Errrm no sweetie being clever with social media marketing is illegal guess you have to take Merkel’s migrants

>Errrm no sweetie being clever with social media marketing is illegal guess you have to take Merkel’s migrants

I don’t like this film.

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Other urls found in this thread:'Hondt_method

Next time be born a citizen of a first world country :)

who won is rapidly becoming irrelevant

Taking anything seriously from British media is increasingly a risky move

All of it is vastly influenced by or controlled by londonite metropolitan elites



Same shit different generation of bong. British politics when not run by an aristocracy was a total mistake. Middle class and lower just aren’t cut out for politics. It always devolves into Francois Holland midnight moped love affair type shit

The best thing to do would be to nuke the entire island. Angl*s are subhuman scum.

>drive a bus around talking about millions being spent on the health service instead of the EU
>turns out it's a gigantic lie
>oh well our bad.

Tits oot for maggie


>staying in the EU means we can reform it from the inside
>not even an ounce of credibility in this entire statement
>oh well our bad.

Because the UK adopted the US media playbook back in the 00s

Now all UK tv is lawsuit adverts, fake reality shows and game shows where rich people win more money.

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miss the days where gameshows had prizes like washing machines and coffee tables

THIS movie seems pretty mean spirited

notice how after the October extension the media suddenly halted its 24 hour cycle on the topic?

drive it into the ground, bury it, then wait a while
then you're safe to come back later, dig it up and do whatever the fuck you want with it
old as the hills

yep, I think they have waited and observed that people are tired of hearing it by end of april. I know I was. when october was announced i wanted to cry. they know this and have given me what i want with a break from the horror.

Why would Deanos vote Remain?

all politics not run by an aristocracy is a mistake. up until 150 years ago the most important job 95% of all humans had was directing pigs around a field

Deano would never except maybe if it made it harder to get to Ibiza for 10 nights.

>t. Fritz

There is no end

You will keep voting till you get it right
>local elections a shit show
>eu elections up next - imminent shit show
>general election absolutely happening before October now
>media going act like its some out of the blue breaking news when its announced in june

of course it's no end, but the media is pretending it never happened. I think this is to make the lack of brexit talk seem pleasant and light. Then when October rolls around we won't have teh stomach to face it. Then comes teh 2nd Ref and we all fucking stay. Faggotry.

The bus said a lot of funds are sent to the EU which can be spent on the NHS. That’s different to promising X amount of funding for the NHS. Learn to read English you European twat.

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I don't disagree with this to be honest

There is no end because it's impossible. You can't legislate away reality.
In the end the choices will boil down to crashing out or revoking. Any other options are a lie

>claim 100,000's of jobs will be lost if we vote leave
>not an even bigger lie

Still waiting for pierre and hanz to take my job, remoaners.

>thinking one of the biggest and most sophisticated economies on earth is dependent on a union that thinks a single currency was a good idea.

Well when you put it that way it sounds like the UK has the advantage in negotiations, despite the fact that we clearly don't.

Because we have negotiators that don't want to leave you brainlet.

Why would you fight for something you don't believe in and don't want to happen?

we do have the advantage in that regard. not in the regard that we have a team behind us that are crayon munchers. or outright sabeteurs


The strengths of the UK are its ability to link the globe together with services and a network of ex-colonies

Its weakness has always been having the most inept leadership that destroys cutting edge infrastructure in favor of vanity projects.

For the last 20 years money has been taken OUT of the UKs infrastructure. No airports, no docks, no roads, no rail links, still using 2G mobile. How can anything grow?

since when did this trend to begin to produce literal propaganda for things that are currently ongoing?

>who won is rapidly becoming irrelevant
It always was. That is the entire point of this film and it nails it. It describes a change of paradigm that we are still working through. The focus group scene is great. It's been happening in real life for about 2 years. There is no clip on youtube but just watch Question Time for 20 minutes as it just repeats itself as the NPC's battle it out over talking points.

