Continued from >Listen to the fucking podcast, it's really interesting
>This is a close approximation to looking directly into a reactor, but it would be worse, since you're being physically hit by escaped neutrons that are large enough to destroy your DNA.
HBO Chernobyl General
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey comrades I'm gunna go get a better view of the fire anyone wanna come with?
first for best girl
See this, what do?
Where the fuck is the water for my reactor?
what was going through his mind here? what's this expression conveying?
this show looks like fabricated manipulative trash that invents entire storylines and characters and completely distorts history just so it can grab the attention of manchildren who need to be spoonfed everything
Reminder to keep those water pumps working, lads.
Lyudmilla is a cute
Reminder: neutrons fuck you up.
>where's my water?
no expert but as i understand it.
The test involved shutting off the turbine. This turbine also powered the water pumps.
This resulted in a situation where there wasn't enough water in the reactor and the steam wasn't going anywhere.
Steam pressure built up to dangerous levels. emergency shutdown was initiated but due to a flaw in the core design emergency shutdown caused a short power spike. This caused the steam pressure to hit the point required to explode.
You are in shock, to the infirmary you go
pew pew pew
from the writer of the fucking hunstman sequel and the hangover movies
of course its trash
There's something about watching commies die that is strangely satisfying.
>what was going through his mind here?
nuclear sunburn
Soviet women were notorious whores, who would occasionally give blow jobs or get fucked by a bureaucrat in order to get more rations.
>I have seen God and he is not merciful.
whoops too much water
I know TV doesn't generally attract writers with any sort of quality, but Jesus. If you're putting this much money in, surely you can get someone with some level of experience?
i wish you baiting retards would off yourselves
go back to your got threads. not everyone is into your fantasy soap opera.
>mfw watching the Chernobyl threads actively getting worse as Americans wake up
It's a lot more complicated than that but in the end all the coolant water turned to steam. Core overheats, the steam is split into vast amounts of hydrogen and oxygen which then combusts.
get this hot head out of here
some of my favorite bits from
>Dyatlov went to the backup control room, pressing the AZ-5 button there and disconnecting power to the control rod servo drives; despite seeing the graphite blocks scattered on the ground outside the plant, he still believed the reactor was intact.
i honestly thought this was added for dramatic effect. fucker was in complete disbelief.
I see that schools finished.
God I wish I was a Soviet bureaucrat.
This. The only board that actively gets better from American activity is /k/ for obvious reasons.
>yank writer with no fucking research writing about eastern european history
GoT is more historically accurate than this because of Martin basing it on the War of the Roses lol
Good, now put it to your head slavfag, were gonna be shitting on your fucking hubris filled retards for the next 5 weeks.
Jump in, because there's no hope.
Why did their faces get red?
Don't give (you)s to the baiting fuckers please.
You are making it worse.
Open the fucking water valves and everything will be fine.
imagine the smell
Pretty much everything we've seen so far actually happened. It's very realistic so far by all accounts. Even the old guys speech in the bunker followed by the applause.
radiation burns
radiation from the sun burns your skin too, just slower. This was a sped up version of that.
Jump in, it would be less painful then slowly melting to death
what was in that pack they wore on the top button?
It's essentially a sun-tan but all the way through their body.
>Making a tv show about a RBMK reactor exploding when RBMK reactors can't explode
It's almost otherworldly, you can't tell quite what you're looking at, it just looks like complete hell.
Same reason you get red if you are sunburn. Cell damage to the skin.
We have the situation under control, it's just 3.5 roentgen per hour
Would you die from the massive rad dose or the burning first?
Also how much rads would be required to INSTANTLY kill you.
Not vaporize you, not make you die in a day or two, just straight up blast your soul out of your body with sheer gamma/neutron energy.
If it was hot enough to burn him that much his clothes would have caught fire and he wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near there. He was there for like 2 seconds.
you would need to be either 15 years old or willfully ignorant of history to watch this crap
Link pls
>link pls
Link pls
>link pls
Link pls
>link pls
Link pls
>link pls
dose meters
what did they mean by this?
>that cgi
>that set
>that lighting
>that editing
>that acting
this looks like a fuckin Youtube Original
Yes comrades we all know it was western sabotage that caused the Vladimir. I. Lenin People's Nuclear Plant to explode and not commies being retarded.
It's not about heat, it isn't the HEAT of the sun that burns your skin, user. You can get a sunburn in the arctic or on top of mount everest.
You know space suits don't just protect from the gold, but from shit like this.
I'm sure there is a Harry Potter thread you can post in. That would seem to be about your level.
this show out yet? trailer lookeg good bros
>I wish for the Zone to disappear
Why do men suicide at such a higher rate than women?
At best is a 2:1 ratio. WTF?
