Ultron is personally one of my favorite character in the MCU. The more I watch AOU...

Ultron is personally one of my favorite character in the MCU. The more I watch AOU, the more I appreciate him as a villain. He successfully killed an Avenger and destroyed Sokovia. James Spader absolutely nailed the character too. I've heard people complain that his personality was not maniacal enough but that is what makes him great. His mannerisms and consciousness is partly Tony Starks and being a fan of Stark made me enjoy Ultron that much more. I hope he still exists (maybe in the Quinjet that went to space) and he will come back with a vengeance.

Attached: age-of-ultron.jpg (1280x680, 149K)

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His plan was completely retarded.

Which Avenger?

The quipping ruined him. He was good at the start and when he was talking to Vision.

Ultron becoming self-aware is legitimately terrifying and one of the best scenes in the entire MCU.

>The quipping ruined him.
If anything, it made him standout more than a generic "kill all humans №232" robot (which is exacly how writers deal with Ultron in comics).
I still don't understand why people are so hard on AoU qiups, but defend Buffy, Firefly and GOTG which are way more cringey at times.

The bigger issue is him quipping while he's getting his assed whooped. It makes him feel like he isn't as serious as he makes himself out to be. If he's in control and he's shown to be in control, Then I would be fine with it.

He have daddy issues.

No way. James Spader is the king of quips, and every other avenger does quips anyway

James can't stop playing roles in movies with rocket powered rocks exploding.

It's the only problem I have with the movie. Admittedly, is off-putting.
But hey. Joss Whedon, what did you expect?

By far the best modern capeshit villain, on par with the Ocean Master.
Rest is shit.

But he quoted bible!!!!
Yes, he was bvs level villain. Some mental gymnasts portray him as a Stark, just with pure logic as a force behind his main goal to protect earth. I don't buy into that. Whole movie was there just to introduce vision and scarlet bitch

Why didn't he keep a backup?
>All my clones are being completely destroyed one by one, better keep em coming until there are none left.

>He successfully killed an Avenger

I don't give a fuck about quoting the bible, James Spader is better than any of the other cringe villains the MCU has. Spiderman/Xmen are the only ones with a decent roster of bad guys

He is literally me

I liked him but he was never physically threatening, none of the avengers that we cared about was ever harmed by either his main super body or his army of clowns, so how can I take him seriously? His plan was cool and he got close to winning, why not keep one of his bots 1000km away though? He was great but mismanaged for no good reason.

Didn't he manage to gather two fucking infinity stones?
How did he job?

Why didn't he just roast the planet with one of the stones?

if he looked like he did in the first SDCC teaser then he would be better
face mocap looked ridiculous

Ultron being a Frankenstein monster in denial of his own humanity like in the comics would've made it more interesting than if he was just a generic kill all humans robot, which really seems to be his motivations in the movie.

>I hope he still exists (maybe in the Quinjet that went to space) and he will come back with a vengeance.
That's what happens in the comics. He spreads his consciousness, amasses an army, and starts genocide on other planets.



He was an egomaniac. He believed he was god so badly he wanted to do something "biblical." Just using a magic ray would work in India, but not in his conceptualization of Godliness. He wanted to take a religious city into heaven, then use that old religion to destroy the world.

He had the means and opportunity, but he was felled by hubris. Common thing for Tony Stark. And since Ultron is some kind of Robot-Asshole-Stark, it fits perfectly with his character. Spectacle and boasting.

Would've been more comic accurate but not necessarily better on film. They did the right thing when they made him appear more human imo.

thanos should have been replaced with ultron, change my mind

why would a robot have facial features though, it looked terrible

You could say that Ultron is more than a robot, he's a mechanical being. Like OP said, there are parts of Stark in him.
Plus, it makes Spader's work more noticeable.

in the movie his "body" was just a hydra robot he took over though
besides, spader's voice should have been enough

Attached: 1548781672915.jpg (1200x900, 160K)

Didn't stark build his body, then ultron built an upgraded one? I don't think hydra had anything to do with it

never saw this one cause it looked like shit, he was never even mentioned in infinity war so it must have been a filler flick

Spider did a great job with what he had, but this Ultron just isn’t threatening.

It's inferior to Avengers and Infinity War but it introduced Scarlet Witch, Vision, the Sokovia Accords and an infinity stone, all of which play a role later on.

Spoder took the role too jokey I didn't like it

He was mentioned in Infinity War.

They're debating destroying the Mind Stone in Vision's head and Bruce Banner makes the case that the Mind Stone isn't all there is to Vision. That he is part-Tony, part-Ultron, party-Bruce and a few other things all layered on top of each other. He goes on to surmise that if they remove the Mind Stone, Vision might not die as an entity because of these layers of being that do not hinge on the Stone in his head.

He was just a robot Tony Stark.
The quipping made him come off as a goofy clown and not a serious threat.

>The quipping made him come off as a goofy clown and not a serious threat.
How's that different from Loki?

>The more I watch AOU
i feel sorry for you

Loki is a trickster god, quips and being a prick who doesn't take anything seriously is part of his character.

dont forget that tony mentioned that he wanted to build a shield using ultron technology to protect earth against thanos but was cucked by cap, which is why he was so furious after geting back to earth

But Cap was right. Tony's plan and the Registration Act were literally the same plan as Hydra's in Winter Soldier.

Both of them were right and wrong at the same time. The Registration Act had both its pros and cons.

Also he's like the Joker, in that him enjoying torturing people makes him more insane and threatening. It works with the expectations built. The way Ultron is introduced and built up just gets undermined by the quips.