Villain has flawless logic

>Villain has flawless logic
Movies for this feel?

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the thing with NEETs is that no one handles them correctly
people who do not take part in being a productive member of society should be cast out and do not deserve to be here because they just leech. They should be 100% free from society and banned, not just get the 50% that benefits them like public services or monies.
The alpha cares about its troops, the omega is the troop that only cares about itself
If you do not work with the herd the herd should throw you out instead of keeping you around
simple as

There's literally nothing wrong with being a slave, as long as your master is a good person


>t. literal cuckhold
freedom is ALWAYS preferable to slavery


wagecopers BTFO

Can't help but notice that this image leaves out the fact that the NEET leech is COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on the work of the person that actually has a job.

Vote yang and everyone will be safe from wage slaving

it's mspaint created by r9k
did you expect a accurate or even well thought out message

luv taxes
luv workin
luv me boss
luv farage
luv mackies
luv footeh
luv herd mentaliteh
luv consumerism

'ate asceticism
'ate self-sufficiency
'ate freedom
'ate nature
'ate thinkin
'ate individualism

simple as

You are trying to argue your way out of this by mocking my position and denying the fact that NEETs are useless leeches.
But fact is that you spin these webs of reasoning and false morality to hide the fact that you are a selfish dolt that holds the system down for his own benefit, like a jew.
If they want to be free from society they should not benefit from it either. NEETs are not any better than illegals, corrupt politicians and criminals. Day of the rope now

Fuck off with this socialist propaganda. If you aren't working or in school to learn a skill you are a leech on societies back

Any WW2 film

Reply to this post if you think NEETs should be rounded up and publically executed

>Day of the rope now

That won't even be necessary for NEETs.
Just cut off their free money. They will unironically rope themselves for us when faced with the binary options of getting a job or being homeless.

he's right, if NEETs like the OP were actually into that mindset they should leave and go innawoods like the independent animal they want to seem like.
Either stop pretending what you are doing is morally correct and in line with your retarded thinking or you start admitting you simply are a selfish leech.

>'ate self-sufficiency
>'ate freedom
>'ate nature
>'ate thinkin
>'ate individualism
NEETs do and engage in none of these
they are the babies of this country, they are the weak that die first as soon as a libertarian independence valued society emerges
They do not function either in a system nor in a free world, that's why they cheat

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The way it goes from learning languages, playing musical instruments, painting and reading philosophy to watching movies, anime and playing video games is just utterly cringeworthy juxtaposition which highlights that this must have been made by someone with the intellectual capacity and maturity of a 15 year old. I personally agree with the message, I'm just criticising the uncouth and immature manner in which it is presented.

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>debating me bad
very cool


i've been NEET for 9 months and i'd do anything to become slave again, why is this

I AM SILLY!!!!!!

>NEETs pretending that they are “learning” anything
>They are also learning useless shit that society doesn’t need

turns out living a neet life where you don't reach anything significant and just live for funsies is less fulfilling than being a nut in the bigger pic.
Doesn't mean you can't reach anything in NEETdom tho, think about what you truly want without the moral influence of anyone

Imagine aspiring to be a fuckin cashier lol.
>congrats user, you get to scan items for people and put their money in a roll
>and for your trouble you’ll get a 10 cent raise! Be happy!
>but we are gonna have to cut your hours to 20 a week since we already have cashiers.
>don’t you dare look for a second job it might conflict with your Walmart duties.

>if I draw my opponent as being crazy that means I win
Get a job, loser. Your free ride is coming to an end reaaal soon

I was a neet for a year and never felt so worthless. Day after day spent napping and shitposting. I lost all enjoyment in video games or movies.

I often feel deep sadness and empathy for all these people that aspired much but never went above things like cashier

Almost like it's intentionally made with a humorous tone or something, woah

Truth. I think we should do an experiment where literally no one works anymore. No more truck drivers, or retail workers. No more electrical grid workers or bus drivers. No more people maintaining the internet, no more electricians. No more butchers and no more bakers. After all, having a job is so 1985.

>Implying a neet gives a shit what society values
You're literally wrong by definition lmao

>ITT: crab mentality

Not really, if anything the welfare state is expanding rapidly

>I can choose my free time to learn a new language or read intellectual books
>actually spends all day fapping to tranny porn and browsing Yea Forums.

Based Super Saiyan NEET

>Force you to go to school at 8am for 12 years
>This becomes routine
>Humans like routine

destiny inflicts this on the alt-right incel quite frequently.

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>and thats a good thing

yep, the west will fall

Where the fuck are all these NEETs getting free money to pay rent?

The slave will always have more freedom than its master.

Some folks don’t aspire to more though. That or they didn’t have the motivation to put in the work. I’ve been there.

Not having a job != free ride

There are other methods of income besides being a wage cuck retard, and being on welfare isnt that bad anymore because its just going to end up in some niggers pockets anyways.

I meant fulfillment not stimulation you illiterate butthurt NEET

Depends on where you live. American NEETs just live with their parents. Apparently Europe is way more lax about handing out money to “depressed” 20-somethings.

A lot will fake disability to get sympathybux.

so neets are niggers

Yes except more sad. Blacks on welfare still get sex.

I can't wait until welfare gets cut because the state crashes
Then all the trash will die out and real men will come to take things off

*Takes half of your income through taxes*
*puts it in some niggers mailbox*
*Nigger spends it on shoes and kfc*
*You dont eat for a week because you needed to replace your wagemobile that broke down for the 100th time*

My response to OP is that 99% of neets don't do any of the shit the neet in the comic is talking about. Sure you COULD do all that in your free time, but in general, it takes ambition to follow through on those things. While there are certainly some renaissance men among neets, they are a minuscule minority compared to the multitudes of useless leeches who do nothing.

