
QAnon edition (section 31 leaks)
old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


yes, /trek/ is back, baby!

is that the guy who plays kwark?

Here's to the ________ crew in Starfleet!

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p r o b l e m a t i c

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Not even HE will talk to you. Let that sink in.

>Let that sink in.

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Sorry I've been watching The Wire for the first time. I'm changing my name to Omarfaggot now.

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Hi BF. I love you more than the other one.

Your favorite episode is The Wire but your hadn't watched The Wire yet? That's like having your favorite character be Julian but not watching that gaylactic homosexual anime starring Julian Mintz.

>I'm changing my name to Omarfaggot now.
There isn't an ounce of creative "juices" in your (((body))) now is there, hmm, Jessie, hmm hmm?

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Fed my cat diced pheasant after reading this boondoggle of a post!

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>yes, /trek/ is back, baby!
We just hit page 9 and not even 20 posts in, dinglethorpe. Time to find a rest home or a gin joint because this hall is twelve shades of shit.

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hi b

He doesn't have anywhere else to go. Did you not see his posts about reddit kicking him out for being an annoying twat? /trek/ is his whole life. Let him be happy.

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That's not true. I have many friends

I'm sure there are places where you're almost welcome but that doesn't mean the people there consider you a friend, baby.

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The poster below you likes me.


samefagging doesn't count, geordi


Have we seen this? Have we talked about this?

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BF's in it, I think

It's me! Bashirfaggot!

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>I think

Jessie is canon. DEAL WITH IT!

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so i want to give the abrams movies a try, but i'm still on the fence. should i just watch star trek beyond or all three?

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You need to calm down.

post webm

it's never over.

watch them in order of airdate
but honestly just don't. you're better off watching some other mediocre movie

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Red Alert

That just makes room for one more GoT thread. Nobody needs that. /trek/ must survive.

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If you like the original Star Wars trilogy you'll have fun with the new movies. The first one is unironically the best of any of the Trek movies, and while the second is a step down it's still hella fun and they did a better job with the Khan character than Wrath. The third one is just flashing lights for two hours but the Fast & Furious pacing keeps things exciting. Just go in ready to have a good time!

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can dubs save /trek/?

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>the second is a step down it's still hella fun and they did a better job with the Khan character than Wrath
>did a better job with the Khan character than Wrath
What the fuck am I reading?

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Why can't you stick to your gulag? You're king/queen there.


hi vf

Okay so they're both stories about a Superman deciding he's pissed and how he goes about getting revenge.

Wrath of Khan:
>space hobo steals someone's car then gets lost in some fog and crashes, dies

Into Darkness:
>orchestrates a bombing which gets Starfleet command together, attacks Starfleet headquarters wiping out most of the top brass, baits them into a war with the Klingons, kills the Admiral he had it out for, is then frozen in cryosleep

Khan sucked in WoK. Between the two of them Into Darkness tells a better story about a badass who's supposed to outclass everyone else. Even kid Kirk was smart enough to jump out of the car he stole in the new movies.

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I'm a little bit grossed out by posters like Valley Forge and Bashirfaggot. It feel s like they use this thread to create drama and get attention.

What's with all these retards they got to talk about it? Where's the real trek fans that aren't complete morons

Are you in it?


Bash is in the documentary. She's even named in the credits.

>It feel s like they use this thread to create drama and get attention.

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Mostly they post meta stuff about themselves and what they call thread culture. Very little of it has to do with star trek.

it's like they are redditors, but it couldn't be...right?

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At least i know the GoT faggots will leave. Unfortunately you never will. I hate you especially.

I don't know, I just know that they have destroyed many threads for me. My will to post is weakening as we speak. I'll try to go on but I'm not making any promises.

have a sip of some kanar with damar and it'll get better

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I'm having cognac if that counts.

Who the fuck is this Bash faggot?

after every low there is a high again, they said. will /trek/ get the show it deserves after discovery ends?

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the picard show will probably suck

Some girl who whores herself to paypigs and betaorbiters, right here, on your beloved /trek/.


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Yep. They're the official derailers of /trek/.

It's called The Orville.

Most people here don't drink so I feel weird mentioning it.

