Rip his career
Rip his career
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rip his career
it's been a decade since micmacs lol its already dead
Hes not wrong
Paris is a filthy shit hole, in no small part thanks to all the niggers and mudslimes.
isn't there a couple streets are are filled with squatters?
Paris IS ugly now.
What was Paris like in 2001?
He complains about construction, not non-whites.
More like entire districts
But I thought diversity has only made Paris stronger?
They already torched Notre Dame and are going to replace it with a non-denomination multi-ethnic House of Worship. Paris is only getting BETTER!
Modern day Paris
Was Paris the place that had the giant butt plug on display?
Beautiful, this is how progress looks like
RIP in peace Paris
Parisians make French people look bad. There are still a lot of really nice places in France.
I kek'd a bit.
Then I got sad.
that's not Paris. That's the Mall of America in Minnesota. Somali capital of the USA.
lol fuck off.
How can people LET Paris turn into a giant slum?? WTF? How is a major western city so disorganized? that the Mall of America?
Diversity, user. Diversity.
I visited in 1999 and there was a rich sense of culture and place. They hated outsiders and I was literally okay with that because it meant they respected their country and it’s history. I can’t blame frenchies for wanting to remain French. I can’t even imagine how horrible it is now...
>Western city
It's a middle eastern city, get your facts straight
>Gosh, they sure are building a lot of kebab shops and shitty cheap housing full of unsavory-looking individuals on this street... and this street... and this street!
>Damn construction!
He's based
LOL what's the driver even supposed to do. Start shooting them?
because the only way to stop it is violence. most people don't want to be violent, and those who do will be crushed by the state. so things just keep degenerating while people are forced to stand and watch
damn Paris just got BTFO
Here's one of Paris in 2020. You'll like it.
Well where else are the Muslims supposed to go to?
Inb4 /pol/ snowflakes pretend any actual non retarded people think ethnic diversity ruined Paris and every other major city, and that capitalism (construction and fat white tourists) isn’t to blame. Go back to your containment board.
You're a fucking retard. Look at the demographic shift, faggot.
well, he's not wrong.
back to yours, tourist
He's a niche director making niche films. Amelie was the only mainstream fluke. How is career affected saying that Paris is ugly when most of the world agrees?
>niggers and the sand version get welcomed into your culture
>proceed to destroy that culture
this happens every single time and yet people keep doing it
Why aren't Europeans defending its country?
>le capitalist boogeyman!
have money.
There are a lot of mooslim countries that aren't at war, user.
It was totally fat white tourists that ruined Paris.
Why do we hate China again? They are solving their Muslim problem
jesus CHRIST
It doesnt look like that
>fat white tourists
What are you even talking about? Do you live in a different dimension or what?
That's not Paris you tard
the majority of europeans wants this to happen and will destroy the lives of anyone doing anything. mostly this is because your wars that you have dragged us into.
>Mutt tries to roast frenchies
>Actually posts a vid from the US
And it’s full of families doing fun stuff together in a wholesome way.
>its true because i said it and inb4!
Fuck off faggot paris has always been a shithole but it certainly got worse after importing ao many dirty niggers and muslims.
Paris is ugly now though. You can thank niggers.
The most famous French writer atm blames Muslims and his government.
Yeah, like Los Angeles.
they're soulless ant people who destroy everything around them
They won't take their fair share of refugees
And That's A Good Thing
>building on left completely vanishes
aka one of the most "diverse" cities in america, in the most leftist state in the country. funny that
There's a reason they call it "Minnesomalia"
That's not true at all. The majority is scared of being jailed for speaking out.
Kys nigger
Lol nice europoor
L.A has been a shithole longer than its been called L.A.
What's the story here?
>tfw I'll never get to see the Paris of the 60s and prior
RIP beautiful city, I wish I had known you in person instead of just from movies, literature and pictures.
Don't pretend like it's any different in paris
we don't have insane huge malls in Paris or in France really
oh yeah, threatening your wife with beatings if she goes to the mall without a male relative. So wholesome.
Nice try
no they didn't ; no they aren't
Makes me miss the 15th of March, lads.
vibrant. powerful
or Myanmar
better kill all whites then.
this one is the scariest shit
b-but diversity is beautiful.
Fucking disgusting
what context do you need when their skin color is visible? they act like what they are
I know this is bait but there are people who actually think like this
and liberals are telling us "you don't need a gun" lol. That guy driving the car needed several.