If you are enabled to be a NEET by staying in someone else's home you are not free. They will bitch and whine and moan and force you to function or kick you out for not contributing to the household.

I was NEET since November and I start my new job at the end of the month. It's like massive weight was lifted off of me. Being a NEET is a nightmare.

Niggers are perma neets, and think they are going to make it big as a rapper or basketball player.

White neets just work from home, and take online courses for free/cheap.

being able to make logical arguments for something doesn't make it valid
morals > logic

>work from home
If you have an income you’re not a NEET. True NEETs leech off their parents and barely ever leave their rooms.

>off of
Should have spent your NEETdom learning proper grammar. 'It's like massive weight was lifted off me' is grammatically correct (well, it isn't, it should be 'It's like a massive weight was lifted off me'.

for me personally a neet who works of home or still has independent income (like crypto) and pays taxes is a productive person. It's sad that the system obviously works against that idea of independent income.
neets who do nothing need to die tho

morals are subjective and cannot trump eachother tho.
>I'm right because I value this
>no I'm right because I value this
the only times moral arguments "work" are when you side with """""objective"""""" values , like the one the majority holds
like killing is bad

>Get called leeches by people with actual jobs
>”But I’m not a leech at all. I learned Cebuano and how to play a guitar. I’m totally not a leech”

Does SSI count as income?

22 making $85k in a low COL area 9-5 every other Friday off


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NEET = No Employment Education Training. If you're earning money by working at home, you're not a NEET. If you're doing a course to learn something, you are not a NEET. If you're training to do something, you're not a NEET. A NEET is somebody who spends 24/7 doing what they want that is not related to those things. Stop using terms that you don't know or think you're using right.

If you work from home then you’re employed. NEET doesn’t mean a person that doesn’t have a conventional office job. Being NEET means you have nothing going on.

What do you do?

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you're literally just resentful that you work and pay for neets existance lol

I'm a software engineer and furry

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If you do not work BUT you get money from the government or parents you are indeed worthless and below wage slaves

Also OP is such a faggot. 99% of neets just play vidya games and jerk off and eat fast food (Chris chan tier) They aren't proper dressed social humans with vast talents trying to better themselves. They aren't above "wage slaves" when they themselves are just slaves to companies like Ninendo and Porn.

Do you think there's some vast number of NEETs who have tons of friends and talents? Do you think NEETs are reading literature and scientific papers? Do you think they learn to play instruments and write music in their free time?

While the worker you call a slave works and makes money the NEET is eating trash food. Jerking off 3+ times a day and ignoring the world for his own disgusting life style only allowed in a world of welfare and weak parents

You'd be dead or shunned hard a few years ago. Thankfully your bloodline will end with one last jerk off to your binge

Fuck NEETs. You are literal NIGGERS wanting free stuff and money

What type of software? Does it get really tedious?

cranky because i have more time for holzhauer worship because im not at work are you

Society leaves thousands of people starving and homeless while millionaires fuck super models on yachts because they were born with upper class privilege.

Firmware, C and C++

No, it's really fun. I enjoy writing software for this level of abstraction, and it gets used on boats around the world

The only problem usually with the neets with the logic is, that they just keep it to "I could..."
In reality, they just spend their whole day playing video games and watching anime instead of really studying an instrument, hitting the gym, learning a new language, etc.
If you found a way to cheat the system and use your time for bettering yourself, more power to you, but usually the image in OP is just a cope for autismo losers

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Why should I work? What do I achieve with working? Money? I am not a materialist, I don't need money.

How did you pay for the device that you’re using to post on Yea Forums?

But what happens when your parents die and you have no credit or job experience? Where will you go then?

If you were not a parasite you would be self sufficient and take care of yourself without society's help. Even in a hippie commune where all you have to do is a few hours of chores would cut it. If you are a NEET parasite you expect to reap the benefits of everyone else's work without contributing anything of value. If that's what you really want then you deserve homelessness.

yes and?
my and my countries hard earned money goes to a literal human turd who actually thinks he's in the moral right
and aside from that they are the reason why america goes to shit, why white men die out and they generally are resentful human beings.
They are not good for me or this world. They are niggers and jews combined
The really worst part however that they do not see themselves as what they truly are, dependent leeches. They are literally just 5 more days ahead of me in watching anime thats it, and not free men. They take the best and fuck off. If they just admitted that I'd only hate 'em half as much, an honest criminal is a sympathetic one


>tfw work 36 hours per week with benefits and 39 days holiday
Must suck being an Amerilard wage slave

I have a lot of money saved up, used to work but saw the light.

wage slaves pay for that, welcome to capitalism

That's why neets are retarded. They have so much free time now, that they spend watching anime or whatever. If they had some brain in their heads, they would learn a skill that guarantee them income once the MOMMY and daddy/government train ends.
Not even saying >learn to code, learn some manual skill and you will always have a job, even with no experience. Fucking welders make shitloads of money nowadays, since all the soibois avoid jobs like that one and people need the service

>I don't give money to jews, just my parents do, on my behalf
flawless indeed

I'm American with good benefits and am
My vacation isn't as long, though

America is a great country if you have a skill, if you are incapable of getting a skill I don't know if you really have any value as a human being and should honestly deserve to be making minimum wage in hell as the market sorts the smart and opportunistic from the garbage

>yes and?
discussion over, either stay mad or take the neetpill. wagecucking is a massive scam. the least of your problems is someone of your own people leeching off the system, it's the millions of foreign invaders who do it. they're literally replacing you with your own money.

