How will D&D explain this?

How will D&D explain this?

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have sex

Gott'em good user, godspeed!

I was thinking they used the woods to build all those harpoons

Seeeeeeethhhhinng faggot redditor got fangirl

>explain deforestation

have sex incel

That would hold well if only you saw the mountains too

Kings Landingers just kinda forgot about watering the grass

Winter caused a decrease in sea level

Top pic represents well adjusted people with healthy sex lives. Bottom pic is mine

>Trees were used for ballistas, mountains have shrunk because its clearly winter now and the cold makes things shrink or something.
>t. D&D

and stumps

Is this going to be your only argument to defend this bullshit?


uhhh low tide?

you can't come up with any real arguments to defend this

What do they eat?

King's Landing and Qarth trading places REALLY subverted your expectations.

cersei used her woman powers to change the landscape

Isn't it still Winter?

have kids

Wow, russian trolls sure in full force today. Be careful fellow redditors #bernie2020

have sex incel

Climate change.

Hold hands.

Thanks for proving me right.


have kids

I did
I fucked ur gf. She loved my cock while teasing yours

Only thing I can think of is that tbe water level must have lowered. Other than that it's a clear oversight

I thought the same

Have a sex, tranny.

don't be gay. It's clearly this part. I don't get why people are being so autistic about this.

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what a dumb thing to say

Apparently D&D straight up forgot about that as well

no fucking shit
i hate it when spergs can't understand how something can be fantasy and also not make sense internally or be poorly written or produced etc
why not just have jon pull an m4 out of his ass it's fantasy
hey why are we even watching TV it's not real

The Walking Dead show-runners teleports zombies.

D&D: " Hold our Starbucks"

So they couldn't burn the forrest, and cause a smoke screen to hide the dragon while it terrorizes KL

Then where's the sea?

Baelor Sept explosion moved the tectonic plates


That is not even an attempt.


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>we forgot about the trees

This is just one of those things lazy directors do, like have aircraft hover.


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What is that image supposed to tell us?

uhh i thought this happened at dragonstone


in the distance retard


The drought was the very worst

>'have sex' poster
You are both retards.

Oh shit, my bad

show us fag

Dungeons and Dragons?

The city goes around the mountain.

fucked ur gf too, faggot


>what is perspective

With no NK and ice magic the drought turned Westeros into Essos. And that's why
>there must always be a Night King

They're supposed to be right next to the city walls. They moved them miles away and changed their shape?

He was right there you idiot, he cut the cute black girls head off, what a stupid fucking question

I love how a thread is not complete, until at least 1 autist posts this.

Guess again, 3 times a charm, you double nigger.

They also moved it on the map.

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Do remember that Dany has been losing this war since it started due to her terrible advisors, getting sidetracked into a war that wasn't her concern and generally being a retard.

If only she died here. Things would have been so much better. I really really wanted her to die here.

The two directors are named David and Daniel or something, so D&D

Wow, that really subverted my expectations.

the old design got retconned get over it wiseass

huh? there were more than one gregor?

hahah virgin have sex

>building a gate where water once was

God, I hated this. I literally thought we were in a Dany dream sequence from Qarth or Meereen or something. It did not look like King's Landing at all. I even had to look through old screenshots to see where the fuck this was, then I realized they just created this area for convenience I guess?

Also WHY THE FUCK ISN'T IT WINTER? There should be snow on the ground, or at least no green leaves visible.

It's because global warming. We need to stop Trump.

>retconning a location of such significance to the series


I thought maybe it was somewhere in between Dragonstone and KL that Cersei and Euron had traveled to for their standoff with Dany.

But then I realized all of the other establishing shots where they're in the Red Keep and lost all hope. Maybe the Long Night makes the south hotter and removes all trees, idk

NK is dead, no more winter.

also removes mountains. They were all made of ice u know

but now they can work it into the show!
just imagine the thrill of a 10 minute conversation between Dany and her advisers where they all tell her that she shouldn't trust the gate because water was once there
after hearing everyone's well-reasoned arguments, Khaleesi declares that "no gate shall bar the passing of the rightful Queen" and orders the attack to occur in one hour

Is that actually how it works though? Because they never explained that.

