Darth Vader v Ben Kenobi reimagined
This is incredibly retarded and it has zero emotional eight which was the intended purpose of the original fight. Millennials ruining everything as usual.
Soibois will clap and lose their shit over this no doubt.
cool but too long desu.
>emotional eight
shit and too long desu
There is not one POC in that whole scene
Too be fair Lucas wanted a bigger fight but Sir Alec Kenobi was 900 years old and didn't care and Vader couldn't see shit
overall not bad but some scenes look dumb
Obi Wan is fucking old, he can't move like that. It doesn't fit.
>didn't care
Came to hate but this is actually kino.
Much better then the original fight.
Oh god this is awful
it's a retarded change on par with Yoda doing flips and carrying a mini light saber with him
Have sex.
No just the sticks they were using in the first Star Wars were too fragile.
he uses the force to move better?
Bravo, magnificent, superb.
Can't wait for the torrents with this scene added on the film now.
gay and crinch
söys of the world rejoice
At it's best when Vader is just pounding away/ being a juggernaut, at it's worst when anything flashy happens for no good reason (trowing the saber). Obviously took a lot of effort, and better than anything anyone replying to you has done, but still cringy.
About 10 years ago or so, maybe more, there was on youtube a different, simpler edit. Just so trimming of the actual scene that made it seem flow better and faster and it absolutely worked.
>prequeltards creaming their pants in comments
Why does it piss autists off so much that two old men can't fight for shit?
prequel/sequel style fights suck dick man
Meh, I expected more from this project, but it isn't bad. What is the point of extending it though, if they are just going to show Obi-Wan getting the shit kicked out of him for 6 minutes rather than 2?
Imagine being a fan of star wars
this faggot cracks me up
>Imagine being a fan of soi wars in current year (+4)
Fixed 4 u.
HAve sex incel
Did they get Destiny to play Vader?
I think it's great.
Stay mad disney shills.
Yes he can. The force let’s you. At least that’s my canon to how Count Dooku can do all the shit he does.
pretty good desü
>b-b-but muh magic old samurai men should be frail and arthritic just like in real life
you guys are the most boring kind of spergs
How was that a change? Yoda was younger during the prequels you brainlet.
Dooku wasnt living in a shithole eating poorly and without fighting anyone in years.
Nearly as bad as that Vader fan service scene in Rogue One.
Cringe music and voiceovers, shaky cam doesn't fit with the rest of the movie. Otherwise pretty good.
This. You can see Obi-Wan's saber break down in the middle of the fight if you watch closely.
Yoda's fighting style reveal was one of the best moments of the prequels.
The vary fact that you wrote this is proof that your daily intake of estrogen is a thousand times that of an average söyboy.
It went too far with the dumb force pushing stuff and hitting (punching), but other than that I am impressed, touched even. Good work. Thank you.
Obi-Wan was in London for around 20 years.
atleast there was no flips 7/10
The RO Vader scene, at least the part where he attacks Rebel troopers, is retarded. Someone confused Darth Vader with Jason Voorhees+ Carrie.
I didn't hate it
Fuck off zoomer
It's a little over the top but I like that it mirrors ESB fight in some beats. I don't think it's egregiously flashy like some faggots on here say. The song was honestly the worst thing about it because it's in every fan lightsaber video.
How did you escape your friend simulation?
Looked good considering it's a recreation by a fan, the action is very aggressive which is cool but doesn't really fit given he is an old man and wanted to lose.
Awesome fight scene though.
as a child I was convinced that the light sabre touching him vapourised him, and was a normal effect of being hit by one. I didn't know why darth vader footed his robes, and would think about that.
>fighting style
it's not a fighting style, it's the only way a 2 foot tall green midget could sword fight with a 6 foot tall man.
>boom boom
>flashy flashy
>zoom zoom
>phewm phewm
>flips and swords make me cummy cummy
Name a more kino moment in Cuck Wars.
>these camera angles and movements
makes me wanna puke, fucking disgusting
anyway, star wars has always been shit
I hate when shit has zero emotional eight
Why not fucking emotional nine
The original fight was lame and it wasnt even as Lucas intended. He had to compromise because the actors were old and unmotivated and their props were shit. And the """fight""" looked like shit.