>brown ((((((((((people))))))))))
the second picture is what the statue looks like after ANY protest that ends or begins at République, which is most of the big ones. They usually clean it up within the week and 99% of the time it looks like 1st picture.
yeah, because brownies never fight amongst each other, amirite? Africa is a continent of peace.
he's right
france is no longer france
RIP paris
well to be honest, he isn't wrong
I was there during 2002-2004, It was full of tourists, homeless people, maghrebis and africans. The only real french people were the police.
He was supposed to lock it before starting to drive
Make way for best French. Montreal is best city, even our darkies are well behaved over here.
China is probably going to turn muslim cities into giant hospitals where they pluck people off the street and harvest their organs. China doesn't give a shit
see how lovely diversity can be france
How can people look at LA and Paris and unironically say that diversity is a good thing? Are they lying?
That's sweden
that's not in France, the date format is wrong
are there any parts of france left that are still mostly white? I know they don't even collect census ethnicity data any more
Based, after years of colonization, invasion and destruction of other countries the frenchies finally feel what it's like. I hope all of France gets this fate
They were praying in front of a medieval church that was being demolished, black guy comes up and starts talking shit so One Punch Manlet takes him out.
rural france is still france. the large cities are full of mudslimes and africans.
imagine the smell
i'd say this is bait but the existence of the festering diarrhea pile of communist slime that is Yea Forums makes me think that this is an actual post by an actual subhuman marxist piece of shit subhuman
I just want a sequel to La Haine in an even uglier Paris.
That's Minnesota, can't ya see it?
People are terrified of looking cringe, its the reason for everything shit in the world
>are there any parts of france left that are still mostly white?
A lot of regional areas and the countryside.
They're trying to fuck that up too though.
it was 100% black people's fault
He's a neo nazi harassing normal citizens. That's why he did the nazi salutes
Remember, brother. You didn't choose this future, this is the future (((they))) chose for you.
Not really different from now. Besides Jeunet says Paris is ugly because there are too many construction works
what context do you need when his skin color is visible? He acts like what he is
I heard they're force feeding them pork buns and shit lol
because they're sheltered braindead retards and the only times they've encountered "diversity" is watching television shows where the civilised black and brown actors act like normal white people and nothing like how blacks and brown people behave in reality. It's selection bias
look at all those towelheads
The retard called him a nigger so the nigger screamed to the assistant to take him off the bus. I just pulled this from my ass, but it sure does look like that's what's happening.
>skid row
Thought it was gas at first
french canadians are unbelievably rude despite smelling like hobo piss and poutine, this is coming from an acadian.
it's also a perfect display of how nonwhites exploit whites and their empathy. that driver is probably a decent person who would deeply regret running over or injuring anyone on the road; the nonwhites know this, so they make roadblocks and run in front of the vehicle, taking full advantage of his good nature. and once he slows down, they start throwing things and threatening him. these "people" are users and parasites, and the right thing to do would be to just hit the accelerator and drive right through them without a second thought. unfortunately whites are too good and too moral for such barbarism, which will be our undoing
Detroit used to be the Paris of America, now it's the Paris of America.
yes, Paris is about 85% white. It only gets lower if you include the suburbs but not by much since western and southwestern suburbs are basically 100% white
I see you are completely unrecognizing of what third world immigration does. Third world immigrants live in third world societies for a reason, no matter what your racist anti-white professor tells you that it us colonials fault.
I am fucking estatic for the shlacking that China is giving the ungrateful mongrels in Africa.
they're intertwined. the capitalists want more diversity
90% of La Haine doesn't take place in Paris
no, no, it's like that permanently now, they can't clean it anymore, special muslim spray paint that doesn't wash off.
>special muslim spray paint
What, pork juice?
See retard
Sounds downright kafkaesque or, dare I say it, lovecraftian.
and now they're on a DGSI watchlist
I agree.
The key problem here isn't diversity, it's (((capitalists))).
*short-term capitalists
do you really think shitskins and niggers will respect basic civic virtues like private property rights and the rule of law when they become a majority?
why do you think so many of the world's super rich are buying retreats and land in New Zealand?
There are literal Russian disinfo shills ITT trying to trigger another shooting by making them think Europe is as browned as America.
Have sex. Make money.