>3.5 roentgen
Well that's not terrible. Not great but not terrible
it's funny, people will watch this and think they're smart and are being educated on a big historical event
in reality it is so full of bullshit and manipulation that you would actually be better off not watching it at all and you'd know more about chernobyl
it is so dishonest it shouldn't even be considered based on true events
it is like 90% made up nonsense
i've read that nuclear warheads going off nearby you give off so many xrays that your bones basically vaporize before the blast wave/fireball even hits you.
>You can get a sunburn in the arctic or on top of mount everest
Not sure if troll or not
>LARP slavs spend literally all day talking shit about western culture
>get triggered and defensive about anything that makes their retarded ex-government look bad
what am I looking at? haven't seen the episode yet
Great first episode, did a lot of reading on Chernobyl years ago so looking forward to the rest, especially the divers, reading about that was true horror, how many episodes will there be? Any chance of them leaking?
Yea released last night comrade you should give it a watch
The technicians operated under the belief this just could not happen to an RBMK, they genuinely believed it was as safe as a tea kettle. Nuclear power was a sacred Soviet cow, and if you raised safety concerns, you were a wrecker or a saboteur actively trying to hinder the plan.
What do you find dishonest about it Comrade?
russian cops are lazy and corrupt
What's inaccurate about it, comrade?
What was fictional of what was shown?
Get this man to the infirmary
why didnt they use them?
5 episodes left I believe or 5 in total.
No idea, probably 0 chance of it leaking as it's not as big as GOT obviously.
Another quality post from the land of the free and the home of the brave
"I'm so fucking dead... I'm a dead man walking..."
was Mikhail right?
What specifically is the point in making a dramatisation of this? Just seems cheap.
i mean. they were technically right.
A nuclear reactor doesn't just explode, uranium wont blow up like that.
Steam with enough pressure however......
You're clearly delusional. Off to the infirmary.
how many eps? one per week or all at once like netflix? one season? kind of good or kino?
I'm not going to dispute what you said, I was talking generally about the world though.
so far the show has been fairly accurate and an incredible amount of detail was put into creating accurate sets. For example, the hallway outside of the control room looks almost exactly like the real one, the scenes on the roof also draw heavily from existing footage - they clearly put a lot of time and effort into ensuring the set pieces were as realistic as possible.
>yuropoor complaining about americans who've actually been to chernobyl participating in a thread about chernobyl
lol, pathetic
Don’t listen to those other defeatist idiots. His face was red as he was ashamed of even suggesting earlier that the reactor could explode.
>it's funny, people will watch this and think they're smart and are being educated on a big historical event
>in reality it is so full of bullshit and manipulation that you would actually be better off not watching it at all and you'd know more about chernobyl
>it is so dishonest it shouldn't even be considered based on true events
>it is like 90% made up nonsense
Sunburn is caused by sun rays, not heat. You can get sunburn even on 2000 m mountains.
It wasn't sacred, it was secret soviet cow.
So yeah they literally doesn't knew about design flaws
He sweeps floors for a living...
What do you think?
>americans who've actually been to chernobyl
How many Americans posting ITT you think have been?
1st episode is out.
> Why do men suicide at such a higher rate than women?
There are a few common explanations. First men have a higher tendency to have smaller social circles, i.e. loners. This has a direct correlation to suicide attempts. Secondly men tend to use methods with a higher success rate such as guns or hanging. Women tend to use methods like pills or cutting which have a lower mortality rate.
It's called snowburn my man. White ice/snow reflects a shitton of sunlight
Liking it a lot so far. I hope they show the Moon rovers that were used to clear the roof.
>when you see their eyes glow blue
The heat vaporizes you, the amount of ionizing radiations required to vaporize you vastly excede what you'd receive even hundreds of meters away from a nuke.
X-rays only do one thing : ionize ambient air, which in turn emits high energy infrareds, that's how a nuke generates so much heat.
I am sending you to the roof for this shit post, comrade.
> A nuclear reactor doesn't just explode
A badly designed one can especially if it's pushed past it's limits.
>Secondly men tend to use methods with a higher success rate
Men are just better at everything...
Go do it yourself then tell us how it turned out.
great, another leftist propaganda piece by HBO, can't wait to not watch it
well he sweeps floors on the plant so he must know his shit
there weren't the type that gives actual readouts. i think there were the film type that only reveal how much you were exposed to after theyre developed.
people get incredibly serious sunburns while mountain climbing, user. the higher your elevation, the less atmosphere protecting you from the sun's radiation.
my gf got really bad sunburns on the underside of her nose while climbing mount rainier because she didn't apply sunscreen and the reflected radiation off the snow badly burnt her.
What did he mean by this?