>explaining anything

they mined all the mountains to fix the damage cerseis 9/11 did

just turn ur brain off dude
ugh no wonder ur a nazi incel, you should just stop thinking and start consuming, maybe then youll finally have sex

yeah the trees took off with the Ents like in LOTR

lol wtf
how did the Battle of the Blackwater happen if the city was that far away from the water? How silly. I guess they really wanted that area free for le ebin battle scenes.

Dumb and Dumber definitely won't explain shit. That's how they are. They probably have a big battle sequence planned outside of Kings Landing and realized that it would be difficult to plan around all the trees and multilevel geography. So their solution was just to retcon the geography so they wouldn't have to work very hard.

That's not possible.

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damn you global warming

what is D&D?

>While King's Landing kinda forgot it's place on the map

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I did
I fucked your gf

lol wtf
nice filename

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>ice melts in summer
>sea levels rise
>Water freezes in Winter
>Sea levels drop
Wow very big think

Dungeons and dragons

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> Have sex.

> Be satisfied by any random shit on TV.

> It's OK, because you have sex.

Literally Idiocracy.


goddamned incel scum maybe if you bought all the latest consumer goods and watched all the approved TV shows with the appropriate reverance, you wouldn't be a sexless freak

Oh so they just has gates holding back the water every time the tide was in?

The point of Voluntary Celibacy is to cut off women like you from the source and starve you out.

Just wait a few years, it'll get even worse, lel.

This entire season is one giant fuck up. I can't believe they took 2 years for this trash.

Wonder how I know you never had sex?

Yeah, but not with a woman like you, you're way too fat lel.

It's kind of like The Simpsons, where the landscape of Springfield constantly changes as is necessary to the plot, like when the power plant was right behind their house, and how sometimes they're right on the ocean, and they also have desert, and a grand canyon-like gorge, and snowy mountains.

We know for a fact there are at least 3

omg are you literally fat shaming you disgusting nazi incel loser? you wish you could get with a womyn like me

Because I sadly passed up all the opportunities you gave me, because you are too fat ?

I'm honestly in awe at how hard they're fucking this up, considering they presumably took an entire extra year off specifically to give everything an extra layer of polish.

It's better to fap to glorious 2d than to even approach a landwhale such as you HyperOmegaLEL

Everyone got killed by the night king and this is all a dream

Same green screen 3 story castle wall they used in episode 3 to save money.

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All in good fun dude. I know secretly you are this omega hot 2d-chest loli with an attitude and a libido of a mountain lion.

They didn't need any actual KL street scenes so they didn't shoot on location like in the previous seasons (Dubrovnik, I think?).
But the "explanation" can be anything. Chopping down trees for the ballistae; the fact that winter is here, so stuff doesn't grow so well, as it would in Southern countries; or that in that particular gate there is a staging area outside that would normally have a market or a camp before you come into the city proper, but because they are at war now, the people had to pack it up.
But this is just off the top of my head. I sincerely doubt D&D would be able to come up with any of the explanations that I just pulled out of my ass.

Le French Twist OK !!!

Or something

Top is edited Dubrovnik, bottom is not. I can only confirm that the top one is based on a real walled city.



Put me in the screenshot

fucking based

Dumping hundreds of gallons of wildfire into Blackwater Bay clearly had devastating effects on the environment.

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I did. So what is explanation?

Budget cuts

Can we go back to rare pepes being the retarded meme that floods threads.

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have sex, incel

The budget wasn't cut, it's just been spent on muh dragunz and episode 3

Literally groundbreaking subversion of expectations

The stark contrast between Endgame and the last season of game of thrones is pretty crazy.

Both are the culmination of the passed decade of nerdy tv/cinema.

Endgame spent the time and money to make sure everything wrapped up nicely, no little detail or character moment was left untouched.

GoT just spread "bad pussy" writing to every aspect of the series.

Based and chadpilled
Cope and have sex

Chopping trees does not make sense because the stumps should still be there.

Winter does not make sense because you still see stuff growing growing behind drogon.

camp might make sense but we have over heads from past scenes that show no such camp.

Also even if all of those were true, still would not explain the disappearance of the surrounding mountains.