Sometimes those insects are incredibly based.
I wonder if Europeans will start reacting more strongly when renaissance monuments in Italy start coming down, those are much more significant than anything in France
If we could actually speak our mind things would sound a lot different.
Paris died because barren cunts like Amelie killed it through democracy
That doesn't make sense. Diversity = anything but white people. That would only make it worse, you tard wrangler.
I wish the French government was watching these moolies. They're too busy watching shitty American movies and eating McBaguettes at McDonalds and listening to animated farting gophers.
>why do you think so many of the world's super rich are buying retreats and land in New Zealand?
Because they know they’ve ruined the west and soon people will start killing them in their homes.
That’s why there was a preemptive falseflag too.
"weak men create hard times"
Europeans are half-men. Including the women.
>I am fucking estatic for the shlacking that China is giving the ungrateful mongrels in Africa.
the what? Chinese investments in Africa represent about 3% of their total investments. 3%. For a whole continent. They are WAY more involved in America and Europe than anywhere else
im talking about the global elite, not your mom and pop shops.
the wealthy whites and jews who control the culture and the ones running multinational corporations. this is what some right-wingers cant see but people like richard spencer finally are. economically leftist policies can work if the demographics are there. (((conservative))) shit like tax cuts for the (((wealthy))) will get us nowhere. fuck mass immigration and fuck the wealthy elites who enable it.
let KINO be KINO
fuckers always think they can top KINO even their own, like Scott Ridley
>muh Russian bots
hey, the Mueller report is out. There are no Russian bots, you stupid conspiracy theorist.
at what point does killing left wing culture warriors and journalists become a viable and justified strategy? are we at that stage yet?
jean-pierre jeunet should have sex
italy will be harder to conquer because it's full of fanatic catholics who will take offence to a foreign religious group invading their country. atheist/liberal societies like france, england and german are much easier to subvert
Are the Chinese really so bad? Maybe if you can scrub away the communism a little more...
This. The cycke continues. Hopefully on the rebound we can use genetic engineering and AI to slaughter the weak ones in their cribs before they grown up to be brainwashed, spouting miserable treasonous garbage. They literally throw the gates open to the invaders, sick fucks have pushed generations of children into future conflict for instagram likes. Subhuman.
I live in Paris and I do a lot of protesting. It's (mostly) not young pocs from the suburbs tagging the statue, it's white leftist bourgeois kids from central Paris
Look how cozy it is, city is so safe that families can go out camping whenever they want!
Jeunet's career has been dead for quite some time now, and he's a well-known right-winger.
Still a legend of cinema but yeah: should've died at his peak.
Diversity doesn't work, ever. Even model citizens like Chinese and Indians stay insular and only hire their own kind in businesses, only whites are forbidden from doing that
yeah fat white tourists really ruined the city
Take your roast somewhere else pls
In a big hole in the ground
>flashing the nazi salute
jeez L.A. was such a fucking dump when I visited. Even hollywood bvd was fucking sleezy and felt really unsafe when it was getting dark. Got to love how amerifats hype up commiefornia so much when the only good things there are the national parks and weather
this is the one time where China, the biggest asshole country of them all, might actually be based. If only they could teach us their ways.
lets put it this way: if you go to the pyramids of egypt, the Parthenon, any ancient building or rock you can think of, you'll find chink tourists carved their name in it.
damn Appolo Creed 4 will be against a genetically transformed chinese muslim
US cities were worse in the 80s and 90s, if anything they've cleaned up aside from all the homeless in LA
>be Minnesota
>import 1000000000000000000 smooth brained apes wearing towels because Jesus would want you to
Thank you Evangelicals and Lutherans! Very cool.
It's not a giant slum. I was born and raised here and there's only one time in my life I was shocked by the smell of garbage and how people could let it pile up in the streets like that. That was during a trip to New York in 2002. Paris is much, much cleaner, no contest.
Chinese government does the same shit to Christians, but corporate media only talks about their pet 'oppressed' group
Even Detroit?
can any liberals ITT tell me what we share in common with these people? Why importing them en masse is a good thing?
tell that to San Fran and Seattle
and Portland
Based retard mutt
It's ok to eat pork if there's no other option
Aren't you supposed to lock those
how many of those whites are really french?
>t. Stephen Donaldson
>Chinese government does the same shit to Christians
No they don't.
