Cast her.
Cast her
As my wife
Me as the removed tubes
>suicide in 5 to 10 years
4channel as reddit
have kids
why do women hate children so much, bros?
she'll be committing suicide by 30 btw
Me as her brother who will take the chance to finally fuck her brains out and fullfill my childhood fantasies.
>All my friends are getting married and leaving me behind!
Haha, imagine.
>why do women hate children so much, bros?
Feminism is inherently barren, they teach women to be selfish, why would they take care of children for free?
Why did you need to wait for her to get her tubes tied?
>inb4 muh retard babies
1 generation of incest isn’t going to kill your lineage, i wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s not that bad
You gotta go back.
Me as the one who impregnates her anyway due to my semen's potency.
emcels btfo
for some reason I thought the title of that post implied she did the procedure at home.
When did Yea Forums become the official blogposting board for failed normalfags?
>oh no women are like this
Who cares?
Because they’re misguided, most people only think in the short term. They will realize it later in life, when it will be too late.
sauce me user
So, they are like the average NEET in Yea Forums?
God, millennials are a fucking failure, we should just kill them all before they spend another decade sperging out over politics.
give sauce daddy
why dont american porn companies fly in JAV actresses?
Blonde is Katerina Hartlova.
No idea who the japanese girl is.
The video is really boring, though, but she has great tits, and has far better videos.
It is frowned upon by most people to have children with your sister and would have serious social consequences, user
It worries me that you need an anonymous Finno-Ugric backpacking website to tell you that
It looks like. I guess that there’s an enormous mismatch between people’s expectations and desires and a lot of people are suffering.
It goes both ways between the sexes, even if it happens in different ways.
Have you tried not caring? It costs $0
Lena Dunham
if you're a man you'll be fine
What is with you retarded newfags pretending "bros" isn't regularly used on this site?
Does anyone else find her fat? Like she's not chubby but definitely skinnyfat flabby
Welcome to the club, fren
Why are there so many off-topic memethreads? Is it aussie hour?
Katerina Hartlova and Kaho shibuya in restaurant
thks user
>why do women hate children so much, bros?
Women are not mentally prepared to resist negative societal propaganda because in the history of the world they have always been the prize rather than a participant. They are generally incapable of the sort of paranoia that men need to have to survive.
Much less propaganda will be needed to get women to mass castrate than men.
>Feminism is inherently barren, they teach women to be selfish, why would they take care of children for free?
Feminism is an elite-sponsored tool for depopulation.
You can see how it is even used to push men to castrate themselves and pretend to be women. And of course the message for women is to do anything other than having kids.
Imagine having pictures like this on your hard drive.