They had a 4 AM orgy right after this meal.
These are the people telling you to have sex on Yea Forums
PMG a cute
>tranny speedrunners are telling me to have sex on Yea Forums
seems unlikely
Personally I main Protor. FUCK gomgrog fags, he's cheap as shit.
Purple haired girl is honestly really cute. I wish my gf was as hot as her
they seem pretty based tbqh. I wish I could have sex.
Good for them. They're probably having more sex than any of us, tbqh
So what you are saying is someone wants to fuck these disgusting pigs but not your average Yea Forums poster?
>I wish my gf was as hot as her
So did you have sex yet or are you still posting here?
Fuck off Proto
They look like garden variety Yea Forums shitposters to me, user, so you're probably right
I'd climb Big Wendy
>3 posters
>Proto thinks they're multiple people
"All right user, I guess you can borrow one of them for half an hour. Which one do you want?"
Since when?
>They look like garden variety Yea Forums shitposters to me
I bet you're feeling pretty stupid right now, huh?
Man why did craniax decide transitioning was a good idea, homie needs to atleast buy a wig because that's fucking sad.
Also how many at that table would eat a fresh log if I rolled it out?
>implying I wouldn't have sex with big wendy
>the people screeching "nazi" and "incel"
>hideous degenerates nobody wants to be in the same room as let alone fuck
i have never said this before, but
>imagine the smell
Look at all the salty trannies. You people are disgusting.
Are there names known? because I know a woman who is definitely a woman that looks a lot like the far right blond
Ben Franklin on the left.
kill all discord trannies before they kill themselves first
>tfw my fiancé is in this photo
I swear to god she looks way better now, this photo was taken like a week after she started transitioning. my parents don’t even know she’s trans.
Which one is she?
>they had sex and you didnt
Jesus christ you're not helping your cause, user.
>this is the future of america
Genders Done Quick
Sue is the only one id be seen with in public
I mean it does say something that these people are having sex and you aren't
Take the hint maybe
Inb4 sour grapes replies, don't bother
believe it
Fuck off Naruto
What, like if nobody would know you'd creampie all four of them?
But they have active and fulfilled social lives with their own kind. How can you claim no one wants to be in the same room as hem when you post two pictures with multiples of them in the same room?
i wouldnt creampie any of them, I'm not a homo.
At least one of them has the shame to hid its face
It's extremely obvious this person isn't genuinely trans and uses woke people's well-meaning but misplaced trust of any minority in front of them to get what they want
Probably a jew as well. They'd be pissed to know I fuck
Shiri is cute but I can't bring myself to fap to her videos after stumbling on some sounding shit