Anything where the cast speaks Russian, bonus points for Crime and War themes
Good Russian TV Shows
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This man played a serb though
Go back to /int/. Nobody here cares about your stupid nothing country
Every "Serb" in this movie had the thickest fucking non-Serb accent I have ever heard
Is is that hard to find some Serb diasposhits in Chicago?
Ceмнaдцaть мгнoвeний вecны
How did GTA not get sued for coping his character?
they had sex.
Guruharu TV
>american audiences can tell the differences between a russian and serbian accent
>american audiences even know where serbia is on a map of Europe
>american audiences know that serbia is even a real country
You're giving the target audience way too much credit
rockstar actually tried to hire the actor but that guy just dont think video game project is serious business so he say no to rockstar's offering.
how did croatia kick their asses so hard
Does he not like money?
Strange way of spelling NATO
Slavs are some of the most stubborn people put there
I liked Lord of Darkness.
Brigada is great
Not a TV show but Brat 1-2, Bumer
Hardcore Henry has no or little russian language, but it's filmed in Russia and has some vibes
Just looked as his filmography. Didn't do a 'big' international film since behind enemy lines until Mission impossible ghost protocol 14 years later. Not saying doing a voice in GTA would have gotten him better roles in his career, but it looks like a stupid decision to turn them down
Voyna pretty good , don't watch the trailers
Is that a camcorder on his head?
cope heh
Sort of like slav The Wire
Children vs Wizards
The guy in your pic is more of a turk than a Russian, my guy
Brigada is great
right answer
Croatians were enriched by the hungaryan bvlls
Among the new ones, there was a series called Chernobyl: Zone of Exclusion (not the Netflix documentary). This is a road story: a group of teens is going to Pripyat and weird shit is happening with them. Didn't expect to like it, liked it a lot. Though I only watched season 1, they go to alternate reality US in the second, don't know if it is watchable.
They are basically discount Turks
Any Russian sci-fi TV shows?
They probably just didn't pay enough. The actor who voiced Niko later sued rockstar for money.
the only close thing to sci fi is Kin Dza Dza
Guest from the future
Pretty sure Russia is too poor to produce movies or TV shows.
t. russian libtard
>Every "Serb" in this movie had the thickest fucking non-Serb accent
Who cares, lol
Watch this
Two seasons, story will be finished this year with a movie.
pick one
Russia produced movies even during the nineties, when 90% of its actors had to become janitors, street vendors or prostitutes
Operacija Oluja was NATO too?
Same can be said about literally any other country
Бpaт (1997)
Not exactly a TV show, innit?
Im watching Chernobyl, a lot of scenes were recorded in Bielruss and Ukraine. No niggers, very comfy
What part of "TV show" you don't get, brainlets?
having sex
>No niggers
That's just about any russian movie, except for Maximka
We don't have many good TV-shows.
Why would they want to play stereotypical bad guys?
NATO trained the Croats and provided air support and intelligence
?Russian mad we can't tell balkan accents apart
uh ok? neither can most other people im confused here
>im confused here
That's usual reaction when american encounter something from outside world.
Any help on where to find it? With english subtitles possibly? tpb, rarbg and my local private tracker have nothing on it
Ordinace v Růžové Zahradě
I know that it's on rutracker, but it's only in Russian with not even russian subtitles, I'm too brainlet for that, any help is appreciated
I wonder if it was even subbed to be honest
Fucking shitflix churns out some shitty series and it's subtitled in 20 different languages and then there's the whole of Russia where any translation, subtitles or audio, is only done by the fucking pirates on my private tracker
Pretty sure that's the case with any non-english TV show without a huge following
I'm sure they're buy some of russian shows too. Check it there
1 and 2 are watchable from what I've heard
Best Russian TV shows are historical ones.
>bonus points for Crime and War themes
have sex
This is the only good one i saw. It's about post-war Odessa.
Liberal bullshit about evil commies
Croatia has a long history of holding off the Turks while the Serbs celebrate jobbing.
This. Unironically saw this entire show despite seething commies shitting on it on every corner, it was great.
Only first episodes, later it's too overfocusing on jewish origin.
Also, Downfall/Doom/Death (not sure how exactly) of the Empire (Гибeль Импepии)
Ur all discount Turks anyway, who cares
This was kino
That's Wings of the Empire. A different show. And it have one big flaw
Other than Бpигaдa or Бaндитcкий Пeтepбypг, there's nothing of interest for foreigners i'd say. Both are about mafia in the 90's/early 2000's, and they're decent at best, not first four seasons of Sopranos-tier basically.
Good luck finding them with subtitles or even translated.
Is the movie Stalker worth watching? I didn't like Solaris.
normie mafia wannabees keep shilling this shit where im from