I love the hateposting they get except when ppl tell Bash to kill herself. She is actually suicidal so it's mean.

What are /trek/s thoughts on this episode?

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meh, being sad is a choice determined by the strength of your ego. let go of yourself and the pain goes with it.

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What? No way

Well, yeah. You haven't seen this?


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b evadeposting

That just sounds mean spirited and cruel.


turns out, it does count.

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kino seeing all major actors without make-up and i actually like the message of how far we've come with racism in a span of a generation, but in retrospect when i look at the time that has passed since the episode and where we are nowan i don't know whats going to happen. surely never faring into space as a united folk of earth exploring what could be out there...

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I've never given nudes or asked for money from anyone here. I just shitpost and run the discord.

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ANd you are?

Looks like a freaking dude

Basically summed up my thoughts. Thanks for the response user

star trek

>being sad is a choice determined by the strength of your ego. let go of yourself and the pain goes with it.
based desire is the source of pain user

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Many here have asked you for pics nude. You lead them on

? this is not content

guess ho

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The Caretaker?


I can't stand it, I know you planned it
I'mma set it straight, this Watergate
I can't stand rockin' when I'm in here
'Cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fuckin' thorn in my side
Oh my god, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabotage

So, so, so, so listen up, 'cause you can't say nothin'
You'll shut me down with a push of your button
But, yo, I'm out and I'm gone
I'll tell you now, I keep it on and on

'Cause what you see, you might not get
And we can bet, so don't you get souped yet
Scheming on a thing, that's a mirage
I'm trying to tell you now, it's sabotage

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He...DID things in there.

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He should kill himself, you should too

was white rap a mistake?

Too many trannies and queers in /trek/

You should have killed them all, hm?

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Kill yourself trip nigger

Kill yourself hole

wait a second why is he in starfleet shouldn't he be busy barganing with dormamu?

Come on, a lot of us were bullied in school. not cool dude

He's section 31

It's a different timeline

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>Dr. Bashir, I'm Section 31

Faggots should be executed

Nope. It's Kelvin.

You sound closeted and your posts are forced and immature.

If by that, you mean Pride parade degenerates, then you have my support.

If you mean all homosexuals regardless of behavior then I can't abide by that sorry.

What's all this gay shit, I thought trek was a pedo thing?

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Which autist made this monstrosity?

Everyone loves a nice ass. That's not gay, that's just life.

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Watched The Wounded a few days back (TNG 4X12) and it was one of the best one parter episodes I have ever seen in terms of acting and writing.

What other Trek episodes hit the same level or come close to this?

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gross & molestationpilled

Kill yourself faggot scum

some user i think, not sure

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Kill yourself tranny

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Dude, not cool, telling peeps to waste they ass.

why do all the nu-treks have a bleeding hard on for section 31?
and they even completely and utterly miss the point of what it was in DS9

and who desires? (You)

>having imaginary conversations with yourself and projecting your insanity onto people you don't like
wew lad

>a bleeding hard on
fug dude

It's what /trek/ has become. I'm watching generation kill, sippin conac, chillin in my fav general. pretty dope famalam

hi, i just wanna say i love u guys

to support anons insanity, he does have a point by them being included in the sexually transmitted disease this season (?)

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You know how diabetes is when your body doesnt produce enough insulin? I have the depression version of that where my brain isnt producing enough serotonin on it's own.

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STD retconned Section 31 into being Starfleet's only intelligence-gathering force that literally everyone from humans to Klingons knows about.

Kill yourself hole

Sounds awful.

Thanks for opening up and spreading awareness, B.

...and so that, Wes, is why it counts.

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I just want to be able to off topic shitpost about anime in a Star Trek thread without hearing about how much others hate gays and black people.

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Kill yourself hole

shut the fuck up, you toxic piece of shit

I genuinely hope you take your own life.

Now six episodes into DS9. I'm really enjoying this. Odo and Quark's interactions are all gold. O'Brien's actor is underrated as fuck. Dax a shit.

ds9 is the best star trek. it's all down hill from there tho

go back or kill yourself tranny

dax is slightly passable, kira is pure kino (and all other bajoran babes)

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name of the woman i white shirt NOOOOOOOOW

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Her name is "watch The First Duty and Lower Decks".

