Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #482
Previous Thread:
Fuck off with these threads the movie has been over for months
i want to hold hands with alita
What would you rather we talk about? Endgame? GoT?
but 27 game of thrones are better fagot?
Have sex
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
Motorball race tactics? It seems entertaining the masses is as important as winning, since you don't necessarily die just from being wiped out. But being too good or too shit will get you killed.
Here's a wallpaper thread for Alita and assorted cyberpunk:
There are still artbook owners?
I'm doing a pack, and it would be nice if you share new pics
>>True, they made it just big enough to accommodate a human. Anything bigger would be a waste of resources, especially since they working against the clock.
would a horse fit?
hello :D
These posts I made are still waiting for a discussion. I agree that entertainment is important; I'd also be interested in the merits of destroying your opponents vs scoring as a method of victory.
>Hey Rosa!
frens from last thread let's hear your favourite moments
Maybe a small pony, but at that point they could just make a tiny terminator and stuff him inside a drugged human. It doesn't look like animals are that plentiful in the dystopian future.
/healed/ since #478
oh it's you! hey i remember that. glad you came around to say hi with us afterwards.
we just need something that can hold alita, kek
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
Alita threads are the most embarrassing threads on Yea Forums right now.
That includes any star wars, game of thrones, and any and all varieties of capeshit.
I want to ____be___ Alita!
shill thread #482
Stream release when?
Well, I've been here for quite a while now, since around like #250. And I just popped into Yea Forums and saw the gen, and simply wondered what all the hype was about. So mistakenly I watched the x1bet camrip :/ but the rest is history. Only managed to watch her twice in the cinema but I'm going to try and watch her one last time tomorrow.
These hours are the worst for /ALITA/ and you're part of the problem. That you get baited so easily is just pathetic. Anyway, here's my +1 contribution.
This must be like the 20th thread or so you've been here so you're the new flop-posted congratulations.
Pic related.
lets make 27 game of thrones threads instead...
I kinda want that too honestly user. Guess I'll have to settle for Sechs.
It's truly amazing how worth it is to watch on the big screen huh
We better hit some technological magic before I die because i'm doing it. It's in my long term goals list.
Being consecutive is key
How can you stand looking at this freak? I'd watch the movie but I'd be cringing/wincing the whole time. Eeugh.
Hey guys can I join your discord?
My HRT starts tomorrow and I need some support .
Back to plebbit.
miserable: the person, you make night threads pure misery
for sure. you just keep it up champ
Hi, moot
>Since the Motorball itself weights 40kg, holding it will naturally slow a player down compared to those chasing them.
Yes, players like Crimson Wind would be great to have on a team, because it would be good at bobbing and weaving around - but even that player would be slowed down by the Motoroball. I'd imagine that it would fill the role of a sort of front-runner who could advance the ball while being protected by teammates.
I suspect Jashugan has close to the optimal shape for keeping possession, by being faster than the tanks without the ball, and having weapons he can use while holding the ball.
>Theoretically a perfect game and score is therefore 55 points
Weebs forget that when it's in an anime, it's a stylistic choice to emphasise features of their characters, ie. a caricature of a real human.
It doesn't work when you bring it to live action, the look is a big failure and I'd guess one of the reason people stayed away in droves.
rare rosa
You make day threads a pure slog to scroll through. Don't you have a folder of Rosas to dump? Get on that already, and stop pretending you're better than any one-and-done trolls coming in every thread. Another +1 for (You).
You really look past the eyes, after the first few mins... the world your surrounded in really doesn't make her look out of place at all.
i really wish i had seen it in theaters.
Who shat in your cornflakes this morning user?
reminder: alita is just "waifu" capeshit
Hey man, we didn't make the decision, Cameron did. I'd hardly call him a weeb, he's an autistic fish boy though.
Funnily enough friend the eyes work incredibly well with the rest of the CGI character. The film isn't perfect, but Alita herself is not one of the problems.
That's just a newer, better form of capeshit. If Marvel started making movies with cute and likeable girls as the protags i'd give a shit. Cute sells.
Yeah I noticed that about Jashugan's design. He's a bipedal medium-heavy which means that he can leverage a lot of the flexibility given to him by said form.
That's pretty gangsta.
