Street Fighting kino like this?
Street Fighting kino like this?
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Why are americans such pussies
That's right crackers, walk away...
fucking kek
Why are white men so weak and submissive
I'm glad White pigs are finally getting their comeuppance
and the white women stay on the dock, makes you think
Weak little wh*toids lmao
all absolutely weightless surface-level punches
Those young Wakandans will end up in the prison system because of those actions, and their lives will suffer because of that setback. They will inevitably blame the world for their problems.
Meanwhile, those white kids who walked away will graduate college and become captains of industry, living a prosperous and full life, gaining financial independence well before retirement and enjoying their senior years travelling the world. Wakandans and their apologists will blame institutional racism for the disparity.
>when /pol/ goes out in public they get BTFO
lmao based blacks!
They're taught to roll over and die, from the earliest age. I don't know where you're from but it's the same here.
More like white cucks will always remain cucks lol
I fucking love this country. I got in a fight with the only nigger in my elementary school. They believed everything I said, he got expelled and I got cookies and milk. Kansas City by the way, lol would suck being a nigger.
>those white kids who walked away will graduate college and become captains of industry
How will this unfortunate encounter affect their decisions as adults when they occupy positions of power ?I'm asking for a friend.
>white people
only spics and poos make these threads
its been proven time and time again
spot the nigger
Yes because white men are too busy getting beaten
Murder all niggers
Lmao, this is spot on nigger coping.
I really dislike the term "white people". It's always referring to white Americans, and me as a pure white Germanian with vastly superior genes to any """white""" person in America are being pushed under the same label.
why didnt his salute protect him?
>the same race telling me to not call the cops is the same race that literally cannot fight 1v1
Blacks are their own worst enemy. Problem is, they continue to blame everyone but themselves generation after generation. At the same time, white people avoid trouble, keep their heads down, keep their eyes on the prize, and end up in a good place by their mid 40's. Racism isn't the reason for white success and black failure. IQ is. White have it. Blacks don't. Everything else is excuses to avoid this fact.
They say he is swinging a metal bat but I am pretty sure it is actually nunchaku from the way he swings it and the sound of the chain. It was filmed in Chinatown in Boston. You hear the other guys yelling about a bat but they are talking about their own weapon
>MAGA hat
lmao wat
Sure seems like they're nice people, america.
>At the same time, white people avoid trouble, keep their heads down, keep their eyes on the prize, and end up in a good place by their mid 40's.
Probably the most insightful and simultaneously unaware statement to ever come from /pol/. Yes user I agree, whites are particularly oblivious to machiavellian rule while pretending to be masters of it.
it must suck not knowing your dad
I'm sure yours wishes he didn't know you.
Going golfing with him later today, you tried, maybe we'll tip your black ass after you clean my irons.
golfing? more like coping lmao.
but honestly it is nice of you guys to get out of the house while your mom lets the neighborhood bull come ravage her.
Living around niggers looks like hell.
I don't live in a big enough city to carry my pistol but I generally take a knife in case something like this happens. I'd love to square up 1v1 but niggers don't fight like that so you have to stoop to their level.
One day someone will create an airborne virus that kills shit colored people and on that day the world will be saved.
>getting caught on camera and then arrested
Niggers sometimes. All the time.
You have to be a special kind of manlet to dress up like that
Could you even imagine if niggers just started dropping like flies? Lol so many people would be rushing to help and find a cure and I'd be making the popcorn.
what the actual fuck
I don't know if you know this, but there already exists race-based biological weapons.
Just target the skin's melanin count. Some mulatoos might survive, but even if they breed they're only getting whiter.
How come whites are the only race who tolerate niggers and defend them to death?
blue shirt kid is a cool guy, sticking up for his friend at risk of getting his ass beat too
>tries to run away from cops
>pants hanging around knees cause a faceplant
literally one time every episode of COPS, nothing makes me laugh more
have sex
lmao niggers
>larping untermensch gets clocked
this gif is never gonna trigger any natsocs fyi
Anywhere I can watch this with sound? I've seen it and heard what they were all saying somewhere before
Zoomers go to schools with zero-tolerance violence policy and their genx boomer parents never taught them how to throw a punch.
No ingroup unity either so a white can't trust another white to back him up.
Really the only time things usually end well is if a third party interferes.
you didn't hear your mum this morning?
God, white boys are so cute when they got beaten up by a bunch of black men, look at his little shorts, rolling around on the floor, probably moaning in his girly voice. I'd grab his butt and pull his hair if I got to bully him
then they're delusional
this is the gayest shit I've read in a while
>nigger hate thread up for an hour
based janny
lets not get ahead of ourselves. fuck niggers
hard to believe considering you just got off the rebbit boat
Hahaha yeah mee2
He wore the armband on the wrong hand and his salute posture was all wrong
This rightfully enraged the historian that decked him
>implying hating niggers isn't the most kino thing there is
The chinks will do that soon in Africa
lmao pussy crackers can't fight for shit.
You may not like it, but this is based and redpilled.
Wh*te people are so fucking pathetic lmao
Is this footage from the new Spider-Man?
Only while collar you'll be seeing for the rest of your life is the one in your pic.
50% of all negro males in the US end up in prison at some point in their lives.
Still, at least they enjoyed bullying some kids several years younger them, and kicking them and stamping on them while they were on the ground. It is what comes from having no father, having 65 iq, and being escaped zoo exhibits.
Another good point is that the vast majority of gun deaths are black on black, meaning one dies while the other goes to prison. Win win.
Keep coping you wh*teoid cuck lmao your race is so pathetic
>i m-may be a pussy b-but im CIVILIZED
same logic feminist basedboys use
Hating niggers is one of my favorite pastimes. I literally cannot even imagine having a shitty fatherless drug dealing life and having your fellow black men make fun you you for getting a real job. Must be so lonely.
t. butthurt conservative trump supporter
pretty sure this is in Australia
c o p e
c r a c k e r
*commits a violent crime*
What's it like knowing that you actually can't insult white people? Like as a white guy, I never feel anything when I'm insulted. I hope the word nigger feels like a knife.
*sags pants*
AYO Alexa play KOdak black
real shit my nigga
Haha, the guy videoing felt the thrill. The guy with nunchucks was a brave lad, weapon or no facing 7 or 8 of those faggots.
Had there been two of him, they could have driven those cunts into the ground.
it really doesn't, we call each other it all the time you clown
Niggers are worthless in every respect
>literally the offspring of zoo animals that their own zoo didn't care for
you wonder why you never see niggers in ancestry commercials? cause nobody cared about where they came from, not even the niggers who sold them to us, what a disgusting race
You both raise shockingly insightful points. I too struggle to imagine what it would be like to be at the very bottom of the barrel of humanity. Thank god my beautiful white skin, bright blue eyes, straight soft hair and powerful intellect clearly sets me apart from the primitive fauna of the world.
Then Niggers wonder why White cops shoot them all the time
Niggers really don't understand karma is gonna get em sooner or later
So pathetic that it enslaved yours and used you as farm animals for centuries.
Can't imagine what that feels like. Enjoy your drugs/prison time/fatherless existence.