I don't take orders from you.

thanks bra, now i can fap

an eye for an eye makes the whole /trek/ blind.

so true, based square up user

i enjoy these threads....

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How did Geordi get over this?

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>t. tranny

come on, at least it is content

Did he really do anything wrong?

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by the mentally ill

like you're so much better


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QAnon edition?

Those stretches are bullshit. They're going to hurt themselves.

peeps need be nice
not say kys or fag
fank u

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In case you're wondering why no one is posting, yeah it's because of you.

I appreciate you, user. There is too much hate here.

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ew pls go

fank bra

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lore is antagonist?

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It was still part of the program, Geordi has a humiliation fetish like all men of culture

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Want to hear a joke? /trek/

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WhAt have you contributed?

>CAPT’N! The reflux indicators are off the charts and the traction coils are all shot to hell and the transfusion receptors are acting up and the nacelle oscillators are all over the place and the metagenic bio-filters are all in pieces and the subspace inhibitor’s got sparks flying out of it and the transporter buffers are off line and the photon infuser is not responding and hull polarity is at 9% and the trilithium pods are unstable and the axionic transwarp carrier is down for the count and the magnesite-nitron grappler is about to blow and if we don’t get the electroplasmic buffers up and running, there’s no telling how long she’ll hold!

I just finished zero hour ask me anything

how come many many species of aliens, that all evolved separately on different planets, with different climates, and different conditions, can all endure the atmosphere on the Deep Space Nine station just fine. bonus points: no "muh common ancestor from a million years ago"

What is it?

There was a TNG episode where ancient aliens seeded all the main races which is why they are the same except bumps on their faces.

I thought it was ds9?

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link the ep

6 - 20 The Chase.
Interplanetary scavenger hunt.

is it voyager?

because you touch yourself

y'all like sex?

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H-how do you know?

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say which girl

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VF is the patrician fap

He's a guy ffs

ENT season 3 finale
damn if I watched that during its original run
id be pissed at that finale
i mean wtf space nazis

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All of star trek is about space Nazis , you tubby mong

Can anyone hook me up with the new Discord?
I haven't been on Yea Forums too much lately and rewatching DS9 and being hyped about the documentary has reinvigorated my desire for /trek/ discussion.

It's when Travis goes back to his space boomer family for a little bit, don't know the specific episode

They'll just ban me if I link it. Sorry bro.

That's not a link, chomo

watching s2e17 samaritan snare.... is riker retarded or does he just want geordie dead for some reason

It's just VF grovelling to BF as they both cry about how mean we are, you're not missing anything

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Like the last time, I know what to expect.
I'm not planning on being very active or participating in the usual discord drama, but I have no one to discuss /trek/ with irl and I'd appreciate getting in.

I know.

The answer is yes.

You could use a spoiler tag or restart your router, should you even get banned

Today's energy has been too menacing. Sorry, we're not interested in new people right now. If you can prove you can redeem a /trek/ thread we might consider letting you in.

>mullet with a tux

>Today's energy has been too menacing
What kind of faggot talk is this?

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Reminder that you can't spell Chewbaka without "baka", which is Japanese for "asshole".

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I'll let you know my energy is very positive today, I just checked and I've been in the last discord.

I disagree with the social autists. Reginald Barclay is not the fan insert. O'Brien is because he's a middle class white guy and so are most Trekkies.

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I would say The Hunted from the third season of TNG.

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Shit, my pic related was meant for you but forgot to quote.

Section 31 is the underbelly of the Federation and everything in the modern era is about grimdark aesthetics and "muh shades of grey" even though it's just usually badly done ambiguous characters.

Kill yourself tranny

reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

>fuck Valleyforge
>fuck Bashirfaggot
>fuck Nordic Wonder
>fuck Mentalcrash
>fuck MKUltra
>fuck Trekkie229
>fuck Jimmy
>fuck Chartfag
>fuck Akoochiemoya poster
>fuck Dukat did nothing wrong fag
>fuck nu bred fag
Essentially, fuck /trek/

Kill yourself discord tranny

this thread is a gay/tranny/hole circle jerk general

Leftist drivel. Oof.

