What do these characters have in common?
What do these characters have in common?
They both wear masks and know how to banter.
They know about the 13%
They're not afraid to say what's necessary
Awkward dancing in the street
Both have a movie this year. Boom what's my prize?
They are both known homosexuals
They are both ridiculously popular with people who don't read comics.
They both live in a society.
Both of them want to fuck black girls.
They are white males.
If not handled well they can be problematic
They both wear something red.
They're poor
their arch-nemesis is a billionaire with mental health issues, a ridiculous costume, a double identity and expensive gadgets
they really like to say the N word
People identify with them.
neither of them are funny until they tell the real truth and then it's nothing but cold hard truth which is no laughing matter
Oh shit, I just realised that.
they're both like me: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
Both them have jungle fever.
Both of them live with a woman older than them but it's their relative, not someone they fuck.
There were many live action adaptation of them with different actors before them.
Both of them had one bad day. That's all it took.
They cute
for you
A wicked sense of humor
They're both straight men who are also gay icons, unironically.
>straight men
Spidey yes but calling the Joker straight is a bit of a travesty.
When you ask kids, teens about their favourite characters, they are very popular in their list.
They both live in a society