That's good shit and I don't what you fucking nerds think
How is that video not literal free advertising for Disney? I think you're confused about who the shills are here
Yeah the same disney shills who applause Rogue One fan service are shitting on this.
Just like the other old farts like Yoda, Dooku, Sidious, ect. They couldn't fight either right?
Decent, but it's trying way too hard with the 'dynamic' camera work and the epic music and ROTS sound bites. keep it simple.
Dont like it, its too long
I would do it max 60 seconds closer to 30
Would show much better that Ben is old, Vader is powerful and both are skilled and deadly
I would start with talk, few casual strikes, talk, and then a sudden out of nowhere explosion of intensity speed and skill for less than 10 seconds with Vader on offensive until Ben is hit, Vader stops knowing he won, last words and death
If there is no emotion behind the strikes whats the point, my favorite moments in original trilogy was when Vader cuts off Lukes hand in a few second exchange, and when Luke in turn uses his rage and hate to do the same to Vader in the next movie, both fights start off slow but culminate in emotion and fury
Agreed. I actually like the trailers for it better in terms of atmosphere. More aggressive and fast paced but not so over the top.
How the hell else can he fight? That sounds like a sequel I'd tune into, Yoda as a jedi disciple learning to fight and overcome the adversity of his size.
was is it with the millennial obsession to rewrite/edit/censor/remaster history?
Vader is WWWAAAAAYYYYYYYYY too fast.
George Lucas is guiltiest of all
>17 year old poster
cool but it doesn't need those voices from episode 3
As if an anime posting faggot would know better.
t. zoomer
>touched even
Could you point in a doll where?
This but unironically.
Fucking christ.
WHY are fan films consistently so much better than anything Disney has been able to produce with their unlimited resources and a billion dollar budget?
There is no excuse for this. Watch this shit, and then watch 15 minutes of TLJ and tell me that Kathleen Kennedy doesn't deserve the guillotine.
This is why I only watch movies from before the 90s
It looks cool, but it doesn't fit at all. The contrast with the original ANH scenes in the video is obvious. And unnecessary Ep 3 references.
How many people besides me prefer the "original" low special effects budget light sabre beam. It makes it more visually interesting to me, and more powerful. This thin beam of light that's capable of severe damage. It could even speak to the nature of the force itself.
>20 years makes a difference to a thousand year old geriatric
So many millenial remakes lack emotional eight these days it's a shame boomers did this to us. We do need more pan sexual characters though
He had like 30000% more time during the prequels than when he trained Luke.
Also he's an alien, so who knows how his biology works
very nice choreography
questionable audio references
music works surprisingly well
reddit spacing
zoomer interpretation
Not really nah.
Had sex.
Every fan wars kino I've seen poster here I've liked.
This was pretty good the fight choreography was impressive but this is my favourite
>literally walks with a cane and rides a hovercraft wheelchair across long distances
>he’s an animu ninja though
Lucas is a hack.
Can he pull off Windu vs Vader in Ep2?
ur a hack
force do anything
I liked it.
It was a bit over-the-top, especially with all of the jerky camera stuff, but I'd rather it miss the mark overshooting by 20% instead of undershooting by 50% like in the actual film.
Literally reeks of soi. If you like scenes like this you are objectively retarded and a weak manchild.
Meanwhile an old black and white movie from 70 years ago has a far superior duel where the combatants barely move.
there's some comedy gold in this shit
o i was laffin when he made that shocked face when the lightsaber struck near his face
where is that in the OT?
i deadlift 135. i bet these onionbois dont even lift haha
This. I laughed out loud when it cuts from the ultra dynamic camera sweeping around and zooming in and out of the revamped lightsaber battle, to the completely steady wide shots of Luke han and leia. They didn't even try to make the transitions between old and new footage seamless
>when she sees the BBC
it was more comedic than bad
like holy shit two space wizards are fighting for their life, and then a casual cut to han gang doing absolute jack shit lmao
so it's another one of those classic scenes that George wanted to shit up but didn't get to
God the comments are giving me epilepsy. This shit is turbo bad
>director can't even obey the 180 rule
It's shit
he could use the force instead of slashing about with his pocket sized lightsaber
fuck off
>Prequels aren't canon
Uh-huh, so you're one of those selective fancanon guys who only considers the parts he likes canon?