>Reylo threads got banned
>Alita threads are still up months later
After 2 minutes you stop noticing it. She looks normal to me now.
dumbos like that don’t understand the a full CG character meant to look 1:1 like a human end up looking scary. arnold in terminator salvation, grand moff tarkin in rogue one, deaged leia. alita was pulled off wonderfully, because someone said fuck the haters and make the eyes bigger.
misery user: you are an asshole and nothing but negativity.
how do you even know when i post? now Rosa pics are the problem?
i feel bad for the night anons that have to deal with your constant negativity and cynicism, NO ONE else complains as much as you
what do you even contribute besides policing these threads?
you outgrew this place.
get a job neet
Crimson Wind is extremely fast even when holding the ball. The only reason Alita even has a chance is because she stops to let her catch up, preferring a proper challenge.
Reylo is poisonous by nature while Alita love is pure and just.
I've seen all your screenshots and she looks absurd my dude.
The fandom for this seem to be the Yea Forums equivalent of the moe fags from Yea Forums.
Very creepy dudes who sexually salivate over cutesy animated young females. Let's not confuse what's happening here with an actual appreciation of the movie.
7/10 for creativity.
he is an old neet user that was around the first 100 threads and thinks hes the sheriff of these threads.
he hates art posts, hates gif posts, hates drawing posts, hates reaction images, hates actor posts, hates hugo posts,
he just wants to discuss the movie without any memes
>23 posters
>59 posts
He's learning.
This is an underrated point. The stylization really helps sell it.
Appreciation of an animated character that some weirdos find cute because it should trigger an uncanny valley response for normal people is appreciation of the movie too.
You'll never understand until you watch the movie user, the way WETA seamlessly added her into the world and her surrounding is amazing, she never looks out of place and everything thing she interacts with looks perfect. bar that once burrito eating scene, but eating is aparently one of the hardest and most expensive things to CG apparently
I dont even know why I wrote all that considering I'm talking to a brick wall, but hey hoe. :/
>Check number after this post.
Oh, so you contributed earlier?
No one is the sheriff of anything on Yea Forums, dumbass. Just like you're allowed to shit up the thread and call trolls "faggots" like that's helping, I'm allowed to point out how quality always seems to drop with people like you around. Amazing how this free-for-all thing works huh?
maybe misery user is right and these generals need to die. if we cant post art stuff or alita memes then whats the fun in these generals?
My earlier post
well here is the fun police again.
Start posting in the robots and cyborg girls thread on /d/.
>tfw extremely hard this morning
>tfw no Alita gf to tie up and relieve my tension on
immabouta endit
but user no one is stopping us. people can cry as much as they want about it. we can post all the art and memes that we want.
>whose rules do I live by?
>Your going to do what user!?
>not with that doughy pud
no, your attitude matters, your opinion matters.
at night there just might be 7 of us. last night it was you and me and a couple others.
we are obviously a small group,
i dont like to argue but you sound so bitter all the time
i tried to post OC with the rare rosa pics to avoid your shitty attitude at night and keep the calm but you are against pictures in general
do you hate any picture posts in general?
what do you want? we are allowed 150 pics. what dont you hate?
Get a room you two.
Well, I'll leave then.
Mommy said I can do anything I want! post anything I want! Why would piss on my fun like that?
Really activates my almond.
Fuck off redditors
really jacks my cyborg
Go be a nigger somewhere else retard.
Why the trolls hate Alita threads?
>someone complains about too few posters ITT
>just cements the idea that all shitposts are really just samefag
Who's more normie, these threads or the 40+ GoT and Endgame threads? really gets your brain going...
That was pretty funny to be fair.
Get back in your capeshit thread faggot.
I still think it's amazing that they have 5+ /got/ threads at any given time.
It’s almost as shit as the pedo threads
You guys think Cameron will have time out of his busy schedule to help shape the sequel? Same goes for Jon I guess too.
>3 months since Floplita came and went
>doesn't make so much as a splash at the box office
>zero cultural impact
>10 sex starved weeaboos make 500 threads about it on a Mongolian sandal weaving forum
fangays will be fangays
Don't you have something better to do with you life, and that goes for all (you) trolls.
