouting the talking points of a theory promoted by a notorious pedophile.
have sex
I don't agree with that.
>Teacher, clearly flexing their enunciation to sound smart and wise: "I wish you to think: Is this a boy color?!"
>boy's voice: "Yes"
Guess Billy needs 20 minutes in the gender time out zone.
who promotes what ? I'm talking about the fact that men aren't all beer-drinking football-watching slobs and women aren't all tea-sipping Oprah-watching golddiggers. That's what the good thing is.
>I'm talking about the fact that men aren't all beer-drinking football-watching slobs and women aren't all tea-sipping Oprah-watching golddiggers
Big fucking jump from "I'd be depressed too if I felt trapped in my own body." to that.
you just did by admitting women can do "manly" things and vice-versa. It's literally what gender means.
Why do you continue to beg the question? You've never proved that. People like things. It's irrelevant of gender.
Women cannot be depressed.
If trannies are depressed, that means they arent actually women.
Women do not have the functionality to actually be depressed in a genuine way.
>It's literally what gender means.
Why should I accept this ridiculous definition of gender and not the normal one that has always been used? Since when does gender mean "the collection of things you like"?
I've watched my mother go through depression with my own eyes. What on earth are you going on about?
This is so stupid to pretend it means anything. Only low iq retards enjoy magazines, go read a book stupid moron (who reads magazines not you personally )
Actual functioning human beings that have a career have become so focused on competing with each other to the death that the weridos on the edge of society are now all of society since they are the only ones with time for human interaction.
That's why the world has gotten so weird. We will die the exact same death as the Japanese. Death by work.
Normies like you really go out of their way to justify their delusion. I wish I was like you, being blackpilled sucks.
>who reads magazines not you personally
Damn I like to sew, better cut off my cock now.
Good luck getting that past all the post-wall roasties who'll screech at the notion of even a fully-developed teenage girl being sexy.
You weren't using it anyway.
That kid is /ourguy/.
Do actual psychiatrists or neurologists ever speak out on or produce papers on this subject. I've seen a few of these documentaries or shorts and dozens of people that speak out in favor of it, I've never seen them back up anything they're saying with studies or reports or surveys or anything. It's just constantly 'this is the way it is, because, that's why'.
Like and I wouldn't be against it if there was some kind of proof, facts, evidence on it. I would even settle for a debate between two DOCTORS on the subject. Even if they were clearly ignoring the doctor that didn't agree with their point of view I could get that they have some foundation outside of preference on the subject.
You can be balanced.
>is this a boy color
based wrongthinking kid
Not related to this in particular, but C.S. Lewis was writing about things like this decades ago. Mindlessly deconstructing things to the point your head is fucking twisted and you don't know left from right.
No, doctors have better things to do. Like curing people.
People who have no rigid idea of identity will accept the death and replacement of all of the people of their society. So things that say "this is good" gets funded.
People who say "this is bad" dont get funded to do research in the first place. They dont open their mouths for fear of losing their jobs.
The American empire will continue on without white Americans. So will Germany, France and the UK. The institutions and buildings will live on with new people population them. The old leaders will choose this so that they can live and retire wealthy instead of at war.
>every teacher is an aging cat lady turbo dyke
Really...really makes me think
not "the collection of things you like" exactly but "the way you behave". Since when ? Forever. Let's say you need to point out your transgender woman friend from a crowd to a stranger for some reason and let's say she perfectly "passes" for a woman. Literally the only way to know she has male parts is to ask her. Are you going to say "he's the guy in a dress over there" or "she's the woman with this and that hair and outfit etc."? If you're not insane, you'll chose the second option, because otherwise the stranger would just be confused looking for what most of us think a man in a dress looks like.
C. S. Lewis was a degenerate. He spent all his free time being spanked by elderly women and calling them mother.
He was right though.
This is why I’m sending my boy to a private catholic school.
And I was raised Protestant
I wonder if this is their method of enacting revenge on the future generations for their own lost youths.
>He spent all his free time being spanked by elderly women and calling them mother.