You wagecucks lack the balls and willpower to do that. In a democracy your entire lives are dictated by minimizing what the collective finds unpleasant. You are fully incapable of fighting an unpleasant battle with anyone who isn't actively trying to kill you.

That's not capitalism, that's theft with threat of violence by the state. Anything but capitalism

society also doesn't leave you to die and pumps you up with NEETbux my man
I guess thats why you havent left behind this oh so sick community
You are literally part of the problem you resent you welfare monkey

Wageslaves refuse to want the minimum wage raised or their bosses taxed more because they believe in trickle down despite America having 3rd world living conditions compared to less wealthy countries and having more millionaires. They vote against their economic interests. Wageslaves don't realyl care abotu society they pretend they do so they can bitch about "leeches" All while ignoring their boss having a yacht and a super model wife because he invested some money daddy gave him out of highschool while they wageslave for him and create a lot of excess wealth for him to take. Wageslaves HATE the working class, it's because they are in competition with each other, whoever can work the most for the smallest paycheck is obviously the best man for the job!

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Based daft loser ot realizing that there is literally no difference between him and those invaders. Actually, it's even worse, at least those invaders take the shit jobs, you are literally a fly on a shit tier

Getting a manual labor job snapped me out of NEETdom. Highly recommend to depressed /r9k/ types. A physical job gets you fresh air and exercise and keeps you away from your phone/computer.

you can't rely on majority values for your moral system, you need to convive with the reality that people have different opinions
in democracies, the opposition has an important role to keep in check the majority

It's called being social. Give money to ones who aren't so well off.

You're not making any point contradicting what he's saying. Do you actually expect neets to start sharing your feelings and get a job if you shout your feeling enough? Or is this just pure ventilation for your seething?

I have both the Neet and Wage Slave perspective and I'd much prefer the neet way of life but the wage slave part did provide me with enough money to make the neet way much more viable because you can use that money to make more money.

My boyfriend and I are libertarians who take home about 200k combined at 22 and 23. We are social darwinists who would like to own a small software contract shop one day. The reason poor people are poor is generally intelligence, which is genetic. They are unfit for the future of humanity and should be allowed to die off naturally in a free market system for the better of our species. Most wealth isn't in yachts, etc., It is in equipment for businesses and real estate, if you want physical goods as an example.

you're in active denial of reality. the native neet has family going back hundreds if not thousands of years of taxpayers and will probably not have children. the shitskin invaders will have 8 kids. maybe if you're lucky they won't commit crime. for each foreigner that takes a job, that's another job stolen from natives, that's to say, people like you.
wake up retard

They aren't worth anything as human beings and deserve nothing. No one deserves anything except what you can independently get. Those worse off than me have zero sympathy from me, as it is the process of natural selection via the free market for genetically better humans.

I think I made more than cashiers as an unloader when I did it.

actually I am
I am politically engaged in turning this country into a welfare free place for actual men
bye bye leech nu-male

again you are just part of a bigger problem.
Being a neet is appearantly only good because of greater circumstances because yeah maybe the current system sucks but I know hat better than anyone else and try to change it. You're just the same as the immigrant leeches to me. You are maggots in the corpse

I think what’s most disheartening to the current generation is that college has become virtually worthless unless you’re going into a STEM or computer related field.

>should leave and go innawoods like the independent animal they want to seem like
can't its illegal
squatting on federal land? illegal
squatting on someone's private property? illegal
collecting rainwater? illegal
catching game without a permit? illegal

we're all trapped in a matrix of control, the least of your resentment should be towards ones living off the scraps

>I am politically engaged in turning this country into a welfare free place for actual men
>i'm working towards something that won't happen because the collective finds it unpleasant
you already give up so much time to your job and you spend more of it on this? you might have had a chance when only male landowners could vote.

>years later
>op sad his parents dead
>op sad his siblings have families and houses
>op sad his siblings and bad banker man take away his parents' house
>op sad what is property tax? Muh parents gib me house why I no live there for free forever?
>op sad why you no understand muh NEET choice?
>op sad why you not debate me NOW
>op homeless, sucks cock for money to buy batteries for his Gameboy

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My method of achieving balance is to get a job for a while and save up, longest I ever did was 2 years at one job. Then I just quit when I can't take it anymore and live on the savings for a while. Then rpeat. I have very low needs materialistically so I can live on a fairly small amount of money, so a couple of years of saving might last me 6 months or so until i have to start looking for work again. But after 6 months of doing nothing I am getting bored and want to work again just for something to do.

Why is that bad? We should only focus on marketable skills, as the free market creates the best priorities for our species as they come, and we work on it for individual gain while also creating progress for the species. Literature, etc., really aren't worth much and it doesn't bother me.

Suicide after age 30 is pretty much always in the back of the minds of all NEETs.

>to me
so you admit that your anger isn't even objective, good. now consider the fact that the only reason you're being replaced demographically is because of retarded cucks like you, tax payers who make zero demands on the government, continue to pay taxes no matter what. you literally have only yourself to blame.

But if those job markets become over-saturated, the level of pay will go down.

Yes, and technological progress increases in pace as cost goes down. New fields emerge, and it continues. It's pretty based.