>inb4 get one yourself
We're here discussing a movie that we all happened to enjoy greatly, you on the other hand....
This is total magical dreamland but the fact that Avatar was moved actually might give him time to hammer together the parts and involvement necessary for Alita 2 in the interim gap. Who knows though. I can't think of any other project that he's mentioned wanting to work on as of late.
Thanks for the bump friend. You should go watch the movie some time.
>I'm doing Avatar by day, Battle Angel by night, and Terminator in the weekends.
- James Cameron, 2018
>mfw the same overweight losers keep trying new ways to aggravate /alitachads/
don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, nerds.
you have been crying about on topic pictures for 3 days straight
when do you go to to bed misery user?
so i can avoid your neet endless hatred.
i can stay out of the night threads.
but seriously, when does a neet like you go to bed?
with the extra nine months I'd hope that JC could squeeze in some time for an Alita sequel but knowing him he'll spend every second finely measuring the gradient of Nyetri's ass to pure perfection.
kek I love you user. the fact that people think they can disrupt this general long-term is funny to me.
Just hoping we're not waiting another 10+ years for a sequel.
>>zero cultural impact
This is the best hook of your bait because it implies cultural impact is inherently desirable even if it means teaching an entire generation that the pinnacle of film is formulaic capeshit devoid of any soul. Well done.
Have faith user. Jimbo always delivers.
It had zero cultural impact because it was uninteresting you autist. Your waifu body pillow is calling for you.
ok but see the movie
Joke's on you, my unending hatred consumes all the calories and I'm underweight
it's run was cut short due to empty theatres.
Where the hell are they still playing this?
this old time alita user has been shitting on people and me posting pics for 4 days straight.
hes always shitting on people at night over pics.
>consumes all the calories
sounds about right
>8+ weeks in cinema
boy sure was cut short huh
I like your pic posting user.
>27 posters
its the same crusty group of anime fapping recluses too ugly for daylight
I aspire to be as alpha as this guy one day
Some places in Europe, where are you located friend?
>my unending hatred
more like unending fedora lmao
Boy particularly strong group of trolls tonight huh? We'll keep things comfy though. WE always do.
Really good analysis. I would imagine the strategy, broadly speaking, would be to accrue as many points as possible in the first session, then focus on picking off those ahead of you on the scoreboard early in the second. Makes me wonder if there are any limits on modifications during the 20-minute intermission; a racer could add or subtract armor and weaponry (or perhaps swap bodies entirely?) depending on how they wish to approach the second session.
im glad someone does. ive always liked to post pics, ive been posting pics on Yea Forums since 2011.
im just a visual person. is what i enjoy doing. i feel happy when someone reposts a rare drawing i found.
i might just avoid the night threads, those late night threads are dead anyways.
the day alita anons are more fun
Awww, does poor widdle baby need a hug? Fuck off with the namefagging, you're an insult to those who actually contribute OC and earned theirs.
For what it's worth user as an ausfag it's really nice to have the collected group here to keep the thread nice when things are quiet. Regardless, you do whatever you want.
Yeah I thought about that too. I think a lot of it goes in to whether the scores are cumulative across the season. Like, if you and a rival are competing for the top spot and the rest of the pack is pretty far behind, it may be worth taking a game where you assist others to score so long as you can absolutely stop your rival from scoring anything. Hell taxing their resources by destroying their body may well be a smart macro-strategy.
The only one bitching is that lone loon, who may as well be Jerome with how shitty their attitude is. Keep doing you - nice Alita pictures are always appreciated.
It's playing some place in the US still. Like in New Mexico. Use Google, or the AlitaTickets website - just beware of AMC listings after May 23rd, because those tend to actually be Aladdin
3D: Utrecht, Netherlands: May 8th
3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 9th, 10th and 12th
May 8th: Berlin area, Germany: Movietown BundesstraĂźe and Scala Kulturpalast
Neufahrn, Germany: May 10th, 12th and 13th
Kaufbeuren, Germany: May 10th and 11th
May 13th: Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: Imax in Oslo, Norway???
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys
June 1st in Oslo is all but confirmed at this point.
how do you suppose tiegel made it to second league? team work? sheer luck? or did his giant body let him hold on to the ball. he just seemed like a giant tard. no clue if the manga rules were the same as movie though.