He was a twisted degenerate schizo. Being perverted in his own life while criticising others and harbouring delusions of the supernatural kind.
Let’s put it this way, the most valid metric of psychology is iq and it is the least talked about. These new “psychologist” are bought and payed for by research grants given to only socially acceptable research and not the facets that have the most reproducible results. The more you know!
Why are people mad about this? I get that it can complicate your life or repulse you in some way but I think it's more important that people are able to actualize. It's not about brainwashing kids into being trans it's about opening up possibilities or gender expression that had previously been closed off to them. Thus it increases freedom and ability of expression, something you pol retards are supposed to support. Or do you only support it when an alt-right loser calls someone a kike?
i really don't know how you can read the abolition of man and not agree with it nowadays.
>Do actual psychiatrists or neurologists ever speak out on or produce papers on this subject.
critical theory, aka, ask why enough times and there’s no empirical truth to anything
It's cause they hate their dad.
>Or do you only support it when an alt-right loser calls someone a kike
>Since when ? Forever.
Nice try shill but gender has been connected to sex since the beginning of time and was only changed after the Reimer experiment. Gender is just the linguistic version of sex.
Pro tip.
There was never a time when smart people only thought of themselves and the guilable masses were told to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
It was always either submission to authority through religion, death in war or work and now, the end of your society through mass immigration.
It's the moral thing to do!
>It's not about brainwashing kids into being trans it's about opening up possibilities or gender expression that had previously been closed off
*never NOT a time
I forgot what it was called but there was a group of phds that wanted to show how clown worthy modern day “gender studies” were and submitted around 20 studies to different journals using completely made up data to push a narrative of “toxic masculinity” or other such tripe. They got around 7 of them published in PEER REVIEWED journals just making shit up. Social sciences are a complete fucking joke and if you fall for them you are comatose vegetable level retarded.
When I was a little femanon, I wanted a beard and was upset that my brother had a dick and I didn't. I didn't even know what being trans was.
every generation is invaded by barbarians, children. The goal is to hold on to power for as long as possible by sabotage the future generations, every generation does it. Biggest scam ever is parenting.
Yeah I figured it would be a woman dumb enough to write something like that. Stay the fuck away from kids you delusional harpie and tits or get the fuck out
I think you're misunderstanding the point of the book.
Good. Sometimes kids want to marry Shadow the Hedgehog. Yet you think that those same kids somehow have the mental capacity to decide that they're the wrong gender.
a blue board and you probably won't see much more of me after that
Huh but trannies arent real. You cant say they will ever turn into something simply willing it. So it will always be a guy in a dress...
Have fun anons, remember there is empirically only two SEXES with very rare mutations and that gender isn’t a thing.
>Encouraging children to be themselves is great.
What if they're torturing squirrels and birds in the back yard by poking their eyes out?
Cross link it to Yea Forums
Tits or get the fuck out
>opening up possibilities or gender expression that had previously been closed off to them
Why is it always this? Why is it always pushing to see how far we can go?
What possibilities and expressions are blocked off to kids?
these children need to have sex
There are four genders. Masculine, feminine, neuter, and indeterminate.
no one can
I'm not having children. Fucking NOPE. No way am I going to feed another human into this fucking psychological woodchipper that is western society.
Sounds like you just added two extra mental defects there.
Wanting to have a non-gendered expression or a Barbie-esque lower half is a defect?
You forgot the 1965 immigration bill that shifted US immigration away from europe. Otherwise spot on
have sex
Its blue but not transsexual so fuck off and kill yourself like 50% of you people do
You need to have children so they can combat this sorta shit. It's gonna be a giant demographic war
Just because I wanted a beard as a child? I guess you'll get on crossplayers as well!
how can you democratically take out females right to vote?
Oh I'll have some sex sure but I'm not having kids.
This is what happens when you "tolerate" degenerates.
Killing them instead simply makes more sense.,...but's illegal, now.
Restrict voting to married couples over the age of 27.
fuck off with your clickbait trash faggot
No, it's a fetish. And fets are a normal part of society, no matter how much you want to erase them.