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I don't get a cent from the government. I don't want to leave society I want to reform it, I don't understand why wageslave bootlickers are like this. What problem? Income inequality, I don;t contribute to that I don't vote right wing. That's quite the kneejerk reaction you posted my bootlicking friend. I just don't believe people need to live so far above their means while other people starve and are homeless, that's all I said. I believe in more social programs for the working class as a means to entice people to work more. In our gross income inequality society where social mobility and meritocracy are almost non existant can you really blame people for being neet? Trickle down doesn't really work, I don't get why right wingers want to tax the rich less, the social benefits you talk about helping society they will never pay into voluntarily. right wingers think if rich people can't afford 3 yachts and a mansion they have no reason to invest their daddies money and sit in an airconditioned office to count money but wonder why there are so many neets when a majority of people in America don't even make a liveable wage. It's the lower classes of society that keep the ball turning. Those rich people exploit the working classes, steal their wealth and are constantly getting right wing retards to vote against their interests and lower taxes and the min wage.
Bootlickers say, don't like it get out, but I like society, I want to change it for the better, I want all the neets to be happy working for a liveable wage. It doesn't matter what I say though bootlicks gonna bootlick.
Welfare monkey? All the people who contribute most to society are welfare queens, like farmers, if you didn't give welfare to them your precious society would collapse, welfare is good.

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> The reason poor people are poor is generally intelligence, which is genetic. They are unfit for the future of humanity and should be allowed to die off naturally in a free market system for the better of our species
fitness is literally just 'what reproduces'. that is the definition genetic fitness.
studies show lower iq people reproduce more often than higher iq people ergo lower iq people are more genetically fit than intelligent people

>worked my way up from slave to success tier
Feels pretty good, one day I'll reach drug lord

I'd rather be in charge of to which needful people my money goes to
like poor children with not enough limbs
not some neckbeard

yeah I get it you want to live independent but still have benefits like supermarkets and being in the first world
but what i meant was that you should just fuck off into the congo or vastly unexplored wildlife
thats the freedom you claim to aspire and its possible.
You are not trapped, only trapped by yourself

I actually do make demands to stop randomly giving money and welfare to undeserving people and fight immigrants.
And my will is objective. Because its tthe best solution for all.
the reason why there is replacement is because of welfare politics, immigration laws and the lack of actual men. because the state made them weak. neetds belong to that group, literal baby tier white pussies.

you just wait for the day you get cut off leech

I work a 70 hour week and this user is right.

My life is miserable, and I exist only for work. I catch an hour or two on imageboards maybe every second day. Make a few shitposts, kek, get back to work. I don't even have time for DS games anymore. Much less life improvement. Career progression. Hobbies. I haven't been out drinking in over 3 years. I just work. It's an endless cycle of pointless jobbery with no security or reward.

I envy the NEET. No, I applaud him. He has found contentment in his squalor, and I begrudge him not.

I gladly pay my taxes so that some few, some happy few, might spend a few hours enjoying the world like I once did. That they might tell tales of vidya played, or projects done, or books a-read, or just make a nice meme about the latest anime. Let them live the life I never can now.

I don't have kids and almost certainly never will. So, let the NEETs be my children. Let me labour that they might play in the sun. Let their sound of their e-laughter be my reward.

Strawman. Why is not supporting a strong state considered bootlicking? Poor people have zero sympathy from me, as they are on average lower intelligence, and intelligence is genetic. You cannot exploit people in the free market. We don't need farmers in the USA, we can and should be outsourcing the work we need to subsidize. People who cannot afford food due to their low intelligence should be left to die.

This is due to welfare and us cutting the check for poor peoples children at the expense of those contributing to society in the free market. We should be leaving them and their spawn to die naturally.

But shitloads of brainlets make way more money than you. An Instagram thot or one of those meme pages that just steal content and reupload it for millions to see probably make more money in 5 years, than you will make during your whole career

That's fine, few and far between clear what I make. Opportunism is also a good trait to have necessary for our species survival beyond Earth.

it actually means they're compensating for bad genetics. the way society is set up now is so dysgenic that they're being favored, it doesn't make them superior whatsoever. if you turned off the welfare drip they'd fade into nothingness and that collapse is coming.
>I actually do make demands to stop randomly giving money and welfare to undeserving people and fight immigrants.
words, not actions. as long as you pay taxes they have no reason to give a single shit what you say. you're farting into the wind.
>my will is objective. Because its tthe best solution for all.
more impotent rage
>the reason why there is replacement is because of welfare politics, immigration laws and the lack of actual men.
first sensible thing you've said, but dont forget, all made possible by retards like YOU haha
>because the state made them weak. neetds belong to that group, literal baby tier white pussies.
the state didnt make anyone weak, weak men allowed the state to dictate terms. you can hate neets all you want, but unlike you they don't contribute to the clownfall ( see what i did there) of society. if anything neets are freedom fighters who refuse to participate in the slave-master relationship that is the rat race and paying taxes.

You have to wonder if our fame obsessed society is leading to fewer and fewer kids getting interested in science/technology with each passing year.

Monthly NEETBUXS is such a pitiful amount that I'm not sure how anyone can even survive with that amount, unless you live in Idaho or some other place where you pay pennies for rent.

>Opportunism is also a good trait to have necessary for our species survival beyond Earth.
Like taking advantage of the point in society where effort:reward ratio breaks down?

>have an education system that will throw out students who can't afford it or don't have time to study for "who gives a fuck" classes that have no purpose in their career
>any job that doesn't require college will soon only be in expensive hipster cities while rural america is dies
>wonder why neets aren't motivated to work
I miss my autismbux

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ironically science and tech is not what people think. scientists are the new priest class and you're not allowed to question scientific THEORIES (like evolution or the fact that humans are not all born the same).

Same. I dropped out of school for a little while cause I needed a massive break, and while it was a reprieve for a little while, after a few months the unease and mental degradation began to seep in. The only thing that kept me occupied really was going to the gym and getting gains meanwhile.

