Why are women incapable of directing films?

Why are women incapable of directing films?

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Not as intelligent, creative or emotional mature as men.

Because they're incapable of doing anything worthy

The majority of women degradation hardcore porn are actually directed by women

First post Sneed post

But tv's flagship movie was directed by a woman

Not true but strangely enough they are the primary audience.

Shepitko, Chytilová, Krumbachová, Akerman, Varda, Martel, Denis, Reichardt and Deren disagree.

modern women aren't capable of directing households

women don't into art

why would they need to? they can just leech off of rich men


>strangely enough

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American Psycho had a female director

Best Keanu movie was directed by a woman

because they actually and you are an incel that needs to have sex

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Your move now, faggot.

Based and accurate.

I'd get blown by them.

Women think strong leadership is a synonym for domination so they come off like cunts and nobody wants to work for them.

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Directing is being extremely fixated and attention to tiny details in something other than yourself.

It’s typically boys who get a hold of a camera and start filming little skits of themselves and their friends as kids or early teens. It’s just a less common interest in girls.

And they're scared that if they act nice and smile now and then it'll all be taken as sexual in nature.

autism is not a super power and this whole post is a cope

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I don’t get this. Why do this? Just a waste of energy and time. Jesus...

American Psycho is a shit movie though.

Eat Cheerios.

to get upvotes on social media and unwittingly perpetuate the negrification of american youth and society

Because they are tone deaf.

Kathryn Bigelow

When I try to get my gf to act like a slut I show her this picture and tell her that all women are sluts. If she walks away then I just fap to the photo.

because its funny and bantz and pranks

>le weed midget

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>Nearly 700 Percent Less Gray Matter
Read that again.

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Didn't a chick direct Wayne's World and Billy Madison?

Lords of Dogtown is a based movie and was directed by a woman.

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I’ll take that L if you nahmsayin’

>Children with autism have more grey matter in their brains than healthy children

I know experimental brain surgery is inhumane but I do wonder what would happen if someone with autism lost a portion of their brain matter which would then put them on par with a "normal" child


If I convince myself women are bad it will make my isolation easier to tolerate :)

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You actually hit a wall around 2-3 years where you no longer have any desire to reach out to anyone and you begin to treasure your solitude and peace and quiet.

You would know this too, if you weren't a failed normie.

The English used to give children "small beer" which may be an effective remedy for autism in children.

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I betcha your favorite movie is directed by a woman and you presumed it's a man who did it.

source: my ass


It's called depression. fucking WOW

U and T are best.

Not just the English, pretty much all of humanity before the 1900s.

Spoken like a wild man. That's good.

Go dilate and then get blacked by a nigger with aids.

Jesus, why are alt-right retards so easily triggered?

Not my fault that you're wrong. Kill yourself and get rid of that impotent rage.


A couple episodes of Generation Kill are directed by a woman.
Checkmate incel.

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Ironic or not, imagine being a grown man and saying shit like this.

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Fucking hell, I wished I'd went to college in America, I would have enjoyed the decline of western civilization with my dick wet, at least.

What is Hurt Locker? Only one of the greatest movies ever made that's all.


Yeah we don't need them to tell us they're sluts we know.

Came here to say exactly this.

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it's only like that for rich chads.

Punisher war zone was made by a women and it was gun kino
Same with the matrix

bah, to be fair, it wouldn't have made much of a difference, I was a complete cuck in my college years

Dilate, trannyfag. Wachowskis are still XY.

Only Lesbian Black ones can do it.

Thats where youre wrong redditor, my favorite film is American Psycho

>Same with the matrix
Wachowski brothers
Nope. Wearing women's clothing and/or mutilating yourself won't make you a woman. Just like putting two wheels on your grandma won't make her a bike.

Honestly they should be beheaded for mocking the ten commandments.