>What possibilities and expressions are blocked off to kids?
the secret genders like ultraviolet and excalibur
I almost actually added that one to the list but it started honestly in 1917 with the US entering the war so that the rothschilds would set up a central bank and in return we would liberate israel from palestine. No, I’m not making this shit up.
For poisoning the minds of children and furthering the social marxist agenda of ruining any sane relation people had.
christ they've done a number on you
amazing how there are people out there whose entire worldviews revolve around tumblr memes made up in the past 10 years.
100% of people who “ironically” crossplay as traps have agp, it’s a mental disorder.
>adolescent girl enjoys climbing trees and making paper airplanes
>psychopathic brainlets think this means gender is a spectrum
>And fets are a normal part of society
For now you dumb fucking wine aunt roastie bitch
wtf I'm a libtard now!?
english/western civilization is a particularly bad example for your argument, as we used to call ALL children "girls" ("boy" appeared during the industrial revolution) and put them in dresses regardless of sex. Pink used to be the male color and blue the female, etc. etc.
>first wave feminists spend years advocating that yes, a little girl can like kicking a ball around
>third wave feminists: actually she's not a girl, she's a different gender altogether for liking soccer!!!!
not the point, idiot
Took forever to find this because the original was taken down.
That’s literally been debunked and is a completely fictitious revision of history. There was no historic records of pink being a boys color no matter how brainwashed your professor made you. Now dilate and stop taking my tax dollars when you an hero before 30.
no one says that, they say she's a different gender for wanting to be called by the other gender's terms
None of these things apply to me, a non-american man in a man's body past 30 who's never been to college
A Jew talking to a camera isn’t a source. Those hormones got you trippin adam.
>think about what you want for your children in the classroom
>t. some batshit insane power lesbian
>Book One
>Debts and Lessons
>4. My Great Grandfather
>To avoid the public schools, to hire good private teachers, and to accept the resulting costs as money well spent.
>t. Marcus Aurelius
Even two thousand years ago everyone knew public schools were shit.
It goes
The first one is genetic and hard-wired. The second is how you act, but it doesnt change the first one at all. This isnt hard to figure out. A woman who likes football isnt suddenly a man they are just a masculine female. A man who likes baking isnt suddenly a woman, they are just a feminine dude. FFS
Nah you can do that I'll just add to the fight some other way, I don't want to risk seeing my kids fall for all this fucking bullshit. I can see my nephews and nieces lapping it all up, they aren't transitioning or any dumb bullshit like that but they are being conditioned to believe and accept all this fucking garbage already. The state starts them on the indoctrination early these days, about 8/9 years old they're hearing it all, death camps, jews, muh 6 gorillion, muh racism, fuck whitey, right wing = bad, consumerism = good, degeneracy is fun. Fuck that. I'm not giving my child to this state for 6 hours a day 5 days a week for 12 years when they're pumping all this fucking garbage into their minds. Fuck that for a fucking laugh mate hahaha no. Not doing that.
Then stop spreading misinformation you loser. Hearing a made up talking point on a communist youtube channel or reading a buzzfeed article with no sources doesn’t a fact make.
People have sex. Nouns have gender.
how can you read the responses in this thread and act like there is not a social or political punishment targeting people who make a harmless decision like choosing to not identify as a man or woman
>I can see my nephews and nieces lapping it all up, they aren't transitioning or any dumb bullshit like that but they are being conditioned to believe and accept all this fucking garbage already.
And what are YOU doing to prevent that? You're gonna end your genetic line because you're too much of a coward to be involved in your childrens life?
you have my vote
> Since when ? Forever.
Look up gender in the 1828 Webster's dictionary.
>mfw this book is unironically in english schools
This is retarded, transgender theory is inherently a sexist ideology because it is fundamentally impossible to claim you have been misgendered without asserting certain traits as being necessarily gendered. Therefore you end up pigeonholing women and men into caricature-like profiles.
So? Children can wear fancy clothes if they want.
Watch ContraPoints if you guys want to be educated on the subject instead of spouting off uninformed opinions.