After about 7 months of NEETdom with my parents, I had enough and went back to school and am now enjoying myself more than I ever did before, cause I switched majors as well. It's seriously preferable to being a NEET.

I understand why the NEET's on this site lash out the way they do. It's because they reached that point of mental degradation and can't actually think normally because their in this now constant state of lucid madness where they rationalize all their disgusting (non)actions out of necessity. It's a serious fucking tragedy and I honestly can't even fault them. I pity them.

The big fallacy of the OP is that it assumes all people are looking for good careers solely to enter "high society" and spend their money on meaningless hookers and blow when in reality, people like me are doing it simply because they actually enjoy the work for its own sake. It's an almost sacred and spiritual thing. The NEET has a childish mentality of understanding why people work.

you won't do anything about it wagecuck, thanks to your enabling, low iq muslim hordes are here and yet you still keep paying for it. suck my dick wagecuck.

Well when I think of science that benefits humanity, I mostly think biology and working toward medical advancements.

The market sorts that out with higher wages increasing interest.

Sure! That's something that gradually gets reduced as more learn of it and trade on it, like arbitrage. The free market is the only viable system for long term human survival.

Who said my means were just petty votes?
I'm planning a revolution right now. This country will get back to its roots, welfare will die and everyone will be free.
those non partitioning neets you claim to be freedom fighters are actually the kind that make things worse since they dont do anything. If you think living in spite of the system is actually a way of rebellion and a fight you might be retarded.
and again, you act like neets get all my attention but they are just part of the bigger problem. welfare leeches, the jews and current politics.

Took the compass thingy, btw

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the motive of success is not enough. It produces a short-sighted world which destroys the sources of its own prosperity.

human biodiversity (more commonly known as """racism""") is biology and stupid shit like anti-AIDS medication (used almost exclusively by degenerate faggots) and birth control that lowers birth rates, causes cancer and drinking water pollution are "medical advancements" that destroy people by virtue of existing.

so you don't pay taxes?
>you won't do anything about it
we will see :)

But user. College isn’t about training or actually learning things. It’s about getting those connections!
That’s why they never help you get connection, and instead actually get in your way most of the time

Ashkenazi Jewish success in the free market is due to higher average intelligence. Intelligence is linked to wealth in the free market, and is genetic. There were factors in eastern europe leading to the scholarship and opportunism selected for in Ashkenazi people, such as myself, that we can use as an example of the progress the species can make when selecting for intelligence and opportunism.

Not really, no. The environment is our bitch, imo. When it gets bad enough the economic incentive to leave earth will be high enough.

I would agree if the 'alphas' of our society weren't the most depraved, worthless members. As long as these subhumans dictate the rules of engagement, you're justified in not playing their rigged game.

>op sad what is property tax? Muh parents gib me house why I no live there for free forever?
Imagine defending property tax lmfao

What's wrong with being a lumberjack?

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literally the only good answer to this.
But why aren't you doing your part in dethroning them?

>I'm planning a revolution right now.
said the wagecuck, while paying taxes and seething about neets who ironically do less damage to society
>This country will get back to its roots, welfare will die and everyone will be free.
thats a nice utopian dream you have right there, there will be no death to welfare because the government is scared shitless of the low iq migrant hordes rising up.
>non partitioning neets you claim to be freedom fighters are actually the kind that make things worse since they dont do anything.
thats the point, neets don't contribute to the downfall of society, they merely enjoy the fruits while they last
>If you think living in spite of the system is actually a way of rebellion and a fight you might be retarded.
it's a passive form of resistance. as long as you pay taxes, you have no claim to superiority because you're contributing to the replacement of your own people
if ashkenazi jews are so smart, why have you been kicked out of 109 countries and why do you endavour to increase that number daily? there's zero proof that jews are smarter than any other group of people, you faked one self reported study and nobody who actually looked into that believes it. you're ultra in-group preference, thats your only strength.

neo-boomer exposed

Property Tax sucks, but just because it exists, doesn’t mean it isn’t real

>Hates nature
Makes sense

no, i don't. why would i? they would simply be used against me and my people.
>we will see :)
again, you won't do shit.

>I want free time to play video games and read Nietzsche

We should bring back slavery so we can make uselss fags like this wash our cars and empty our gutters while we contribute to society.

Yeah but if people only go into those fields because of the high pay, doesn’t that lead to a dumbing down of the workforce within those fields?

Anyone who genuinely supports the current configuration of society should be flayed alive. You're all worthless, boot-licking scum and deserve to be enslaved. You idiots are the ones who enable all this injustice and allow these sociopaths to rule the world. Fuck you all. As if 90% of this site aren't worthless leeches anyway, be they 'NEET' or otherwise.

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The vast majority of actors make fuck all and belong in shit tier. Only a few ever make it to success tier.
Trash collectors make a lot of money and belong in high average tier.
>Public school teacher
The fact that they're this low is just sad. They deserve a lot more.

Oh, I am.

Not really, imo. I went into my field for the pay and am a pretty well-read engineer.

Fuck nature.

She won't let me go, wagies. Nothing i can do.

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>That's something that gradually gets reduced as more learn of it and trade on it, like arbitrage.
That would only be true if there was a universal standard of value and everyone began from the same starting point. People experience different amounts of enjoyment and suffering for the same experiences, and are capable of doing different things, due to genetics and upbringing.

There are certainly tradeoffs to being a neet. Random strangers are likely to respect you less, for example. As long as normalfags care enough about the approval of strangers to not be neets there will be less pressure on people who don't. The same can be said of any human motivator. And similar asymmetry arises from differences in ability.