I assumed this was because the Anglos dropped that topic as well from their parliament debates? The only things I've heard after that were how May got her shit pushed in AGAIN in some local elections. Followed by the UK saying they take part in the EU elections. Let's be real, anglos won't debate anything about Brexit until like 1 week before the new deadline. At which point they will lose their shit again.

Your post reeks of German seething

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The amount of butthurt Just because multinationals have to hire more people is amazing.

this, over 90% off london money is in offshore banks. Most of the central city is vacant and purchased by Russian oligarchs as speculation property. We need someone who is ready to stamp out the gangsterism.

>Leftists lose the vote on Brexit

>Leftists lose the 2016 United States Presidential Election

>Leftists lose a local election

What is it with Leftists and being completely unable to accept defeat? Is it anger over the fact that THEIR the ones using underhanded tactics like importing foreign voters, voter fraud, censoring online discourse and saturating the media with propaganda and yet they STILL keep using? If so I guess I can understand the rage then. If I invested millions in cheating and it DIDN'T pay off I'd be mad too.

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that is right, but it is beliberate. They want to cool it down as people were stressed by April. Now they have all the peace in the world and that is so that when it heats up again we will instantly puke and get PTSD and the BBC know this. They with push it mega hard in September and October and we will be instantly sick of it. Then soemone will call for a second referrendum and we will remain.

The Left is nothing without the struggle. To lose a battle and not creep forward is an affront their central ideology. It would be like proving Christ was just a man to a Catholic.

Leftists think they are right and we are wrong. Being hypocritical or having any sense of self reflection doesn’t matter to them. They are the ultimate NPC.

this. the centre and right tend to think there are differences of opinion. The left was founded with the march of history in mind so to fuck with that is to bend reality out of shape.

Point proven.

An island Of fucking morons. Completely unable to grasp reality because of the propaganda spoon fed to them by their own middle class government trying to trick them into keeping their job.

This all DLG type of bulkshit politics and it completely ruined Britain.

funs over folks pack it up and go back to /pol/


>UK is shit
>blame America
This is why your countries are failing, keep pretending it's our fault

>We get 350 million pounds if we leave the EU!
>But first we have to pay 50 billion pounds

imagine being this cucked

imagine believing this is the case.


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You unironically re-elected Merkel lmfao

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>londonite metropolitan elites
It's okay you can say Jews here

right, so it's just propaganda then

Mogg and Rory Stewart aren't so great.

Unironically this How do you expect Deano and Stacey to be able to fill out a 30 seconds visa form whilst pissed up on a Ryanair flight

Have you seen the whole Captain Marvel and Brie Larson hate threads on Yea Forums recently? As in the movie would flop?
The Right doesn't accept defeat either, they've moved the goalposts like 4 times now.
Also, i will be called "shill" even though i haven't even seen the goddamn movie or care enough to.

Even if Anglos were still Hilarious old Racist Uncle Nigel like we all really would fucking like them to be again, the island is overrun, no longer anglo, one of the most cucked police state countries in existence ALREADY & being taken over by sharia.
Take off, nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.

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>post yfw global Jihad is being waged using the crown & power of the former British empire

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An overall terrible film, I agree.

Sooooo, what would happen to the pound and the U.K. house prices if they actually did leave?

>muh shekels
We're going to go extinct if we don't stop giving a fuck about those above everything else, for a lot of different reasons.

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Casual reminder that voting to leave was literally the brainlet choice

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>Education is a sign of intelligence

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The American will scream things about you that are true of him.
You have both a higher population of non-whites and are overall more non-white by percentage.
You have more in your country than the UK or Sweden.
American, unironically, and you guys had outdated farm equipment rule you for 8 years. You can't talk.

Yanks, we all like you guys. Only buthurt leftists fags dislike you lot because "muh wars, muh guns", but when you lack any and all ability to bants properly it reflects poorly on you.
Try not to say stuff about other countries that can be said about you, or you just look clueless and dumb.

t. Has been to America several times and think you're all lovely people.

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casual reminder that the january 2019 founded 'Brexit Party' is polled to get the most percentages in the upcoming eu election, form all parties in the UK. Interesting to note thous that the BPs 26% gets the 16 seats, while the labour's 23% gets them 20 seats?
As a foreigner, how does this work bongs?