>All these unironic SJWs and trannies in this thread
it's all rooted in the same horrible movement that has tons of people killing themselves and giving children life altering drugs. A movement that barely existed 10 years ago.
Read a grammar book if you actually want to get educated.
My sisters who are in their early 20s are completely brainwashed by this shit and unironically support mass migration and reperations. My brother and I (mid 20s) are pretty center left (using 2004 standards) but are being pushed further and further to the right each day because of the acceleration of the median left. A classical liberal in 2004 is now considered an alt-right neo-nazi in 2019. I don’t know if it’s a “woman are easier to manipulate” thing of if the generation cut off just fucked everything.
interesting way of saying lied to.
So? Children can get their dicks cut off if they want.
Reminder that contra points looks 100% like a man when they arent using their dark lighting setup, and, like all trannies, they are a degenerate sexual freak trying to pass off their fetish as a legitimate sexuality on par with heterosexuality
Killing yourself is a personal choice and a good way to get out of work if you didn't want to be born.
Children should be allowed to delay their puberty if they're unsure.
what's the point of baiting like this, you're just wasting both of our time.
so who is it harming other than the person making the choice?
and the life altering drugs given to minors are typically just to postpone puberty for several years so they can make sure they are making the right choice
wanting to do "male" things as a female and vice versa is the specific means by which gender dysphoria is identified in children. So the end state of the logic is, literally "wanting to play sports as a girl is dysphoric."
if I were near you, I would break every bone of your body and toss you in the gutter
Women are retarded.
So that people will let the trans live in peace and fuck up their bodies how they want to.
Yea Forums can't do anything about this except kill random people, which will have no effect
Why would someone deliberately watch that thing and listen to its retarded propaganda
No thanks, I’ll watch non mentally ill narcissistic agp faggots.
Get your popcorn ready friends.
>tfw all the children will be on some kind of drug, so they will not even be able to rebell against all the bullshit like all the generations before when they hit their teenage years
Instead they will just drool away high on adderall or whatever they give away like candy to little kids. Occasionally some kid will shoot up a school out of frustration, but most kids will just take it so they can go to college and sign up for huge loans which will have them in debt all throughout their prime years so they will not be able to properly settle down. But hey, we got Netflix and cheap plastic you can order from Amazon that a drone delivers straight to you, also the GDP is going up!
have sex
So? 11 year olds can dance in strip bars and pedos can throw money at them. While we are at it why not go full weimar republic and make children brothels. Sure looks like we are going there and fast.
who's gonna be the person that does the research that shows the same (((people))) posting these insane ideas of children and trannys are the same ones that think the age of consent to be lowered
make one youtube video and all the sudden you're as famous as that fat dude that just takes Yea Forums talking points and turns them into videos
I'd do it right now if I weren't extremely lazy and incompetent
Hitting puberty 6 months after your friends can greatly alter your life. Delay it for a year? Two years? Garunteed suicide. Now fuck off adam and go ruin your life.
Both of those fields are shit anyways. Psychiatrists have never gotten anything right.
>teacher: is this a boy color?
>boy: yes
BTFO in the fucking trailer
Funny how it's the exact opposite in most non-white countries
get bent
>country that sexualizes children tells you to not be attracted to children intensifies
why is burgerlandia such a fucking clown show? Everything is bullshit. They tell you not to take drugs cause it fucks your life up, so if you get caught with 2 molly you go away for 30 years over it, damn thanks for saving me from tripping for a few hours man. It's k tho cause you can drink and kill people in car accidents or take synthetic shit created solely so the FDA and pharma can make money hand over fist wile you die over all the ridiculous side effects.
It's just amusing is all.
That's what the catholics and the puritans thought. None can escape globohomo
if you like looking at 11 year olds it's fine, just don't lay your hands on them in a way except head pats
It's one thing to say that one can be a man with feminine traits, it's another to say you're an entirely new gender or in between
It's been my experience that most traps watch too much anime and want to be a cute girl. As a weeb, I do get the appeal. It seems like the best, most comfy life. The problem is: the vast majority can simply not pull it off. And for those who can, it doesn't last very long. What happens when you age, and those Twitch orbiters start drying up? How will you feel about yourself then? Trannies hit the wall even harder than women.
thats the socratic method
women tend to follow social norms. they are sheep. tell them that family is prison and abortion is slavery enough times and they will kill their own unborn child
If you age, that's fine. Just rework yourself as Tranna White.
where's the strip club with 11 year old girls (cunny)?