No, Hes from the /agab/ days.
Right now i dont give a shit about him. Rhe day guys, you, are here. But at night there are times im the only person posting pics and keeping the thread from dying and he comes and shit all over the thing.
I spent two hours searching for rare rosa pics and he keeps fucking with me about it. Obviously you can just ignore him but it gets annoying to have him shit on the pics i found. These are pics i have never seen posted.
Same with a couple of new art pics i found that no one had. Hes just always miserable about any pic that gets posted.
I will miss vampilita. Vampilita was fun to play with.
Honestly I think he was just middling enough to not drop off while still being stuck as far low as he could be. At least he loves Alita like us.
I dont wanna be on if hes the only one thats here because its as annoying as the trolls.
You're not the only one here through the night friend. Don't underestimate how many of us there are.
Also playing in the UK tomorrow, for 60+ OAP's... :(
I know there are like 8 of us sometimes.
Sometimes everyone stops posting for an hour or so.
But like misery user said and i qoute" "its okay if night threads die, you dont have to bump them. It is okay if they archive before tge bump"
When do you go to bed misery user?
When do you turn off your computer?
I know you are online at night. But when do you go off misery user.
( you are now misery user forever. Thats your name now. Everyone will know )
Good Morning Alitans
I appreciate your efforts user.
Thread OST:
I've never seen that happen before?! and I doubt it ever will, until we wind down. until the sequel.
Are you a troll or are you even a fan of this movie? What's your fucking problem?
>UwU'ing intensifies
Oh, sorry I forgot about the fake beards screening.
>May 9th 1 pm: UK-wide in Vue chain theaters: 60+ seniors screening
Blu ray is taking way too long. I need more Alita in my life.
kek nice Zapan edit
Yes, it's perfectly fine for threads to slow down during slow hours because the entire board slows down as well and this general has never been even close to being archived for inactivity in all the time I've been here. That's the entire concept of comfyposting which exists in every other general that you shit on because your ADHD brain can't rest unless you the general bumped to page 1 every minute. Thanks for ruining my comfy hours, jackass.
The idea that you have to continuously post or else something terrible will happen is something only a tourist would have, and we're supposed to believe you've been browsing Yea Forums for 8 fucking years and not learned this? Please PLEASE stick to your mindless picture dumping if you're going to stay here because I much prefer that to reading your whining drivel.
I didn't make it - somebody posted it on Sunday. But yes, it's quite a favorite of mine.
Me to friend. Have faith though. We will get it soon and it will be all the sweeter for the wait.
That was a lot of words to say: Don't worry about the thread slowing down a bit. Even if it gets bumped off completely (which nearly happened once) - we'll just bake a new one.
I would take a few days away from Yea Forums bro. You're clearly having a bad time with something and getting angry about nothing on these threads won't be helping you.
"My comfy hours"
Are you 15 years old misery user? All of my posts are alita related retard.
Ive never posted anything off topic
Whats so comfy about a dead thread?
Is this like your special club house or something?
When are you off?
answer meso i can avoid you.
How many neet hours do you spend here?
You are worse than jerome. At least the trolls go away.
Why's she got big ass fucking eyes?
hiya comfy anons I hope you're well
>Fuck the haters.
Who knows what gets through that thick skull of his? He treats every thread as if it's an imperative it needs to be maxed out in 3 hours and we get a credits bonus if we also hit the image limit.
I'm here 16 hours a day, matching my sleeping schedule to match yours.
Imagine working with Rosa
>always smiling
>always positive
>touchy feely
>would never accuse anyone of sexual harassment
Now imagine working with Brie
>look over in her general direction
>get fired from the movie production
>not allowed to go within 100km of holywood by a restraining order
You guys can go back to the previous thread and see my rare rosa posts.
I dont think im being annoying, we are allowed 150 pics.
Mysery user is not comfy or nice.
Hes been arguing about me posting pics since like last friday. Every day he gets this mad over any pictures. He also attacked 3 other people that werent me because they posted drawings.
This thread is not healed.
>The only choices are Alita, Endgame or GoT
Watch the film user and you'll understand.
>I'm here 16 hours a day, matching my sleeping schedule to match yours
Rosa would be ashamed.