I can tell you haven't been to the Moulin Rouge in years.
Chicago has never been worse.
Well I think those pork buns are delicious, I'd pretend to be muslim if it means getting some for free
Name one benefical thing non-white brought to Paris, or France for that matter
Absolutely based and redpilled.
This. So far China is running the most efficient genocide of all time according to (((NGOs))). The uygher purge even puts the holocaust to shame if their numbers are to be believed so I'm cheering China on in their mission to clean up thirdie scum.
Pick one:
>He wanted that seat before they sat in it
>They were talking really loud and it annoyed him
>They were lesbians
>He was trying to pick up the girl, but the mom told him off
>He's a nazi - that's why the salute - they were jews
>His pitbull brain activated
>lying on the internet
They don't, they only hate Muslims.
my sides
>it’s niggers and Arabs who are disproportionately responsible for drugs, crime, littering but actually it’s capitalism’s fault
Fuck off you lying piece of shit
Visited Paris in 2001. Lovely city center.
Visited Paris in 2017. Never again.
Not on the same scale since Christians are less rowdy because of the whole "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's"
Muslims chimp out more because Allah requires the whole world to be Muslim before his return
Nah they hate Christians too user. Chinks aren't your "le based alt right" allies or whatever
Honestly, Detroit has been post apocalyptic since the Cold War. It can't go further than bedrock.
The Chinese government have been cracking down on any religion that undermines its authority, including Buddhists and Christians.
They should have asked the ones with red beards what their views on sex with young boys is lel. In Afghanistan that means their sexual preference is young male prostitutes.
we have to go back Yea Forums. we have to go back
They could do a Parisian Mandingo instead.
oh no
not the list of uselessness
horror kino
Well, they DID prevent a sequel to Amelie Poulain...
Thats gotta count.
they pretty much did. They turned the city into a giant museum because we can't afford not to be attractive to tourists. Now we basically can't build anything new without going through insane administrative loops to make sure nothing in the museum city is disturbed. And every important monument is surrounded by its host of Starbucks, McDonalds etc to cater to the fat americans and chinese too lazy to try anything new. As a frenchman there are few things I hate more than an american tourist coming here and eating at McDonalds.
>Take the grace, beauty and fluidity of a ballet dancer and exchange it for someone doing hip hop moves on tippy toes
fuck this shit
>at what point does killing left wing culture warriors and journalists become a viable and justified strategy? are we at that stage yet?
>Paris is ugly now
i wonder why...
That's because Trump is not a Russian shill, retard, but there are Russian shills trying to incite chaos in the West and they've been doing it for decades.
I mean it's not so bad, at least it's getting them out of the house and away from drugs for the time being. Same with hip hop. The problem is when people start genuinely believing it's on par with beginner grade ballet.
i've never been inside the Moulin Rouge but I passed by it a few weeks ago. Pigalle is clean, maybe not Barbès to the east but Pigalle is fine.
I had sex in Paris. Maybe you should try it
I really don't understand where you get that facts when I'm from China myself I never seen any Christian oppression compared to Muslims.
What is this thread supposed to be?
Has /pol/ spilled over?
Every single major european city is like this, believe it or not.
The countryside is still the magic white ethnostate you fucking niggers like to masturbate and think of on a daily basis.
Based chinks dabbing on sandniggers.
we will be soon. dark days are coming friend. prepare yourself.
>One Punch Manlet
>t. HK tourist thinking he knows his shit
>Inb4 /pol/ snowflakes pretend any actual non retarded people think ethnic diversity ruined Paris
There is an increased chance for surprise sex.
What fat white tourists? From where? Most tourists are coming out of Asia
but seriously, it's international jewry which is pushing hardest for globalism, and if everyone else ends up a mutt and they see these sallow-skinned kikes at the top controlling everything, they're going to be more easily noticeable than in white countries where they can change their names and mix with the indigenous white populations without you realising.
So how does this all benefit jewry in the long run?
b-bend over
And America isn't? Seriously all the USA does is buy new iPhones and output CO2, it's a soulless nation.
>boomer auntie bought one of those cars that self-brakes and shit
>while she's describing how it won't let you hit things I think of shit like this
Any source to provide with it or are you just another edgy middle-schooler?
>HK tourist
Reading comprehension.
This one is even worse with sound.