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I thought it was pretty decent and fair.

>live in denmark
>open bbc brit
>see this guy
>he makes funny joke
>close tv
>open tv next day
>see him again in different show
>now telling lies with a heeb
>laugh again
>close tv

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I presume they also talk about the very questionable propaganda from the left aswell?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (753x422, 160K)'Hondt_method

>As a foreigner, how does this work bongs?
Votes broken up by region to region.
Think of it like your states get 1 person to speak for them each.

>negative reception for a capeshit film is the work of "the right" and is comparable to literal voter fraud and corruption
Holy fuck dude

Well they do address that calling everything racist makes it meaningless

It doesn't work very well. If they're using First Past the Post then it means that whoever gets the amount of votes required to 'win' a constituency gets that seat. This means that Brexit Party can get 26% of the votes across the nation but, if those votes are spread out too thinly in constituencies, they don't actually win any of the seats. Labour has the benefit of being an old and established party with a lot of reach, so they have devoted voters in a lot of areas. The fact BP has gotten a lot of votes in the first place is very telling. It's not proportional representation, and that's shite.

>80% of remainers held a womens studies degree
really makes me think

World War 2?

the absolute state of liberals

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the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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>The fact BP has gotten a lot of votes in the first place is very telling.
Brit here. We're sick to fucking death of leftists, and we want out of the EU asap.

Why are all anglo countries retarded

stop your blabbering nonsense klaus, or we'll do it again

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I noticed here in Germany, during the last year or more in our media the picture was always painted that Brexit has no arguments for itself and only won because of manipulation, possibly by russians, but now lie all of the population of Britain 'woke up' and is against the Brexit as of now......
Then the Brexit Party shows up recently and suddenly there's radio silence in german media on the topic of Brexit. That they poll so high is going against every narrative that they used in the last couple years.

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The (((media))) is lying to you

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Fuck Brexit, England should just leave the UK

>90s UK
>booming music industry
>making batman kino
>little known studio called rockstar formed

now all of these are American owned shite. i dont blame the American people, you all right fatties. i blame the hook nosed vermin in Westminster for selling off all our talent to the lowest bidder

most labour strongholds voted for brexit you absolute retards. Socialists are anti-EU

Washington D.C isn't a state

what I don't get is how they even have the gall to put out so called "polls" when only absolute retards would trust the "experts" after being demonstrated to be absolutely full of shit time and time again

if it were up to me I'd criminalize pre-election polling and have all pollsters shot (along with their journo subhuman enablers)

you seem like an emotionally healthy individual

why thank you kind sir

I'm sure you can still get a nice bedroom set... if the Price is Right!

I didnt mean to vote leave, i didnt think we were actually gonna

Lying is legal as long as it is not under oath

>if you vote to leave there will be an immediate emergency punishhment budget
*votes to leave*
>nothing happens

>Britain, I've come to bargain

Polls are used to control the public thought on which parties are doing well. It backfires on them so often though. Like in the brexit referendum said Remain would narrowly win, the weather was bad in london so a lot of remain voters just didn't bother and leave won big. (Would've won even harder without the 48 hour extension though)

The EU election breaks the country down into regions, and is first past the post. The system is rigged, in 2015 UKIP got like 17% of the vote, 3rd biggest party by votes easily and got ONE seat (out of 650 total)

'ate FPTP
luv' FPBP

Exactly, it's a flagrant manipulation of democracy by exploiting the base human instinct to side with the winner and should be prohibited because it invalidates the democratic process.

Even though it backfires every now and again, it still works more often than not.

I thought the EU election was proportional not FPTP beacuse it had to be equal across the EU and everyone but Britain does proportional so the UK has to do proportional as well

I think it's proportional in a region, but not across the country. So in the regions inside the country it's proportional, but if Brexit Party does incredibly well in the North, it won't win them seats from the south of england.