Robert would be ashamed
James Cameron would be ashamed...
So she can see you better.
Tell us your choices,user.
Because they wanted to adapt a cute anime girl with big kawaii eyes.
If there are now watch reports from lads who snuck into the screenings in disguise, I will riot.
1: Because it's to show that she's not completely human. And making her look too human would make her uncanny. We are very good at detecting humans by motion. And we're good at detecting something slightly "off" about looks. By making the eyes bigger (less human), and the movements very human, she avoids the uncanny valley.
2: Mars
3: Fuck the haters
We had a comfy Babylon 5 thread and Prince of Egypt thread during Easter weekend. Otherwise this board has felt like a typhoon of shit. I saw one GoT thread that was actually good.
You are the one coming off as a douche though
Based answers
Which is totally cool because anyone who's here to be liked or validated like that other guy who posts pictures that "many other people liked and reposted" is an idiot. Mommy told me I was a good boy!
If you're going to be a regular and provide OC or be a namefag, then fine, because in a way you ARE the community. Otherwise, out with the ego-stroking and "thanks for welcoming me in your club guys I feel the love" feel-good bullshit. You'd think someone who's allegedly been here since 2011 would understand.
I'm gonna get some sleep friends. Good luck with your day and take care all!
See ya tomorrow!
Sleep tight, fren.
Idk how many UK user's even frequent these thread's, but I'll let you guys know how I get on...
You sound like an absolutely miserable person. The fact that you've kept such an awful attitude after participating in these threads for months is sobering.
This is the only (You) you'll get out of me because you genuinely do a better job shitting these threads up than Jerome.
I regularly start discussion threads about other movies but they always die long before hitting 100 posts.
>hating on image poster
>supporting namefaggotry
Like i said. Hes hating and You can go back at the last thread before this one and see my rosa pictures that he hates me for.
Hes been shitting on me since friday.
I dont fight with anyone else. I dont troll. I dont shitpost.
Hes mad because i go online to look for new images that no one has seen before to post.
I dont know. He makes these threads hateful. Very hateful. This is not the cool alita community everyone talks about.
thanks to the user who posted this
That's fair, but understand that even if my goal was to stir up shit, it's a drop in the sea and no one will remember 3 hours from now. So cheer up, post some cute Rosalitas and whatnot.
Namefagging is pretty cancerous, with very few exceptions. It doesn't bother me here because the community is active enough late at night that it doesn't come off to me as pure attention whoring and more of a way to quickly identify regulars. Image dumping is just lazy on top of being unneeded.
I’m seriously considering going to the Cologne screening.
Where you from user?
Originally Scandifag, but I was in Berlin for a while. Never been to Cologne before.
Good morning /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens. No fighting. Unless it's Alita doing the fighting.
I had to.
Oof, bit of a journey. But should be worth it, especially if you can get some other anons down there.
Do people in Europe just go between countries for a day at a time? Or is it like a big deal to leave your country in Europe?
Your countries are fucking tiny
Can someone please shop a Manga Alita's face onto the pillow, prithee please with whipped cream and chocolate on top?
Hey guys. I thought tomorrow was last local alita showing at the cheap theatres but look at this
Alita would get pretty bored in a peaceful world where nobody fights and everyone holds hands.
>it's an alitanon gets tricked into buying tickets for aladdin thinking he was going to see /ourgirl/ in IMAX 3D episode again
Why do they show this one so often?
I swear, there are going to be at least 100 people across the country showing up thinking they're going to see Alita when it's really Aladdin, lol.
Ok, so....
You spend 16 hours a day sitting on a computer.
You are a neet with no job living with your parents.
You patrol these threads like the sheriff of Yea Forums,
You insult people for reposting art pictures, or off topic pictures
You dont want any newbies " disrespecting" these threads by posting cute pictures,
But I'M the asshole piece of shit because i posted a few Rosa pictures?
I'M the asshole? For posting a few drawings?
Am i getting this correctly?
bumping the /r/equest
What proof you got nigga
Is there a version of this for Dredd
Why do you fucking reply to him if you get triggered by him you fucking sperg. Learn to use the fucking filters for Christ sake
Do you see /ourgirl/ on there, user?