It's a shame. He was a decently attractive dude. I dunno what went haywire in his brain but it's a real loss.
what about butt pats?
Only at sports practice.
that is so obviously a man topkek. do literally any trannies pass? (and no, passing at a specific angle in one photo with certain lighting doesn't count)
children are being groomed and you say it's fine
die pedo scum
If you ever follow these kind of things, parents and teachers constantly gets dabbed on by the little kids.
I can't even count all the posts I have seen on different social media from parents or teachers asking for help after some boy wanted to play with a toy car or refused to wear a skirt and so on.
(also, it's like 80% mothers worrying about their boys being boys)
and don't ask me why I follow all these gender neutral support groups on facebook and what they write. It's a huge time waste, but I can't look away.
>be tranny, make huge money for the first few years, invest for the inevitable wall smash
>hit the wall, live off investments
Oh wait, these people are mentally ill so they can't think of anything other than the short term.
None of the Anons ITT crying about children will ever procreate themselves
It's quite bizarre
It's baffling how many anime watching loser porn addicts have decided to become trannies and traps recently.
I don't know who that is. My point was: sure, be a twink/femboy/crossdresser or whatever when you're young and can pull it off. Lots of cultures have valued this kind of beauty. But don't fall into the trap of letting that define you to the point of thinking that it's gonna last forever, leading to you doing irreversible harm to your body.
As a former minor, I wanted to date adults as early as age 10.
and you will never be a woman
Said no one, but you
this bullshit has been debunked, women don't take these kinds of jobs in any appreciable number, and its not because of these shitty magazines no one cares about. Women have a natural instinct to want to be safe and secure because they are the gender that pops out kids, this results in them taking less demanding job as a natural inclination.
only made it twenty seconds in before being overcome with rage.
hope the trannies in this thread didnt forget to dilate today
It’s funny, my brother was still trying to be all enlightened centrist up until clown world really started ramping up this year. He saw all of the censorship on his even slightly right leaning subreddits get banned and now he’s probably on his way to being somebody with beliefs that are “alt-right.” Nobody gives a shit about anything and is a “centrist” until it starts directly affecting them it seems.
Read his kiwifarms thread. He has substance abuse problems, is a severe narcissist, and has agp. Watch his videos from 2010 when he was still a male, he talks like fucking jared taylor.
we don't let 10 year olds vote
Stop having so much sex
That's fine by me since I'm a man. What's your point?
They should vote if they are affected by society.
>substance abuse problems, is a severe narcissist, and has agp
he's a tranny who makes youtube videos deconstructing Yea Forums memes, that goes without saying.
Yeah he used it in a metaphysical sense, these critical theorists use it to implement strange rules for exceptions and not biological rules.
How do you debunk a picture of two magazines next to each other?
>a bunch of children who haven't even gone through puberty yet
>if I play with boy toys this means I'm a boy!
what a retarded thing to teach kids.
low quality bait
He got in a fight and someone hit his gender pressure point, which forced him to switch genders.
I wonder where the West haters ITT come from
Brazil? India? Some backwater nation that most people have never heard of?
>tfw Far-Right Atheist raising my sons in a highly conservative Christian town so they don't wind up being brainwashed shabbos goy trannies
debunking the implication of the picture my smooth brained friend
The story about your brother is sad. This shit is designed to make people pick a side, and lean heavily into it. Divide and conquer. I have to control myself sometimes from going full “conservative” or whatever the fuck people call the right nowadays. I tend to stay center right
Realizing the purpose of religion was to act as a moat keeping these freaks at bay has been a huge redpill for me
A tranny would normally say, have sex, implying that you are an incel. “Stop having so much sex” implies that you are a man with chad opinions. Fucking moron
weimar republic here we come
There was no implication.
i don't get this at all its fucking retarded,
the teachers saying to them about boy and girl colours and girls are too weak, who the fuck is saying these things to the kids, teaching them that they can't wear purple trousers? fucking nobody except these retard teachers teaching them that the whole world is against them.
hey retard, purple skinn jeans has nothing to do with being a boy or a girl it has to do with your dad not wanting a bent son.
i can assure you they're not
Americans were a mistake
>just let the left win 4 victories instead of all 5 this decade, I have my principles after all!