>The EU election breaks the country down into regions, and is first past the post.
>2015 UKIP got like 17% of the vote, 3rd biggest party by votes easily and got ONE seat
No it isn't you are muddling up the general election and European elections

Brexit is an absolute shitshow because it was kicked off by idiots who wanted to remain. If you want Brexit to happen, you don't hold a referendum first and then start negotiating. First, you start disobeying EU rules. And since you are a major contributor, this shit will fly for a while. Heck, you might even achieve what you wanted in the first place. You want to pay less? Pay less and excuse yourself with some legal or technical bullshit. You want to decrease the number eastern euros flowing to UK? Just introduce some bullshit regulation like requiring a health check from an UK doctor and make those checks darn expensive for foreigners.

Now, if somebody accuses you of breaking the rules, take a lesson from the Russian playbook and go full whataboutism. Preferably against the French and Germans since most eastern members hate them. And eventually, if everything else fails, use the procedures to drive the legislative process in the EU to a screeching halt. And be sure to spin it as the EU's fault in the media.

THEN you start negotiating because then you have leverage.

that would require a government filled with patriots instead of puppets of globohomo

>First, you start disobeying EU rules
who? the govenment? they all want to remain
you are right that the pro brexit people should have had plans as well as david cameron's government
it's such a shitshow because nothing about it was made clear and everybody wants something different

>Just introduce some bullshit regulation
This is what I don't get.
The UK is a major player in the EU, they could speak up about any of these issues and actually be heard. If migrants were really the main problem, then you could work toward reducing them on a continent wide level from within the EU, instead of on your own island.

the problem is everyone pro-brexit was on the fringe of major parties or political outsiders, they'd never be in government and the pro-remain government/core of the major parties weren't going to bend over and give up power because they were wrong. They just shuffled a few pieces around and kept ruling.

>it's ok to influence people via political ads
>B-but not on the internet!

How do they work around this hypocrisy?

how will labour ever recover?

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I noticed the same thing. UK used to be UK not that long ago, now it's basically a second Burgerland. They are even getting as fat as mutts wtf

all according to keikaku then

Why are you still crying about it, brit bro? We are going to see what happens in 2-3 years anyways, but if you think about rationaly it won't be that good for Britain.

>all subjects are equal

>pro brexit people should have had plans
As somebody already said, the political system in the UK is really fucked up. So while the people have shown what they wanted in the referendum, in the parliament there wasn't really anyone to represent them.

Furthermore, what plan can you hatch when the milk is already spilt? Those who were against Brexit couldn't have just said "Well we do want Brexit but not just now" without looking like absolute twats. The referendum fucked it all up. Everybody knew UK was leaving so there wasn't any brilliant plan to save it all.

Cameron went around the EU trying to gain concessions. And got told to fuck off by Juncker so he kicked off the referendum because that's what he promised.

As for migrants,
A) they are not the UK's main problem. The UK's main problem is it no longer has industry or colonies. It only has banking but banks can't feed 66 million people, especially because if you tax them, they'll move.
B) Migrants are just a scapegoat and even if the UK was able to do something about the eastern euros, the pakis would keep flowing.
C) You can see how good the EU was at handling migration from 2015 onward
D) EU is ruled de facto by Germs and French with willing Quislings from other countries. They are decidedly not famous for being willing to cater to British needs and desires.


Scotland keeps going on about a bloody second independence referendum and me and the lads are wondering when we'll get a vote to kick the fuckers out and spend the money we give them on are nhs.

did the LEAVE campaign actually break the law yes or no?

When did life start on earth?

>spend the money we give them on are nhs
tards like probably said the same about Ireland 100 years ago, now they have a better country than you fucking bongs. You really think Scotland wouldn't make it without you? Hilarious
user you know it, you can feel that Britain will become so irrelevant in your lifetime that even polacks wouldn't want move there. The entire Brexit saga is pretty kino though for everyone watching from outside, so carry on faggots

I don't care if my country is "Relevant" I don't care if my country is a "Global economic leader"

I care about good public services, cheap and effective education and low crime rates.

If everyone thought like you, it'd be a better world, user.

Leftism is a mental illness.