But he's friends with Yuri who works at the plant
Why is it acceptable for White westerners to play Russians? Isn't it considered whitewashing and appropriation? Where are the liberals outrage?
at least one, comrade.
The reactor core melting down while the graphite around it is burning.
No one knows, we simply know that extreme doses can make you lose counsciousness instantly or put you in a coma via nervous system degradation.
I don't think that jumping in a 3500°C melting core would be painless either, it's even hotter than fucking lava.
Thank you comrade. 2000 tons of water have been deposited into your reactor core.
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
so you basically wear a badge which tells you whether you die in the next days or not?
scary shit
Imagine being this sheltered and insulated and having the right to voice your opinion.
look at this triggered literal tumblr dyke avoiding something because it offends him. Look at this pussy faggot ideologue.
Look at him and laugh.
>turn on dose meter
>in melts
i-it's just shitty equipment right guys?
you mean the suicide bots?
youre delusional comrade. Maybe go to the roof for some fresh air?
Comrades, do you taste metal?
>implying Russians can act
American propaganda, don't believe their altered images. Please remain calm.
Fucking Moscow sending us defective equipment again..
Russia attacked our democracy and denied Her the White House, we can do whatever the fuck we want with Russian history.
>people who watch this show
stop giving him (you)s
Yes comrade user, it's just 3.5 Roentgen per hour. No need to open the safe or borrow one from the fire brigade.
Can radiation actually cause any fucked up mutations like pic related or is it just boring stuff like an extra limb or two?
This is bait and you are all falling for it.
Please tell me it's bait.
scary thing is I don't know if I could've resisted the urge to pick it up if I knew nothing about radiation
But China did and continues doing the same thing to this day.
>firefighter are called for a roof fire
>there isn't actual roof anymore
It says liberal brain down there. Are you fucking blind?
he checked the core and everything was fine
He's obviously some sort of troll or an actual retard. The show is kino and in no way anti-nuclear energy. It's like blaming cars for a movie showing car crashes. Maybe he's just looking for (You)s but he could be an actual slow person so just cut him some slack and ignore completely.
Nigga im from the former Warsaw Pact country. I know my shit.
They made me drink Lugol's Iodine when I was a little boy, shit was so disgusting.
Our government did so without consulting the Soviets and against their orders.
Poor Belarussians got hit the hardest. I was hoping disgusting hohols would evaporate instead.
Neutrons also turn you radioactive via neutron activations
daily reminder the bodies of those who died from the accident were so radioactive you could get a lethal dose by standing near them long enough.
They had to be put in multiple plastic bags, metal caskets, and burried in concrete :^)
Imagine actually being there.
It's literally one of the biggest disasters in history and a giant contributing factor to the dissolution of the USSR, which shaped contemporary Europe, you fucking zoomer.
>Sir, the robot has literally thrown itself off the roof into the reactor.
>Not obedient enough, send some people up with homemade lead aprons.
>can radiation turn me into a blood-sucking 7 ft monster with the power to turn invisible?
pretty sure it can’t
American hire english actors, that's logical, and it would be silly if they tried to have an accent.
i take it one of them was your mother
It's for people that work near radiation. You're not supposed to be getting lethal doses but you want to keep track of what you've been exposed to in the long run to prevent unnecessary risks of cancer and shit.
>Nuclear power internet defence force out shitposting
Learn to hide your powerlevel comrade
in the civilized world it is used to comply with your total allowed radiation exposure for the year as a nuclear worker. if you were exposed to lethal amounts of radiation you'd know it, and western labs/plants all have alarms that would go off.
fwiw, pilots and flight attendants get higher yearly doses of radiation than every other type of nuclear worker.
most people cant. see: brazil
>why yes, we watch Chernobyl. We have a strong interest in history and the acting and drama is superb.
welp, americans have woken up
Also we don't know maybe after several generations of continuous exposure, IF life could survive it.
For now the newborns either die, are braindead or have extra fingers/minor mutations.
For the good stuff to happen you need more time.
>90% made up
Of course, comrade. There’s no way there’s enough radiation here to burn out the detector tube.
I bet I could beat the fuck out of that reactor. I'd heem it into the shadow realm before it could do shit to me.
>oh boy, I surely love when big government screw me in my ass and my family
Next time just suck a big statism dick
Agent Orange chemical used in Vietnam is more interesting in regards to fucked up mutations.
you on the right
>It's literally one of the biggest disasters in history
is it thought
Suicide bot was German and they couln't get it to work at all before it jumped. The STR-1 in the pic was made by Moscow to land on the Moon. It did a good job on the roof but got stuck on debris.
> being this butthurt that people enjoy a well made TV show
how sad, I pity you.