Jarring mismatch in cinematography, couldn't even finish
darth vader is a black guy
>stops being a tense samurai movie in space
>starts being a ADHD Michael Bay movie
Nah son
>no wide swings
>just banging sticks
>no staring
oof boomers be seething
Vader swings too much and Obi Wan is too old to be swinging around like that. Every strike Vader makes should be a killshot. Honestly it's a pretty absurd remake, like a newb practicing how to make a scene emotional. The flashback quotes are also pretty stupid.
>implying it's not boomers forcing these never ending sequels and remakes because they can't handle anything new or challenging
cant wait for the remaster where the 3 scrub jedi are able to hold their own for 6 minutes each
i just don't understand choreography that has jedis do these stupid fucking useless spins. like around 2:32. he just fucking spins the light saber around.
Was pretty cool, but it just seems like its too much compared to the rest of the movie, very interesting fight though.
I really liked it and I'm not gonna lie I marked out a little too.
It's fan made, it's obviously a little clunky in some parts, but there's heart in it.
>Akira Kurosawa? What anime did he make?
>This is incredibly retarded
If you only knew how bad it gets.....
>reaction channels
>nig nog
Jedi have precognitive abilities. They use the force to see attacks coming and respond according, this is how they are able to deflect blaster bolts so easily and why part of the training is learning to deflect them while blinded. When two combatants with precognitive abilities are going at it, it makes perfect sense for them to throw in useless spins and other choreography moves like that. Makes it harder to see the actual attacks coming among all the noise.
Pretty cool.
Not that there's anything wrong with the original.
Nobody was happy with the original fight, it was the bare minimum required to get across what needed to happen.
you know i wont lie, this is great
>Had sex.
who needs kurosawa
>Nobody was happy with the original fight,
>Nobody was happy with the original fight
If the original fight was so fine and everyone involved was happy with it, why did they step up their game so heavily for the ESB fight?
which is what made it brilliant
That's horrible.
They should have tried their hardest to mimic the camera and editing style from the movie itself, rather that going full modern in those areas with a shaky dynamic camera and super fast cuts. Using voice lines from Revenge of the Sith was also too much, the music itself was more then enough. Otherwise this is pretty cool, significantly better fight choreography than anything the Disney movies have.
sword fights in real life are boring and end quickly, this is horrible.
You flip to extremes like a retard.
yeah, he was 880 years old instead of 900
Look at all those purist faggots itt. The original fight was lame and underwhelming, because obviously Guiness couldn't fight for shit, and Lucas direction is lazy too.
It was increasingly retarded. Just reminded me when George said they go too far, they don't know where to stop. I hate fan films.
documentaries are more your forte?
Pretty cool desu. Glad the movies not like that but it was neat
>Y-you were a good friend
Are the same people saying Obi is an old man so he shouldn’t be able to fight that well, the same people that complained Luke “lost” to Rei and didn’t face the Last Order in person?
A few of the extensions are fine, but the real crazy stuff like the saber throw and force push don't work.
i think the first force push was fine
but then they rushed the second force push
my point being that lucas obviously drew inspiration from samurai duels. Even luke vs vader fight are pretty packluster choreographically, with most of the scenes being carried by the lighting, script, and setpieces.
Lightsaber duels were never meant to be flashy.
> everybody
> nobody
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Drew inspiration from samurai duels? How do you define samurai duels? Are samurai duels not simple stances being held to read the opponent's next move?do samurai duels have clashing swords? are samurai duels defined by lighting, script, and setpieces?
Holy shit are you a fucking autist? He clearly meant samurai movie fights, you inept fuck
Vader throws his saber in ROTJ
thats what i meant by samurai duels. movie samurai duels. the same questions still apply.
Fan wankery. Cringe.
Not him, but I'll answer this
>Drew inspiration from samurai duels?
