>yellow fever faggots are going to defend this
Yellow fever faggots are going to defend this
she doesn't even look bad in the first one, I don't understand
she was qtier before
also stay toasty roastie
Both are cute desu
The before was better.
Asians are so hot, disregard the fact that they have to maim themselves to be attractive and are somehow more materialistic than americans.
she looks so generic afterwards
nothing wrong with strong jawed woman
Nice 'tism you got there. Look at the image on the left; she's masculine looking; now notice that the image on the right is softer with a more rounded chin and overall symmetry.
>cutting their faces up to marry asians when a white guy wouldnt care either way
Asian cringeboys are unworthy of our yellow godesses. They belong to white cock.
heh heh heh
Is there supposed to be something wrong with the left side?
she's way more attractive with a chin than without
what did the gooks mean by this?
>Soulless vs Soulless
>makes herself prettier for your joy
>your son still inherits Chad jaw
>Nice 'tism you got there
She looked way hotter before they chopped half of her face off.
What the fuck
Don't see a problem either way.
I mean shaving your fucking jaw bone is hilarious & nearly the same level as cutting your dick off to be a woman; however this actually has the intended effect in reality & you don't just have to pretend like her jaw is smaller.
Left > right
Those are really fancy looking vibrators
more reddit
Imagine how weird it is to cut your face off and look at an alien baby every time you look in a mirror.
2 > 3 > the rest
You forgot to point out where they're wrong, or how the right pic is even remotely attractive at all.
>South Koreans
Japs have a ton of soul.
wut am i supposed to be looking at?
I don’t know if most of you cunts realise but every picture you see of an Asian is shopped to hell and back, and they’re also incredibly good at doing makeup.
>t. Woke up next to one for the last 17 years
Anyone got the webm of some concert those K whores were doing for North Korean diplomats and all the norkies look disgusted and are cringing?
>believes a hapa can ever be chad
Op serious how is this even done, is this same as trannys also do?
strong jaws look good on women too, unless they're some abominations like Willis' daughter
>Unit 731
>Death Railway
>Girl in concrete
>Paris cannibal
oh no no no no
They shave your jaw with a machine, and yes trannies get the same "treatment".
Tossgirl, the only female (with XX chromosomes) pro starcraft player ever to actually play in Korean leagues. She got a lot of plastic surgery over the year
If you can't see the soul in that then I don't know how you qualify caucasians as having them.
And white women are the ones that complain about beauty standards kek
I would fuck the before surgery her until my penis started to go "pffffh" when i cummed, after surgery she just looks like another soulless insectasian
I thank god for the half japanese girls in Brasil, literally best of both worlds as mutt genes keep them THICC
>white knighting on my Yea Forums
not the right website stupid reddit nigger
I think you need to read up on what "white knighting" actually is. Saying what you do or do not find attractive is not white knighting.
geez you're right I'm retarded
In the after photo she looks like you could burst her head open with your bare hands.
I unironically prefer left