>this show looks like fabricated manipulative trash that invents entire storylines and characters and completely distorts history just so it can grab the attention of manchildren who need to be spoonfed everything
We need China to build our iPhones, does Russia build iPhones? Didn't think so.
5 minutes into reactor test and chill and she gives you this look. What do?
Hey user, let's get closer so we can watch the fire. It'll be fun! I mean it's not like we can sleep anyway with all the sirens
You swede?
>well made
Go on the roof for a walk.
u wot mate?
Do you know how many people ended up dying from chernobyl? Look it up and be amazed how few... It was in no way even in part responsible for the fall of the soviet union, the poor management of chernobyl was just also the reason for the overall state of disrepair of the ussr.
why are russcucks so upset all the time?
>this show looks like fabricated manipulative trash that invents entire storylines and characters and completely distorts history just so it can grab the attention of manchildren who need to be spoonfed everything
No, the indivual storylines are all legit.
What's wrong is all the effects of radioactivity.
No staying near the reactor couldn't "melt your hip bone" like what happened to Yuvchenko (no mention of such a thing in his testimony).
No, touching graphite couldn't melt your hand in a matter of minutes, it was actually still way too hot to be picked up when the firemen arrived.
No, the "red forest" didn't turn red instantly when the radioactive cloud passed over it, it actually took many months for it to happen.
No, birds didn't fall from the sky like they showed us, there's zero account of such thing happening.
They may call themselves "pro-nuclear" they made a pretty good job at portraying nuclear power as a godlike element that can kill instantly anything it touches. Fucking retards.
Haha, awesome idea! man, I can't get this taste of metallic out of my mouth... weird.
>Then, according to some estimations, the reactor jumped to around 30,000 MW thermal, ten times the normal operational output.
is of good reactor comrade)))))))))))))
produce 10 times of output))))))))))))))))))))
lenin is of proud)))
>tfw American living in 98% white Belarus with my qt Aryan Belarusian fiancee preparing to create the master race
I annexed that pussy that Hitler annexed Poland. Why do Belarusian women crave my Americock so much? I can get any 10 I want here. Feels good man.
>внимaниe внимaниe / ATTENTION ATTENTION
>внимaниe внимaниe / ATTENTION ATTENTION
>внимaниe внимaниe / ATTENTION ATTENTION
Based on how poorly they are shitposting, I think it's actually the USSRIDF.
funny factoid, the robots they have on display in the zone are among the hottest items you can find, short of going into the pripyat hospital basement or digging around in the forests.
my dosimeter was going nuts here
what can you expect from braindead leftists like HBO
>Haha! Can't wait for the new episode of Game of Thrones™!
>hurr only a few people died immediately
this is like arguing that 9/11 was no big deal because it was only 3000 deaths.
Actually all robots failed because of hardware degeneration
Literally just creative embellishments. Have you never read a fucking biography from a soldier? Has nothing to do with leftists and everything to do with human nature.
does their radiation mellt the snow?
Arthurovich, the readings are no more than 3.6 roentgen! If you would just have a little FAITH and drop the control rods into the core we can get through this without issue. Now call the fire department!
It's dramatizing you absolute mong.
These are the real warning alarm sounds inside an RBMK Control Room
>this is like arguing that 9/11 was no big deal because it was only 3000 deaths.
Except, you know, the fact that chernobyl wasnt even a tenth as bad...
It would be boring otherwise, anybody who watch this show has enough IQ points to know how real radioactive works in real world, retarded normies wouldn't be bother with this show
>everyone that isn't a russian shill is a leftist
>Literally just creative embellishments.
So... lies? Great, thanks. You libtards are so predictable.
I'm fairly sure it can, just touch the forbidden stone user
kek reminds me of this joke
>A Soviet newspaper reports: "Last night the Chernobyl Nuclear Power station fulfilled the Five Year Plan of heat energy generation... in 4 microseconds." (A poke on common Soviet reports about speedy execution of five-year plans.)
>there must always be a Nightking
This is Core-chan. Say nice things about her!
dramatisation = lying
it's amazing the lengths liberals will go to to hide their hypocrasy
>just forget the exorbitant rise in thyroid cancer in the Belarus
>this post
Libtards have nothing to do with it, and human nature has everything to do with it.
the point was that the repercussive effects and consequences and reactions that came about as a result of the initial event were huge. Fucking Chernobyl was the best thing that could have happened for the fossil fuel industry at a super critical time.
Only those who died from the explosion and collapsing parts of the plant died immediatly.
Even the firemen that stayed on the roof near the reactor all night died weeks later and not immediatly.
There's a big difference between describing radioactivity as a ray of god that destroys everything it comes into contact with words and showing bullshit on screen you retards, what are you even doing on Yea Forums ?