>How do you define samurai duels?
A duel between two samurai
>Are samurai duels not simple stances being held to read the opponent's next move?
No, they are fights. The people move and try to hurt each other with a blade.
>do samurai duels have clashing swords?
They do.
>are samurai duels defined by lighting, script, and setpieces?
>why does my peepee get hard?
Ask your parents, they might have a talk with you once your voice starts changing and puberty kicks in.
emotional b8
Remember Ryan vs. Dorkman? They made a vastly more entertaining lightsaber fight than any of the prequels, with a budget of basically zero. I'm pretty sure they even did the "drop-and-catch" move.
Inane wankery. You can just tell the driving motive behind making this was
>hurr muh darth vader wasn't badass enough in the original
>All those lenseflares
This is meant to be a parody, right?
It looks like a weird blend of a Rap Video and random Anime action.
Is Vader even using Djem So? I know Anakin did, but his fighting style was very different.
Don't be contrarians. The original is just poor choreography. It literally looks like to cripples trying to poke each other. That's not artistic or emotional, it's a product of a rushed production schedule and inexperienced/indifferent actors. They changed it up with ESB to better fulfill the intended vision and that fight has much more emotional impact because the choreography resonates with the emotional message of the sequence.
Faggy answer is that he is using an augmented form of Djem So and Vaapad.
Non-faggy answer is no amount of mental gymnastics can categorize choreography that was made up 30 years before those dumb stances existed.
Wow wtf Dorkman got completely fucking wrecked in a car accident a few years ago, seems like he's mostly recovered physically but mentally he's not all there. Fucking sad, man.
first eposide was a cringy letdown, don't get your hopes up
agreed this has been done well
hating it is more reddit
Can't watch at work, does the fan film correctly portray Old Ben's fusion of Shii-Cho with his trademark Soresu?
Did you get lost on your way to /r/StarWars?
Well since you seem to know the way there so well I thought I'd stop and ask for directions.
I prefer the original because it looked like two people who were very dangerous being very cautious and not trying to do fancy shit.
no its altered form
it tries too hard
the original has more soul
Wow this is actually really cringe and awful. Imagine wasting time and effort just to make this.
>He needs a fucking subreddit to tell him shit even a youngling would know
I bet you can't even use Ataru, nerd.
A nice contrast from the ROTS which was exclusively dangerous and fancy shit.
>posting on Yea Forums without being a practitioner of lightsaber combat or at the very LEAST have read the literature
shouldn't be allowed desu
Check your browser history. Should be there under the "last 60 minutes" section. Hope directions are clear enough.
If you could read the mind of the average Star Wars fatty and fabricate a scene from their imagination this is what you'd get as a result. Pure LARDKINO.
looks like shit
Isn't he like 55 in episode 4?
Yeah but Tatooine suns are a bitch on your body.
He spent 20-odd years on a planet that's like if Detroit was in the middle of the Sahara Desert and all the gangs were larping Dune. That would age anyone fast.
I remember when there was the teaser for this and it was just like an extra 30 seconds where it looked like a better choreographed normal sword fight, basically the opening section of what this final version is.
That's way better than it turning into a prequel-tier throwing garbage at each other thing by the end. All it needed is 30ish seconds of actual fighting and then Obi-wan sacrifices himself.
If it were Lucas he would've added in an alien animal walking through and taking a shit.
>ctrl F "soul"
>one result
Age is irrelevant to a force-users fighting ability, as evidenced by Yoda, Dooku, and Palpatine.
Not to mention canonically Obi-Wan effortlessly kicked Maul's ass on tatooine maybe 10 years prior, plus however many times he had to execute tusken raiders that got too close to his hermit hut.
Sam Witwer kind of got into that Maul thing. Obi-Wan had grown far more powerful in the Force, not physically. What won him that fight was tricking Maul into believing he was still fighting the same rash Obi-Wan he used to know by emulating Qui-Gon's stance. When in reality he knew exactly how to counter the strike he knew Maul would make.
Obi-Wan was pretty frail as far as his body went. There was a certain sturdiness being a survivalist instilled, but the desert wore his body down to the bone, he didn't have the agility and endurance to fight the same way he did in the Clone Wars or against Anakin.
