Is this a valid criticism of comedian Nick Di Paolo's new special?

Is this a valid criticism of comedian Nick Di Paolo's new special?

Attached: wokest take on nick dipaolo.png (610x714, 305K)

Why are you posting twitter screenshots ?

It's a pretty tame special.

Because I'm a redditor who saw that tweet linked on reddit.

well does he say it or what boys?

Attached: nick.png (800x451, 428K)


Nothing like Comedians punching down on black people and activists, truly comedy needed to be revitalized by some boomer nobody shouting at BLM to respect the flag


>Comedian Nick Di Paolo apologizes for flipping off murdered black activist in comedy promo


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08 A Breath of Fresh Air (4K OFFICIAL) Nick Di Paolo - YouTube.png (667x87, 7K)

Watched his FREE special in its entirety.

Did not laugh once.

>comedy should only be punching up
sure user, we all believe you've never found humor in anything involving someone who's at a disadvantage. It must be tiring being so morally righteous.

Michael Richards isn't dead.

Can we flag it for racism?

the funny thing is, in reality, "pro-black" activists punch down on black people more than anyone else. by telling them in effect that they're completely powerless in the world and that everything is out to get them.

I find "politically incorrect" humor funny, I just don't find boomer-tier, conservative humor funny as it's mostly just old men being angry instead of being funny

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>he didn't say nigger so he isn't good or edgy
Haha its so funny watching people that "totally aren't offended" try and find ways to shit on this guy without making it clear they are seething that a white guy is openly mocking them without kissing any ass.

I know this is bait but
>being a BLM nazi
>crying because people are mocking/critiscizing your confused, racist, violent movement
Cry me a fucking river, snowflake.

Attached: Meanwhile in Charlotte.webm (178x320, 2.99M)

It is a pretty cringe image to be fair

>unironically using the phrase "punching down"

Holy shit I hope you were trolling, but these days I can't tell any more.
Yea Forums has a legitimate, unironic subsection of its userbase consisting on Tumblr-transplants trying to "change the culture" here.

Attached: Soyboy Face Chart.png (1023x723, 518K)

>punching down

Attached: 1549806432389.jpg (509x672, 44K)

>I find "politically incorrect" humor funny
No you don't, why you lying? If edgy humor is so lame, why are people so desperate to claim they do like it?
>n-nooo I like edgy humor! Just not edgy humor by freaking boomers! They are so cringe and definitely don't offend me!

Louis CK got away with it. No excuses. Nigger nigger for all.

this is a painfully ahistorical take. have you tried having sex?

>michael richards is rolling in his grave
michael richards is still alive though

never heard of this guy, is it funny

>If edgy humor is so lame, why are people so desperate to claim they do like it?

No one said edgy humor is lame. There's a million ways to be edgy without sounding like some tired old man or 12 year old kid.

That's not punching down. That's just possibly being a hypocrite. Punching down would be making jokes about how useless black people are without a 3rd party.

There's a clear difference between comedians who can use edgy humor well, and fucking American conservative grifters that are just painfully unfunny and whose main audience is dumb teens and boomers.

does no one else find it hilarious that a black lives matter activist was murdered

>If edgy humor is so lame, why are people so desperate to claim they do like it?

Because they are SJW's desperately trying to hide the fact that they are SJW's.
They are trying, and failing, to feign impartiality in order to prevent their arguments from being dismissed.

>I find "politically incorrect" humor funny

No you don't. You're outright lying.
Nobody who unironically uses the SJW Newspeak terms "punching up" and "punching down" tolerates ACTUAL politically incorrect humor.

>Nothing like Comedians punching down on black people and activists

Attacking BLM is "punching up" if anything. The founders of the movement are literally more wealthy and privileged than 99.9% of American society. The greatest "racial struggle" in Shaun King's life has been walking up his parents' mansion's driveway.

Attached: BLM Founder being a retard about the MAGA kids.jpg (599x780, 118K)

"everyone who disagrees with me is an SJW"

>t. sjw

t. boomer

That's the joke, my man. Both of those tweets are meant to be jokes.

all me btw

If you're unironically talking about "punching up" and "punching down" because a comedian mocking SJW-movements triggers you, then yes, you are an SJW.

Attached: SJW Whinging You are Here.jpg (960x961, 165K)

Not him, I don't think punching up or punching down or any of that shit ultimately matters but conservatives do seem to lack the inability to discern what appeals to just base pavlovian selfish impulse laughs and what is actually funny. A joke can be hilarious but even the funniest joke in the world won't be funny if you tell it a million times in a row, which is largely what a lot of "edgy" humor is now. There's no SJW or anti-SJW shit about it. It's literally just get new material. If you laugh at teh same nigger joke 50 times in a row you are an absolute retard.

*lack the ability

t. Nick Mullen

I don't know who that is but a quick google search reveals he's one of the clowns I was addressing. Not sure how I come off as him.

this, im so confused

The problem isn't that he's being edgy, the problem is quite clearly that this kind of standup is unfunny garbage and old-people yelling about how millenials need to quit whining and get a job. The humor is gone after the premise of each joke as they get too angry at what they're mocking.

>i haven't seen it but i know exactly what it will be like

Cool story, bro.

He usually is, but this special wasn't. I tapped out 20 min in because every time he bombed, he would blame the audience for being unfunny liberals despite them laughing at plenty of other jokes. Nick DiPaolo has unfortunately fallen into the same anti-SJW trap that just as many comedians have gotten snared into on the left side of things.

Just look him up on Opie and Anthony. He's funny, I promise

kek, good bait

Comedy has been about mocking idiots and crazies since ancient times(both of which lefty activist qualify).

This idea that you cant make fun of people's flaws because it would trigger them is recent.

i think u should literally never have sex