In this case dramatizing is just adding a pile of shit on top of a real story.
There's a difference between failing at the start and jumping off the roof and failing after doing some actual work.
>The threads are now devolving into a "this is what you look you like" war between two teams of opposing retards
I just wanna talk about Kinonobyl guyz
Americans, everyone.
>ywn impregnate irl medusa-chan
Don't confuse direct casualties with indirect deaths that came later (cancers and the like). It was *way* worse than 9/11
There is no thing as a lie, the state has eliminated lies, to the infirmary comrade
isnt it dangerous to get near them if theyre that radiant?
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it likely in any way, shape or form? Hell no.
You wanna here something really crazy? These aren't even real people. They're actors!
Doesn't justify anything.
maybe try reddit
Literally wasn't her fault. Core-chan doesn't kill people, incompetent nuclear technicians do
>tapdances on the can't cope USSRaboos in these threads
>Impact is measured in death toll and nothing else.
Imagine going about your life being this retarded. How the fuck do you get dressed in the morning?
Friendly reminder, if you aren't Dyatlovposting or discussing radiation or the show in a friendly manner, you are cordially encouraged to fuck off this thread.
Pretty great first episode.
No, but trying to start left vs right wars is almost as tiring as capeshit.
She just wanted to spread her warmth desu.
Imagine how cool a game about the night of the Chernobyl diaster would be, particauarly from the control room perspective.
friendly reminder to stop being so reddit and remember where you are ya dink
Core-chan only hurts those that hurts her, she's innocent and pure
Just compare the quality of this thread with the previous one.
Jesus fucking Christ you fuckers get sidetracked so fucking easily by 1-2 trolls.
Dear Yea Forums,
It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.
We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no. Here. Tonight at 12:00am Pacific Time Yea Forums will officially come to an end.
"kek u cant do sh*t"
Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.
You're probably all thinking
There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Emperor Gookmoot and Heaven here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of these disgusting things from your website.
As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.
The clock is ticking, gentlemen.
We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.
It potentially could, but ionizing radiations cause random mutations, the vast majority of those mutations lead to the death of the concerned individuals, or the body just repairs them.
You'd need incredible amounts of luck and multiple generations of individuals to witness a visible and durable mutation caused by radiations.
interesting thought but i'm fairly certain it was just coincidence.
it was only about 8usv/hr standing directly next to it, so not something you'd want to sleep next to but not at all a problem to walk around for 10 minutes.
chernobyl/pripyat is totally safe to visit. my total exposure after 2 days in the zone was less than my total exposure from flights to/from Kiev.
Advertising is more toxic than any nuclear event. Mad Men is the true disaster series.
This is what you look like
It was their own fault for looking at her nude form desu
alright guys its getting pretty obvious but anyway
who /ttg/ here?
I know where I am and I still telling you to fuck off
The whole TV show is a fucking lie mate! Open your eyes! They didn't even blow up a nuclear plant to have anything to film. It's all CGI and actors OMG!
Good, because I never mentioned any of them.
reddit show
Haha imagine cumming on the core haha wouldn't that be wild?
It's inevitable on Yea Forums. Try to discuss something popular and there will be two parties of retards flinging shit at each other. We can't have nice things.
Suggesting we call is /kinobyl/ now.
>No, birds didn't fall from the sky like they showed us, there's zero account of such thing happening.
It actually hapenned just as people who came to look at glow on power plants
Yeah just like how the US west coast was hit by 20cm of radiation after fukushima... This whole affair is full of dishonesty.
Same as 2011... Merkel decided to end nuclear power in germany literally the day after the accident with absolutely no knowledge of how bad it actually was...
Literally zero people died from that accident in case anyone is wondering...
checked and wasted
238 people have died so far in total as a result of radiation poisoning and cancer. Of course that number will go up by a few points in the next decades but it was nowhere near as bad as people nowadays think it was...
So how else you wanna measure it? The few square kilometers that are now uninhabitable but are an attraction for ukraine? The couple weeks where people in europe were told not to stay outside for too long?
This shit wasnt that bad, and it would have been less so if it hadnt also been met with insane amounts of corruption and incompetence. Nowhere near bad enough to make a massive fuss about it and use it as an argument to shut down fission...
did you get a guide and he gave you a tour with a dosimeter?
how much did it cost all around?
The true spiritual successor
>ywn have a mystical realism take on the Chernobyl disaster
I've never read such thing about the birds.
I know some people gathered as they wanted to see the glow over the destroyed reactor but that's all.
Who's excited to watch based Jared Harris and Skarsgard next week?
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal";
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies[14] Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,[15]
While God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
Do you taste metal, Yea Forums?
too good for this world.
I was thinking that the quality of what I'm seeing in terms of acting and sets was on par with the terror while watching it.
