Fuck Brie Larson and fuck Disney

>Fuck Brie Larson and fuck Disney

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>that manchild background

why is this allowed?

Gotta prove that you're not a fake like those gurl gaymers

What the hell happened to stefan molyneux and sargon of akkad?

uh, grampa...

>Wanna hop on Discord dawg?

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>Tfw no qt3.14 mildly autistic womanchild star wars superfan gf that constantly rants about how shitty star wars is now

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>hey Yea Forums u mad? lol

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>sargon of akkad?
running for public office in britbongistan, and also getting charged with mean speech as if it were a crime

Yes. Woman.

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Two of my favs. Watch them all the time. Mark Dice and these guys are my favs.

where's the joke?

They are saving western civilization, what have you done?

Quartering guy is exactly how I imagined an incel would be

can't stand Quarterpounder but the way Jeremy intentionally goads SJW and actual Lucasfilm shills is honestly surreal

>smoll E-Thots and a fagot who claims to be 5' 8"

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Because they discuss capeshit and games. What do you want them to have behind them?

I'm trying to figure out whether these are promotional threads or bad attempts at insulting these guys

have sex

I find her rambling nonsensical videos fun. She also looks better with little to no makeup. Unfortunately her boyfriend is a gigachad.

How about a clean backdrop like the first guy... Or anything but a funcopop. Literally fucking posermerch.

The Adriatic sea. They should record on a yacht surrounded with super models.

I appreciate a good, focused critical breakdown of media, but the cottage industry that’s cropped up solely to make one video a week about pretend drama is goddamn cancerous. I can get behind Mauler’s ten hour autism-fests, except when he starts going on about youtube drama, because it’s rare and only talks about the movie itself. I don’t need a hundred videos about what Kathleen Kennedy has for breaskfast and what the toy sales mean for the SJW plague

Ehh. Shes more of a daughter-fu anyway even though I'm roughly the same age as her. Even if shes married to a gigachad it doesnt matter. She never lost her wholesomeness.

Discord tranny hours already?

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>people are putting wrongthink opinions on YouTube and they AREN'T BEING CENSORED REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Nobody cares, Barbara. Go dilate in the corner and ignore the mean ol' YouTube videos if they make you so mad.

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>you need to virtue signal that you have in the box childrens toys to review games


>Fuck Brie Larson
I'd prefer not to.


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I'd love it if Anna was my girlfriend, she's a real qt and we both love pre-Disney Star Wars.

Based EVS and Based Cyberfrog!

the amount of hate this guy gets from Yea Forums alone makes me want to support him but I hate comics in general

The guys in the pictures are the shittiest and most retarded shitheads out there, holy fuck

Virgin onions room
>video games everywhere
>showing off consumerism pride to make up for his lack in personality
>repping star wars merch while shitting on the series
>makes angry rants only incels like

The Chad mancave
>keeps his room tidy for sick dancing moves
>nothing in sight except for a poster of himself
>doesn't need shirts, wants to remind everyone he's fit
>covers hit songs, loved by everyone

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Buddy Daddy seems like a legit cool guy, and it's kinda cool to see how much better he's gotten at singing in his more recent videos.

These youtubers who make their one and only topic SJWs get kind of boring after a while. They're predictable in what they'll say every time and even at that, they're complaining about shit that you only see online and not so much in real life.