8-4 is unintentional comedy gold
>The incredibly brief funeral scene then right into the comfy feast
>Half an episode of feasting and drinking and bantz
>Night King off handedly mentioned like twice, Arya killing him and his very existence is utterly irrelevant
>That sequence where they quickly try to get all the Wildling/Nights Watch characters out of the way in order to save precious screen time for queen eyebrows
>The incredibly sudden dragon death
>Euron with his giant fucking ballista with a seat like it's a goddamn gun turret out of Star Wars
>Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet
>The fucking dramatic sequence of Tyrion and Qyburn walking up to each other
>The hundreds of scorpions on top of the castle walls
>Cersei and Dany just both out in the open glowering at each other

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And? Consistency in fanatasy genre doesn't exist or something?

So there could be purple dildos growing from trees and we shouldn't care coz muh fantasy?

It's pretty fucking simple, if your opponent has dragons and you're surrounded by fucking trees. You get all those peasants to chop down the trees. Further they needed wood for ballistics.

Honestly I don't care just lemme see some Cersei tittaays.

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Absolutely weird now that you sum everything up. It's like they forgot almost everything from last seasons and even episodes.
Did they plan anything through at all?

you're right, i was howling at the funeral scene and i couldn't figure out why

you forgot Tyrion talking with an inside voice to people atop a 50 foot wall

you forgot Bronn entering and leaving the scene like a standup characracter

>wildfire explosions
>multiple incursions
>it’s not fucking spring anymore
>multiple monarchs who don’t really give a fuck about anyone but themselves
>what is symbolism

>political strife causes a city to physically shift across the map as if it were a fucking Starcraft baase
wtf Dabid get my crayons, I know how Cersei is going to escape now

Shit you're right I did
>They're not going to come out of King's Lanfing to talk because they're at war!
>No instead they're just going to quietly talk at each other in the open on top of a fucking wall

>Bronn has been built up and developed since the beginning of the series to go from absolute scum without loyalties to someone who actually values and is willing to put his life on the line for his friends
>Pretty sure there was talk of him marrying and getting a castle at some point

And I also forgot
>Everyone important casually washes up on the beach completely unharmed like a fucking island adventure story
>Except Mysandei who was fished out of the water and transported back to King's Landing
>Everyone talking about the destruction of the fleet bringing up that "they captured Misandei!" as if this random foreign advisor and translator to the invading queen is someone important in their lives
It's like D&D keep remembering that the setting is a shit heap and that people are "meant" to be assholes so they throw in inconsequential sad shit like Ed dying and Bronn being a meany grumpy so they can get back to political quips.

and his semi automatic crossbow with shotgun reloadingsounds

Yo Hiroyuki Nishimura Can you filter this shit already its reaching S0-y levels.

They don't explain anything anymore, we all know this

you know what's weird? using massive amounts of firewood to burn bodies, in winter... when you have a dragon.

I'd give money to know how much D&D planned ahead. It honestly seems like they had no idea where they were going.

retards. all it takes is an mcmmo excavation level of 50 and a couple efficiency V diamond spades.

>glowering at each other
This is literally at least a third of every episode now. Just people staring at each other with serious face.

The climate change, idiot.

Yup. This bitch hasn't said something even remotely entertaining for the last 3 or so seasons. Not even 'so stupid it's entertaining,' all she does is spout platitudes, scowl and moan. Absolutely the least entertaining part of the show.

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bronn entered the room like Kramer, that whole scene was so fucking shit

Fuck off with this incel shit. English, please?

even the cities are teleporting now

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they chopped all the wood to make they pyres

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>travel down to KL
>chop down the wood
>carry it north to Winterfell

this is the worst reddit meme to make its way here

Did they run out of money or something?

>at least 5.000 dead bodies from battle
>burn 500
also where the fuck did they get all that wood? They could have build an entire wooden wall around the castle with wood shown in that shot. Did they just wake up after the battle and start to decimate an entire forest? What a fucking joke this show is...

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don't worry kid, i remember the first time i got laid too. you don't have to come to some mongolian basket weaving image board to brag about it.

why is this so funny

That could have been a good idea, before the start of the fucking battle

Northerners would probably frown at breaking from tradition or some crap like that. It’s dumb but makes sense when you consider humans waste resources for the sake of emotion all the time

They also found the time to fill in the flame trench from the battle