You don't know anything about Weimar.
I try to give them a balanced perspective, give them the other side of the story in the most responsible way that I possibly can. At first I was making really good progress you know because, well, I tend to speak a lot of truth. If I say something in front of them, some sort of factual statement, I make absolutely certain that there's sources to back me up, this really has been my most crucial means of influencing them. I make sure that if I tell them something, even if it sounds ridiculous compared to things they've heard from teachers for example, I will provide sources, I will literally show them the things I've seen myself and explain it in really simple terms, and admit when I've made mistakes so over time I built up a lot of trust in them. They would often flatter me for my intelligence and my commitment to telling the truth, even if it's scary sometimes, for a time it was like I attained some sort of divine status in their minds, like I was the only person who would reliably tell them the truth about anything.
There's one big issue though. There's little I can do to fight the allure of belonging. What can I do to destroy their overwhelming desire to conform to society just for the sake of going along to get along? Seeing the world as we do will make you lonely, one way or another. You might even have "friends" and go out with them every single day but you don't really connect. They don't really know you or understand you because you see the world through an entirely different lens to them. This does not appeal to kids at all. It scares them, the idea of going into the world with odds stacked against us. Naturally they'll want to reject that idea, and would prefer to listen to the comforting chorus of people who would call me insane. I'm doing what I can to keep them within my influence, but I'm starting to sense that my voice is simply being drowned out by the world that surrounds them, and there's little I can do to stop it.
>hobbies and how you spend your free time determines that gender is on a spectrum
wow just kys
Educate us, oh wise one.
>politics is like sports where you win or lose lel :)))))
I hate you fanatic tribalist Zoomer maggots so much
this shit started in europe and was brought here
Remember when you guys used to think we were backwoods neanderthals because we didnt approve of social progressivism? How'd that work out for you?
The pictures claim: women only act feminine because of societal pressures, not biology.
I believe it’s heavily biological that women act the way they do, not to say societal pressure has nothing to do with it. Look at the most egalitarian societies in the world right now, men are even MORE represented in things like stem and computer science, women are MORE representative in services like nursing and teaching compared to places like the US. Just get over it dude people don’t like determinism but the final black pill is your genes are like 80% predictors of what you will do in your life.
You’re crazy if u think trump isnt going to win this next election.
I live in the West. I love it here, but I despise half the people who live here too, and sadly that same half control all media.
Life is good so I'd say it worked out alright tbqh
>look at me, the enlightened centrist fence riding faggot that stands for nothing and says, "well no offence but", all the time
Natural lightning is a trannies worst nightmare
Or maybe: girls like girl stuff and boys like boy stuff, so magazines which target those audiences make content according to that.
I'm pretty sure they'll vote for a new Hitler in power before that endgame becomes reality.
So now there's no such thing as winning a political victory? When you fail to prevent communists from outlawing private medicine and throw a 19% surtax on your income to pay for FREE HEALTHCARE when you did not want that, that's not a political defeat? What is it then?
This kinda shit is what makes me wanna become a /pol/tard
He actually made a video about this, saying how it triggered "dysphoria" to start seeing the first signs of him aging into an older man. It's quite bizarre. Everyone feels anxious about that. I feel "dysphoric" too when I imagine that I'll turn into an old man. Doesn't mean chopping your dick off is the solution. If anything, women age worse than men, and trans "women" hit the wall the hardest of all.
Way less than half
>not treating politics like panem et circenses makes you a centrist :D
You just can't help yourself, can you Zoomer?
have sex
Surprise victory by Patrick Little.