So you are wrong. There has to be a shift in the average person's mindset for neetdom to become mainstream. In particular the average normalfag cares about external approval far too much. And while this is the case there is a niche for people who think differently from the norm.

>be neet
>see the wagies cope
>"destroy your body by the time you are 35 by working hard labor you will get paid a ton of money and have no time off at all!"

No thanks retard.

>look up jobs that will pay out 50k or more
>need college degree , costs more than 50k
>need 5 years experience

No thanks society

Social security isnt going to be around in 20 years unless you're nonwhite so im cashing out now. Thank you very much wagies im living the best life ever and you make it possible now

There is no injustice in the free market, which is what we should work towards. Sociopathy is a good thing and desirable.

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I bet there’s a lot of dodo engineers out there that got jobs through connections and nepotism though.

>neet who works
Jesus christ reddit

posting wikipedia links and citations don't prove anything. if you people were actually smart you would know better than subverting countries to the point where you get kicked out of over 100 of them. you're all dumb as fuck.

yes the kardashians, the hadids and bhad bhabie are high IQ and genetically superior

Without us neets there would be no one discussing kino and what is or is not based during the slow daytime hours of Yea Forums. You’re welcome.

nigger neets live on their parents money!, you're only working for your jewish overlords and their 20ieth yacht.

If we eliminated welfare and cut government jobs, the average person would be forced to make money their main decision decider or perish. This is the only way forward as a species.

As we breed less empathetic humans via the free markets we would eventually eliminate the burden of family ties and focus only on our own wallet, moving humanity forward. Empathy is harmful.

on my ACT top 20 college didn't pay a dime.

On average, yes. Wealthier people are genetically better.

Amen, give thanks to your local Yea Forums neets today.

it's not only the motivation to work, it's the motivation to motivate or rather find an actual goal. some paths go straight but others are twisted and covered with cross-roads.

you're not self sufficient. you rely on others to pay for your lifestyle. you're a literal parasite

I pay taxes because I do not want this glorious country to collapse. I want to save it and improve it. When the day comes this country will reform, but it won't go to shit, thanks to people like me who still believe in it.
And you lazy shit good for nothing leech sois further prove to be part of the problem for not having the faith. You just hope it all burns , while watching weebshit and cannibalizing on this countrys body
You are clueless, but one day you might get it
also i dont pay taxes so your entire stance against me is worthless

>muh free markets
Never gonna happen. Well connected Chads will always exist.

The only injustices in our society are inflation, foreign labor taking people’s jobs, and the subsidizing of necessities, all of which are caused by boomers

Ash-kek-nazis fucking kikes success is due to massive nepotism on a scale unbeknownst to a regular member of a white society, don't flatter them.

dumbass, paying taxes uncontitionally is what ruins the country. they can't do it without your money yet you keep giving it.
calling someone lazy is not an argument, it's just being resentful that you pay for their existence.
>i pay taxes
>i dont pay taxes
now you're just a liar.

>I would agree if the jews of our society weren't the most depraved, worthless members. As long as these subhumans dictate the rules of engagement, you're justified in not playing their rigged game.

>but I can do anything I want with all my sparetime
>lists activities neets never do
top kek if you spent your free time being productive you wouldn't be a neet in the first place. let's be honest, all you do is jerk off to porn, play vidya, watch anime and shitpost on Yea Forums.

I'm the social darwinist, but you open with

>I pay taxes

And end with

>I don't pay taxes

Give it time, 400+ years.

It's intelligence. I'm Ashkenazi.

getting kicked out of 109 countries is a funny way of showing your intelligence. must be one of those "they just dont get it, man" scenarios.

Yes, but you would have less than 1/10th of these neets in the first place if people weren't educated to suppress these naturally tribalistic instincts to make mass migration possible in the first place.
And people wouldn't leave their home most of the time, if there wasn't welfare and other benefits waiting for them.

>>i pay taxes
>>i dont pay taxes
I tried

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>I'm planning a revolution right now

You're going to fail. Revolutions don't succeed without serious clout behind it.

>If we eliminated welfare and cut government jobs, the average person would be forced to make money their main decision decider or perish. This is the only way forward as a species.
If the gumdrop kingdom conquered earth it would force everyone to maximize the amount of sunshine and smiles their behavior produces. Your fantasies don't matter and until you successfully start a revolution and rebuild the government in a way the average person finds unpleasant everyone will rightfully laugh at your impotent escapism.

>This is the only way forward as a species.
I was responding to your weird ranting because you made the explicit claim that opportunism was a good thing for "species survival beyond earth". I'm pointing out everyone is being opportunistic, you're just butthurt about some particular methods of opportunism.

What a great argument for a universal basic income.

It is envy. Whites who hate Ashkenazi Jews are the same as blacks who hate whites and blame it on imaginary things, when in reality it's just intelligence.


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Yeah, and I'm a dirty fucking halfbreed slav, yet I can bet my fucking ass I' floor you in any intelligence-related competiton.
Money makes money.
My ancestors had none, yours had fuckloads Ben, your daddy paid for your fancy shmancy harvard college degree, stop trolling on Samoan fishsmoking online forum.

Than a neet? Yes

God I wish I had a Ashkenazi Jew gf with big milkers

getting kicked out of a handful of countries, sure, that might be envy. 109? that's astronomical and you're not fooling anyone. i don't hate jews, i'm trying to save them from people that do. you have to grow thicker skin and stop subverting our nations. the entire holohoax narrative is based on blaming whites, so good one retard. take responsibility for your own failings as a people and go to israel, one and all.

btw grand-granddad got burned in a barn because he hid you fucks, just so yall can boast about your superiority now.