+15 rubles
the whole show is based on a lie desu. It has been stated multiple times that a RBMK core can't explode
fuck hollywood and fuck jannies
How many roentgens are we looking at?
Calm down Ivan, you don't want to make it too obvious.
Licking a car battery to taste the metal and putting the heat on max for full immersion while watching the serie.
And you user ?
Not good but not terrible.
I've seen worse.
About 3.6/hr
>No, birds didn't fall from the sky like they showed us, there's zero account of such thing happening.
I think the bird shown falling dead was supposed to be the one seen flying around inside the plant near the exposed core. Just a dramatic tool they used to ram their point home.
Before Chernobyl: 87 cases of cancer per 100,000 people
Early 2000s: 6000 cases per 100,000
But I guess it’s all just propaganda, eh comrade?
not an american and not an ivan.
Im just a physicist and people with no fucking clue being against nuclear because muh terrible accidents tends to rustle my jimmies in a major way...
B-but the meter maxes out at 3.6...
over here
would you even be able to get that done before dying within minutes, or the radiation fucking your insides up to prevent it
People use Chernobyl as one of the top arguments against nuclear power even to this day. If it wasn't for accidents like Chernobyl and 3MI we could have significantly cut down our fossil fuel usage globally by switching over to a by-the-numbers safer alternative in nuclear energy. Unfortunately, the accidents caused by a nuclear reactor are flashier than those caused by fossil fuels.
>no source
>no location
>Im just a physicist
Good thing I am Ivan, so I can demand proofs
>Im just a physicist
for interested peeps
Elena's ride through Chernobyl on a motorcycle long before it was fashionable to be a tourist there. Old school website
What a coincidence!
You'd probably burn your dick to a crisp before that. The reactor core was burning at 3500°C, much more than lava, the heat coming from it would cook you before rads turn you into a soup.
In the Belarus, and the source is “Voices from Chernobyl” by Svetlana Alexievich
you have to apply for an exclusion zone permit to enter. this can be done by tour companies or if you're a visiting scientist.
i have my own dosimeter i brought. it is just a tiny personal/wearable one, if you want to actually hunt down hot objects you want an operational dosimeter that'll provide more immediate/accurate readings, and ideally a directional one so you can point it at objects and identify where hot areas are.
>can't reach dangerous radiation levels if you don't test for them
Yes and?
The only problem hanging next to the exposed chernobyl core was the heat, that was the deadly part. The actual radiation wouldn't kill you all that quickly, you'd likely be able to be next to it for hours if not for the heat.
cock out
could not be the advance of technology and phones, computers etc giving us cancer right?
i'm sure you are
No probably not hours.
The best meter the soviets brought maxed out at 300 000 röntgens per hour when near the core on the day of the 26.
This amount of radiations would give you a lethal dose in less than a minute.
But yeah the heat was extreme too.
>technology and phones, computers etc giving us cancer
>surely not related to glorious USSR RBMK reactor explosion
holt fuckign cringe
>300 000 röntgens
Sorry 30 000 not 300 000, that's about 300 Sv/hr
Actually started feeling sick as I was watching the episode. Just the thought of the radiation that they were constantly exposed to, like every single scene started weighing more and more on me.
Surprised I'm still able to get a visceral reaction out of a tv show.
>When you're used to radiations all around you and 3.6 is perfectly normal to you
Is that the power of soviet socialism ?
>hmmm 20% of the country is still contaminated by the big fucking nuclear disaster - could it be the reason for our sudden rise in cancer-rates?
>nah, must be dem ebil electronics
I’m a huge fan of nuclear power, but I hate lying commie scum
This is a completely symptomatic study that doesnt correct for anything else that may have increase cancer rates, only looks at people in the immediate vicinity of the reactor and even it still only find 65 out 12500 people with thyroid cancer, which corresponds to 520 out of 100000. Stop lying you greenwashed shithead.
4 million people die to coal power plants every year according to WHO... How dumb do you have to be to think two flashy accidents are more important than the population of croatia getting wiped out every year?
>lots of computers and phones
Sure, tovarich
the dread of knowing that every minute they're there they're getting more fucked is pretty heavy
Isn't that how Lex Luthor made Nuclear Man in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace?
This. Nuclear power is great but is kind of like air travel. It's the safest transport you can take but when it does goes wrong a lot of people die.
>more water, your Grace?
sounds like a great way to waste my time watching this crap
remind me again what the point of that would be?
Not that guy, but I read yesterday that there was an 0,4% increase in cancers related to Chernobyl. Thats really negligible.
I'm impressed by how accurate all the architecture and interior deocrations are.
The shot of the period-correct firetrucks driving along the power plant's facade passing under the pipe overpasses gave me goose-bumps - like I was watching the real thing.