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Kill yourself tranny

>tfw been on testosterone for almost a month
>voice is dropping, putting on muscle
>never been happier in my life
>enjoy Star Trek
>check /trek/
>some butthurt fag is samefagging about discord trannies (because they won't let him into their clubhouse)
Why are you even here if you're going to act like a faggot? Is Star Trek just pew pew pew lasers to you? Are you so desperate for attention you sperg out all day in generals on Yea Forums? I am dying over here laughing at you.

Oh my god, Picard, you can't just ask people of colour what race they are and where they're from!

Kill yourself faggot scum

>Borg looking more like Barge . . . .

Nearly every other post is someone telling someone else to kill themselves. Truly /trek/ is the Yea Forums of Yea Forums...

it's one guy


It's one person who's been freaking out for like two weeks now. Just ignore him and let /trek/ die.

trannies and faggots should be executed

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>fuck Dukat did nothing wrong fag

That's like 50 people at least.

Based anti nigger poster

I miss Riker

they should kill themselves

>You sound GAY

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I'm not in the discord and I'm not a tranny, but I'm sorry I upset you

Why was she so sad all the time?

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No, I am Dukat did nothing wrong

So am I N I G G E R!!!

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Kill yourself gay cunt

1. Deep Space Nine
2. Voyager
3. Enterprise
4. Star Trek
5. The Next Generation
6. Discovery
7. The Animated Adventures

He hated crinklesnouts, not cocoa humans

What was that eppy of VOY that had Billy Corgan of smashing pumpkins innit?

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fuck off poofter

I'm not gay and I'm not a cunt. Are you secretly trying to save /trek/ by bumping it, telling people to kill themselves?
If you are, I even prefer the excesses of namefagging over you.

Go back to the discord and discuss Communism 101 for another ten paragraphs N_I_G_G_E_R!!!

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Star Trek? More like Star DRECK... amirite?

Are you the pre-op transsexual on the left or the twink on the right?

>I even prefer the excesses of namefagging
Okay seriously kill yourself

First time I can see where you're coming from, aside of retardation, but you're still on a higher level.

I love BF and VF

Very right, in fact. The show borrowed heavily from 60s pulp sci-fi, Arthur C. Clarke, Phillip K. Dick, and other 20th century greats.

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Nobody cares.

I FUCKING HATE Voyager soo fucking much but Death Wish is one of the finest episodes of Trek EVER!!!FACT!!!

There is not one truly original idea in Star Trek. Fight me.

Kill yourself faggot scum

A blind AND black man.


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Would you live on one of these? It's the size of a small city.

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Die in a fire. Along with your entire bloodline.

Uncle Rob from the Learning Tree, 1969. Try again.

Maybe not the one right next to Earth, but it sure would be interesting to look out your window and see the stars and planets around you, all the interesting different things from all corners of the Federation and get to know all the ayys.

Trill, mobile phones, black main character for a sci-fi show, furries

Why are the trill, aside from stomach worms, pretty much culturally identical to humans?

>its a BF makes an appearance in your other board episode
I don't know how to feel about this

Remind her to stop drinking and go to bed.

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"The Hellgramite Method" Twilight Zone 1988
>mobile phones
Dick Tracy, 1931
>Black main character
The Comet, 1920
Literally all of Disney

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after we have all stopped smiling.

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God I really can't stand you and this tired forced meme.

You don't have to write all that out. A simple "spam is bad" will suffice.

no u

Tough shit.

Why use many words when few words good too?

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me like you post

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Earth's future is being ruled over by a combination of the Borg and the Founders.

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Ever notice how two of the biggest threats are collectives aka communists? At its core, Star Trek is about individualism.

Why haven't they renewed Orville?

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A worm in the stomach is by far not the same as Trill, with their symbiosis and mental connection

friendly reminder that borg nanoprobes can bring people back from the dead if it's less than 72 hours after death

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>what is tempo pace and atmosphere?

Why are you replying to a baiting tripshit?

My favorite repeating TNG trope is Worf in combat with other Klingons.

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>O'Brien only in B
what the fuck man

Voyager is fucking weird. They are on a constant course home, yet they again and again run into the same people from the start of the show. Wouldn't they be way too far away from basically everyone they know approximately every 2 months?

stop reponding to bait!!! FUCK!!!

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