What does Yea Forums think of "The Big Lebowski"?

What does Yea Forums think of "The Big Lebowski"?

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Oh, I see. So far with a sample size of 2 I can clearly see that Yea Forums is officially worse than Yea Forums


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t. Redditing jew

I liked it

Allegory for the early 21st century

Cute movie, doesn't deserve classic status but fun nonetheless

>the based labowski

it's a 6-7/10
it's decent

It's pretty good.

Kino. I don't really care for the Coens, but I find this movie fascinating.
It's not tryhard like most comedies and there's weird shit like the Dude only regurgitating other people's dialogue and never having an original thought.


Why is this guy always shitting on right wing people on Facebook

yeah, well that's just like, your opinion, man

It's comfy and well made but Reddit likes it so Yea Forums hates it.

It's funny but not deep as most redditors think. Nothing more to it than just a lazy stoner's week in LA. It's like another Dr Strangelove.

I've never heard anyone describe it as deep.

comfy kino

lower tier Coens elevated to meme status by gay redditors and stoners. Some funny moments

I like the way it shows an era of the 90s.

Perhaps the most overrated cult film in existence

Boondock Saints is WAAAAAY more overrated. Fucking movie sucks ass.

Unwatchable cliche garbage.
I only watch comic book based movies

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I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs.

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john goodman is god tier in it and the movie has nice reaction shots.

It's a parody of chandler type detective stories. I am not sure why it is so popular.

>the Dude only regurgitating other people's dialogue

It's more like the Dude hearing someone smarter than him saying something that sounds sophisticated and him completely fucking it up. The "parlance of our times" always cracks me up.

The Crying of lot 49 was better

probably because you're from redd*t

Shit movie with an even shittier Kenny Rogers video thrown in

I used to like it but now it just seems low effort. Also the bowling pin fantasy CGI is just a hackneyed ripoff of Gilliam.

haha like quote from movie

Checking those Synagogue of Satan trips, Jew.

one my favorites, could watch it any day stoned and still laugh

>I can clearly see that Yea Forums is officially worse than Yea Forums
thats impossible, trust me.

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