Peter, what did I say about going through my underwear drawer?

>Peter, what did I say about going through my underwear drawer?

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New Spiderman film is a bit odd

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Dark Was the Night (2018)

>mom kisses her son in the cheek
>the kid freaks out
Do Americans really do this?

How often do you think this happens irl, bros?

happens to me every night ;)

Imagine if the genders were reversed

>fold them neatly and kiss each pair when I’m done?

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If you watched that and thought "its just a cheek kiss" you are legit emotionally handicapped
Sincere condolences from the Mediterranean master race where male friends cheek kiss each other and can tell the difference

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>Mediterranean master race
>male friends cheek kiss each other

t. closeted homo

>Stayvun, what did I tell you about going through Lauren's underwear drawer?

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>Answer us, Stayvun
>We are one
