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Who is this SJW faggot and why should I care?

Half the time he makes a complaint I can offer a valid counterpoint but he hangs out with smoothbrains likes Red Team Review who can't keep up with his fast talking points.
Idiots here eat his shit right up.

>supported hillary
>avocate for feminism
>people still shill his videos here

Attached: oh boy, it's a big one this time.gif (186x186, 2.99M)

>implying you have to agree with someone political stances

This guy talked about Russian propaganda in his last video. Its obviously confirmed this guy isnt very smart.

im glad he brought up sansa hating dany for literally no reason. the amount of people defending sansa's annoying bullshit is enough to make my fucking head explode.

God he's so fucking cringe

fuck carmine

Why do white men sound like pure faggots when they talk?

>Nasally lispy voice

Lol every time.

If the show drives this autist to suicide it would be an incredible ending to Game Of Thrones


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>thinks i'm a chink
Lol cope.

um no sweaty
Sansa is a mastermind at the game now
being broken in made her strong

GTFO to /pol/ u low iq retard.

errr fuck off preston?

>supported hillary
>avocate for feminism
OH NONONONONON his views are discarded. thanks lad for narrowing it down

Thread Theme

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Sansa had sex unlike you so please stop commenting now.

Oh yeah, it's the same battle plan they had in S7 that got them fucked up, oh god, it just gets worse.

She successfully won the Vale to Jon’s cause and now she’s making him king, so she’s unironically a political powerhouse now even if the incompetent show runners botched her character arc somewhat

kys nigger

She considers Dany a threat to an independent North. Not that hard to understand. It's basically fucking spelled out

But there is literally no one living in the north except for sansa, bran and Brienne. The Northerners all died in earlier seasons with House Mormont being the last house to go extinct recently. The Wildings went beyond the wall and the people from the vale probably want to go home as well at some point.

/Pol/ much?

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wtf happened to this channel? shwisher king? wtf is goin on

FUCK YOU and your advertising and begging clickbait trash faggot