Kinos with this aesthetic?

kinos with this aesthetic?

Attached: be0.png (640x783, 619K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's funny because they are fat, loud and stupid
When did bongs adapt burger humour ?

Project X or some other shitty zoomer meme movie

So you have an image you think is funny and instead of just keeping it to yourself you make a completely stupid and unfunny thread just so you can show off your hilarious picture oh wow good job douchebag

Green Street Hooligans

Attached: 158874486_1af39f.jpg (550x812, 184K)

Looks perfect thanks

there needs to be a helicopter

Eat shit Catalonia

Any Old Firm kino?

Mount & Blade: Gangs of Glasgow

Attached: celtic bhoys.jpg (640x480, 73K)

51st state

Football Factory

Up the Blues

Attached: the football factory.jpg (450x683, 49K)

>Thinks bongs are making these
Literally mentally handicapped

Been to /int/ and /brit/ generals and it was there
>inb4 must be pakis under britflags
It all started with these 'luv X 'ate Y shit

are they trying to sell me the idea that Elijah Wood is a football hooligan?

Attached: 15469535222174314.jpg (169x169, 9K)

When all the smart and handsome Brits got the fuck out 2 decades ago

>football related
Football Factory
The Firm (2009)
There's only one Jimmy Grimbal

>Non football related but still Norf FC aesthetic
This is England
Dead Man's Shoes
Harry Brown

Those pics are funny

kill yourself you faggot

Naw, in the film he's a total cuck that just tries to fit in with the hooligans to impress his fiance. He gets in over his head fast. Its an entertaining little flick

Uchiha Jones (720p HD) - S1 - Ep 5.

thanks lads

Attached: received_650508762044560.jpg (584x794, 59K)

Don't you have a new Captain Spider Iron Hulk Man thread to make?

Why are you all saying football when OP clearly means soccer?

>americans are portrayed as fat and stupid
>Brits are portrayed as fat and stupid

Nah they're midlund fc

UK tends to call association football "football", whereas Americans tend to call it "soccer" to avoid confusion with American football. It is what it is. Ironically, the Brits coined the term "soccer".

>Soccer Club
Thanks based amerimutt

Attached: 1458344073112.gif (360x203, 1.63M)

its a brit/pol/ meme and /int/

Attached: 247.jpg (463x658, 101K)

>americans pick ball up
>call it foot ball
>ball isn't a sphere

Attached: 0tsydt6jq8u21.png (1000x808, 404K)

what's ironic about that?

Dead Man's Shoes

Inventors of the word football cuck themselves out of its meaning for half the world

You retarded snaggle toothed alcoholic niggers need to show some respect. When the leader of the planet decides something is called soccer, you call it soccer. Get the kebab out of your country's collective ass and get a clue

Why would I care what a walking cheesepuff calls football? Keep calm, you fat cunt.

Good one! UK doesn't even have a government you knuckle dragger.

Attached: 1557263162898.webm (1120x630, 2.63M)

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>amerishart education

I can hear your pee brain at work over here, you mouth-breathing mong.

Look at these twinks playing an upgraded poverty game. We stop playing kick the can and start hitting the gym at age 12 here in America.

There are many varieties of football you brain dead nigger


You have a committee of muslims who decide what districts are sharia law and which children to rape this week while your traveling circus clowns that you call "police" dance around in high heels and confiscate the citizen's can openers.
And thats why you'll never be a 1st world country.

Attached: this is a professional american athlete.jpg (552x750, 75K)

>your brain on /pol/

Attached: 1540234445636.jpg (416x351, 39K)

Is your idea of a 1st world country having an endless supply of gangbangers across every city in the state shooting kids and slinging dope?

There's two: what America calls football, and malnourished fairies running back and forth (mistakenly called football by confused natives; actually called soccer)


America: the contrarian of countries

We just keep them sectioned to Chicago and Detroit. Last I checked the UK is the worlds largest Islamic drug pushing and child trafficking ring.

I understand that you are not permitted to travel outside the US but here's a clue for you Tyrone.
There's Football, American Football, Australian Football, Gaelic Football, all the various codes of Rugby are also known as Football and a whole host of other ball sports no doubt.
Get a clue, stop huffing the glue.

When the ruling party makes something so, it is the dissenters that arw the contrarians. We know you like your wibbly wobbly mibbly mobbly metric system and other Britcuck-isms so we allow it, but I'm still gonna set the record straight online. You get to do things like that when you have constitutional freedom of speech.

>We just keep them sectioned to Chicago and Detroit

A US passport allows us to travel anywhere that is owned by America (hint: the entire planet).

The only "glue" we "huff" is legal Gorilla Glue strain cannabis. I suppose your neighborhood runs out of hobby glue often, since your "spliffs" filled with goat farmer dirt weed don't get the job done.

>allowed to travel anywhere
your criminal record says otherwise

You're confused again. Because we haven't outlawed hedgetrimmers, we aren't a nation of felony criminals by default.

I almost feel bad for you, but you all did nothing to stop your current environment from getting to the point that its at, instead just sipping your tinnies and watching your telly while hoping things will work out in the end and you'll be able to keep your dole. Disgusting.

>pee brain