No. But misguided? Yes.
There's some cool shots. But there's no emotional impact to the death. The force push right before looks mad stupid. It sticks of someone who's all flash and no substance.
Not terrible but fucking amateur. Short sided or simple put. Mediocre.
Fucking Disneyfied trash.
The entire reason the confrontation between Darth Vader and Obi Wan is so cool is the tension.
It's two old seasoned fighters facing off against each other and their immense power doesn't need to be explained to the audience, the tension in the scene does all the work.
It actually makes less sense for the two of them to be fighting with this type of athleticism.
Did Nolan do the dialogue? It's fantastic.
thanks, i hate it
So why not use stronger sticks? Surely there would have been stronger sticks and getting them would have been relatively cheap.
Terrible. I fucking hate nerds.
hehe.. laser swords.......
pew pew pew
This is how I can tell people migrated from Reddit because they nitpick grammar and bullshit as some sort of way to discredit an opinion.
Not even gonna click the link.
Been teased for over a year with clips and promises. Fuck off, at this point. Its a star wars fan fight scene, not 2001
Darth Vader is clearly black.
Soul || soulless
I just realized that this is basically the entire reason that Obi Wan cut off that guy's arm in Mos Eisley, other than the obvious reason of showing that Luke was a hick who was in way over his head. Showing that lightsabers pretty much just act like regular swords and don't disintegrate people on impact early on is meant to keep people from thinking that Obi-Wan's disappearance is anything but a mystical event. Otherwise your interpretation would be totally justified
>people actually preferring the original
I'm glad 99% of the comments are going crazy for it.
Was their intent to cause me to laugh increasingly harder like I was watching Birdemic?
Maybe you're the one from reddit, because noone treats banter and funposts as a way to discredit the post. It's just that, funposting
A lot better
Why aren't the sequel fights as good as the prequel ones
>mini light saber
Holy shit, I never thought of this. kek
Well it looks like vader purposely missed in this, just to slice afterwards. Pretty stupid. In ROTJ he just tried to get him down/hurt luke
I liked parts of it and hated others. Vader just being overwhelmingly powerful and smashing shit is good. He has no reason to do all the sorts of fancy moves though. Obi Wan also doesn't seem very controlled like hes implied to be.
The cartoon does him justice versus Darth Maul even if Rebels is shit
Lol do you faggots seriously have a blog dedicated to pointing out jews in media?
>mini lightsaber
Do you want him to use a comically oversized lightsaber?
>including anything outside of SW,TESB, and ROTJ into your personal canon
Why make these movies worse for yourself user?
the cgi location really aged like milk
also why did sheev make them funny faces?
leftist/marxist cultural indoctrination
Why wouldn't he make funny faces? He's having a blast. All of his plans are going flawlessly (except Anaking getting burned) and after decades of having to hide himself from the Jedi he finally gets to shit all over them and mock them for not realizing
in ROTS sheev is having the time of his life
t. S.o.yboy
This is true. Lame choreography and constant camera cuts. I hate it.
kek didn't realize that
Yeah and even when his best day ever gets ruined by Anakin's failure, he still has a smile on his face when Vader wakes up
like "my perfect apprentice was ruined but I still had a great time"
Not a fan. Besides, the OT duel already has a great explanation: Obi Wan is just stalling for time and to distract Vader, while Vader is cautious since, surprise surprise, reckless aggression is what put him in the suit.
>that fountain of blood
god I love old school martial arts movies
the tension is supposed to explode after obi wan dies, luke screams no, and they shoot for a bit, then escape and have the dogfight
this "distracting badass lightsaber shit" replacement of the quiet before the storm is garbage
>An old master of a clearly Eastern-inspired order of martial art monks cannot do highest level of acrobatics in a battle
What bizarro universe you've escaped from?
For a fan effort it’s better than anything we’ve gotten out of Disney Wars so far.
cringe and bluepilled
star wars should never have existed. the originals were only good because hundreds of people put their creative minds into it.
then George Lucas had full control over the prequels.