
Attached: aespj1buqgw21.jpg (640x766, 76K)


this is the gayest art I've seen in a while

whoever painted this abomination should consider amputating themselves.

I like how the art even captures Kit's weird ass hairline

Ah, every girls fantasy family. Two kids (less then replacement numbers... as god intended for whiteoids), her "lol, so quirky pets," the chad she got her claws into, and her beta orbiter cuck.

>someone spend their time painting this abomination
I blame deviantart for unskilled people releasing creative work they should have burned or at least hidden

This, its time for the West to grow up. The perfect family structure in 2k19 must necessarily include a powerfull bull to keep the wife sexually satisfied and fertilized with kids, while the husband dutifully supports the family

I like this :)

Why didn't they give her purple contact lenses for the show?

>Two kids
The two kids are newborns. Give them another year for the next ones

Ha whats Peter Dinklage doing there? Is the kid Kelly's holding his?

Did whatever tumblerina draw this forget that Dany can't have children?

If you were expecting a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

They fucked with her eyes when they tried in the pilot

They did for the pilot. But you barely saw them, and in the end they weren't worth the effort

Why would the dragons still be babbies?

Emilia Clark refused to wear them.

the christian imagery is making me vomit


What a sweet picture of dire wolf pups. I'm ok with this.

also one of the child not being Jon’s because of the white hair (that’s how Ned Stark found out Joffrey is not Robert’s son)

based and nonretardpilled

But Jon is s still a Targaryen. He's gonna carry that blonde gene in there somewhere.

based and bvllpilled


Isn't this basically what the book series is not about?
>muh happy family
>muh no drama incoming whatsoever
>muh disney tier dragon/wolf puppies matching the children
what the hell is this?


that's what makes it funny

Degenerate breeders. Everything is about popping out babys.

Cursed image thread?

Seriously, not even tumblr would like this their kween doesn't even have a throne and is there just to pop out babies.

Why does most digital art look like this? Muted colors, shitty shading resulting in no depth. Inconsistent light sources. The picture looks flat and everything looks smudged together. There is hardly any contrast. The perspective is completely off as well. The characters look like cardboard cutouts. The artist probably spent more time running it through photoshop filters than actually creating more value.

>putting a literal WOLF next to a baby
What was Jon thinking?

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Digital art and referencing can make you seem a much better artist than you actually are. Everything non-referenced in the pic is just stiff, unrealistic and expressionless. So it looks like a dressup princess phone game.

>Ha whats Peter Dinklage doing there?

he's the pet of the dire wolves

Trips of truth.

have sex

kill yourself incel tranny

They are blood related.

Obviously its not the breeds fault, it's the owner

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Me on the left

They should make the girl dark hair and boy silver hair for extra cliche (also eyes)



At this point a happy ending for Jon and Dany would be subversive.

Is this a'sposed to be ironic?

That's not how recessive genes work.

but it is?

Rhaegar was blonde, therefore his genes must've been bb, Lyanna had dark hair so here genes would be BB or Bb.
Regardless of the combination, Jon has black hair so he inherited the B from Lyanna and the b from Rhaegar, so he has the recessive blonde gene.

Dany is blonde, therefore she is bb. Dany and Jon's children will have a have these combinations for hair colour
50% chance to be blonde, 50% chance to have black hair.

the seed is strong