>Not the slow and steady J E B surge
So you’ll still be a centrist when they start taxing your money even harder and giving reparations? What about when they come to your door and take away your kid because a teacher at school saw him play with a doll when he’s four and now he needs hormone blockers? When will you no longer be a centrist? What will it take for you?
Except it is. You literally win or lose an election. If it's not that way, then how is it?
Answer my question. If there is no such thing as political loss or political victory, what is it then?
>Issues of Girls' Life contain information and advice on topics such as fashion, cosmetics, hairstyles, relationships, peer pressure, time management, stress-relief, and self-esteem. Girls' Life website hosts a penpal program, games, and discussions.
>Boys' Life is the monthly magazine of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Its target readers are between the ages of 6 and 18. The magazine headquarters are in Irving, Texas.[3][4][5]
Boys' Life is published in two demographic editions. Both editions often have the same cover, but are tuned to the target audience through the inclusion of 16–20 pages of unique content per edition
Wow its like i just put two magazines that cover completely different subjects side by side to prove my retarded argument.
when things goes so wrong?
Here's how BERNIE can still win 2016!
Why do they hate pretty little girls but want to sexualize little boys all the time?
Reminder that you share a board with people who think that if you cut off your dick, you are now magically female. Another reminder that you share a board with people who not only want to cut off their dicks to become female all because they themselves could not get a female to love them. A third reminder that these same people have the gall to call others "incels."
Will you still be a Trump pusher when Donald deepthroats Prince Ali's throbbing cock on live television?
>He actually made a video about this, saying how it triggered "dysphoria" to start seeing the first signs of him aging into an older man. It's quite bizarre.
Reminder that 70% of kids that claimed to have sexual dysphoria before puberty said they no longer experience said illness after puberty. With the amount of transexuals that are massive manchildren, I can't help but think the majority of people calling themselves trans are simply scared of growing up.
Sweden, norway, denmark. Most sterile non gendered environments in the world and they still pick jobs that coincide with their sex.
I used to play with dolls when I was around 5-6, grew out of it and started playing with legos instead. It was just a novelty thing.
If my parents were modern americans, I would probably be dickless and full of hormone pills right now.
I didn't have a point actually.
Webheads where you at?
/g/ is unironically filled with socialists. Watch any thread that happens to be political. The veil comes off and you find out /g/ is a food stand in the middle of San Fagcisco.
> handful of them pretend to as an alternate way to get male attention.
>I've known a handful of girls that grew up as daddy's girl and....
So you're saying daddy's girl's interest in things daddy likes is entirely unrelated to seeking attention from daddy?
[citation needed]
Id agree with you, we are on the same side of the chicken/egg debate and far leftists are on the other. The reasoning for the juxt between the two pictures was to imply the differences were societal though and I’d argue that’s what the user who posted was implying.
These things tend to move in phases. There will be 4 or 8 years when Im being taxed more, and 4 to 8 years when Im being taxes less. That’s just how this shit goes. I’ve accepted that
did you know that almost all kids that are "uncertain" of their gender grow out of it with puberty? that's why those sickos need to pump them full of hormones before that
>"A semi graduate in psychology"
lol. jokes aside whats his arm routine, he looked like he was gonna lift that whole rollercoaster
Based and redpilled. Anyone that can’t see what is happening deserves to be tortured for all eternity. Humanity is being engineered (socially and genetically) out of existence.
So what's going to happen when the growing sand nigger population meets the growing fag population that fought so hard for those subhumans to live on their land?
Reminder that if you think traps being on this website is some kind of recent trend you are painfully new and need to go back ASAP Zoomer
So why shouldnt IQ depend on the genes? The kids of the dumbasses that reproduce are still dumbasses as far as I know
And looking at the average IQ depending on ethnicity, asians have the highest, and shitskins the lowest.
Why can't we tell facts anymore?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Catch a bullet, whether you're ironically shitposting or not.
It's not impossible if you consider gender as a social construct which you yourself don't ascribe too. The same way you can be anti-racist without necessarily being a racialist.
Is it morally wrong to kill these people and hang them from lampposts for all to see? Serious question.