He calls her a swedish whore and bangs on the glass like a monkey because she and the old lady didn't immediately relinquish their seats for this poor oppressed youth.
He isnt wrong
Were the shooters other criminals?
The number of immigrants has gone from below 1% to over 10% in two decades in most of Europe.
That's impossible to know, these stats are illegal
>"Our income comes from CKP, not from Allah"
Holy shit
this bothers me more than it should
>What is this thread supposed to be?
>Has /pol/ spilled over?
Reality spilled over you cuck
Cyberpunk 2077 is looking pretty good
>literally the only good thread on the whole of Yea Forums right now is a redpilled thread about Paris
based anons, keep up the fight
I'm willing to bet they eat food and breathe a mix of azote and oxygen.
much less "diverse"
Lol. He lives there mong
>I'm sorry goy, I'm afraid I can't do that
the fuck? even the deep south doesnt have that many niggers
you'd find less blacks in Chicongo
You sure it was consensual?
>racism is bad
>hates whites
I feel zero pity for traitorous white women who get raped by the orcs they coddle. It's really really really funny, in fact.
So where are the fat white tourists? I've never even seen any photos of Paris with a bunch of fat white people at all.
Did you at least report the rapefugees that did it to you?
Hi /pol/
It’s about how artists aren’t allowed to express themselves anymore without it being labeled “wrongthink”, despite the fact art is supposed to be expression regardless of current events or political climate
go look at some videos of chinese reacting to car accidents or how they treat animals and get back to me
It’s not a race thing, that’s just what happens when you live in an ultra liberal country that takes in endless unskilled immigrants just to show how tolerant they are.
Low income housing coupled with big social benefits is a recipe for disaster over time
they bring EXOTIC FOOD, idiot
unironically kebabs. Well used to anyway. Until about a decade ago most of them used lamb meat which was delicious. I'm not sure what happened, maybe it was too expensive or something, but now they switched to chicken and it's become hard finding lamb meat kebabs. Feels bad.
Calm down, we'll deal with the Arabs when there's too many of them.
Look at what happened in Algeria 1962. We just want to be cosy for a few more years before shit hits the fan.
it was always shit, degenerate frog scum
hi leftist
Hi /r/eddit
its been 9 years, give it a rest
ah, so this is the so called Yea Forums - television & film board on the prominent website 4channel
I like how this "argument" actually worked with Americans because they're so fat.
When France has become so BLACKED muslims are upset about black people all over France.
sounds like something out of Plato's republic
>current year
>waaaaah why did they knock off the 50th avengers assemble thread from the catalog my life is so miserable i fucking hate those /pol/ nazis
Thanks user, just fighting the good fight
kikes btfo
This isn't actually bad, it's a short cheap version of the military service France had in place in the past.
For some muzzies, it'll help integrate them better.
And the muzzies that don't want to integrate, well you can trust the army officers training them will dunk their heads into the toilet kek
Arabs are already part black mongrels
wtf is going on in that webm
The dude consciously used the green jacket guy as a meat shield. Hope the fucker died.
but this is probably the best thread on Yea Forums right now and you're crying because there's one less capeshit thread?
be honest here you wouldn't be complaining if this was another interracial porn thread or left wing twitter screencap thread. you just hate it because it isn't far left propaganda
who are you quoting?
Damn they straight up used their friend in the green jacket as an actual body shield
No they won't lol. Most white people see the genocide of their race as a good thing, due to agitprop they were spoonfed from birth by people wanting to kill them. Every open borders lefty is a psyop victim acting against their own self-interests. I don't know if it's tragic or an absolute marvel they managed to brainwash that many people.
Just spread the rumor that muslim tissue cures erectile dysfunction and China will do the rest
>So how does this all benefit jewry in the long run?
The tribe that doens't un-tribalise wins the Age of Empires 2 running match.
It just doesnt treally matter if its the jews or not.
Because it's every group who is interested along their own particular aims to just suicide European nations identity.
I don't know who is cucking who anymore
you, you greasy muttskinned Yea Forumscksucking cunt
White French teacher takes vibrant diversity's cell phone because he was disrupting class with drug deals. So he points a gun at her and demands his phone back while other vibrant diversities celebrate their vibrant culture.