>4 million people die to coal power plants every year according to WHO
I have spent a lot of time trying to articulate this to friends/family/etc who thought I was going to get myself killed visiting chernobyl.
the disaster was bad, yes, but in the grand scheme of damage caused in both lives and environmental cost coal is far, far worse.
what scares the fuck out of me is greenpeace tards causing the total hault of new commercial reactor development in the states means instead of running new, efficient, safe reactors we're stuck with 60's tech running far beyond the originally certified lifespan.
yeah that was the first thing i noticed while watching - how accurate all the set work is.
Take a look where you are and ask that question again.
And at this point they know that it's pointless
In real life it would take many hours for the burns to manifest on the skin.
The only immediate effects would be nausea and perhaps vomiting.
What episode will they show the events leading up to and the explosion itself?
That fucking scene.
Also when the firefighter picked up the graphite.
>Principal photography reportedly began in April 2018 in Lithuania.[7] Initial filming started on May 13, 2018 in Fabijoniškės, a residential district in Vilnius, Lithuania, which was used to portray the city of Pripyat, since the district maintained an authentic Soviet atmosphere. An area of densely built panel housing apartments served as a location for the evacuation scenes. Director Johan Renck heavily criticised the amount of diverse and eye-catching modern windows in the houses, but was not concerned about removing them in post-production. At the end of March, production moved to Ignalina, Lithuania to shoot both the exterior and interior of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, a decommissioned nuclear power station that is sometimes referred to as "Chernobyl's sister" due to its visual resemblance to the nuclear reactor design used at both Chernobyl and Ignalina (an RBMK nuclear power reactor).
thought they did an amazing job getting that 80s soviet aesthetic
Apparently they shot the serie in Lithuania, so there were probably a lot of costumes and equipment on hand
I don't think we know that yet but it is confirmed we'll be seeing those events.
There's probably going to be an investigation after he higher-ups find out about how shit the situation really is.
how deep in the virgin NEET hole do you have to be to start getting excited over the accuracy of set reproductions on a Chernobyl soap opera
I don't fly Aeroflot for the same fucking reason. Bunch of drunk monkeys.
Is working at a nuclear power plant comfy lads?
tell us more about your fascinating life
didnt the perm guy suggest getting out the monitor from the safe which can measure more Roentgen
being such a pleb that you can't appreciate something done very well.
At one point the director says he's going to call someone and it looked like he was taking out a mobile phone. That kind of fucked with the whole 80's soviet aesthetic.
>How dumb do you have to be to think two flashy accidents are more important than the population of croatia getting wiped out every year?
I hope you're not directing that at me. Nuclear power is statistically safer than fossil fuel energy by a long shot. But public perception is everything, especially in democratic countries. Most people don't really give a shit about things like black lung or mine collapses because it doesn't affect them, as far as they know. To the common retard, a one-time oddity like Chernobyl can scare them off since it has the ability to affect "innocent" civilians.
The point of this movie is to continue to push the green agenda. Designed to keep us dependent on oil and coal while espousing the wonders of giant windmills that cost more than they produce.
Atomic power is years behind because nonsense like this and it fucking sucks.
>how deep in the virgin NEET hole do you have to be to start getting excited over the accuracy of set reproductions on a Chernobyl soap opera
very not actually i'm quite normie by 4chin standards
Yeah, look at those fags enjoying things. How dare they!?
100% comfy. You may even get a wish granted.
Hard working proper proletariat. He knows best.
I mostly just shitpost on Yea Forums from my office at work, then drink and vidya later. Occasionally fuck a grill. How's your life, tovarisch?
*knock* *knock* *knock*
He knows he’s literally going to die
have sex
>liking well executed production aesthetics is bad
sorry forgot this is the capeshit culture wars board for retards that hate tv and movies
Is that the woodpecker?
wrong board, is that way
Perestroika soviet kino is on the menu, boys
Fucking where?
people pushing for wind and solar are ALSO pushing for nuclear, cuck. Whatever the fuck Russian propaganda you jerk off to is retarded.
>Imagine, we could be exploring the outer singularity by now
based user btfoing the redditors
Yes. There's another one in Siberia.
What the fuck is it nonsense about? I'm pro-nuclear energy and I understand that normies might look at this and think "whoa nuclear bad", but that hasn't changed in 50 fucking years because retards are allowed to vote. I just want kino at this point and this shit is delivering so far. Or are you one of those bumbling retard schizos that swears this is anti-Soviet propaganda and Chernobyl didn't happen?