I will give you this Atlantic article but search out the proper source yourself.
nah there are plenty of people who hate lefties on /g/, in fact i always had the impression it's mostly made up of them.
Why is it always Slavs who cry about "muh West"?
The only recent trend is trannies from discord trying to turn this site into tumblr.
But that is a good thing, for the environment. Less people, less CO2, less farmland needed, less cars, less consumption, etc....
>and let's say she perfectly "passes" for a woman.
no, let's not say things that never happen.
>Reminder that contra points looks 100% like a man
so? Just because I can pass as a man doesn't mean I am one
This site and especially this board is further away from tumblr than it was years ago, but how would you know? You're new.
Sexuality and political involvement are not the same thing. If anything, voting should be even more restrictive than it is today, whereas sexuality is a more "basic", instinctual need.
I know a couple who were, respectively, 13 and 20 when they got together. She (the younger) really wanted to fuck, and long story short: he ended up in jail. Two families irreparably (and in my mind: unnecessarily) shattered over an age-difference which would be seen as rather normal just a couple of generations ago. Yeah, tricking a naive kindergartner into sucking your dick is wrong, but I really can't agree with age of consent laws as they currently are.
Another friend of mine dropped a bombshell on me: when he was a child, he was willingly involved in a pederastic relationship with an adult. He told me since I mentioned the other couple I knew. I could never have guessed. He's a red-blooded, very heterosexual republican. I imagine it must be very confusing for him. He certainly does not support the LGBTQIA+BBQ or whatever movement, with their POZitivity, drag kids and dickchopping, but on the other hand, the people who are against those sorts of things will throw the relationship he had in the same bucket of "degeneracy".
Been here since '06, but go ahead and say I'm lying.
I actually posted it. I just thought it was funny and a good thread to post it in.
I've been here before you so my point still stands newfag
uhhh cuz it's problumatek
It goes against the new religion of the masses, agalitsrianism. They think there is 0% merit to the theory of determinism. Everyone is a completely blank slate and the only difference in power is societal oppression, marxism but on the front of EVERY SINGLE point of intersectionality. Only trannies or Assad low iq brown people will disagree with this post.
Got any good stories/memes from the old days?
Get bent faggot and don’t @ me again.
I would think so, if they're showing interest in things when daddy isn't present.
I have a knowledge of things my father taught me or raised me in the presence of and I couldn't be less interested in them when I'm on my own, you know? But when I'm with him rather it's just to be part of the conversation or just to make him comfortable or cheer him up I'll talk about it to the best of my ability usually from the base of what he's taught me. But to go beyond that and seek out new information or show a passion or interest when not necessary like talking to some random guy you work with about a topic he has little interest in but you do, I would think that qualifies as being unrelated to daddy's attention.
No. God will judge them, but you can take them so the court. Read Luke 17:2
Seriously? You didn't know that? Go watch Jordan Peterson, unironically. It's such basic stuff.
You're not my real mom
It's not new, it's just never been clearly defined in the english language before. Think about it this way : when you're saying there are only two genders, you're essentially saying there are only two ways to behave, dress, feel, think, etc. You're either a man and you behave like this or you're a woman and you behave like that. It may be not be what you mean, and it may be where our use of language limits us, but it is what you're saying.
Why recommend he watch some one when you could recommend he educate himself
Thank (you)
>seek out new information or show a passion or interest
Women are incapable of this.
>Go watch Jordan Peterson
I'm not into e-celebs sorry
1) Thread is almost dead
2) Too much info for a small session
3) Despite being extremely basic and at a low level, Peterson speaks well and better than I do. I'm not a teacher, orator, etc. so I don't have that skill despite having more knowledge than he does
it's a wide wide world out there. You should see it before it's too late
He makes good points but some of the shit he says makes me cringe. When it comes to gender differences and being for equality instead of equity is spot on, just ignore his bible stories and chaos theory shit and you’re good to go.
Backwards thinking. He's not an e-celeb, he's just a guy who happened to be well-received by the internet. He's not like one of those YouTuber people.
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