Start own business then, you retarded brainlet. No one said you should wage slave in an office you whole life. You dont like the wagecuck life, fine, work for yourself.
But you are a lazy piece of shit and the le ebin rioting against the evil modern society is just a cope for your laziness

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Actually, I went for free

Also, 35 on my ACT self studying, 15 AP courses self studied, no parental academic pressure. Just me wanting money.

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Lmaoing at all the quasi-fascist rhetoric in here.

>Every social outcast should be allowed to die!
>He who does not work shall not eat!

Don't you dipshits realise you're describing yourselves? Can't you put aside the self-loathing just once, and acknowledge that in the society you want, you'd be the first people to be victimised?

I genuinely can't understand how you mongs dress yourselves in the morning. Sometimes I think everyone on this site is an actual sociopath. The complete lack of human fellow-feeling is astonishing, especially given your hate for supposed 'leeches' which you have so much in common with.

Even if you accept the incredibly narrow view of what it means to be 'productive' for society (i.e. serving the degenerate sociopaths at the top who possess squillions of dollars they essentially stole), would it not make more sense to actually empathise with outcasts and understand WHY they don't want to participate in society, rather than just smugly dismissing them all as 'lazy' when you dipshits spend hours a day on this site doing nothing either?

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Are American blacks and hispanics the most enlightened being on earth?

I want the lazy and poor to die off and I'm
we work.

they're called good goys for a reason, they're tax cattle on the money farm. they will never get it. don't even try to wake people up unless they're in your immediate family, it's a complete waste of time.

>he studied for standardized tests and still didn't get the max score
>he thinks this demonstrates intelligence

You are quite literally subhuman, and deserve absolutely no empathy if you won't show it to others.

>wanting to literally be cattle

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I'm a gigachad you projecting tard
i want an ancap world and I would survive in it

Most grocery cashiers I know are either really old women who just want something easy and simple near their home to do, or young students who eventually become nurses or PAs. If you're a cashier all your life you're either retarded or committed a non sexual violent felony

I don't give any and don't expect any. I'm superhuman. This is the future of our species and our only way off the planet. Empathy is harmful and holds us back. We should operate more logically.

>I'm utterly pure and independent in living off your money

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>tfw I like my work but sometimes I wish I could be a NEET

>I don't give any and don't expect any.
That's fair, but don't complain when the sword is inevitably turned against you. The biggest sadists turn into the biggest cowards when the shoe is on the other foot.

why, if you actually like your job

Sure kid

Keep dreaming

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probably because people aren't supposed to toil away at pointless shit day in and day out.

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.

>le innawoods
What a stupid meme. There are virtually no common resources available in nature in the modern world. It's much easier and comofrtable to be a bum in a city and take advantage of public goods, emergency care, and taking advantage of food pantries and soup kitchens. Being a moleman in SanFran or NYC is 1000% better than muh innawoods LARP

if we ever go ancap i'll logically steal your shit because it is a better path to happiness than trying to scrape out a living doing something unpleasant, desu
>n-no i have guns you can't do anything to me
if anyone really wants to kill you they can do it. the only thing stopping them is that they prefer their life trajectory if they don't

how does the neet make any money

I'm not ancap, I believe in a very strong police force enforcing the NAP with the ability to shoot to kill if needed, and think surveillance is good, if we had limited government scope only to the NAP and keeping the market's efficient via its enforcement.

is it pointless if he actually values his job? maybe he has a considerbly great job
I am a freelancing illustrator and love every second, becoming a NEET would be a downgrade tbqh

people on the bottom of the hierarchy don't empathise with outcasts, they're too busy projecting their hatred

innawoods is basically the worst case scenario. moving somewhere somewhat remote and befriending any neighbors is more achievable and sustainable even today, no doomsday scenario required.

Typos are due to autocorrect, lol

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most people will never be able to make a living doing something that actually motivates them. you can't take a good to best case example and extrapolate that to every person. good for you that you have it well, but dont fool yourself, you're the exception.

It's infuriating how little awareness they have of it, though. It's as if this site is collectively incapable of emotions beyond rage. All this place is now is projected self-hatred. No one wants to better themselves, let alone anyone else, yet they still demand sympathy.

>you can't take a good to best case example and extrapolate that to every person
But the user said he enjoys his work.

maybe user is another example
idk man, some people also enjoy being cashiers in the arthouse theatre, a plumber or similar stuff.
I just wanteed to know why user would struggle and say he likes his job

>all these seething wagekeks itt

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Everyone here is 'seething', the NEETs because they've been called out as parasites, the wageslaves because they've been called out on barely 'contributing' anything to society beyond the most menial work. By their own criteria, almost everyone here is worthless, and the beautiful part is that that's true whether you're a NEET or a 'wagekek'.

Show empathy or you won't receive it, idiots.

exactly wagie, deal with it.

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but you ain't

It wouldn't be enough unless you live in a cyberpunk novel. At current levels of security anyone who has a gun can kill you whenever they chose to. The thing that holds them back is living in a society where they've been trained to not want to do that and know their life will become worse if they fail to escape. If their life won't become worse because it already sucks they'll just kill and rob you, and be rational in doing it.

just mock them, they will never learn (they dont want to and you cant make them). social shaming might shift their mindset over time. either way you should be mocking people who complain online, it's such a bitch thing to do.
number one, nobody cares about your problems, number two, you're probably not even doing half the things, let alone a single thing, you could be doing to make your life better. they just want to complain and get endless pats on the back. dont give them that. it's emotional welfare.
its ironic how how you almost never can give people what they want or you help them ruin their lives. people have way too much freedom, we have to go back. most flourish when being led.