No but that far ahead it only shows new releases. Don’t know that alita even counts.
Eventually if they keep it up one or both of them will get banned so it's in their own interests to stop. Still, it doesn't affect the rest of us other thank pushing us ever closer to 999
>Image dumping is just lazy on top of being unneeded
anything posted is unneeded and that is why the trolls always ask why these threads are still up. Image dumping has always been a part of these threads so i don't understand why you keep coming if that is how you feel.
I'm going to repost this all over /pol/ kek
Thanks to Schengen we don't need to go through immigration when crossing borders, we can just go wherever we want (except the UK because they're a bunch of xenophobic fucks). It's like going between states for you burgers.
Several anons have contacted their local cinema and asked. It's always Aladidn.
>another Alitafren gets Aladdin'd
It's a known bug that alitatickets shows Alita showtimes when they're actually Aladdin showtimes. Call the theater and find out for yourself so you don't waste your time and money.
I’ll make it a three day weekend if I do.
Reading comprehension, please get some. It gets pretty tiring having to repeat myself. Yes the entire crux of my problem with you is that you post drawings and drawings are bad. Ah, but I can do it because my own rules don't apply to me, sucker.
That's pretty cool. Do people do it very often?
Is it commonplace for people just to drive to another country just for a movie they really like or a band or something?
>tfw it's not even the original Aladdin
I'd feel slightly less upset if I was ending up watching the original animated movie in IMAX 3D, not this live-action reboot shit.
Not just Alitatickets. Google does it too. I think it’s AMC’s fault.
I doubt it happens often just for a movie, but it's common to drive across the border to go shopping, or take a day's trip to go sightseeing etc. You can get almost anywhere by public transport, you don't even need a car.
Hey everyone no matter who you are or why you're here /ourgirl/ loves and cares about you, as do I.
Picture user here.
I am going to avoid posting at night to let mysery user have his safe space at night and if he ever fucks with me again i will never reply back.
Thats the end of that.
I dont plan on keeping the argument either because we are supposed to be annonymous after all.
This guy has been fucking wuth me for four days,who does that?
This is getting too gay. The guy spends 16 hours policing these threads, jesus.
If i ever find a cool alita related pic i will post during the day. Im done with this crazy neet bullshit.
If anyone else image dump at night, it is not me.
Well I’m going to see alita at cheapies today. Saw it yesterday. Tomorrow is last day but I work. Should I call in sick and see it a third and final time? I hate this job and am quitting in s3veral months anyway to start school so I don’t give too many fucks.
Absolutely, supporting Alita trumps everything else.
You are a very sad and disgusting person. If i knew you were a worthless underage neet i would have never paid attention to you.
You are a failure as a human being. Get a job.
And /ALITA/ loves her back!
wholesome post
I think this edit is super adorable even if it's kinda dumb
Everyone? EVERYONE? Even the heartless meanie guys who hurt little dogs? Even poor misunderstood Zapan who secretly wants to be recognized but doesn't have the words to express it?
God bless this thread
Let it go man, you do sound underage like that other guy says.
That's so bizarre to think about compared to here in Australia.
Most of our cities aren't even connected lol
They're not in this thread right now. Unless you're Zapan?? In which case: bitch.
Yeah just getting from fucking syd-melb takes eight hours
One more bumpu request to shop manga Alita's face onto the pillow
You're breaking my non-artificial heart.
what are these threads for?
are you 15? who does this?
Adelaide to Sydney is 14 and a half, Adel to Melb is 8.
>hey boys
She really isn't that attractive
Shared discussion and content creation based on all things Alita
Rosa's style is so cool
I know! What's with the stupid purple dyed hair?
>neither are you boy
Yes. Especially if you read the manga, Alita is a punishing angel, but also sometimes the only one who understands them. To the point that Makaku falls in love with her, and she even fells a tear for him. Doesn’t mean she regrets killing him. Like she heals Hugo, Chiren and Ido, she even heals her enemies.
Do we have any special plans for #500?
When will science give is robo waifus to marry and love?
Putting girls.png as the OP picture
>waiting 10 years for sequel
At the rate we are going
>3 months for 500 threads = 2000 threads a year
the sequel would occur sometime around thread #19999.