This madman did the most extreme Chernobyl exploring I've seen. Plus he wasn't even wearing a proper respirator in the basement, which isn't exactly smart seeing how toxic that place was:
2:35 Shoe radiating ~3.5mSv/h
that's pripyat though, not chernobyl
you're definitely correct in that even acute radiation burns take at least an hour to form, but you have to give them some slack as trying to communicate things like the time it takes for a radioactive tan to form isn't conducive to TV. also keep in mind the first episode they move the timeline along hours at a time, so initial burns would definitely be appearing by the time there was daylight towards the end of the episode.
i'm happy they primarily showed vomiting/metallic taste - the firefighter hand I think you could chalk up to handling core graphite and being a literal burn, not radiation.
it isnt perfect but it's pretty good for a dramatization - embellished but not inaccurate.
Yes, you are right, I will listen to you, an anonymous scholar and not continue this brainwashing show
Boring af. No phones or tablets allowed. You just sit there and monitoring shit straight for 10 hours.
>Objective: Develop cancer in 10 years
>Objective: Survive
whats the point in doing a story based on real events if you're just going to embellish and change everything for dramatic effect
might as well make up a fictional story
would be less insulting to the real people
are you 12?
>Uses "kino" as a descriptive
You don't deserve to have anyone discuss anything with you other than how you should fucking kill yourself.
New thread
>particauarly from the control room perspective.
>moar water
>send everyone to go look at stuff that'll kill them
>what graphite lol
kek, was waiting for this, thank you based comrade
There is a huge meltdown of sovietboos in RUnet, so be aware, some them might walk here
I'd play it
radiation hunters are pretty common now, and they love finding hot items. spoke with a couple while there, it seems the only reason they bother to wear any protection is to not have any issues leaving the zone when you have to pass thru radiation checkpoints. they really don't give a fuck, and a lot are convinced that the radiation is either not harmful or actually healthy for you.
sorry is this better? i'm trying to post cool pictures from the zone, not thot-standing-in-front-of-object pictures.
>embellish and change everything for dramatic effect
but they didn't? accelerating the timeline for radiation tan to appear from 1 hour to 30 minutes isn't exactly lying to you, it's just ensuring the retarded viewer understands the connection between acute radiation exposure and the burn forming.
Those poor firefighting fucks that first arrived at the scene.
>We arrived there at 10 or 15 minutes to two in the morning… We saw graphite scattered about. Misha asked: “Is that graphite?” I kicked it away. But one of the fighters on the other truck picked it up. “It’s hot,” he said. The pieces of graphite were of different sizes, some big, some small, enough to pick them up…
>We didn’t know much about radiation. Even those who worked there had no idea. There was no water left in the trucks. Misha filled a cistern and we aimed the water at the top. Then those boys who died went up to the roof – Vashchik, Kolya and others, and Volodya Pravik…. They went up the ladder … and I never saw them again.
Strange they never included any roof scenes.
Yes, my uncle was hit by radiation is now a vampire and sucks me every night!
But that’s not your uncle, it’s me!
Probably like other kino tv shows it will start an episode with the events leading up from the POV of the actual reactor.
>i should never have left winterfell :((
was just being pedantic, jelly as i would like to go, cool pictures either way
We got the shot of the firemen shooting water on the roof and then it falls on the dudes inside. When Dyatlov gets carried away you see him notice sick firefighters and even the one who was carrying the stretcher fell to the ground.
probably the second to final scene of the series. Calling it
if you want to go, do it sooner rather than later - the ukranian govt was already considering a stop to issuing permits to tourists 2 years ago and shit like this documentary will likely only make that worse. it is even getting more difficult for scientists to get permits to visit.
it's cheap as fuck - ukraine is poor, kiev is nice to visit, flights are cheap and hostels cost like $5-10usd/day. guided tours cost only a few hundred usd
Yea, those radiation doses are probably trivial for a 10 minute stay, but if you end up inhaling some plutonium particles that's an entirely different story. That basement was very dusty and absolutely filthy.
I didn't mind that. But I did find it utterly retarded when the firefighter immediately got massive ulcerations on his hand a couple of minutes after touching the graphite chunk.
yeah, i was very fortunate in that the time i spent there was after heavy snow/rain, which kept ambient radiation quite low and dust/dirt getting kicked up was nonexistent. I also have no desire to go stand next to highly radioactive shit - the most dangerous things I wanted to do was climbing to the roof of apartment buildings in pripyat (the stairwells are notoriously unsafe/prone to collapse) and climb the reactor 5 cooling tower (also incredibly unsafe lol).
yeah, i agree that was a bit dumb - like i said I want to imagine it was meant more as a literal burn from handling core graphite which would've still been hundreds of degrees presumably.
Because men have a harder lives obviously.
>I hope you're not directing that at me.
Absolutely not. But people who do think that way are to me exactly as scary as the people who just deny climate change...