Based NEETs absolutely dabbing on ragie wagies ITT

Get back to work good goy! I have some new vidya I want this month, so you better put in some overtime :^)

>tfw unironically going to vote democrat so wagies can have their taxes raised and see everything theyve worked for die as their country is flooded by shitskins

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>making alpha/omega analogies in 2019

same here. this is boring as fuck. i would work at the supermarket just to get some social interaction and routine

>i can spend my free time reading Nietzsche
>actually spends his free time browsing Yea Forums while the same anime he's watched 100x plays in the background
Another thing: humans weren't made to just leisurely read Nietzsche all day. Nietzsche wouldn't even say that's a good thing to do. You were made to fucking work, whether that means you're working for someone else or working for yourself. Get off your ass and do something. You'll feel a lot better in the long run

Name, please.

>mfw making six figures working 3 days/week as nurse practitioner at 25
>car and student loans paid off
>living in a nice part of LA
any movies for this feel?

You can believe that if you want but why did humans create the routine of school to begin with if they didn't enjoy it?

You're the personality type I'm describing, idiot. Drink bleach.

replace that with struggle, any kind. when you just vegetate all day no amount of cope will change the fact that you are wasting your life on something pointless. modern men have almost no connection to real struggle and it shows.

literally only seething because you are part of number 6 and totally unaware that you aren't free of the system, you only jewed it in your favor
you are like a slave who pretends to have a broken leg so the other slaves have to carry you
of course the other slaves will hate you

Problem is that science has proven multiple times that being a neet is bad for you. Its bad for your health, for your sleep, for your mental health, social connections. Several examples can be easily found in this very thread/board. Childish behavior, insults, racism, sexism, depression, alcoholism.

>"Especially mental health problems, like anxiety and depression,are morefrequent among the unemployed. Theodossiou discovered that this connection stayed even when comparing unemployed to people with low pay.This finding emphasisesthe psychological impact of unemployment per seand not only its economic impact."

>"In addition, we document a predominantly negative association between job insecurity and (health-related) well-being, an effect that is enhanced by the presence of poor employability prospects. And as shown above, this effect is quite substantial. This finding is similar to that of Green (2011)"

>" Finally, by using local unemployment rates in over 400 countries to assess whether local labour-market conditions exert some form of externality on workers’ subjective well-being and health, we show that once job insecurity is controlled for, unemployment rates do indeed have a negative effect on life satisfaction.""

I know its easier posting the funny green frog/make some ms paint comics here and pretend everything is alright, but the facts sadly speak against you OP.

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you think that, but i probably care more about random people than you do. sometimes you have to do the "callous" thing and call people out for being bitches instead of coddling them. thats called tough love. thanks for the random passive aggression. bitch.

>he projects his personal motivation onto others
neets have no reason to seethe over being called parasites because they don't care about their level of contribution or the approval of wagecucks, else they wouldn't be neets.

What part of Louisiana?

Holy shit this is fuckin hilarious. Do neets actually believe that shit and that it's not them sitting on their ass all day not getting jobs which is why immigrants are needed?

>They should be 100% free from society and banned, not just get the 50% that benefits them like public services or monies.
They only get that in cucked western societies. Try being a NEET in slavic country and getting like 100 bucks a month for living. You would be grateful to take any job.

I smell Jordan Peterson behind this post

>you are like a slave who pretends to have a broken leg so the other slaves have to carry you
>of course the other slaves will hate you
sucks to be them.

also the frog isn't free of the system but he is avoiding perpetuating it. his existence does not contribute to the system and if more were like him it would collapse

>freedom is ALWAYS preferable to slavery
I will think about it while sitting in my nice apartment and driving my nice car while you are rotting away in your mom's basement

i meant Los Angeles. and no I don't live anywhere close to spicss or nigs

immigrants were never needed. you've bought the lie about GDP (economy, in a word) being the pinnacle of human growth. it's ludicrous to think that human beings should live for the sake of an economy, yet almost nobody questions this.
it's perfectly acceptable for a society to shrink in population, naturally over time. it's happened all throughout history. stop assuming the globalist narrative on immigration.

it's one of those things people have to fix alone, you can't convince them to see the error of their ways

>Lmao, dude, why you're resentful about being robbed?

holy shit its like some people were born just to be slaves

>wasting your life on something pointless
Unlike waging for shekelberg right? LMAO

just get an easier job retard

or some people just cant sit on their asses all day and watch anime

so you realize you're being robbed, but you think neets are the worst offenders of this? the government kills, lies and steals using your tax money. and you're raging about fat guys who watch anime all day? hmm..

I almost agree, but most NEETs live off the money of others (parents usually), which is unethical and frankly pathetic. If you manage to be a NEET without being a parasite, you're pretty much my ideal, but in practice very few people can pull it off.

Fuck off, idiot.

It someone edits the pseud and incel shit out like nietczhe this would be based

Nice, trash disposing of itself. Just like with trannies.

What if we all just became NEETs?

>Give Israel billions annually
>One white man not being a slave is a burden on society
You work at a 40% tax rate meaning 4 months of your life literally goes to Israel every year for them to say that white men are problematic

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then maybe do something you enjoy then instead of literal slavery?

it seems like you're become what you complain about. you're unable to even make a civilized response. it's entirely possible that you're stupid.

Only in this very instance because fat anime retard acted smugly in my very presence


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>I almost agree, but most NEETs live off the money of others (parents usually), which is unethical and frankly pathetic.
Sure but that doesn't contradict what i said.

System collapses. But everyone knows that won't happen so the neet shouldn't really get credit or condemnation as a revolutionary. It's really just a personal choice that will not influence society.