If you can show mercy by killing someone then surely a few harsh words are not out of the question. Even the pure of heart Alita understands sometimes an unconditional welcome hug is more harmful than a good old fashioned ass whooping.
What the fuck is your problem?
I didn’t consider it mercy, exactly. But love and care.
You were supposed to have destroyed that body years ago.
you guys are mentally ill lol
Maybe you need to let it go.
What about virtual waifus? They're already on the market
Anyone else here since thread #1?
Only 6 million or so post's left to go then :)
Who created thread thread 1 and what was the purpose? Did that user intended this to become a daily general? Is he still here?
'lol' is older than reddit based waifu subhuman
>t.mentally illness
Huh that kinda interesting to think about, who know's. If hes not still here. When ever he pops into Yea Forums hes always reminded.
shilling user
Take your meds
A Fox underpaid intern.
Lots of autism around recently, idk what's brought all this about. but maybe they got bored of their Capeshit and GoT threads already.
Never getting a (you), from me. So have fun talking to a brick wall, you sad lonely people.
I've been shilling this movie since based boatman invited everyone to a pre-screening in January
Shitty script fag
>Who created thread thread 1 and what was the purpose?
To keep the board from being flooded with Alita threads and to find out whether the movie was worth watching.
>Did that user intended this to become a daily general?
No. It was a spur of the moment thing at the start. Yea Forums just rolled with it.
Is he still here?
Of course.
Wholesome post, receives wholesome digits.
Alita loves you too user
Speaking of which, what's up with that long silence on social media? Did they just fire the whole Fox marketing department in the middle of the theatrical run, or maybe just the one guy with the passwords?
Is Alita a samurai story?
>Of course.
The fire rises
yes brother
part martial arts story
>her training montage in front of the mirror
>Kinuba dying with a YEEAAAAAGH
>Alita challenging the entire bar to a fight
its more of a coming of age story with a feminine perspective couched in sci-fi environment
i smoked before watching alita nearly every time. makes the action and sounds more intense, especially if you sit near the front. very enjoyable would recommend.
wtf that's alita?
thats the actress without the robot suit yes
Imagine being THIS MUCH of an incel you latch onto ridiculous low rated anime capeshit for months
well Alitas face morphed onto Rosa's...
>every time
>seeing this trash more than zero times
God you troll/s must think we're sad, what is god's name does that make (you) then?
Don't forget the neets
her tits are sad tits
This is beyond NEETdom, only the most ANGRY ABOUT NO SEX incel could actually participate in an active fandom of this garbage just because it's got a robogirl and got obliterated by another shitty cape movie
Imagine posting on a thread (out of a dozen) for the sole purpose that it bothers you.
I thought this place wasn't meant for kids.
I love you and your positivity.
It takes about 10 seconds a post, well worth the allocation of my time to remind you how pathetic and undeserving of sex you are
Spending yet another day in front of your 8 year old rig posting the same shitty Alita screencaps, well...
The Jannies could be handy right about now, as all this hate is clearly coming from 3/4 butthurt user's, that have nothing better to do with their lives than spread hate.
To be honest ________________ur a fag lol
We got more merch incoming guys.
no its alita you dum dum
My bank account is screaming in fear at the thought of a life size Alita bust or something. Hoping for a smalle doll body statue like the one the guy i Hong Kong were making.
Oh boy, not only are we getting $300 hot toys, $999 statues but we're also getting $2000 lifesized busts.
Where the fuck are the decently priced merch?
Wait for SDCC, I hope we get some announcement there.
>alita is coming soon
Oh my~
just give my impoverished ass a cute nendoroid or something
goddamn it
Don't go there user
Considering the fanbase is undoubtedly largely unemployed yeah that would make sense
What are you complaining about, just buy your funko pops and be happy.
>just give my impoverished ass a cute nendoroid
If that happens it will be announced sometime by the end of the year, imagine how cute that thing would be.
Take all my monies!
Does anyone have the transparent /ALITA/ logo?
>309 posts
>57 ip's
New New
Yes, we tend to hover between 30 and 60 IPs - only exception I remember is when the flood-bot attacked - then it was making most of the posts.
>Take your meds
you are projecting much subhuman, Im not monitoring this general every hour like you :)