>user says something I disagree with
>I reply 'have sex'
>He gets mad
>I'm actually a virgin
User says something I disagree with
Have sex
acquire intercourse
I respond with "have dilation" to every have sex poster, I have sex btw
Have dilation
Have sneeds feed.
Formerly chucks
>funposting while having sex with my gf
>user replies to me
>"have sex"
>am having sex already
This is the real redpill. Normies and chads/stacies are horribly uncomfortable with virginity and are unlikely to shit on someone for it
>user says something I totally agree with
>reply have sex
>reply to my own post with “based”
>user tells me to have sex
>post a witty retort
>punch a fucking hole in the wall because I really want to have sex
have sex
>see absolutely abhorrent post >reply with "based and redpilled"
have sex
>user posts some oc
>reply with "cringe"
>actually saved it because it was funny
Isn't a meme that was made up by woke twitter or some other leftypol to troll the haters of Captain Marvel? And Yea Forums embraced it like everything else?
more like made up by literal disney shills
Have sex
Have sex
>Go in random thread
>Tell OP to have sex
>Wait for all the (you)s
OK, now this is have sex
c&b (cock and balls)
>mfw I have sex
>Never tell you virgins to have sex
>In fact. the meme sounds like something a dumb bitch would say during a catfight.
Stop talking like women
>captain marvel comes out
>hundreds of geeks and gamers subscribers flood board with their incel rants
>have sex responses naturally happen because they're clearly bitter virgins
>respond to this or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
put your peepee in someone elses poopoo hole
Don't have sex
that meme is just simply not even funny ironically
Yea Forums dissaponts yet again
at least the stayvun threads give me hope
Have sex
>user says something I disagree with
>I reply 'have sex'
>He gets mad
>I'm actually replying to myself, no-one else in the thread
>keep refreshing the catalog, feel growing depression as thread moves steadily down
>jannies don't even bother deleting, get archived with only 3 posts, all by me
i haven't been on Yea Forums for a while and when I first saw the have sex meme I thought it was a clever way to upboat like based and redpilled etc, have sex meaning reproduce and create more people like you
lose weight
based and sexhavingpilled
You're a fucking monster
>Somebody starts a new thread
>Don't even read what it's about
>Quickly post "Have sex"
>Derail the thread with these two simple words as I get (You)'s by all the triggered anons
"Have sex" is the incel equivalent of "My Nigger" for black people.
They can say it to each other, but somehow it's really offensive if someone else says it to them.
have sex
>have sex
>have sex
>have sex
Have YOU ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
>go to page 1
>see a thread
>don't even open it
>responds have sex to the last post
>refresh and repeat
Absolutely based.
>tfw telling incels to have sex
>tfw I have been having casual sex since I was 17
>tfw The Last Jedi was a good movie
>I respond with "have dilation" to every have sex poster
wow what a fucking lame response, have sex
have a care, young one
>user tells me to have sex
>kick my chair away and pace back and forth shaking my head and sweating
just be yourself and have sex
>wow what a fucking lame response, have sex
Seething tranny lol
Have dilation
>"have dilation"
>not just saying "dilate"
cringe and bluepilled
>tell someone to have sex
>they actually do
>poster tells me to have sex
>bring one of my girlfriends and spend the next 10 minutes both fucking her and filling fading captchas
>tell user to have sex
>go to bed and close my eyes imagining I'm on a long space voyage with a crew of unique characters
Most of Yea Forums’s content comes from twitter now. This board hasn’t had an original idea in at least three years.
>call the janny a trany nigger fatass neet
>report my own post to ensure he reads it
Or alternatively
>claim I'm a trany nigger fatass neet
>report it as "User impersonating Yea Forums staff"
This thread is absolutely killing me
Where do these "have sex" memes come from anyway?
he cute
Shutting down incels
>have sex with multiple women
>still a racist misogynist
Twitter. Yea Forums doesn’t come up with anything on their own anymore.
Based and have sex
I say it because it still triggers incels
Impossible, only people who respect women get to have sex.
have dilation
do you really think that LMAO
I unironically started it
it's from Yea Forums
>73 replies
>42 instances of "have sex"
Dare I say it, best post ITT. Definitely has had sex.
>make bait thread
>reply to myself with have sex
>reply to that post with dialate tranny
>reply to that post with a trump supporter pic
>watch as my thread hits bump limit in 5 mins
>do you really think that LMAO
Look how mad you instantly got. The proof is in the pudding
How come sex related wods seem to trigger anons the most?
pls have sex
Wow, save some sex for the rest of ys, Chad
>Teĺl user to have sex
>Says ' have dilation' or 'dilate'
>Know I've won and he's already triggered
>Close tab
how does one have sex? asking for a friend haha
you just put your pp into the bagina
This guy fucks.
They don't have it
Is there anything you can say to "Have sex" without sounding like you don't have sex?
>tell user to have sex
>meanwhile at party with a dozen qts
>don't approach a single one
>phonepost for the rest of the evening
>go home
>user tells me to have sex
>Nobody knows that my peepee doesn't work
it's the new "u mad" so the only winning move is not to play.
A timestamp with dick in vagina, but even then you seem triggered.
So no
"I do"
The one time I've had sex was because the girl practically forced me to
>tell the opponent to have sex
>win the argument
I do sometimes. Last time was in January though
why don't the Yea Forums incels just start meeting up and sucking each other off? it's a pretty easy and stress free way to have sex
people don't seem to care that 'based' and 'have sex' are basically just upvotes and downvotes. If they want to do this without adding anything to the discussion they should really just stay on reddit.
It’s even better than u mad because it’s an easy reply to some long-winded post over trivial shit like the latest Marvel movie or Game of Thrones.
ah bloo bloo
Have sex
Just go on r/trufemcels
Yea Forums memes always draw big dimes even though Yea Forums is a bingo hall
Have sex
have sex
I sometimes go into random threads, randomly select a post, call them a retard and leave
>tell opponent to have sex
>opponent realizes their entire argument is prefaced on the bias caused by lack of sex
>opponent can't cope with this and instead rationalizes that it much be ad hominem
>opponent disregards some legitimately good advice and continues being a virgin on the internet to protect the integrity of the protective shell within their mind that hides their vulnerability
Change "retard" to "have sex" and you'll trigger more people