Blacks are worthless human garbage, literally the only counter argument is 'muh dik' and 'muh rayciss'
New York is a much nicer city than Paris. You're full of shit. At least in NYC there are nice parts that cops keeps the trash away from. Paris has mass Africans and homeless people even in the touristy areas.
oh yeah, surely the best thread with the same fucking webms and pictures you see in every thread regarding this topic. really original and new.
the beauty of diversity in action
Most aren't; the real world isn't a bunch of internet shitposting. things will escalate
I've literally never seen a city as dirty as New York though. Rats scurrying everywhere I was putting my foot on
what career?
through slavery of the rest of us and they being the master race, identifyable by skin colour.
that is at least what pol says.
technology withheld from us, we become cattle for them who seem like wizards or gods to us.
you're right user, i'm going to make another brie larson thread. i haven't seen one of those in all of 30 seconds. cunt.
Paris was always a filthy shit hole. Paris syndrome existed way before Muslims came there.
hey, it's another /pol/ shill thread
remember to sage and report
there is some justice in this world after all
They unironically do not have agency
>nice style
>well dressed
Why germans are always so optimistic?
hahahahaha based
people like this honestly deserve painful deaths. I have no sympathy for whites who want to destroy the civilised world
leftist faggot
Is this how the_donald is?
NYC was great under Giuliani because he let the cops utterly crush the drug peddling orcs. Those same policies which made New York safe and clean were immediately thrown out as "racist" by the new Jewish mayor, and NYC is now reverting to shithole status again. What a surprise.
I'm convinced that tribe is not satisfied unless they can look out their window and see fires, trash, and people stabbing each other on the streets like it's the fall of Constantinople again.
>if you hate niggers and shitskins you must be from /pol/
nope, try again redditard Yea Forumscksucker
I used to live near place du Trocadéro, a stone's throw from the Eiffel Tower so, in other words, one of the most touristic places in the world. My mom lives in the south of Paris which means I took the 6th subway line between Trocadéro and Montparnasse a lot. It's important because there are A LOT of tourists on that part of the line. They're either going to the Tower or the Champs-Elysées, coming back from it or even riding the subway for the sake of it (there's a beautiful view of the Tower when the subway crosses the Seine between Bir-Hakeim and Passy). I'd say 75% of them are white and ~30% are fat. When the whole family is fat, I don't even have to take off my headphones to know they're american.
>posts about director talking about making movies
>somehow it’s pol
You’re Reddit tier retarded
>le donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald xD
pathetic leftist
fuck off to your containment board brainlet
lol dumb bitch
>well you can trust the army officers training them will dunk their heads into the toilet kek
in the Foreign Legion maybe, not in the regular army. I met several soldiers and it's not like that here.
hahaha nice! how do i upvote here?
cry more chapofaggot nigger apologist
sadly it is possible that entire Western Europe will look like this
No, like the other user said, it'll escalate and we'll have some huge battle between the hard-left media and a big nationalist party, until people begin to tire of the Hitler comparisons and start to realise the latter makes more sense.
Then we'll have some social-based civil war between the champagne socialists and the rest of the country.
In fact the whole of the country here in the UK is so fucking bottled up because of the insane freedom of speech laws that what actually might happen is city wide riots similar to the yellow vests but probably a lot more pent up.
There are some places in England which have unironically integrated well (basically middle class immigrants 3 generations back).
We can't go back though, if England had freedom of speech like America does, you'd hear a lot of fucked up shit that people have repressed for years and it's beginning to leak out with this LGBT focus where it's become so cartoonish that people don't care about looking bad anymore.
>containment board that's ~60% of all Yea Forums traffic
it's sad but funny at the same time because they brought this upon themselves, masochistic cunts
>what you saw and experienced with your own eyes and nose is wrong because I say so
nice try faggot
>be born 100 years ago
>dad died during the Great War
>mom is a widow scorned by society
>used goods so she can't remarry and can't get a job
>no money so you and your brothers have to work instead of going to school
>get polio
>become a cripple
>starve during the Great Depression
Gee those sure were the days
why? it is just a hobby
Thats called acute paranoia. Seek help
average life expectancy past infancy was 5 years less than it is now?
the great war is where it all went wrong. it was the biggest mistake in human history. we still suffer its consequences
lmao who gives a shit about Paris or france
Beyond based.
No it wasn't. Average life expectancy in the US 100 years ago was 56 years old compared to 78 years old nowadays.
That's 22 years less /pol/tard.
You just gotta love the French when they chimp out. Good old Gaul genes.
that's because it's a mean life expectancy *including* infancy deaths, you stupid fucking redditard
exactly, that's why I said more than it should. but it's still disgusting to look at them niggerifying white culture.
>thinking you guys will chance anything when complaining about it on Yea Forums
If you actually want to chance anything you take it to streets.
>be born in 1990
>3rd wave feminism convinced my mother to file for divorce and split the family
>dad commits suicide when he sees mom has turned his only son against him thanks to having sole custody
>become emotionally disturbed without a father figure in my life
>college degrees are worthless now since they're just speed dating facilities for sluts
>bounce from min wage job to min wage job because job security is a thing of the past
>live at home in my 30s because a one bed one bath cost over a million dollars
>streets are covered in human shit from homeless epidemics and need to be bleached by the city to avoid hepatitis outbreaks
>contract a super STD from a bisexual coworker who insists her "past doesn't matter"
>for the first time in human history everyone is obese
>for the first time in history it's illegal to ask a father for his underage daughter's hand in marriage
>for the first time in history comments that were once mundane are now categorized as "hate speech"
>for the first time in history cops are punished for enforcing the law
Yeah. I can deal with a little hunger and I'd risk polio if it got me out of clown world.
Stop with the "muh Jews" meme. Jews are globalists. But they aren't the ones running it. People at the top don't have allegiances. They don't give a shit about nations. All they want is profits.
That's what "life expectancy" means fucktard. We were discussing a kid dying of polio but I'm not surprised you ADD zoomer faggots cannot follow a proper line of debate.
RIP fitgirl
In my post I explicitly mentioned post-infancy. Median is far more useful because infancy deaths skew the statistics. Stop backtracking like a dumbass leftard and just admit statistics aren't your strong point
he didn't say "life expectancy", he said "life expectancy past infancy"
What the fuck does any of this have to do with Yea Forums?
good speed user!
How about those feedlots bro :^)
We were discussing a kid dying from polio and hunger, which was actually very common. Families had 10 children and maybe half would make it into old age.
Excluding child deaths doesn't seem convenient if you are in fact the child dying.
Guy in the red takes advantage of the chaos to lean in closer for a good sniff.
yeah, in the west people know about the problems with factory farming and there is widespread concern about them. there is no such concern in china because chinese don't see animals as anything but things to be used and eaten. keep trying to make a false equivalence if it makes you feel better though
>but it's still disgusting to look at them niggerifying white culture
Well if they like to do it i don't personally care.
Honestly it's hard to sympathize with whites. I don't think we have witnessed such a phenomenon before in human history when a considerable section of people of a racial group consciously advocate for policies and laws that will ultimately lead to the total decimation of their culture and community even when presented with overwhelming statistical evidence.
Deluded cucks ITT will cry about the Jews instead of pointing their fingers at people who approved of their practices in the first place
Well that could have been any incel
its a shit hole too.
China is tearing out their resources and doing jack shit for the natives. Its exactly what we should have done.
>literally did nothing threatening until some cunt invaded his home and started eating his food
yep, it's a good analogy alright
no other group has in history been subject to as much propaganda as white people
they have been programmed since childhood, from public education system to movies to news media have been dedicated to tell white people 24/7 how evil they are and how bad they should feel for holocaust and colonialism and slavery and make up for it by destroying their 10 thousand year legacy
Damn, have't watched Mainstream Meteor in a while.
decades of conditioning and propaganda will do that. that's why exposing the truth is so important
That's what we're already doing though. All the ports on the western coast of Africa belong to one frenchman, Vincent Bolloré. Most oil in Africa is exploited by french and british companies, diamond mines are dutch and belgian etc.
See this why I'm sceptical about the "It's the Joos" meme. Fact is it's the europeans who enabled them in the first place(and that's assuming jews have a role to play in this) . I mean what is more disturbing is the idea that a considerable section section of a already dwindling race takes pride in seeing the decimation of their culture as their power to rebel slowly fades away.
>This was 1 person out of 8000
1/8000 finding the opportunity to rape you personally in the few weeks or months you were volunteering =/= 1 bad egg out of 8000
How do we solve this problem?
If their countries become good they won't leave will they ?So why the fuck aren't they getting any better?They have plenty of natural resources that's for sure.Blacks really can't selfrule.